let:::: Id wa: I" Ice i:i:k feetln Ihe rs INCH IEET love y" firs) . 3 plan to if tears to mischief v une people cion was af- LY meetng of wn Council -rned with en , on thr ?ro and the full 11 A notable Tieeuiw was the embers took part ;ce ;p the anenda.l u2ht forth lm-1 v..3 thtf fonna-orchest.ra. Sam iamen Iwc: !ie 30" r-r im )n chairman of n held an or- r.3 test .night. newipaper. pub-Uv a first with iv publication, aids of Alder-: in who was :liief and or-,;-y plans call a reaular bl- Idltor Thomp-r5anizlng his -3 of the coun- each Thursday meetings were ad- due to th large k involved . in I At the Sch CONRAD STREET . There Is evidence In every room of Conrad Street School that Hallowe'en Is approaching. Besides decorating their rooms, the students are enthusiastically selling Shell-Out tickets. So far proceeds have amounted to about $60 and more tickets are being sold every day. T.acfr PrfHav ofhpmnnn Hnnrart attended by gtreet hajj th(J pieasure of en. tertalnlng the teachers of King Edward School and Borden Street School. Many social study projects are under way In the various class rooms, m oraae v are round castles and knights. In Grade IV the pupils are busy learning about life in' the Congo by construction of a Central African project. Grade III has Just completed their project on Primitive Man and Is getting ready to learn about Indians. Grade II is busy learning all about Prince Rupert from fish docks and dry riock to the location in the map. The Grade I classes are concern ed with homes. And so, with work for everyone, the days at school tass very quickly. . 4 launching the new Teen Town projects. Among those which were dls- CMHd on Thursday n'ghl and which will keep the council busy until after Christmas, are the archery club, rifle club and table tennis tournament. ools A Department Open to All the Schools of Prince Rupert and District KING EDWARD Parents and teachers of King Edward School met In the school on Wednesday to organize a P.T. A. There was a very good turnout of about 40 people. Mr. Insuland- er presided and the organization elected the following officers. President, C. H. Insulander. Vice-President, Mrs. Anfield. Secretary, Mr. Dennlson. Treasurer, Mr. Hansen. Membership Convener, Miss Moxley. Program Convener, Mr. Goscoe. Social Convener, Mrs. Lemon. Mr. Harper showed a film call ed "Child Welfare in Sweden." It was decided to use more of these excellent films. BABY-KILLER Suffocatiin rai.iu. number two as killer of newborn babies ac counting for about 50,000 Infant deaths a year. FILM LIBRARIES GROW In Canada today there are four times as many, film libraries as. in 1939. With the aid of the National Film Board they have expanded from 15 to 75. LONDON Oi Berated by magistrate for Indistinct speech a witness apologized, said; "I'm, without any teeth. I have two s. l in my pocket but they won't fit." PROBLEM OF EMPLOYMENT Local Advisory Committee in Session and Hiars Visiting Official "The- problem of null employ ment Is everybody s business and! the part that local advisory em ployment committee can play in helping to deal with this prob lem is of the greatest value toj the regional committee and,, through it, to the national com-: mlttee." So said W. Horrobin, regional employment officer of the British Columbia Employment Division, who was in at tendance at the regular month ly meeting of the local employ ment advisory committee lasi evening. Routine business at the meet ing had included the passing of vote t)f appreciation to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage plant for their' courtesy In showing the members through, the plant resently. Correspondence included the answering of a questionalre from the regional offices onthe 'mat ter of employment or men over 45 years of age. In the labor market the absorption of these men presents a serious problem. They are experienced, able and willing workers but employers pre fer to engage the younger work trs. A compulsory nation-wide eontribu tory super annua Uon plan to Include coverage for wprkers as they may, move from Industry to Industry would be a Folution. the committee felt, and the matter was placed on the asenda, for the next meeting. Mr, Horrobin gave a picture Australian Bags 2,000 Crocodiles PROSPERINE, Queensland, O) Sid (Crocodile's Death) Robinson celebrated his 71st birthday anniversary In this little town on the Queensland coast with a crocodile hunt. In 50 years' hunting along the Herbert and ProsperTne Rivers In North Queensland he has accounted for 2,000 crocodiles and hopes to set another 50 before retiring. Once on the Heroert, Robin time he shot 64 In four days along the Prosperlne. He thinks he can get 50 more without much trouble. "I still can see them a mile off," he says. dealing with the problems of reconversion following the abrupt termination of the war. War Jobs to the number of 80,000 had ceased with peace, 90,000 workers had come to B.C. from the prairies during the war for In dustrial Jobs and, since the war, 72,000 servicemen had been dis charged. Yet at present there was little unemployment. There would be problems In the future that would challenge the ability of employers and employees alike, and much of the success in dealing with these problems j would depend on the information and suggestions from local committees. He was glad to congratulate the local committee on the very fine Job they had sone and, in addition, had been charged by F. W. Smelts, Pacific regional director, '-o convey the good wishes of the provincial committee to the members. Present at tl.e meeting were mMy. 7 ANOTHER CAY ) PWM GETTING MVjT V & Jrm m in qf JM . w i " wm WE'RE ) SHAME ON YOU r m irs j mWKOTloMl (THUNDER WWi ( AFRAID . ' (GET RIGHT BACK wiU- XSSSSSS ISMcff' NsfegE,?R4!S !M wrong?), , i; r "3-" ' W foS. iJHPMtSMI ' ; ' m'?. Iii.l P'Pmmft '' " ' '" ' Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert M. Skog, Vancouver; E. Jensen, Vancouver, A. Pettersen Vancouver; P. Gundersen, Vancouver; Olov Hofseth, Vancouver; Mrs. E. Sawyer, Phelan; Mr. and Mrs. L. Haynes, Phelan; Mr. and Mrs. W. McCartney, Bute- dale; Mr. and Mrs. Brtdden, Mas-sett; Mr. and Mrs. P. Dennis, vcr; ivii . aim . Oceanic; Mr. and Mrs. R. c. Vreeland, Victoria; W. R. May, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs. H. No- wak, Victoria. HANDY-GADGET A television camera-transmit ter designed during the war to help direct bombs to their, tar get has been adapted for on-the- spot television news pick-ups. J. S. Black, J. C. Gllker, James Nlcoll, Robert McKay, E. V. Whit ing. J. Naylor, H. Whiffln and J, S. Wilson, chairman of the committee. Genuine aspirin is MARKED THIS WAY INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 w Only furs can give you luxurious warmth and beauty. Picture yourself in this extravagantly styled mink-dyed muskrat. Why not order it today on our budget plan? No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. QWEET OlXTEEN 3rfnrc Uupcrt Daily I3clus Saturday, October 19, 1946 HOUSECLEANING? 1 Thousands of Smart Housewives are using ELECTROLUX The Mechanical Maid For free demonstration, service or supplies, phone G. A. HULL PRINCE RUPERT IIOTEL (It) u By Richard Hudnut Darry BEAUTY PREPARATIONS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THESE FAMOUS COSMETICS at McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. 3rd Ave. at 6th St. (E. C. Wallace Mgr.) KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUtY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT1 There is a value-PLUS m shopping a( THE VARIETY STORE. For our low overhead costs enable us to offer you the finest, largest stock of sundries . . . and still maintain our "low standards -of quality -and Phone 71) We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS ' COMPLETE LINE OF' GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West price" policy. And our service have, earned for U3 the confidence and respect of hundreds ol our customers. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Phone Red 400 518 Third Ave. W. P.O. Box - A A A A.444Ai44AAAAAAif AAAAAAAa For That Party ... " PARAMOUNT CAFE - at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW ME1N 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pm. Hollywood Cafe, PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m?" CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY-WE CATER TO PARTIES, CHOP SUEY CHOW mein: FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 11 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST V Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste ... No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish- AND. Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED-prince RUPERT, D.C mm