OCdl Ltloner News It Tea -c - Andean Jerybody welcome. (127) .... TTorryir OTBnfwl n rjrce Wednesday to Margaret u'.iis (rom uavm uawrcnce ... ,-. o.li fin. and Mrs. J. Harry Black j 'family left this afternoon , . moWT trip w ewiuriugc, lijerta, wnere uicj wm Laves "f Mrs. BiacK- A divorce was granted by Mr. A M Harper in Assize Istlce ,ri Wednesday afternoon to Irrill Rupert Mcuse from Phyl- mjv Meuse T. w. Brown was ijnse) for the petitioner. 1 1 divorce action of Thomas .i - ..... Unr Penney against wyona Penny scheduled to ap-,r tssic at the present Assize court Lion, was held over until the Assize because of the ab-ace 13 of witnesses. A Bruce is counse lfor the petl-mer fewn Announcements I hi .rtvertlmwnU in this column llUl M Cnargru iur uiwiifcu Rl i&i m wuru. IwnHorn Dance. Oddfellows' ill. Friday, May 31. Bobby rjds urcnesira. I astern Star Tea. May 31, Mrs. Ixhester s, prince uupen noiei. I insllran VTA. Tia. Rntiirrfav. t ae Street 1, Mrs. Parkin's, , 855 Bor-a i I United Tea, Home Cooklne. lane 6, Mrs. ueorge nones, 1 4th Ave. wesi. Presbyterian Church Tea, Mrs lobert Parker's, 805 Summit kvtnue June 20. Get your Marxist and current bmpluets at Room 8, Stone lioclc. Open evenings 7 to 9. LARGE LETTUCE firm Heads. EACH FRESH 15c RADISHES 5c PER BUNCH Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals! 1 ems A For Quick Reliable Taxi Service, Call 68 Taxi. (130) Mr. and Mrs. Edear Saunders are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for- a vacation trio to Vancouver. ATTENTION! Meetine of Job's Daughters Is changed to Thursday, May 30. at 8 a.m. sharp. Initiation, Bingo and Sil ver March. (126) In Assize court Wednesday Mr. Justice A. M. Harper granted a divorce to Arnold Drew from Maudrick Drew. Francis Connor was named co-respondent. Counsel for the petitioner was J. T. Harvey. Mrs. Janet McQueen of New Westminster arrived In the "city Wednesday on the Prince Ru pert to spend the next month as guest at the, home of her son-ln- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Maharg. A case against Mrs. A. Pav-likis, charged with supplying liquor to an Indian, was adjourned until June 4 by Magistrate H. D. Thaln in city police court this morning. A Bruce Brown is acting for the defen dant. Martin Mercier, who has been serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force at Fort Nelson, is arriving in the city on tonight's train for a visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garon, before proceeding to Ontario. In the 16th century, doctors wore rings on their thumbs. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR QUICK SALE Household furniture including Queen oil range. Apply No. 2, Angus Courts. Black 979. (It) Fair Way Food Market (ROSS INGRAM) 20!) THIRD AVENUE WEST Just Below the Daily News Week-end values MINCED CLAMS lover Leaf, 18-oz. tins 33 c KRAFT CHEESE POUND Ofp PACKETS . CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP Campbell's, 4 IZf 1ER TIN ltf SIIEKKIFFS MARMALADE "Good Morning" 12-oz. Jar 24-oz. Jar 25c 45c NABOB COFFEE 1 -POUND BAGS BARS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20-oz. tins, EACH FRESH 39c BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's Regular Packets FOR FELS NAPTHA SOAP 25c 29c 15c GREEN ONIONS PER BUNCH PHONES 116 117 6c NEW POTATOES POUNDS 26c FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET PHONE 434 ORDERS TAKEN BEFORE 3 P.M. DELIVERED SAME DAY ALBERT McCAFFERY - - 1 CFPR THIS AND THAT THE mm You will now hear her golden voice." "Nothing to Yarn" Says Publisher NEW HAZELTON Special to Dally News)4 There Is nothing In the yarn," said C. H. Sawle, publisher of the Omlneca Herald, when asked yesterday regarding a report which had appeared In the coast press to the effect that he had sold his paper to a purchaser who would move It to Terrace. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P,M. 4:00 Radig Repertory 4:30 MacMlllan Club Quiz 5:00 People Ask 5:15 All the World Sings 5:300. Waddlngton Show 6:00 CBC News 6:15 CBC News Roundup 6:30 Eventide 7:00 Gulseppe Moschetti 7:30 Story of Music 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Gypsy Strings 9:00 CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Gregory Clark 9:30 Woodwind Quintette 10:00 This Week's Composer 10:55 CBC News and Int. 11:00 Weather Forecast and Fishermen's News, (local) 11:05 Silent FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock ;0D BBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Medley Time 9:00 Little Concert 9 -A 5 Morning Devotions 9:30 Wayne King and Orch. 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Thoughts for Today 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Ka to Mendelssohn 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume 11:30 CBC News 11:31 Message Period 11:45 Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Musical Program 12:15 Henry King's Orch. 12:30 Turfes for Today 12:45 Recital, Winnipeg 1:00 From the Classics 1:15 Women's News Commentary l;30 Eskimo Fables 1:45 Downbeat 2:00 Don Messer's Islanders 2:15 Prairie Comment 2:30 Serenade 2:45 BBC News and Com. 3:00 Jack Allison Show 3:15 King Edward Hotel Trio 3:30 Oscar Peterson 3:45 Stock Quotations The original name of the banking family of Rothchilds! was Bauer. "Build B.C. Payrolls" Ideal for Babies Many doctors prescribe Pacific Milk formulas- Pilf Irradiated for extra sunshine Vitamin D and vacuum packedthis nourishing B.C. Product is ideal for your child. Ask.your grocer for Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See ft. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 AGREEMENT AT DAILY NEWS Members of Typographical Union StafI Receive Substantial Increase. Yesterday afternoon in the executive office of the Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd. signa tures were affixed on behalf of company and union to a new agreement whereby the Inter national Typographical Union members of the mechanical staff receive a 12c per hour Increase in wages, bringing the scale to $1.30 per hour. The agreement, which provides for a five-day, thirty-seven and half hour week with two weeks holidays with pay per year, has been In effect since February 1. It has been duly approved by the Regional War Labor Board. LEATHER BEDSPRINGS The Greeks were the first people to use 'bedsprings. They made them of braided leather thongs hung between heavy boards at the sides of the bed. fiow to kip qour 0& obinHood the flour that's used by 4 out of 5 women who Win prizes for home-baking AIHIndi of baking... bread, coles, pastry. ii J.H.Mair Auctioneer SALES ARRANGED and Conducted at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Phone Black 15G HAIDA OUEEN WEEKLY TRIP Passengers Come North From Vancouver and Leave for South This Morning Bringing five through passengers here from Vancouver and taking six or more south, Queen Charlotte Airlines flying boat Halda Queen arrived here at 5:50 last evening from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and left at 8:30 this morn- lng on her return south, j The Incoming passengers were I Jack X.lndenbaum of the United I States Army, Los Angeles; W. Mclntyre and- F. Davies, Finning Tractof Co.. Vancouver; Charles Nash, Farrls & Nash Contracting Co.; M. Martin from Cum- shewa. There were 24 passengers in all coming north, including those for Island points. Leaving here this morning for Vancouver were Mr. Llnden-baum, C. E. Salter of the Cana,-dlan Fishing Co., D. W. Soutar, local manager, B.C. Packers; Don Main of Sunnyside Cannery, Lloyd Monk of Canadian Fishing Co. and E. J. Crawford, Queen Charlotte City. Queen Charlotte Airlines .ex pects to have a second Stran- rear flying boat In service be tween here and Vancouver via RECEPTION AT TERRACE FOR LOCAL COUPLE In honor of Rev. and Mrs. J. Llnney a reception wa3 held Monday evening at the Terrace home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pohle where 35 friends congratulated the couple who were married earlier the same evening by Rev. Victor Graham in the Terrace Pentecostal Tabernacle. Following a period of singing and instrumental music, supper was served by the hostess. It was highlighted by the cutting of the wedding cake by the bride and .groom. The cake was made and decorated by Mrs. Poiile. The evening was brought, to a close with the singing of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," Mr, and Mrs. Linney motored, from Prince Rupert to Terrace for their wedding. They reported the highway in splendid condition. CAMBRIDGE, Eng., Oi Workman climbed the SO-foot tower of St., John's College here recently to take down an old-time bicycle lashed to the tower during the night. the Islands during the first or s '.rind week in June. FIRST FLAVO RICHN ST REIN UR CTH torn gtoH,cawand JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue TCS-? LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street ft Widths B, C, D. PER PAIR $9.25 Pclnce Rupert Dailp Bcto Thursday, May 30, 1946 "THE MEN'S SHOP' BOX 1308 Installed S32 THIRD AVENUE uii Burners 11' Moccasin type shoe in Scolt & McIIale "Richmond" quality. Antique finish in medium shade of brown. Medium slip-soles, leather heels. CLOTHING AND FURKISHIKGS PHONE 34S and Serviced PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Sch u man S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 87 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST1 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GQOD PLACE TO BUY" Warm Weather Accessories . . . rLAY PENS 3G"x36"x24", assembled sr. , $7.50 . unassembled -. $5.85 DECK CHAIRS, PORCH CHAIRS, RECLINERS with bright striped canvass and hardwood frames We appreciate your Mail Orders Goods forwarded at once. Phone 75 337 Third Avenue Prince Rupert J. KESTEN Furrier 731 DAVIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. , FUR STORAGE SAFE RELIABLE AND INSURED WE TAKE TRADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW FUR COAT ORDER NOW HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE DO REMODELLING, CLEANING, GLAZING, REPAUilNG and RELINING REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 amy PHONE 173 We Have Done Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 IT Seeing is Relieving COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUMLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 Plumhing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS KWONG SANG HINQ HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST-(Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 ajn.. Outside Orders from.2-p.rn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 fl