C.C. M. Bi CYCLES- Men's and Ladles' models now in stock. The guaranteed bicycle that will give you the maximum of service Gordon's Hardware iMcBrlile Street REX CAFE To the Motoring Public . . . Phone 311 IsECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. . Open 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. IrilONK 17:5 ' We Deliver Your Order An Announcement NEW HOURS FOR SALE OF GAS -AT LONG MOTORS WEEK DAYS Sl'NDAYS - This is a service for your convenience . . . you are invited to take advantage of it. Operator-FRANK MORRISON Donnacona 8 A.M. TO 9 KM. 1 1M. TO 4 1M. WALL BOARD We have a carload on'thc way ORDER, NOW TO ENSURE EARLY' DELIVERY l'xfiV -Px8 V'f and 1'xlO' $65.00 per M sq.ft. PHILPOTT EVITT AND CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Building Supplies GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block mmitf.ii P.O. nox 1381 '0. Box 13CB Phone r,(:i Evenings: Green 1(1.1 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs and Alterations 1"' "WINERS INSTALLED, SERVICED AND CLEANED fwner Second and ucenin St. West. ran oars Night Calls Green 787 Black 801 Blue 170 Highest Prices Paid for Your Attention FURS SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL HILL SHRIAIUHtn c' FURNITURE Phone Black J12I PRINCE RUPERT SKI TRAILS (By A. A.) The main talk this week In ski-lng circles has been In connection with the- Smlthers Ski Carnival to be held this week-end at Smlthers on February 24 and 25. This Is the first meet since 1940 to be held there so the Smlthers club Is planning to make up for lost time and have a gala celebration. Local skiers planning to leave here on Friday include Harry Edgar. "Swede" Morse, Dune McRae, Jento Leland, Don Eby and Roy Austen of the R.C.A.F. Besides the bang-up skiing events of jumping, downhill, slalom, and cross-country, the club Is- holding some major social functions. On Sunday night there will b a banquet honoring visiting, skiers and on Monday night there will be a ball and the crowning of a Snow Queen. Despite gale warnings all over the last week-end, Sunday-turned on a bright day for skiers. The main downhill run was exceptionally fast so most of the-skiers spent the day practising, turns on the slalom run. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon u n,rou) of skiers toured over to Alex Mitchell's and then went off down the mountain from that end. USNESS MEN ( sZ- ) ROLL WITH OG DEN'S ) Steamship Service from Prince Rupert to OCEANFALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11 :15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE Welding and Body Repairs No Job Is too large or too small for us. Our mechanics are. STORAGE and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88l itHCjJpr The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON experts In body repairs. Dependable, prompt service. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP I BOX 202 OC UAKAlit TERRACE W. C. OSBORNE r. V. IMHOFF WORLD'S PRO BADMINTON TORONTO The second match for the world's profo-sional badminton championship will not be played now until March 15. The match was scheduled to be played in Toronto this week, but Daug Grant, the defending champion, pulled a lej muscle arid rither than take the crown I . PHIL. OUTFIELDER HAS SIGNED UP PHILADELPHIA The Philadelphia Phillies had one less hold-out problem on their hands today as Outfielder Ron Northe.v finally got around to signing his. 1940 contract. Northey led the Phils in hitting in 1944. M has just been released from the Army. SHORT RUNS Stu Hill and Henry Martlnsen are a couple of teen-agers that have been turning out regularly each week end. Mr. Rives, working for the U.S. Army here, walked over to the slalom run and shot several feet of movie film showing the skiers In action. Mr. Rives says that the people back in St. Louis where he'll be showing his pictures, have never seen anything like we have here. An ambitious Army skier had the misfortune to break one of his skis while tearing at breakneck speed down the main run. The only other casuaJty was one of Bud Tlro-! mermeister's ski poles. There j were about 25 people up on Hays i and close to 15 on Oldfleld. East to West OMEN'S Rolls Best Easy to ro delightful to smoke PUCK RACE IS TIGHTER Only One Point Now Separates Leading Canadiens from Second Place Itlack Hawks MONTREAL, (f The lead of the Montreal Canadiens in the National Hockey League was reduced to a single point last night when they dropped a two to one decision to the Detroit Red Wings as the Chicago Black Hawks were winning a close 4 to 3 verdict over the Boston Bruins to break a second nlace tie. Next National Hockey League game will be tonight when Detroit play the Rangers at New York. The league standing to date: W D L F A Pts. Canadiens 23 3 14 133 102 49 Chicago 21 G 14 1G8 154 48 Boston .19 8 14 132 122 40 Detroit 10 3 15 101 111 40 Toronto 13 6 20 118 142 32 New York 9 7 24 110 154 25 by default the challenger, Stan Cutts of Toronto, consented td postpone the match. The first mai ch of the best-of-three series wa; won by Cutts in Montreal. VETERAN SCOUT FOR CARDS QUITS ST LOUIS. - The dean of :eouts for the St. Louis Cardinal Jack Ryan, has resigned. Ryun. who has been with the Card for 23 vears. ays he was dissatisfied with salary terms. , City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands I described as Lots numbered Thirteen I (131 and Fourteenth (Ml of Bloch I Two (21 of Section One (1) Map 923, i-rince unpen ijinu itegisirauon District in the Province of British Columbia, from Knox Hotel Company Limited to Beaudoln Hotel Co. Ltd. of, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. tbts 2!Uh clay of January A D. 1948. nEAUDOIN HOTEL CO. LTD. Jules Vanderbeck, President. ASSETS BOWLING LEAGUE STARTS War Assets Corporation em ployees started a four-team-bowling league recently with schedule which will run into May. Games arc played at the Rex- Alleys,, with the second night's play bobked for tonight. The league Is a mixed flve-pln aggregation. In the first night's play, the Helldivers topped the scoring with total team score of 2,358, defeating the Mallards wifn 2,037. The Goldeyes with a team total of 2,299 beat the Gulls, whose total was 2,001. Individual scores'. Helldivers Percy Hay 413,. Leta Chamberlain 407, Ernie Sharpe 395, Montle Anderson 237. Ollie Varfeldt 310, Frank Plimentos 596. Mallards Frank Myer 439, George Dumas 312, Vera Holoka 318, Pat Plementos. 189, Ken Chlvcrs 437, Herb Sharpe 342. Goldeyes GPvry Anderson 461, Gus Carrier 541, Bill Brown 374, Harry Loder- 438, Alce De Maere 327, Phil Grey 158. Gulls Mike jtfunizuba 461, Jack Unwln 541, Vern Chamberlain 374, Ruby Sharpe 327. Rita Dumas 180, Grace Brown 228. League schedule follows: First Half February 21 Gulls vs. lie 11-dlvers, Goldeyes vs. Maliards. February 28 Gulls vs. Mallards, Goldeyes: vs. Helldivers. March 7 Gulls vs. Goldeyes, Helldivers vs. Mallards. March 14 -Gulls vs. Helldivers, Goldeyes vs. Mallards. March 21 Gulls vs. Mallards Goldeyes vs. Helldivers. Second Half March 28 Mallards vs. Hell divers. Goldeyes vs. Gulls. April 4 Mallards vs. Goldeyes. Helldivers vs. Gulls. April 11 Mallards vs. Gulls Helldivers vs. Goldeyes. April 18 Mallards vs, divers. Goldeyes vs. Gulls April 25 Mallards vs. Hell Gold- eyes. Helldivm vs. Oulls. May 2 Mallards vs. Gulls, Helldivers vs. Goldeyes. Classified Arts bring results. Basketball Pot Shots After considerable bickering the much talked about Senior v.s. Intermediate all-star basketball game has been arranged for Saturday night, at the Armory. At a meeting of both leagues Tuesday evening it was decided that the winning team will take the total proceeds of the game, travel to represent Prince Rupert at Ketchikan March 8 and. 9. and will play a return game with, the Ketchikan team one week later if the new Civic Centre Gym is available. The Seniors, although without the services of Sonny Beynon,-are, of course, the favorites over their less experienced opponents. But let anyone try to tell that to some of the ardent supporters of the Intermediates and he or she will find there-are many factors to be taken into consideration. Those supporting the cause of the more youthful and less experienced Intermediates claim that the fact that the Seniors, have had but the two games against the Coast Guard this year and, since the younger boys have been playing league games twice a week for two months now and In the Armory, it is doubtful that the Seniors will be able to hold the pace that the Intermediates are capable of setting. Oil the other hand, with years of -experience on their side and with a little extra height and weight, it hardly seems that Johnson and Co. are ready to drop out of the picture for a year or so yet. This column is willing to stick to the prediction that the ! Seniors will have things pretty j much their own way and should j win by close to 20 points If Messrs. Lindsay, Morgan and MacPhee are playing anywhere j near their natural game. '(iovi:hmi:t i.Kiroii act" NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOIt CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN thnt on the 6th day of March next tlw nndrrslgned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7399 Issued In respect of premises beuii? part of a building known as Knox 4lotel. situate nt First Avenue in Uw On the Intermediate line-up, will be four boys from the Savoy outfit that have been winning, more than their share 'of league games namely Davis, M. Holke-stad, Ted Arney and Bob Vucko-vlch. From High School will come "Foot" James, Forman, Ciccone and Thompson and the team is completed by the addition of Rur Holkestad'from Macey's and Gurvlch from Co-op. It is planned that, since a ladies' team is likely to travel to Ketchikan with the boys, a preliminary game between Kin-nettes and High School girls will be arranged If possible. Referee Johnny Comadlna will be asked to referee the game as It will take the experience he has gathered over a number of years to handle situations that are likely to arise due to the small playing floor at the Bowling Seasons Biggest Event City Championships AT RECREATION ALLEYS Fifth Avenue- East, Phone 81C ALL BOWLERS INVITED Ten Pins Singles and Doubles, startv 12 Noon, February 24 (Closing entry date Feb. 22). Men's Five Pin Singles and Doubles, March 13. Ladies' Five Pin Singles and Doubles, March 20: Entry Fee. Engraved Trophies, Many Prizes. Handicap, if possible. Business places Invited to donate prizes for Ladies' and Men's Five Pin Events. I'RINCE RUPERT'S GREATEST SPORT! Conducted by F. F. Erneweln EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS All i Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME. APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same-day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phon 644 Box 1321 Prince ttupcrt Dnfly Bcuig Thursday, February 21, 1946 SHORT SPORT Canadian sports followers who have read for years of 35,000 and 50,000 crowds at Britain's big league soccer matches and mentally pictured stadiums of "Rose Bowl" proportions are all wrong. They are little larger than any of the Dominion's football grounds. And to say brilliant nlays brine the crowd the fan in Canada would do under similar circumstances. with these remarks: "I was practically brought up on this game. I played it when I was a mite younger and when I see that old ball being 'headed' or 'trapped I like to make the motions. If I sat In the stands I couldn't do it, could I? And that goes for the other blokes we'll stick it rain or NOW you can again get easy-shaving, money-saving MINORA BLADES in the generous Economy Pack: 12 blades for 25(f) MINORA is Canada's favourite low-price- blade, because it outlasts ordinary blades and gives smooth, comfortable shaves every time. So aslc for and get MINORA BLADES in the big Economy Pack. It saves you 16! I Weather t orecast Cloudy , with occasional light I rain In the morulngi Winds I moderate to fresh ' sfiiitherly. I Maximum tempera.rur'e tcday 49. minimum tonight 42. Friday: , cloudy with light rain 'ttarting near daybreak1 and stopping In the late afternoon. Winds strong southeasterly, reaching? sale force near noon, becoming fresh southwesterly In the evening. Maximum temperature,:;49 cheering to its feet is wrong Winnipeg to Have V because au percent oi ine crowu Tn,mai(i (including rows of sports writ-l10" ournameju ers, club directors and friends I WINNIPEG- A $12,500 open are accommodated with seating 8" tournament is going to b3 privileges under covered grand- h'd v the Niakwa Country stands. But the man who.pays ctub in Winnipeg this .August, the shot doesn't mlnd-he likes The tournament will last four It. vAfter a recent Charlton Ath- , daVs starting August 8. letic - West' Bromwich Albion game, when It rained throughout most of the 90 minutes, a' drenched standee summed up his ' reason for not taking cover, as Hockey Scores National League;'' Detroit 2, Montreal 1. Boston 1, Chicago 4. It Is the Journalist's -code to give the people the news whatever 'happens. Although many British newspaper plants suffered repeated bomb hits during the blitz, only one Daper missed publication, and that for cyily one issue! 1 directors but it is usually close to the big leaguer's salary. Re- snow. , porters on entering the grand- After all, what's a little rain?" stand receive a card marked "Press RestauraW , At half-Salaries of the players In the time there Is a mad dash for a English league north and soiith, j large-sized room under the are a minimum of 9 ($40.50) a stands where sandwiches, cake week, boosted to 10 for a draw and tea are served free. After and 11 for a victory. Playera the game thiSj. performance is in the other English leagues are repealed in the directors' board paid at the discretion of the room. en,wSAVE MONEIK Many costly repairs can bi avoided by regular LUBRICATION SERVICE t STOP WEAR TODAYS RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED SCOTTY'S Old Country f OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 0 A.M. j Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE I'hone 8C1 t HOME t i We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market agaii "RUPERT BRAhD" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILJ) CURED SALMON t Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadi lan AND Fish Cold Storage COMPANY LI MTT'ED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.