s-tst t '7 Prince Rupert Dailp f3ctos Friday February 1, 1843 aSlliew iery kftercoca nop Stm-Uy by Price Rupert Duly Jtrr UrrftWl. Thlrt Arame. Print Euprrt, ErttHii ColumSU-Q.JaI HLHim. Vintnt Editor. f SCBSCBIPTIOX RATES: tj ClVf CuTbT, per trrtt Vt Uocth -Prr Yew if Mill, pr month -Prr Yew RICHNESS U21C2ZR A3C. JS ( . - j6S I r?trilir I . M CO I I (Aathortwl M Second Cfam um. Poet Otflce D-prtmrat. Ottsn). A Serious Port Need j ; If there were coal transfer facilities from railway to ship at Prince Itupert; a full cargo shipment of eighittjousand tons of coal could he made. through thin port just as soon the coal could be got together. But the fact that there are riot the facilities h ruling out the possibility, of making the shipment' That is apretty serious state of affairs for ..a port which is otherwise so excellently equipped as Prince Rupert for the handling of ocean cargoes. It suggests that no effort should be left unmade towards having the deficiency removed. ; The railway company professes to be interested in the development of traffic, over this line and through the port of Prince Rupert. Here appears to Jbe an opportunity for it to manifest its good faith by either es-Lablifhing the required facilities itself or taking steps to see that they dre established In some other way. It is one case where the railway company could dispel the growing belief that it is utterly indifferent, if not entirely inimical, for some reason or other, to the development of this part of the country. h- Guard Against Inflation Prime Minister Mackenzie King gives reassurance that the relaxation of price and ceiling controls, which made the basis for important announcements from Ottawa yesterday, are not expected to weaken the essential fabric of Canada's anti-in-flat'on nrogram which was the model of the world during the war and which saw this nation so admirably through the conflict on an even economic keel. Tbe immediate, fear is j,hat a;-re-: laxation of the price controls would cause a sky-rocketing of prices and tfjat the lifting of wage restrictions would bring about undue demands for higher wages, the higher prices 'on the one hand and the higher wages on the other combining to set ih motion an upward spiral thereby interrupt the economic balance. 1 However, the situation seems to b,e adequately safeguarded with the government reserving the right to qxercise its power to restore controls arid restrictions if it should appear necessary to do so. I It is also wisdom on the part of the authorities not to release the ceilings on essential commodities and services for the time being. FIRST FOR J) Control of Labor It is to be supposed that the pro vincial governments will not greet' it i? i wun any particular enmusiasm in these restless times the move of the federal government to throw back in their lap? jurisdiction over wage rates, hours of work the elements which kindle industrial disputes. Indeed, it is a very questionable gift If Ottawa was as wiling to restore to the provinces other prerogatives it might be more appreciated. Labor controls are the constituents of plenty of legislative and administrative headaches and Ottawa is smarl as far as its own interests are concerned in getting rid of th'em. As for the removal of some of the restrictions which were imposed in the interests of selective service for war purposes, the relaxation will be' welcomed. In many ways, although they might have served a purpose in steadying the manpower of the country in days of crisis, they were a nuisance. Taxation Appeal A Vancouver firm has just won an appeal involving $150,000 against the department of national revenue, says Vancouver Province. The Supreme Court of Canada has given the decision. The case is of interest to a large number of Canadian companies but" not of much interest to the individual, except that the outcome makes him feel the department jis taking an unfair advantage where he is concerned. The department of national revenue, given the job of collecting billions of money needed for war effort, has gone at its job with a cal lousness and ruthlessness that is difficult to match in this country. Under the authority granted it by Parha ment, or that it assumes has been granted it, it makes arbitrary rulings r i i The Interest being shown by Prince Rupert people ln the Ketchikan-Prlnce Rupert basketball games scheduled for tonight and tomorrow night here is indicative of the general interest which Prince Rupert feels ln the Alaska city and in the territory generally. FROM GROCERS, CHAINS DEPARTMENT STORES A. Mackenzie Furniture LIMITED A good place to buy We havs ln stock i Window Shades Mirrors - llaby Buggies : Pillows Table Cloths - Carpet Underfelts i Chenille Bedspreads Curtain Rods Beds ' Springs and Mattresses. 327 Third Avenue West Phone 775 SERVEDL in BOTH WARS New Agent of Department Of Transport at Prince Rupert Lt. Col, Keith Dixon, who arrived this week to take over as agent for the Department of Transport, recently retired after five and a half years In the Army. Col. Dixon is a veteran of two wars, having served ln the British Army during the First Great War ln Egypt, Palestine and Syria with the H.A.C. Durlns the past war he served for two years with the Fifth (B.C.) Coast Regiment, R.C.A., at Victoria, and in 1942 was transferred to the general staff branch at National Defence headquarters ln Ottawa. He was overseas on special duty ln the United Kingdom ln 1944 and on his return was again stationed in Ottawa until his return from active service early this month. Col. Dixon Is a member of the Engineering Institute of Canada and a registered professlonai engineer (civil) ln B. C. Before the war his home was ln Victoria where he was on the engineering staff of the Esquimau and Nanalmo Railway. 17-YEAR MONOPOLY A patent gives an Inventor or his heirs the exclusive right to make, use and sell his Invention for 1? years. CHURCHILL ON HIS WAY TO MIAMI -The former Britisn prime minister poses with the ever-present cigar before entraining for Miami, Fla. Winston Churchill and Mrs. Churchill arrived in New York on the Queen Elizabeth for a six weeks' holiday in the south. Safe Navigation Radar Now Perfected Ship Sailing "Blind- Without A Scratch Simple and Reliable LONDON One of Britain's greatest wartime inventions, ra-! dar 'radio location), is being put to peacetime aw. For nearly an hour last week Hilfl. Pollux, an Admiralty .experimental radar ship, steamed blindfolded through the mist of irom wnicn only corporations or in- the Thames estuary, yet not one dividuals with large resources have of the other ships in the crowded any Chance Of receiving redress. waterway was endangered and , . . , , , ... , , , a perfect course was kept. The individual who thinks he has Pollux WM a BrUish been wrongly assessed can appeal, radar apparatus which experts of Course, but his Only real appeal is ' believe to be a forerunner ' of to the people from whose decision he thcce vnich wi" win the Brit-is appealing. So Ms.chances of w-l cess are not very bright. He can go! ln any rather. . . i on,' 'ift he likes, to the Exchequer ) -The trials." writes LiSyd's Court and the Supreme Court of j enrresoondent. "admirably cfem- Canada, but he cannot afford to do on.rati how simple andirf-that ie the u of radar w&i (be. and the department knows he I An essential for the radar er-can tt i -l 'o -l i l i i not afford it So it takes his VicinS of the Merchant Navy is money and leaves him writhing in that the apparatus cdn beop- helpless anger. j erated bv the officer of the P,ii. (nvnf; c.ct,. watch without recourse R spec- Canada taxation S system no ial hliMy tralned pers0nnei. system at all but a hodge-podge IS , with the radar unit now beln? in need of many reforms and one of , tested, a p.p.i. (oin portion in- rhpm is an riffprtiiv monna nf annoal dicator) is nlaced in front of the fwv. ,,1TM a officer' of the watch, -lrher on xx u. u.C i ui...Ka tnc uc,;a. u,i,,u the br,d?e , lhp chart room j Tills indicator includes all the coniron necessary lor operating the set. The number of controls I is kept down to the minimum possible. The indicator records a picture of the whole area surrounding the ship. There are three controls, which enable the set to be ranged over a distance of up to two" and a half miles, from zero to seven and from zero to 20 miles. Thus on the broad Atlantic It is possible for a navigator to distinguish objects such as other ships and Icebergs up to 20 miles distant. In narrow waters such as the Thames estuary the indicator records the outline picture of coasts on north and south sides of the river, while small spots of Jight show the position of other ships and buoys in the neighborhood. A beam of the Indicator-screen shows the way the ship Is heading. The trials also revealed that British scientists have now over STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage -for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient ans Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, phone no LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD.', Corner 2nd ana Park Avenue come one important limitation of radar: its Inability to distinguish easily between ships and buoys. It was demonstrated that this difficulty can now be overcome by laying buoys fitted with special radar reflectors in easily arranged geometrical patterns. Special reflectors increase the range at which buoys can be detected by radar and identification li achieved by reeogniz-;n the nattern. I Jap Constitutfon Being Considered TOKYO O The Japanese government has drafted tenta- tlvely a new constitution strip-, ping the emperor of his military command, but specifying that Japan shall retain the Institu-Uon of the throne, the news-t paper Mainichi said today. Chief cabinet secretary Narahashi denied that the report of the con stitution revi-sion published by Advertise in The Dally News. 1 1 Better English j By D. C. WILLIAMS ' 1 What is wrong wltn thb-sentence ' I shall go providing yu are there." 2. What is the correct pro-I nuncation of water?" 3. Which one of these word misspelled? Patey, neuralgia, ujnsiilitis. 4. What does the word "meth odical" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with ob that means "to erase, or blot out?" Answers 1. Say. "I shall go provided you are there." 2. Pronounce the as as in saw, not as in was. 3. Palsy. 4. Characteriml by method of orderliness; systematic. "He came and went will, methodical regularity." 5. Ob literate. CHRYSTAUisE STRUCTURE Snowflakes are transparent rather than white but their crystals reflect light in so many I directions they appear white. ST. ANDREW'S I Amenities Ship ELECTS OFFICERS Leaves Vane, Ai iual meeung of St Andre i Cathedral congregaUon was held In the Cathedral Hall this week and reports from all branches of the church's work showed a healthy condition. Rev.. Basil S. Prockter, Rector of St. Andrew's, who was chairman of the meeting, made an opening address which contained an inspiring message and a Mainichi was the one which the j call to church service government was considering. Mainichi's report might have been compiled from reference material, he told the Khodo news agency, but "it is entirely separate from the one being considered by. the cabinet now." The meeting elected wie church lay oi fleers for 194S and esnduded with -refreshments served by the men of the congregation. The following officers were elected: Rector's Warden, Judge W. E. Fisher. People's Warden, O. P. Tinker. Church Committee: W. M-Watts, A. T. Parkin. R. O. Birch, L. Fitzgerald, N. Jones, E. Wood- ward, O. Dawes. A. Rlvett, j ' O. J. O-Macdonald, J. D. Alien, I. MarUn. F. H. Partridge. E. T Applewhaite, R. E. MorUmer M. O. Urydjos, G. Durkin. Choirmaster, Peter Lien, and one member from the Women s Auxiliary. Lay Delegates to the Synod t W. M. Watts, 0. P. Tinker. , Substitute Lay Delegates: F. J fckinner. R. O. Birch. Auditor, R. E Mortimer. Smithers Boy Is Home After Long Overseas Service SMITHERS Henry Anderson, ' a local boy who joined up with the Second Searchlight Battery ' in Princf Rupert in April. 1943, returijlgijto Smithers last Satur- J ' day. HenTj haseen service in the African. Italian and Euro- I pean theatres of war. He came I through It all without a scratch ' and is happy to be back with his family unci friends. Taxes House ond Mortgage Payments Home Improvements Educational Courses Medical and Denial Treatment Unforeseen Expenses Repayment by monthly deposits Life Insurance arranged and paid for by the Hank covers loans in good standing. matis a persona foam "Commercial loans, collateral loans and call loans arc all made against some form of security. This may be goods, insurance policies, stocks, bonds or some other tangible guarantee. "But Personal Loans are based on the borrower's character ami the regularity of his earnings or other income." This Bank has been making Personal Loans for nearly ten years. In fact, it was the first Canadian bank to specialize irt this field. Such loans may be obtained, for example, to provide for: 'i all 9 Application Jor a Personal Loan may be made at any branch oj THE CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE Prince Rupert Branch ... It. O. HOPKINS, Manacer CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience . . , Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 THE REXALL STORE Phone 81 and 83 Have your prescriptions filled here with confidence. You can be assured that only the purest and finest quality ingredients are used that every prescription is compounded accurately by a registered pharmacist. Our label is your guarantee. Ormes Ltd. 77fni Pioneer Druqtfiats DOUBLE oil-produiu:)?. world OUvet VANCOUVER - T amenetiei sh y f couver today w a of about 303 rubers of the R half membe; r marine. Duty or fi.R r j will be to ker jj while Roya; Nu . be in charge 1 i. Its arraivcir.t; be a unique czji knotty questio: s r may arise raeral : Add lur.n vt.ty partil tot f wtlli trni tti'hit It! vow I i - ... . . . . ai de. noi have '.u.. . r I VENEZUELAN OIL Venezuela , . ... t I ippr in ntw itBiij. 9-M tittu moit rtlitblt On Col qi::U titil tpplicd fnir.t Lit uii'or vii color ttid, GORDON'S HARDWARE McKride Sttret Fhearl Lumber See Us for your BUiLDINd NEEDS PHiLPOTT, VI & CO. LID. Phone fi51 or 652 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From flrl Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and CoH water PRINCE RUPERT, B DVinno 9l V.O. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SAU? 4 I