t- i i. ..! 14. r r- t i. dthte Uiijicrr Daily rectos fc-.uiui... OcOj-.-: 19 iaio Actor Wills Body To Medical School JOHANNESBURG W The first- bpdy ever to be received ' "".at the Wltwatersrand University. Johannesburg, as a result of the provisions of a wjll has Just been handed over to the medical faculty. It is also believed to be the first time In South Africa that this has happened. The body is that of Lionel Rees, well-known amateur actor and - -member- of' the Johannesburg .Repertory Players, who was killed when he fell from the fifth floor of a city building. The handing over of the body marks the" practical application of a law passed in March, 1945, making it possible for, and even obligatory upon, an anatomy school to accept a body donated to it In a will. MEMORIAL GARDEN CHALFONT ST. PETER, Buckinghamshire, England W The local memorial to recent war dead will be called the "Peace Memorjal Garden" and not the "War Memorial Garden." .Classified Advertising Pays! f C D D 1 tfa(io Dial V I r l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) SATURDAY PM. 4:00 Hawaii Calls 4:30 Flying Down to Rio 4:45 Swing Time -5:00 Melodies and Memories 5:30 Sweet and Low Down 5:45 Sports College 6:00 La Plaza 6:30 Leave It to the Girls 7:00-CBC News 7:05 Actuality Broadcast 7:15 To be announced 7:30 Hayloft Hoedown 8:00 Red River Barn Dance 8:30 Old Time Rhythm 9:00 Here's Juliette 9:15 This Week 9:30 Three Suns Trio 9:55 Interlude 10:00 CBC News . 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Dance Och. 10:45 Dance Orch. ll:00-Weather and sign off ann. SUNDAY A.M. 8:00 To be announced (Rec) 8:30 Concert Album 9:00 BEC News and . Commentary . 9:15 From Old Vienna 9:30 Alan and Me- 9:59- Time Signal 10 00- B.C Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Canadian Party 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports '. 11:30 Religious Period 12:00 New York Philharmonic Symphorfy Orch. PJvI. 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 CBC News r 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 Weekend Review 2:30 Indian Summer 3:00 Music for Sunday 3:30 CBC News 3:33 Regional Weather Forecast , 3:38 Vancouver Symphony Orch. 4:30 Record Album 5:00 Music in Threc-Q'aartcr Time 5:30-Stage 47 0:30 To be announced 7:00 CBCJews 7:15 Tenth Anniversary of Radio Talks 7:30 Serenade For Strings 8:00 The Readers Take Over 8:30 Soliloquy 9:00 Organ Recital 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:OC CBC News' 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Canadian Yarns 10:30 Prelude to'Midnlght 11:00 Weather andsisn off ann Today in Sports TRIPLE HOOP FEATURE IS SET TONIGHT The ladies will be absent from tsnlght s basketball series in the Civic Centre but three masculine games wJU make' up In action what the players lack In pulchritude. After all, action is the watchword in the game. In'the Senior A series, 99 Taxi meets B.C. Packers In a game which Manager Art Murray and nis 99 boys calmly anticipate victory. Nick Mazzonl's Packers, on the other hand.'are "determined that this shall not be so. 99 ON TOP ' : . The taximen, according to the repord, roundly trounced Savoy iasf Saturday night while, on Tuesday night. Savoy, still bruised from, its Initial let-down, took it out on Packers to the tune of a 43-20 score. Obviously then, the Fackers are out to beat the team that beat the team, that beat them. Things, have a somewhat dif ferent' strategic, appearance on Jhe Senipr B front. Wh3n Macey's meet Co-op tonight, both will be smarting under defeats administered earlier by Bo-Me-HI, wh.lch seems to have lost none of Its last year's bounce. JUNIORS LEAD OFF Booted against Bo-Me-Hl in the leajrue opener last Saturday night, - Macey's drew the short end of a 2J-8 score deal. Co-op CANADA'S NAVY ON CRUISE About the time most Canadians . , are beginning to do some rpal u-nrrin , coal shortages and ear muffs, the officers and men oWoSr I r!n,HiUt 8H lhln8s ' be ofr for tropfial seas. On Kovemb-r 5 th- airwlft carrier fAfcl n,HW.rshlps wl from Halifax. N.S., on her journey by way of the ' Panama Ca&i hrWarrlu set fial1 qulmat, B.C. Advantaee is hein taknn fth r"!S?-.?iin?L?..h?r base at Es- be joined In naval exercises bv "Nootka" and H-M.C5. "Crescent." v,Sau -Mua u,e aewroyers, 1I.M.C.S, (UPPER LEFT) . This pl.cturcwas takea on board "Crescent" a tn imri hr JsX. i , ... Columbia inlet while taking rL S lan'wi" J" .? hro,!f 1 a narrow British ing which she called at Prinr; Central America and accompany . flOOP talk In vthe Senior 'U-' Division tonight liie Coop will try to" outpoint Hie Macey squad. This game ihould prove to be a hard-fought struggle as both teams will be trying for th-elr first win of the season. Both have lost their f.rst game to the High School Rainmakers. The Rainmakers are rated to walk away in this league but this writer believes that Co-op and Macfy's are goiag to make High. School rain a lot of baskets' for a lot of points before a winner is declared. B. C. Packers and Nine Nine will try for honors In the Senior "A" game with the BJC. Packers balsterlng their line-up with to? services of Don Fitch and Freddie Calderone, both di whom were greatly missed In the Packers, first game of the season against the Savoys. Art Murray, Nine Nine menlor, is anxlcus to please the basketball public of Prince Rupert and has su;jest2d that h's Nine Nine term is too trony.for the Tecal leaue and-Is met a similar fate on Tuesdav night from Bo-Me-Hi by a 48-25 score. In the Junior realm, Qyro meet Grotto, bath winners in their previous -games. The Uo Junior J segregations meet m. the lead- j off tonight. Oyro downed HiV School last Saturday night, while ' Orotto defeated Watts and Nick-1 erson on Tuesday. We inirnun'S'X B, rt .Vr-". .0".n.a trairun cruise dur he? to Magdalna Bay.'VSoi 'willing to break them up to re:i"thfn S:.v.;v id the Pnck- . "Dee" Mjnf'-vmery. Savoy coach, advised Art to wait a few :,..mes before hs makes any rash moves and premises NJne Nine a close battle in their nejet encounter. This promise looks bleak In the face of the fact that Joe Davis, Savoy pivot man, and Mel Holkestad, Savoy forward, have left the city In search of winter employment. Here is a tip for Packers In their game tonight-Lanky Angus MacPhee, Nine Nine centre, will be playing with a sore back and was overheard to say that If strained any more during the game he would sit the rest of the game out on the bench. MIXED FIYE PINS October 23 -- McMeeklns vs. Reddy Kilowatts, Co-op vs. Pushovers. Headpinners vs. Lip-setts; Pirates vs. Thistles, Rockets vs. King Pinners, Atomics vs. Midgets. October .30 Headpinners vs. Rockets, Thistles vs. Atomics, Co-op vs. Midgets; King Pinners vt. Pushovers, Pirates vs. Mc-Meekins, Lipsetts vs. Reddy Kilowatts. November K Pushovt-rs v. Midgets, Lipsetts vs. Pirates, Mc- Meekins vs. AtomlcsiThlstles vs. Reddy Kilowatts, King Pinners vs. Headpinners. Co-on v Rockets. GLENBRITTLE. Scotland, W-Mrs. Stanley Pitman of London, holidaying in Skye fell 300 feet to her dath while skirting the 3.000-foot" Inaccessible Pinnacle In the Culllins. Buy Canada Savings Bonds! "Warrior" will iTTU of (LOWER LEFT) UPPER RIGHT) Sfrhe'N?aseVPa-lhfUntlnli? gr,lun 'Upanda" as evidenced by thU photograph of ? tv?" st.rewn des following the bombardment of Saklshlma i Island south of okln- &V&! war agalnst Ja-Dan- "u5 SS SSSSwgS2Mia nvom (LOWER RIOHT)' of S1 Mtoatt. frau taking off from yd' landing the decks ' as she pVSSo Jyn g&f . m u BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Senior "AM October 19-99 Taxi v Br c Packers. October 22-avoy vs. 99 Tai October 26-B.C. Panker, v Savoy. Senior "11" cKer rMacey's w co-op October 2 High School Girls October 22-Hlgh Bch Vj Rupert People's fitor? Junior October 19 Oyro vs. Ox" TO THE PEOPLE OF pdh Who S..-Uim'W You will be Interested to .JJ:1 own who has had a wide eiJESj?' fallen arches, and can iwke An?11' Ueve that painful and Ured fceZfe1 can explain. ltiitqk Mr Bill Terry, ulth ments. Is at Hiir 5hn. many o..:'"', jean o,,. take an impression of your feet wJt 1 can be done in your inHM.i w wuaj rasp Mr. Bill Terry Is also In chtrAhJ Dept. where your repairs re execute yr Call ground and see him tSS& COASTAL CIIAUTIiK S1KVICE BY SlKl I I.VlX(i BOAT "'Haida Queen" - iinsJ MONDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rapertlfel TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver fi J lotte Islands. WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Rnpi Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart Hi Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Potoa, FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver V.t SPECIAL CIIAKTERS ARRANGU ft PASSENGERS AND FKEICHTM I 3 Types and Sires of AIRCRAFT t!e From 3 o 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to Wj (J. H. STAMMUl)GE,Aja: P.O. Box 1219 FhoDsSI Prepare for IVINTEIt GRADE LUBRICANTS CAR HEATERS DEFROSTERS ANTI-FREE E S. E. PARKER "THE HOME OF FR4E.VDLY SERI Third Avenue TErlTS - PACK Sf TRAPPER NELSON PACKBfl WATERPROOF GROUND St PROTECT VOUR LUOGAjEnTTlC Edmondson Awning and SjJ AVENDJ 330.SEOND ( - - - A I IUIIUUV wwi"- I .... inlV t MRS. i x-nw riUivici-'""- i . ..nonce 11 n the main rm-rM I r AS and DIESEL and iiuiu- nu ' For minor repal" lb,,, 1