Prfnrc Rupert Daflj? Jftctos Tuesday, November 5, 1946 ' - - Classified Advertising -r Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notices, 50c; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT G ODIN-SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, 318 th Are. West, city, announce the marriage of their only daughter, Jean Watscn Scott, to Edward George Godin. The Rev. Simpson officiating. The wedding took place in San Francisco, California, USA. on Friday, Oct. 25th, 1946. 5 WANTED WANTED Wood and coal range. Phone Green 136. (260) WANTED Prince Rupert Ski CIuo would appreciate any donations of tables, chairs, couches, cots, mattresses, blinds, cooking utensils, dishes cutlery or anything you have to offer. Please call 342 and ri5srcar will call. (259) WORK WANTED jWANTED By high school boy. .16, work, after school hours. Phone Red 728 after 5:30. (tf) MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED irELP WANTED Capable salesman. Apply Acme Clothing Store. (260) YOUNG WOMAN urgently needed as helper In home. Room suppjied . if necessary. Apply Box i 71 Dally News. ( tf ) HELP WANTED Local young man to work In stock depart-t r tnent at local car agency, r steady employment, good opportunities for advancement, . Apply S. E. Parker Ltd. (263): WANTED Carpenters fo! Prince George area. Room with' excellent board., $1.20 per day. Apply Northwest Construction Ltd.,Box 777, Prince George, or Prince Rupert office, Room 6, Stone Block. (259) OIL BURNERS RELIANCE Range Oilburners. Phone Black 897, 1052: 6th Ave. East. (2S2) FOR KENT FOR RENT Furnished room, close in. PhoVie 5. (260) , . FOR RENT Housekeeping room on waterfront. Phone Blue 815. (tf) FOR RENT 6 room flat, two furnished bedrooms, kitchen stove. Fifth Avenue West. Apply Suite 1, Helgerson Block. (tf) WARM SLEEPING ROOM for rent!" reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser '. Street, after 5 pm. (262) PERSONAL WE'VE GOT IT or we'll get it. ""Any photographic equipment you need. Write us your requirements. Cine Supply, 641 Granville" Street, Vancouver, B.C. (259) ",.- 1 Advertise in the Daily News. WE'LL KEEP YOU WARM-NEXT WINTER O P k 1 J 'you order your m coal for next winter NOW. By ordering today you protect your fam-"ily arid yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 BLONDIE FOR SALE FOR SALE 5 -room house, linoleum included, near Cold Stor age. Phone Blue 728, after 6 p.m. (261) FOR SALE-2 good lots on Cth Ave. East; also some lumber, For information Phone Blue 183. (261) FOR SALE 6 room house on 7th Ave. West. Good garden, Phone Red 998. 260) FOR SALE 3 room cabin, furnished. Call at 529 7th Ave. West. Phone Black 973 after 5 o'clock. (263) FOR SALE Bed couch in Al condition. Cheap. Phone Black 961. . 2t) SLIGHTLY USED sheets and blankets, all clean; sheets s:ze 45x90. Less than half price, 95c. Blankets all-wool, real bargain; almost half price $3.95 B.C. Furniture Co. (tfi FOR SALE New and used fur niture and hardware at the lowest prices. New aluminum pots 60c; new scatter rugs, nice patterns, from $1.65; used sleeping couches $7; beds, complete, $10; coal and wood stoves, from $35; 2-piece chesterfield $59.50; slightly used single beds, complete, $20; hand winches, anvils, etc. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 1 tube-tester; 1 multimeter; 1 Universal loudspeaker; 1 Victor record player. A bargain. 1054 9th Ave, East. Phone Red 751. (263; FOR SALE l2-ton Chevroiet truck, 1935 model. Valentin Dairy. (259) FOR SALE Studio couch in good condition. Phone Green 751. (259) FOR SALE Beautiful home on Fourth Avenue. Large suu- porch faces harbor, giving ex- ( cellent view; spacious living i and dining rooms, hall and study all with oak floors; two fireplaces; modern kitchen; Pembrooke bath; all on main , floor. Four bedrooms andj bath on upper floor. Concrete i and rock basement; heated with automatic coal stoker. One of the finest homes in the city. Immediate occupan cy. Inquire Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342 or evenings, Blue 367. (262) FOR SALE McLary kitchen range. Phone Red 887, or 212 8th Ave. East. (260) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) NO SQUATTERS HERE NAIROBI, Kenya, 0) Despite overcrowded hotels and a colony- shortage of housing, there are no "squatters" in Kenya. A Nairobi householder offered free board and lodging to two bachelors or bachelor women) but received no replies to his advertisement. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "'ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR MELVILLE WILLIAMS, DECEASED. TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honour W. E. Fisher, made on tne 31st day of October. AD. 1946. I was appointed Executrix of the Estate of Arthur Melville Williams, deceanwl. and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the i5th day of December, AD. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 31st day of October. A D. 1946. HU.DA FLORENCE OSBORNE, Executrix of the Estate of Arthur MelvUle Wullams. co W. O. Fulton. Barrister, Prince Rupert, B.C. Quick, Dagwood, .the Vitamins! LEISURE IN NAVY Leisure hours, after the watch at sea has pleasant relaxation such as moving pictures, music and games. cruiser Uganda, two checker players find' their game a source "kibitzers." Boatwork is among the most interesting and useful subjects taught to Sea Cadets at summer camps. The Sea Cadets in the accompanying picture are about to go for a sail in waters near their camp at Whytecllffe. i. SHORT SPORTi Frankie Frisch, for years known as the Fordham Flash and since Scot. 28 as the former Pittsburgh Pirate manager, just waftts "to t2ke is easy for a wnlle at heme." What with a near-player strike in mid-summer, continuous mid-season report! of a change in Pirate ownership and a ;jventh-place finish, the lowest in the Flash's seven-sea son Pittsbrugh managerial regime, Frank had a fairly turbu lent reason. He sounded a trifle tired as he relaxed at hl$ home, at New Rothelle which is surrounded by the flowers and shrubbery this gardening base- baller loves so much. The onetime Giant and Cardinal second baseman wishes heartiest success for his Smoky City successor, Billy Herman. "He has some fine people to work under and I wish Billy and he new owners loads of luck," fays Frankie. Fnsch reiterated the statement he made when he resigned as Bucco boss. "I definitely have no intention of retiring. But I have ho immediate plans for the future, except to take it easy for a while here at home." It Is not easy loi fans to picture the fiery Flash relaxing at least not for long. He pjways has been. on the hop. At Ford-ham he captained three teams: ! baseball, football and basketball. He has cascaded more than one verbal waterfall on an umpire, j ne sppered the St. Louis Cards' raucous Gas House Gang. He set or tied a flock of National League i major league and World Series November Pushovtrs vs. records, including the mark of Midgets. Lipsetts vs. Pirates, Me-playing in the mos-t series , Meekins vs. Atomics: Thistles vs. eight, four each with the Giants and Cards. He Once lathed out six hits in six consecutive times t bat. He holds a lifetime major league plate mark of J16 and a World Series figure of .294. How would such a flaming figure go about relaxing? As ytep No. 1 he tunes in on professional football games. Frank also putters around his house and garden. Since breaking in with the Giants in 1919 Frisch was a plajrer or manager every season except one. 1939. Even J.heh he stuck close to baseball as a broadcaster of games in Bos- ton. He scored a hit with New England fans in that capacity. Reports have circulated that he might return to broadcasting r,r,.rrv,iir k xt 1 of British Columbia, I was on tne possibly lorameyof the N"W28th day of October, 1946. appolnt- xotk uiamt. iriscn admits, "i m still Interested in radio.' New Zealand Seeks 1950 Empire Games CHRISTCHURCH, N.Z. ? Christchurch Wants the British rv , . . . , . i cuuiica uui.-ic3 to oe neia urc in 1950 as part of the centennial celebrations of Canterbury province. The province was settled by EnglLsh colonists in 1850 as a model colonizing venture, and has remained the most English part of New Zealand in atmosphere ever since. Christchurch hag iio swimming pool of Olympic standard at present but one will be built before 1950. By Chic Young -- SwiK "Vv THAT " A HERES THWAY-- JvoU MEArv M HELLO,)' i AKISS? . ( A HUSBAND SHOULD AFTER THIRTEEN ) ' DEAR X t& ( S3 MS WIFE WHEN "YEARS ? r d&L VHE COMES HOME Jlj ended, give opportunities for In' a messdeck on board the of interest to a gallery of MIXED FIVE PINS lueddv Kilowatts. Klnz Pinners vs. Headpinners, Co-op vs. Rockets. November 13 Pirates vs. Coop, Headpinners vs. Thistles, King Pinners vs. Reddy Kilo watts; Rockets vs. Midgets. Atomics vs. Lispetts, Mc-Meeklns vs. Pushovers. Advertise in The Dally News. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL BRODIN. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order ef Ills Honour Judge. W. E. Flshrr. Local Judge of the Supreme Court ed Administrator of the Estate of i Paul Brodln. who died on or about iur mm aay oi juiy ivtt). All'per-aons Indebted to the said Estate arc , required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and i all persona having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or be- I fore the 30th day of November. 19 10. falling which distribution will be mBde having regard only to such I claims of which I shall have been notuied. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 29th day of October. 19' 1946. UORDON F. FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C Report On Winnipeg Convention (Continued from Page 1) Terrace Corner Snack Bar MRS. T. HOME-MADE PIES SANDWICHES CAKES LUNCHES FOR TRAVEMJ?BR t On the Main Highway - ing the Peace River area with the Pacific coast should be con-strusted;' "That whereas Canada's railway connection to pioneer areas have not in the past depended on a maximum tonnage, "This should be proceeded with at the earliest possible opportunity with a view to the development of the Peace River area." Mr. Hunter made three defl . nlte recommendations to this j chamber: Suggestions to Local Chamber First, that a national affairs committee oe sei oo within the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- merce so that here in Prince Rupert there may be developed a greater understanding and appreciation by the citizens gen HELPS TO GET MAD Editor, Daily Newsr I enjoy reading, the letters to the editor in your paper and I would like to see more people, take advantage of the space you ailot for this puipose. We are all Interested and. look forward to a more prosperous and better Prince Rupert and, if this Is go-in; to be. we must make suggestions and voice our opinionj whether we be a knocker or a booster. New you take Mr. Traxler's j letter. I believe Mr. Traxler li something of a psychologist. .At heart he is just as Interested and proud of Prince Rupert ai we all are. But in writing the ' letter he did he wanted to start a HtMe controverey to .ct .ople a little worked up and mad. When people get mad it gencr ally starts some kind of action. 1 I know that, when my wife gets mad, the pots and pans start to Ey. So here 'Is to loLt of letter , from all you knockers and xst ' c: for a better and more pros-; prrous Prince Rupf rl. Thanking you, Mr. Editor. I JULIAN NASH. DO SOMETHING DRASTIC Editor, Dally News Seernj that ' we are getting nowhere fast In trying to Induce our Federal government or some large industrial concern to take advantage of our facilities here, why not get tough and do some- thinj drastic? Ve could circulate a petition and present it to Mr. King demanding that the inrthvettern nart of our province (including he CN.R. and their dry dk be given to the United States. Can da doesn't seem to want s '.except to collect our Income tax and radio license), so why not give someone else a chance? The United States has already proven that they can do more here in three years than our government can in 30. Maybe this sounds unpatriotic but, when our city settles bade to its pre-war status, who's going to feed our increased population? Now. when we get around to doing all this maybe the Yanks will loan us a roadbuilding expert to show us how to make roads that wm last tor, more than two weeks. Don't say It can't be TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANV POINT IN THE DISTRICT H. Smith) P.O. Bo 167 Terrace LAMBLY TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and (as erally of national problems and issues which affect uj all, such an organization to undertake t) provide the leadership necessary lor this Important work In the community. Second, that the resolution de. signed for the development oi the port of Prince Rupert be re. drafted to more general term:, comlrtent with the tone that will be required for Us approval by the national executive. Third, ihat the local chamber endorse Itself and sek the en dorsement of the Associate) Boards of Trade of Central Brl J$h Columbia and the other ro::. stltuent beards of the new Pear River resolution calling for 'he building of a railway outlet froa the Peace River to the Paclfl: coast. done- The R.C.A.F. proved :i could on the Seal Cwe road Wouldn't it be better to rru ke a good Job out ol a few bur dred yards of road rather . n icaste time, money and eiul -went trying to patch all tk Voads in town and sttting no wnere? Probably there's a good reasn for the condition of our roads If so, let's hear It but make it good. The city s money is Jn : fast with no visible imDivvj. ments in the condition of the roads. J. A. UNWIN H I -J II. I if nivwnnn i s I W WW w wu UP-TO-DATE RESTAIRA.M FUi.i..rniiR5P Mr v wwwswu JUL, FROM 11 AM. TO $ KM. Soecial Dinner Everv Sunday. 5 n.m. WE CATER CATER TO PART cnop SUEY rnn nrnvTrtm nnnrnc Dann i 739 Til I K13 AVENUE III MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electridaru Dome Hiring and Repair Phone Black :i07 238 Second Avenue Weat - a mm m n M i i i lI f f I hrvc or ' Wlnnnri L nuiuuiuuvc a oiw mm BUILT BY Distributed by: RUPERT MOTORS PHONE 566 . mm f pacmc y Phone Blue 803 SPECIALIZING wm d c M F.N'S MEA 0:30 A3L TO 1! MIDMC nv AND SERVICE Fine Wood for NOW AVAILABLE FOR IM 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap First class 14-Inch lengths, free 1' nc Second class trlmmlnts up .1.- ..nrllt - vi. i i .1. i-.. vrimiv irii . ..... r. Allliu yiaaa, ..intSs1' HEMMO NS Phone Blue 739 Nicht Pbone: Black 665 P.O. 'Box U31 Station B 3 & m rnr - t I i 1 1 Vt 1 NEW KT.C! Phone 221 CHRYSLEI Sale! MEDIAE II! RtW""- jUS tTQ AND . f , FRANSF 0: I'" '