LING HE TAILOR fare taking cleaning and Esinf and steam pressing while you wait. j)NE 649 220 Blxin Bireei )RK GENERAL )NSTRUCTION Building Supplies t Estimates, Construction and Repairs fedows and Frames, Doors and Frames, caDmeia Cases of all description lisn Furniture Repairs Srst class finlshlrts and workmanship Phone Black 12C fctween 8 ajn. and 5 p.m. Military Orders 1st (R) IJtn. Prince Rupert Rest. (MO) C. J. Toombs, MaJ, Commanding ! 1. Officers and N.C.O.'s will parade tonight, Feb. l, at 2000 hours. 2. Battalion parade will be held on Monday night, Feb. 4, at 1930 hours. A kit Inspection will be held. Everybody bring their full Issue of equipment. The fol -lowing lectures will be given, sec and and third periods: Advanced Class L iA). CSM Bond, N.M.G. 12, C.S.M. Brechin. Basic Class L.M.G. 1, Sgt. Me-Rae; Gas 2, Lt J. Davidson. ITCH CHECKED -or Money Back For quick rHief from Itching caused , , ecwmai ml.lftr f i,t. Kklum. pimi.lcn and o( t 1 1. din. , , '"ESCMPTION. l.rrawlra and Itainln. Smtlim, cum lorn nn1 quickly calnn nlrnxrilcliini IWl miHrr. viMirdniiuii.l today for D. D. B. PRESCRIPTION. Sun Lamps 275 Watt RS Lamps $22.00 Hours uf Sunshine in a few minutes. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) UMITF.I)) Phone Black :I7 FaLch for the New Ford It's SMART - BIG THRIFTY TO OPERATE - RELIABLE . . . When you want the best in motoring pleasure look to FORD. Remember: "THERE'S A FORD IN YOUR future:' S. E. PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" .0. Box 38 170 E. 3rd Ave. ranners Highest Prices Paid for Your Attention FURS SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL BILL SIIRIABKRG C. FURNITURE rne Biack si iORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR lES CONDUCTED TO SUIT i'OUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND ilOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 'ACKED AND SHIPPED mates Phone for e ADnolntment Phone-Red 127 E X P f r T RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mall Orders shipped same day as received RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 Box 1321 DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Daily News Is pnmnlpt.lne n Rnll nf Honor which lt hoped may contain the name of every man and woman : wis city to serve with thp nrmprl forms nt sea. or. land !d in the air. To male Mile list mmnlptp it. Is PSSPntlfll to btaln the CO-ODPrnMnii nt Mia niiHltx n 3 whnlp In snh- ptlng the names. It is Impossible for the Dally News or any one person compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be sponsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, Biri or YOUR friend. The following Is the information we would like you to gl In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert j;rvtce (Army, Navy. Air Force) fxt of Kin Ration Bdress fte f Enlistment te of Discharge j Casualty. Nature and Date JT-... I Rpman.1. .. imp ' 11 YOU do not submit a certain person'i I ' no one else may. You are responsible. THIS AND THAT Ihr Cror Millliew A Juki Voir, Inc. "Mrs. Dewdrop, this is an old, established, solid xespectable firm you'll have to frame your own evidence." Ttnlaf$ in Sports FIVE PIN SCHEDULE Time Table for Ladies' League Is 'Announced The following schedule lor the second half of the Ladies' Bowling League is announced: Feb. 4 K. of C. vs. Annette's. Edmund it Walker vs. Variety, Post. Office vs. Lucky Strikes. Feb. 5 Ideal Cleaners vs. Savoy Swingers, Bankers vs. Moose, Bl Sisters vs. Watts & 'Nickerson's, Boom Defence vs. Orange. Fe"b. 11 Big Sisters vs. Orange, Edmund & Walker vs. WatU it .Nlckcrson, Boom Defence vs. Savoy. Feb. 12 Bankers vs. Lucky Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. Moose, K. of C. vs. Variety, Post Office vs. Annette's. Feb. 18 Post Office vs. Variety, Bankers vs. Annette's. Ideal Cleaners vs. Lucky Strikes. Feb. 19- -Moose vs. Boom Defence, Savoy vs. Big Sisters Orange vs. Watts St Nlckcrson, K. of C. vs. Edmund it Walker. Feb. 25 Edmunds St Walker vs. Orange, Post Office vs. K. of C, Big Sisters vs. Moose. Feb. 20 Watts & Nickerson's vs. Savoy, Variety vs. Bankers. Annette's vs. Ideal Cleaners. Boom Defence vs. Lucky Strikes. March 4 Annette's vs. Boom Defence, Moose vs. Watts St Nickerson's. Savoy vs. Orange. March 5 Lucky Strikes vs. Big Sisters, Ideal Cleaners vs. Variety. Past Office vs. Edmund & Walker. K. of c! vs. Bankers. March 11 Bankers vs Post Office, Big Sisters vs. Annette's, Watts & Nickerson's vs. Lucky Strikes. March 12 Orange vs. Moose, Variety vs. Boom Defence, K. of C. vs. Ideal Cleaners, Edmunds & Walker vs. Savoy. March 18 Variety vs. Bl. Sisters. Post Office vs. Ideal Cleaners, Boom Defence vs. K. of C. March 19 Bankers .vs. Edmunds it Walker, Lucky Strikes vs. Orange. Savoy vs. Moose, Annette's vs. Watts & Nickerson's, ATOMIC HISTORY In 1919 man first smashed the atom, In 1929 he first developed giant at om smashing machines and In 1939 discovered the nuclear fission secret of Uranium 235. ANIMAL RADAR Bats find their way in the (lurk by sensing the echoes of their own shrill, super-sonic screams a system akin to Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Daily News Is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, lt Is requested that Information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been Identified, In what theatres of war, if wounded, 111, etc. If Inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned in. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. SHORfSPORT Max Schmeliag's chances of meeting Jimmy Braddock for the world's heavyweight boxing championship exploded nine years ago last night when the Irishman signed to meet Joe Louis. Braddock had contracted to meet Schmeling, victor over Louis, but an offer of $500,000 with an option of 50 per cent of the gate for the Louts bout changed his mind. Louis won the title. Twenty-two years ago today the first goal was scored against a Canadian team in Olympic competition. Great Britain scored two goals In the 1924 Olympic match at Chamonlx, Switzerland. But the Granites, the Canadian team on that occasion, won 19-2 and clinched the world 1 1tle the following day. BASKETBALL February 5 Intervets vs. Coop, High School vs. Macey's. February 7 Macey's vs. Intervets. Co-op vs. High School. February 12 Co-op vs. Macey's, Intervets vs. High School. February 14 High School vs. Macey's, Intervets vs. Co-op. February 19 Co-op vs. High School, Intervets vs. Macey's. February 21 Macey's vs. Coop, High School vs. Intervets. BASKETBALL PRINCE RUPERT SKI TRAILS By A, A.) It la best not to dampen the enthusiasm of prospective skiers but, until the ski club is able to secure accommodation, lt Is not advisable to climb Mt. Hays. It ,was hoped that one building might be made avalfable until final disposition of the Army capp is known. However, that Is not possible at present so It is necessary for anyone going skiing to spend all day in. the open without the welcome break provided by a cup of coffee in a warm shelter. As soon as accom modatlon of any description Is available lt will be announced In this column. In spite of these conditions, nine enthusiasts were out last Sunday to run the fast powder snow that blanketed the slopes. Paul Strom, former Vancouver Ski Club member noted for his downhill and Jumping form, was running an impromptu instruction class and had the boys weaving down a packed surface j practising plows, stems, Christies and an occasional stizmark. Paul says that skiing conditions here are comparable to any that Vancouver has to offer and the ground is more readily accessible, lt is perhaps a shade more difficult for a nnvipp twrnusp hp- fglnners' slopes have not yet been picked out and a" short i cross country run is necessary i ' to reach the best downhill and slalom courses. j Short Runs Bob Eby caught that "shiner" when he set out to make a speed record. One ; of those snow gremlins crossed his skis so he used his head and set a new record for plowlnp Dune McRae had just finished making some extravagant clainvs for his laminated skis when he : took a run and landed in a heap j with a split ski. Fortunately, the j break wasn't too bad arid he was ; ' able to keep on with his skihm lor the rest of the day and can get the ski repaired. ' i Camera fans were wishing color film was available so that the brilliant effect of the sun-1 set could have been captured. The weather alternated between fog and sunshine all during the afternoon. Art Hardwick and Eiften Wlnskill had a busy time fanning a fire on top of the snow and it finally produced some hot coffee. Pete Husoy. Don Eby, Bud Timmermeister and Alan Armstrong made up the remainder of the crowd. . GREATEST WINGSPREAD The albatross has the longest wingspread of all birds, often 14 feet from tip to tip. FEBRUARY 1st and 2nd KETCHIKAN HIGH vs. BO-ME-HI U. S. COAST GUARD vs. CITY ALL-STARS ACROPOLIS GVJI Space Donated by. r. m. 32 TAXI vDay and Night Service Fig Tree Recalls Aussie Pioneers SYDNEY, Australia 0 A giant Hz tree In the Mullum-i blmby district of New South j Wales must never be destroyed,! according to a direction In the will of the late J. T Gray, former owner of the property on which the tree stands. The tree, a link with the historic pioneering days, Is fenced off in about an eighth of an acre of valuable land at the foot of a 43i-acre patch of bananas. Present -holder of the banana plantation paid $3,384 for a six-year lease with option of renewal for a further five years. This is probably a record figure for the Commonwealth. At a brief ceremony In the city police station last night Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons presented Constable M. L. McLeod with a silver tray on behalf of the Prince Rupert city detachment. Constable McLeod left last night for Albernl, Vancouver Island, where he has been transferred after four years' sprvlce with the city detachment here. Classified Ads bring results. Minora Blades gite L0W-C0S1 SHAVING Minora outfits and "outshaves" ordinary double-edge blades. For honeit-to-goodnesi economy, try the quality blade In the low-price field. Fits your double-edge razor. J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. ! Phone Red 389 and 4th Street P.O. Box 1294 PICKETS TA'NGLE WITH POLICE At least one striker left this electrical workers' picket line the hard way at U. S. lyiotors plant, Los Angeles. He is shown befng carried by police officers who had orders to disperse the pickets. Hard to convince at first, this picket was finally Impressed. Officers are gearing gas masks and the one at the right Is holding a club. l"?ilnft Rupert Dnflp J3ctos Friday, February 1, 1940 BEATEN BY THE SEA (Continued from Page II Ketchikan athlete who has pitched many a fast one by our baseballers in the last few years and who Is able and willing to give a helping hand at handling the games tonight and tomorrow night. Another boy who has shown here before In the role of an expert basketballer is skipper of the boat the boys are travelling on and he is Johnny Mills, undoubtedly the smartest player Ketchikan ever used against lo cal teams prior to the war. Mills Is a former College of the Pacific player and those College of the Pacific boys regularly gave our own U.B.C. lads a whipping while he played there. To round out the party Is of course Mr. Leding whom you will all have a' chance to meet on the air if yju'd sooner sit home and take a chance on missing some real action. Now a worci about ttic Kayhl boys who are the headllners on the card. They are Intact according to Coach Hannah p.nd he doesn't elaborate. He admits that the trip down wasn't as ltt could have been but the boys have had a chance to rest up and have a workout on the large floor up on the Acropolis and they should show little ef fect from wear and tear when they take the floor. Close followers of the local HI squad nre wondering whether Hannah will use his usual zone system of de fence in tonight s tussle and if so how effective it will be on the large floor but he ha nothing to say on that score and that makes for smart coaching. Statistics Game time is for the seniors 7:30 and for the main event the HI School game around 8:30. Games will be broadcast over CFlR, that Is the Hi School game each evening. 4 P.A. system has been installed at the gym so that the fans will know at all times just what is going on, and last but far form ieast will be the appearance of Che Reserve Army band under the baton of Sgt. Peter Lien. You do not have to be a ticket-holder In order to gain admittance but you should get there In time If you wlsa to .get the better seating. Incidentally this will be the first time thai Prince Rupert fans will be able to sit anywhere in the gym and be able to see all of the play all in all it looks like a big series and a big success for Alex Bill and his Rainmakers. The Kay HI lineup: R. Bell, A. Oversen, C. Graham, J. Abegglar, E. Anderes. P. Jeans, W. Dohm, C. Mazzonl, H. Mackerson, J. Brady. Coach A. J. Hannah. J.H.BULGER Optometrist (At Bulger's Jewelry Store) SERVING THE PEOPLE OF : PRINCE RUPERT SINCE 1925 SCOTTY'S Old Country OPEN FROM 5 ,P.M. TO 0 A.M. ; Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth .Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8C4 We Have Done IT . Seeing is Believing COME IN Look for the Red "TODAY'S SPECIAL" Cards with the black arrow indicating one of the Bargains of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 H'e serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON ' Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish? AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. v, As if