4 13rftl CC RllUCrt t5ailD I-JclllS Aa dependent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of J ' -ifcwJ.v Prince Ruoert And an the mmrrmmvlo. mmnrblni Saturday, October 19, 1946 northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Hall, Post Office Depl Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c Per Tear. $7.00; By Mall, per month. 40c: Per Tear, 14.00 MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS EKE:73lIE AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION PR. RUPERT'S PARALLEL ::A STORY of postwar Halifax, . which feels just a little bitter :' about being the forgotten port of ;: Canada's Atlantic coast after the ; years of feverish and sometimes almost unwelcome war activity, is 'told by Leslie Roberts in the Tor-:;6nto Star. It bears striking resembled to what might be said of Prince Rupert. ' "Underneath its back - to - normalcy exterior, hahtax Is pcrpleTrd na worried community with a serious case of the where-do-we-go-Irom-here blues. Its citizens complain about the way ..' Canada descends en masse in time of trouble and turns its back on the place as soon as the shooting stops. This was also the favorite dinner table topic of "Haligonians during the war years, but with a subtle difference. "Then the tendency was to grumble about a descent which dislocated the way of life of the local citizens as it was ', . dislocated in no other Canadian community -and it was talk Unelfd with a hankering for the good old days when you could actually walk along any downtown sidewalk without being pushed into the street. Now the question is what will likely happen to a city which is the " focus of Canadian military activity in wnrttmc and a forgotten town between wars. "It is the city's excellent rjort facilities ' find wonderful roadstead which tend, ia '.'....their current emptiness, to give Hali-?onians the Jitters as they ponder the future. Bedford Basin, where once merchantmen by the hundred rode at anchor as they awaited convoy departures, lies empty, except for a handful of rusting corvettes. . "But the basin's emptiness Is sharply accentuated as you pass through the Narrows and down the harbor proper. There only one or two merchantmen lie berthed on the average day, where a year ago the stream itself was dotted-with ships awaiting nier space- The huge docks behind the Nova Scotian hotel, where the trooDshlps loaded all throuth the war. are visited today only by the "occ:inal bride-ship, the Queen Mary or the Canadian Ladv Nelson. "There is anger which fear Instills in men and the fear is the fear of the j.. future, the fear that Canada will now Droceed to let its finest all-year eastern harbor laDse into desuetude, as it did after World War I. "irvlifax is not sitting back and wait-inor for Ottawa to realize the inequality of this economic set-un. however, but has one over to the attack throush the courts. It Is reekins a Judgment which would force the C.N.R. to tos another $500,000 a year into the municipal funds, and would un the Dubliclv-ownd railway's contribution by considerably more th?n ICO ner cent. If Halifax winstits test cn! the fieM of attack will undoubtedly ' ' ' be broadened. "A new department of industry Is out slugging for business. The tourist , branch moves heaven and earth not merely to attract .average tourists but the de luxe trade which comes to catch swordfish and tuna. The fishing industry is getting a belated modernization and huge seafood processing plants are on the way. The apple grower is bein? schooled in modern packaging, the lumberman Is grading. The provincial government Is about to set uu a research institute, the purpese of which will be to get the most out of Nova Scotia and into the markets of the world. "In certain aspects, however, the problem of what for six years of war was an anonymous but appallingly overcrowded east coast port, remains an all-Canadian problem. In the words of ' Premier Angus L. Macdonald, spoken as he locked over the broad expanse of one of the world's finest and empties harbors: 'It's pretty nearly time Canada Hewed out the value of this stretch of water to the nation in time of trouble and governs itself accordingly." " All of which might also be said for Prince Rupert. STATEHOOD FOR ALASKA nRINCE RUPERT appropriately enough takes exceptionally keen ' interest in Alaska's aspirations to be raised from the status of territoiy to' that of statehood. Such a change, and Alaska by its vote seems to be favorably disposed to that change, might well have as one of its sequels a much greater and real bond between the present territory and this port in relation to which it is so strategically located. Statehood would undoubtedly allow Alaska to exercise a desire which it has long expressed, but which desire has been frustrated by the big transportation interests of the United States fortified by the control to which the territory is subjected, to make better use of this port and its facilities including the railroad and its more direct access to the East. Statehood for Alaska, indeed, would be probably one of the important actuating factors in development of even closer friendliness and business relations between Prince Rupert and at least the Panhandle which would be all to the good in bin own local development. JjfjUST WHAT THE DOCTOR OR PER ED -J Mi uJ? a Ucd pipe tmhti'A Ttibacw OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO ii mwrnm in i i 1 1 ' . LING :: THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you watt. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street mm ' ' i mmm tm m ii mm mm mmm MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert', LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 807 238 Second Avenue West TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 1C7 Terrace LIFE 'n Pr'nce uPert by BIDDEE JINKS Last week, late In the evening, ; hard. Another bite, this time I was brought from delicious semi-drowsiness by the "honk! honk!" of wild geese. Wild geese' 1 Immediately I was wide awake and, In memory, high upon an Alberta hill on a bleak early November day. It was cold, a i I had a late lunch today. hushed gsayness lay over the land lying below and, though there was no snow, or could al south. Faintly, so faintly at first. their cry came earthward, then louder as they moved overhead while their cries dropped all around, innumerable and haunt-ingly. But then they were gone only the far Western Rockies and my longing to fly bearing silent witness that they had been there. But another picture rushed into place. It concerned one goose on'y a eander the leader of the b3nd. For many, many years he had held that noble place among his fellows but now it had ended. Bared of all .such honor, he lay fallen, his feet neatly, tucked beside a stuffed Interior upon my table. He did not smell too good and his flesh lay smooth and dark beneath the carving knife. But he was special and approval continued to register on the fares grouped about the table in spite, of a deep uneasiness, for he wat a hunting trophy brought b3ck from Shawatlans area and a gift', to me from a youni hunter who sat with u$ at the tabe waiting with polite impatlenee for the first bite. The moment arrived and every fork lifted sirhultan-. eously. Everyone murmured "Mmmmmmm!" and chewed PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINTNO MACHINERY SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala 1:36 p.m. (Standard Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. (Standard Time) Sailings fqr Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Rm Blue 14ft Res. Red 1157 Aak for George i with potato. Boy- Was It good! Nothing like game with a gamy flavor. Especially goose. But no one cared for a second helping. "No thanks. It's awfully nice but Later. much later, we all agreed openly that he was a tough old bird! Of all the birds in Jack Miner's his own personal love, Jack Miner awakened world-wide Interest In these great birds. He often wondered out loud why people gave gece the name of being stupid. He never agreed. Instead, he "credited them with uncanny Intelligence and affection, this particularly between mates, and even members of the same family. He told many stories bearing out these sentiments. Occassionaly, Air. Miner allowed his neighbors to shoot in certain areas and after the ml- Wh gratlon had commenced. On one forward caressing each in t mch a time a gander fell with a ' with hs beak, whereunon croKen wing. Aimer iook mm ayyea heme, operated, and placed him in his sanctuary. But this gander had a brother in the flock who found him and refused to leave chocsing captivity with his brother rather than freedom without him, So devoted were the two that the Miners named them "David" and "Jonathon." For seven years they lived together in the park until death claimed "Jonathon." A great horned owl fought him in the dark and won. Another favorite of Jack most feel the smaU sittlnr flakes ' sanctuary in Kingsvllle. Ontario, Miners was an old gander "Jack that would announce the arrival of real winter. The sky was gray also, a dull bluish-gray, stretching high anl wide and, while one gazed up into that vastness, you automatically breathed deeply and felt with wonder thp stin? nf wild geese required the most Johnson," so named because he patience to attain which prob- attacked anything that ap-ably explains why he loved them, proachtd his mate and her nest For five consecutive years, by j even loan unsmpeftlnj horse, placing seven tame, wlng-ciip- One year the old goose laid six ped geese on his place, he tried to egis beside a rail fence. Unpro-induce the wild Canada Goose tested from the sun she flnallv color upon the cheek. Into thai 10 rcconlw him as a friend. On great arc on that. day. flying ithe mth Pr'n ix landed. hi?h in a great "V." came the i Thereafter they came In increas-wild geese winging their way to- numbers. Through placing words the feedins eroundx of the banls on thir legs and throujh slckened and left the nest. "Old Jack" still hovered near, on guard. Three men 'ought him off and placed the eggs under a hen. The old gander never gave up the search for the lost eggs. Between times he ran frantically to his old mate who stayed In ths pond. Eventually the egas hatched and, after a few days Jack Miner took the young gosling! to a patch of fresh clover grass. He had left them to fetch the hen when he heard "Old Jack'' ccmlng from the pond, screeching and flapping as if he had gone mad. About six feet from the goslings he stopped dead, stuck his huge liead hih in the air and honked. Instantly every gosling flattened. Jack strutted w.!n.?nd honked back at father "".ivu ur vne noise. th poor old mother eoose r.,.w 'I lor bulldm bathrooms m vate homes. NEURALGIA Don't H the pitlltM pain of Ne,, rtrvmt you from i (oyina ii r G I.V aff rel.rt with T-k-l . up. ,.ily md,u relive you quickly i fM-rcioit, it :,, n, pain and doll, throbbing a.bf. tin (or Kheumack-. Ar'.hiitx-. N, riti-l"ain and Stiff n, Sdatim. LuniU.t , (t be today WcS tat Uiuiimt. i-41 as from the pond, falling every tZ W steps, to reclaim her family ana ' ,hk lead them back to the pond one raised ner family but she Hai never recovered. Late th.t. fa TW Jack Miner carried her into tht tiJ? aiauje nam wnicn h v.. , mi "v ""u '"si '"' m .... ... . 1 - f.in. . on mi Mtrc n ne lought the " iwn lor iwo and years he pave himself watching her. In a hair over to summer h. slept at her hsad in the Pastures, in wmicr ur siepi on the door-step of the stable. He never rt-covered from the lew 0f hlj mate and his disconsolate honk-ings grew unbreable. Finally hi desperation. Jack Miner was forced to release him from his lonely existence. WHAT, NO BATHROOMS? SAFFRON WALIDEN, Essex, England O' "Unless essential for health purposes," the local council refuses to grant licenses Nil tUWIVU UUL L11C CUW "JBUt -, WU. snn nevir ai hi. SMi,.. 4.4- asiJn -llw urn. nam '8L m i JU corf r t . . 7 orderV Coffin! V. Wl hfliit.. Phone a at are you scheming for?.. TRAVEL? That travelogue hit night , , , now there's a REM way to live. Travelling oil over ... seeing thingt, meeting strange people. Veil That's for mt some day . , . When? Very soon, if you start to save sensibly by Investing in Canoda Savings Bonds today. A COLLEGE EDUCATION ? WotiW fc kind of nice eh? My ton . . . Doctor Jamtt Iriwn. A'woyl f" b'd molt a good Doctor... but it coif I money! Ptrhopt one day ... You'll never start tooner , . Canada Saving Bond will help you to build up your savings ... ready (or the lime when your boy or girl grows up. SECURITY? Wonder how I'll be lited a few years front now? Must be nice lo feel Sf CURE... to have a fair-tiled emergency fund. Canada Savings Bonds make an ideal foundation upon which to build a reserve. Added to your Victory Bonds, they give you that certain feeling of security that means a happy (ulure. 4 HOME IMPROVEMENTS? Joe ond flen't pace It cute oi a button. Tho woy he'i fijitd up Inof recreation room . . . Sayi it only look a ft hundrtd dollar! too. With could roie enough to do fh Why not? Probably the only reason Joe has his recreation room Is because he saved (or it first. Canada Savings Bonds put you well on your woy toward home improvements. I A NEW (ill old jolopy ondbrC new con ore tW h J" coulan torroro ontn;"rT , ... L..A rnMfla IT yov purmw.w RonHt today rhtyl W . .. L .....a aUHlTtDl TV increa-v t' " I .1. la M morrow . . . "'P " - new car a reality. YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Jhot deol we were diKuinng lost night ... think B.H'l got something (hers. (71 bet I could male a go of that busneu ... if only I hod a littb capital lo put into it. Why let that little word "If" spoil everything? Put your money Into Canada Savings Bonds todoy ond start building up copitol (or ii. f$.ip5B i' out mr to will Luy again... TO MAKE THEIR DREAMS COMS T Canada &vjttgs Bond 4i. .timh