for Stewart j . ii i nvpmnor i Ip.m. , FURTHER Y SHOP Having. Culture in branches. Phone 655 SERVICE i of all kinds ? md Oil Hum pro - Red 894 AGE u X TV VTTTnrir, -mem, ior tRED 246 Plants'5 uve r n. "on to man 'c'". 300 3rdAvR Westrrt Papers r9i. TAKEN s Blue 451 Local News Prince Rupert Dally r3cujtf IS Items . . . Hotel. . . Tuesday, November 5, 1946. tWst About n,m the trans' nnlTllCU .1. t Monirta. ..arrow jnornnio oi c"-' consu"""""' irted nine yea" . i am( to liu- Since returning M7 ranadlan J5J, ghters of loanu . 8 permanent country anu light here u lor 0f a new life in ill, ' 1023. an- ill Kv - ntof theCana- .. - im TPnff- nnlng which re- t..tin?i of me . Hwcver. me Hpflth of that year and, the Journey was the end of the L.... KnAn trv liHMtions acioM Lt only recently accommodation. l-A tan or three -.111 tArtlr mr0r the Madoc dis-before going on LI- 1. ttlrynf A- Thev will then future- -truck growing, mixed 11Y LU LIUiKtWVV All! r i a i . UL -i t ; 1l x J S 11 LIS 1 Jl 111LCU to announce ' I MI II 111 I II I Nl I I- "Coquitlam" I II I f I L 1 i I It I I, nmtM K ill Long trips or short, day or night, 99 Taxi at your service. (tl) A Sons of Norway meeting. Thursday November 7 In I.O.O.F. Hall. (2611 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrlck returned on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. St. John's Ambulance classes for men will be held on Tuesdays ancf Thursdays at 7:00 pm. at the Fire Hall, commencing November 5. (259) A meeting will be held In the Civic Centre, Wednesday, 8 pm, of all Interested In forming bridge, 'whist and crlbbage leagues. (260) Earl Gordonand Hugo Kraup-ner were elected to membership in the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at the regular monthly meeting last night. A A meeting will De held In the Civic Centre, Wednesday, 8 pm., of all Interested In forming bridge, whist and crlbbage leagues. (260) Red 808 G0KRINS and orating ESTIMATE ueorge Kuaaernam jr., re turned on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from a trip East. His father, Aid. a. W. Rudderham, will return later. Superintendent A. T. Belcher of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Vancouver, arrived in the city Monday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide on official business. Announcements All advertisement In thU column will be charged lor a full month at 25c a word. Cambrai Fall Tea, Mrs. George Rorle's, November 6. C.C.F. Bazaar, Nov. 6, Civic Centre. Card Party will be held in the Catholic School hall on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 8 pjn. Everyone welcome. VfJi. Baptist Church fall sale. Nov. 7. Legion W.A. Pioneer Home Dance, Armories, Nov. 8. Women of the Moose bazaar, Moose Temple, Nov. 13 and 14. Eastern Star Dance, Masonic Temple Nov. 15. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 20. St. Peters Fall Bazaar, Nov. 21. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, November 21, 8 p.m. Fishermen's Welcome Home nance, civic Centre. Nov. 22. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, November 23. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 30. Presbvterlan Fall Bazaar, November 28th. ii 7 mm .v itiifi a i I 1 1 i.tii ii fin i wuu Ul 1 14 Jk V J WWW w ' PV'C SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Qlven On All Work Phone Green 417 If Its a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue &66 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERHANGING and ' PAINTING PHONE BLUE 810 , P. N, Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFUjIv. AND MESSENGER Lumber . Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert Mil OHf H COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.U1 A Basketball Centre. Tonight, Clvl: Thompson Hardware store will be closed until November 13. (263) A Important Basketball League executive meeting tonight, fol lowing .games. , (it) Miss E. Shlrton was a passen ger for Vancouver on the Catala this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. Morrison fail ed this afternoon on the Catala on a trip to Butedale. Andrew Messer returned on the Princess Adelaide Monday afternoon from a trip to Van couver. Glen Smith returned to the city Monday evening from a month's motor trip to Los An geles, California. A Visit the Civic Centre Wednesday. C.C.F. Bazaar opens 2:30 pm. Aprons and Fancywork, Home Cooking, Tea etc. (It) Mrs. George Shenton left this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where she has been called on account of the sickness of her mother. A Announcing organization of Little Theatre Club of Prince Rupert for all interested in dramatics. Civic Centre, Friday, November 8, 8 pm. (262) A Attention! Don't rorget Cam-bral Tea at Mrs. Rorle's, 220 4th Ave. West on Wed. Nov. 6. (259) A Thursday, Civic Centre, 8 p.m. Education Week Public Meeting 100 children in program' (260i 101ST BIRTHDAY BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Eng land O; Mrs. Charlotte Dew, who began work 90 years ago as a domestic help for one shilling a week and her keep, celebrated her 101st birthday. An elegant touch of shiny black Persian on 100 all wool makes such a coat one most likely to be desired by all. FATHER FORCED OUT, DAUGHTER CARRIES ON Barbara Lee Aylesworth, 20-year-old beauty of Walford, Ont, gamely carries on the publication of her father's weekly newspaper, the Watford Guide -Advocate, while he Is barred from work because of a heart ailment. Here she locks up a form containing the story she has just written on the new Canada Savings Bond Issue 111 No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. EASY TO HAMMER Nails are easier to drive U you're not much of a carpenter- rubbed over a cake of soap first. LOSE IDENTITY When refined, all sugars are 1 arrivals Prince Rupert F. Brownlow, Vancouver; Lt. Col. A. O. Hood, Victrla; Lt. Col. A. C. Perron, Victoria; Major R. Croft, Esquimalt; Major C. H Jervis-Read, Victoria; D. Mc-Leod, Porcher Island; F, O. Smith, Dlgby Island; F. Henderson, Vancouver; A. T. Beecher, Vancouver; G. F. Keith, Weather Hampers Bridge Turnout Inclement weather reduced attendance at the Initial bridge and whist evening sponsored by the Independent Order of Oddfellows in the Oddfellows' Hall Saturday night. The functions are planned every Saturday rhht" throughout the winter. Only three tables were In play Saturday night. MODERNIZES EDUCATION -NEW DELHI, 09 During the next 10 years the government of Bombay will establish compulsory elementary education all over the province, and will also launch a drive to remove adult Illiteracy. Visual education, par ticularly film education. Is an colorless and odorless and can- I integral nart of the scheme to not be distinguished by chemical gether with the maintenance of analysis. a large number of UDraries. " Hliini' .MrlrnM . i i wmm WonderfuI v,haf a dlffercnce a few prDUinr PCKITDL"- U L tl V I U L U L II I ll L . fep-saver make in your kitchen life ! For instance, the primp-up shelf and mirror (so you won't have to go upstairs for a last reassuring look) ; . the conveniently fow counter for dumping groceries and storing the family market wagon board - are all housekeeper's helpers. But the : ; ; the really big reminder Gold Seal Congoleum rug 1 Nothing can beat it orcaest service lies in the color-bright for ease-of-cleaning . . . dollar-saving economy ... and heavy traffic durability. For Gold Seal Congoleum is built to last! It has a wear-layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel equal in Ih'cltness to 8 coafs of Ino best floor paint applied by hand. So, be sure to look for the familiar Gold Seal before you buy. You'll be surprised how much quality you can buy for so little money. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL Yonr dealer tiny be temporarily out of Conjolmmi because supplies are still very short. Please try him ajain, as he receives limited shipments trom time lo lime. Local Dealers in Congoleum Gordon & Anderson Ltd. THIRD AVliNU E A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Box 1308 Phone 108 prince rupert plumbing Cheating J. II. Schunian S. Julian Night Calls: BLUE 270 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th 'St. I umMCTiMcuiAimnJ? We handle Congoleum Products . . . GORDON'S HARDWARE M c II It I D E STREET Congoleums of every description when stocks are available. REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERr HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open S am. to 2 am. rilONE 173 TOPCOATS i STYLE . . . COMFORT ... DURABILITY . . . The fall topcoats are here ... a complete stock for you to choose from. Colorful Tweeds, Fleeces, and West of England Worsteds, all combine to give you a most pleasing selection. Prices from $30.00 to $58.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP' 1HR if' i CL0T1IHC AD UliMSIII.VCS 532 THIRD AYENUE PHONE 345 How Much Cash Do You Have in the Attic? Most homes have many items, still good, that are not being used. Many of these articles are off the market, but in big. demand by CLASSIFIED AD Readers! How long since you looked into your attic, basement or storage closets? Help your neighbor! Sell what you don't need! Advertise what you have Get quick cash! USE THE DAILY NEWS Classifieds CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONE 51 ILLUMINATION so all may see ... As long as you can read (he printed word, you can have the world before you eyes! Foreign diplomacy; fashions in Paris; the rebuilding of war's devastated lands. Politics in Canada; the latest society romance; Hollywood gossip. Housing right here; Mrs. Jones' new baby; what the stores have for you to buy. Read all, know all through the Illuminating columns of your Lookng for a job or offciing one? Got a house to sell or want to buy? Interested in the stock market. Head ail about it! von cu"1" iuibo. ttdri """ jiis Want to have the best of everything a Your newspaper serves the commu- you can afford? Find it first in ,u Ihe nlty by enlighten- ad columns of your favorite paper; Jts. fandPyou then enjoy it in your own home. know! The DAILY NEWS FOR THE NEWS . . . FOR THE ADS