when the lumber operators Prince Rupert Dailp Ji3ctus Thursday, June 6, 1943 LABOR MEETING (Continued Iiom Page 1) voted to strike if the proposals were not met. Whole Thing Democratic "llie operators charge us with being undemocratic, saying that 14,000 union men voted for a strike in an industry which occupies 37,000 loggers and mill-workers," he declared. "But I say It was democratic. When the strike deadline came all the woodworkers voted to go on strike. They voted with their fecit when they walked out of ths plants." The union, he said, does not only bargain for and represent union members but for all workers who obtain union benefits. He- challenged that "the government can appoint practically anybody as arbiter we will abide by his decision because we know our cause is so good that we will win some form of union security." Mr. Carlysle asserted that, while the union will hold out for complete acceptance of the 25-cent increase and the 40-hour wek, It is willing to bargain In regard to the union security clause. The speaker declared that. Tin your fellow citizen. There's me, the wife, and the three kids. We're just plain everyday folks. Wc go to church. My wages have to make ends meet just like yours." SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert duced each day by the mills in this province, the B.C. Contractors' Association pointed out that this lumber ";us not being consumed in B.C. and asked that a Royal commission be- set up to investigate alleged black market ting in lumber. His remarKs were followed by the presentation of a resolu tion to the meeting that the demand of the B.C. Contractors' Association be endorsed and that a commission be established to investigate the marketing prac tices of the lumber operators. The resolution was passed unanimously. Another resolution, pledging support of the strikers in their demand for a 25-cent an hour increase, 40-hour week and jnlon security, was also endorsed. The resolution also urged the abolition of the government wage-f reczing order PC9384 which was described as a "straight Jacket" on wages and called for genuine collective bargaining legislation. Chairman of the meeting was W. H. Brett, M.L.A., and other speakers who pledged their sup port to the striking woodworkers were Howard Hill, chairman of the central Labor Council: M. H. Waters of the Industrial 1 Workers' Union and Stan claimed that hundreds of homes (Boshier, secretary of the United cuuld be built in B.C. with the Fishermen aid Allied Workers' lumber that is normally pro- Union. u m Fm Just Plain Mr. John I "YOU KNOW ME? That's why I buy my Clothes at the RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE IBB COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 67G Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : 6-11 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Members only on SundRys) Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 1 1 A.M. TO 1 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 pjn. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE Ui'.i 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST Kinsmen P!an Work Bee For Boys' Camp Prince Rupert Kinsmen art going to embark on a working "bee" within the next two weeks to prepare the site for their boys' summer camp at Lake Lakelsc. The building and camp site committee, which was ap pointed at last night's meeting of the club, will visit the site ttiis week-end to draw up pre I'minary plans for the camp. All dub members will be asked to form a work party the following week. Incomplete results of the May 24 sports day reveal that the camp fund will realize about $2,000, committee co-ordlnator U. E. Montador told the meeting. He added that recommendations for improvements by various committee chairmen will be studied with a view to making next year's celebration even better. On recommendation of the committee which visited Terrace last week, it was decided not to purchase a camp site until a proposed road circling the lake is completed and in the meantime to take advantage of an offer by Robert Gordon for free use of his lakeside property for a camp site. The following committees were appointed to work on the camp project: Classification and Enrolment -Alex Armstrong, J. D. Gal-braith, R. G. Moore, II. Muncey. Maurice Irving, R. E. Montador. Allan Morgan. Camp Site and Building-Duncan Wing, C. H. Collins, Pierre Le Ross, James Bremner, Norman Carter, Clarence Thom- son. Bruce Stevens. Victualling and Culinary Dan McDonald, Edward Garner, Wil-l.am Noble, George Dibb, Ralph Biowne, Ernest Zorn. Transportation and Bedding-Jack McRae, Steward Johnston, Sydney Elkins, Wilfred Bolatn. The club executive will act as camp personnel cqmmlttee. Following the appointment of committees the meeting heard a talk by Civic Centre director Don Forward on summer camp procedure '. MEMORIAL HOME MATLOCK, Derby, Eng., (00 Florence Nightingale's childhood home, Lea Hurst, at Holloway, near here, has been bought as a permanent memorial to her and will be used as a rest home for nurses. Allgators' ears, found directly behind the eyes, are concealed :rcd protected by skin flaps. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre 35a SPRING CONDITIONING Let us service your whole car for spring driving. Motor tune-up, complete check-up of cooling system, inspection of battery, adjustment of brakes done expertly and promptly. S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers THIS AND THAT "I don't mind a sore loser, but. I can't stand a guy who wins all the time!" T - - Classified Advertising - - nuslfleds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth Nakce. 50c; Cards of Thank. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. minus DA VIES At Royal Jubilee Hospital, Wednesday. June 5, a daughter, Marjorle Elizabeth, ot Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Dav-ies, jr. (nee Betty Brockway), formerly of Prince Rupert. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCrim-mon annpunce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Jean, to Mr. William Orville Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Wilson, 209 East 8th Street, Hastings, Minnesota. The marriage to take place shortty. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Black 412. Lumber. Phone (138) FOR SALE Oil range and oil heater, electric stove, fire coal range, fox wire for fencing, and gramaphone. Phone Black 823. FOR SALE Two houses, cheap, on Hays Cove Ave. Phone Green 814, after 5 p.m. (134) FOR SALE 6 room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (140) FOR SALE Modern 4-room house with bath. 215 9th Ave. East. ' (134) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Friday, June 14, 1940, for the purchase of trap-line, situate north of Kismugallum Lake, Latitude 54.45, Longitude 128.30, and belonging to the estate of the late William Howard Cava-nagh, deceased. Terms: strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Gordon F. Forbes, Acting Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of William Howard Cavanagh, deceased. (139) FOR SALE Slightly used has socks, reg. $10, now $2.50 used electric floor lamps, complete, from $4.50; battery radios, selling out, $7.50; 4-piece kitchen set, table and 3 chairs, $6.00; 7-piece dining room set, $42.50; bed and spring, $4.00; beds, complete, $12.00; McClary electric range, $10.00; new small size ranges, wood and coal, $28.50; new and used McClary and Gurney ranges; new electric hot plates, and press Irons, from $4.75. All kinds of furniture and hardware sold, and bought at the lowest prices. See us for a good deal. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone 324. GOOD BUILDING LOT in the centre of Prince Rupert's best business area. Apply Box 128 Dally News. . (tf) FOR SALE House, rooms and bath; conveniently situated. For further particulars phone Green 987, or apply C61 5th Ave. East. (135) FOR SALE Portable radio, 2 I sets of batteries. $50. Apply I No. 20 Bay view. (135 FOR SALE Hydraulic lift and dump box. Best offer. 1935 2-ton Ford truck, new box. Will sbll or 'trade for good car. Also complete household furniture. Apply 1320 8th Ave. East. (135n FOR SALE Radio. Rear of 225 ' 9th Ave. West. (135) FOR SALE Four-room house. Apply 225 9th Ave. East, evenings. (137) FOR-SALE Modern 6-room house, full basement. Apply 134 5th Ave. West. (132)' AUCTION SALES i AUCTION SALES every Saturd.r" aw u rnira Avenue East. "tf FOR KENT FOR RENT-IFutrnlshed house, light housekeeping. Apply 209 5th Ave. West, or at Eve's Fish & Chips Shop. (137) FOR RENT 3-room furnished cabin on Summit Ave. Phone Blue 698. (133) FOR RENT Attractive light housekeeping accommodation for business girl or man, close in. Phone Red 549. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (136) FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 801 Borden St. (tf) WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE F'our or five-roomed house. Must be close In. . Box 129 Dally 0 News. (133) WANTED TO RENT Five-room house, preferably on city side of Hays Creek. No children. Apply Box 126 Dally News. (133) WANTED TO RENT Light delivery in good condition, part days. Valentin Dairy. (133) PERSONAL A TREAT FOR YOUR FEET! Use Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (134) GOOD OPPORTUNITY for Intelligent man who can meet public, one not afraid of work. Financial and collecting experience an asset. Sound progressive company want capable trustworthy person as northern representative; Applicants will be interviewed and appointed byJune 15. Apply Boxx1309 Prince Rupert. (135) MACHINERY l'O SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company I'mlted, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Agents. HELP WANTED THE PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC Recreation Hoard will receive applications for the position of Physical Director, up to Wednesday, June 12. All applications considered on merits of applicant's qualifications for the position. State experience, references, aee and salary expected. P.O. Box 340. (134) WANTED Ward maids for Trlnce Rupert General Hospital. Apply Matron. (tf) WANTED Girls for general laundry work. Experience preferred. Apply at Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. (133) WANTED For City Engineer's office, practical man capable of handling building and plumbing Inspections, with some clerical experience. Apply In writing to City Engineer, Box 307, giving age, martial status, qualifications, previous experience and salary required. . (133) WANTED Female clerk for City Offices. Apply In writing stating age, martial status, qualifications and previous experience. Knowledge of typewriting preferred but not essential. (133) ROSYTH, Scotland, P) One rinval officer and threp raflniro were killed recently in a collision between a Royal Navy truck and a bus. Synod Hears Bishop Charge Many Deceased Church Leaders Memorialized at Anglican Meetinz The twenty-first synod of the Diocese of Caledonia yesterday opened at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Wednesday morning with a celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon by Archdeacon Edward Hodson of Ocean Falls. The sermon was most Inspiring and dealt with the mission of the whole personnel of the Church In witness and worship. The delegates gathered later for a luncheon which was provided by the Women's Auxiliary of the Cathedral at a downtown restaurant. The synod featured Bishop Gibson's first charge since hl3 Consecration. He appealed for the friendship and co-operation of all church people as he took over the reins of government In this critical period of the history of the diocese. He made mention of the rasslng of Bishop and Mrs. Rlx and expressed the hope that the synod would consider the erection of some permanent memorial to them. He also spoke appropriately of the late Robert L. Mcintosh, the late Rev. BeVt Shearman and Miss Norah Bird, superintendent of the Ridley Home for eight years until her death a year ago last Marcn. Commenting upon the momentous and decisive events of the year 1945 the Bishop told the Synod that the hand of Almighty God was evident In thai "we had not been given over a prey to our enemies." He exhorted his listeners to be thankful and patient In the trying days of the aftermath, to consider that all wars brought ip their train a very- full tale of misery. The Church had a very definite part to play. There was a need of setting forth of the eternal truths as lights in the darkness both or human minds and the world situation. But Christians were called not only In the matter of the proclamation of the Gospel Truth but also in the matter of a way of living which- might set them apart in loneliness and" peculiarity nmong their fellow creatures, most of whom had ceased to be Christian." The Bishop stressed that today Christians must? make sure of the Truth, stand firm In Christian conduct and be true to the Christian wellowship. He concluded by exhorting the clergy to lay' aside the lesser mattqrs arid pay great, attention to preaching and pastoral visitation. Tribute Paid To Deceased Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook read memorials to Bishop Rlx WANTED IMMEDIATELY Cook general, plain cooking only, must be trustworthy, for three- adults, no children, In one of Vancouver's best homes, adjacent to Shaughhessy car line on Granville St. Every modern convenience, good wages, and every reasonable consideration ' to suitable applicant. Write W. Patterson, 305 Province Bldg., Vancouver. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" arid IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP SADIE BEAUDIN, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 30th day of Jilay, A.D. 1946, I waa appointed Administrator of the Estate of Sadie Beaudln, deceased, and alt parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish . same, properly verified, to me on or before the 13th day of JulV. A.D. 1B4R. and all nHUi In. debtcd to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 30th day of May. AD. 104fl. OORDON P. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. June 30 iovr.i:N.Mi:xT i.kji on act NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENCE NOTICE is hereby clven that on 2nd diy of July next the undersigned Intends to apply to Wio Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7364 Issued In respect to the premises being a part of a building know nas Terrace Hotel, situate on Kalum Street in the Village of Terrace, B.C Upon lands described as Lots Twelve (12) Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) of Block Twelve (12) of District Lot Three Hundred and Sixty-nine (3691 Ranee Five (S) Coast District, Map 972 Prince Rupert Land Registry District. in the Province of British Columbia, from Emllle Willie to Terrace HoteU Limited, having its head office at the Village of Terrace. B.C the trans feree. DATED at Terrace, B.C.. this 28th day of Mav 1946, A D. TERRACE HOTELS LIMITED. Transferee. - .149 OUT OF THIS WORLD The planet Pluto swings out as far as 4.S billion miles from the sun and Its maximum distance from the earth Is 4.4 billion miles. The so-called horns on a giraffe's head are really soft tufts of skin and fat. and R. L. Mcintosh which had been prepared .for the General Synod. Rev. S. Klnley spoke concerning the work and witness of the late Charles Morvln of Alyansh. Rev. Norman Green spoke of the great loss to Kln-collth In the passing of Stephen P. Barton whose son Cecil was a delegate at the Synod from Kincollth along with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Watt. True Bishop also mentioned the late Chief Edward Gamble of Kltkatla who, a4though never a member of the Synod, was nevertheless mourned by the Church throughout the diocese. Peter Hill spoke of the late Alfred Adams of Massett, "a great example," a leader of the highest calibre who evr placed his spiritual calling first. Ml?s Davles and the Rev W. E Colllson both of whom passed away since the last Synod were also memorialized. A JD ..icirAL SPORTSKEEL CARTOON NEWS 12:445 - 2:23 - 4:48 6:55 - 9:02 Phone Blue 850 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Hotel... 1 Vancouvc ver. Or V w,,rime ,lu""rt . w w. J J. Wu on ih ,.. una Ml 0 city; W j s p . uaueninn DarU, Vane uv New Wc.'.fm,:-. O. Odium, pi McLean. V;, . A. Hour, Vii" J S. Sink.-. ! Nation. Van jNonniivM. i I Cuaiir. Vim E'-anbiI 1! I .. Jul v- uv: D.E.J M' ad I. Mi ., ' :i f. Mi , K A A. KH SCOTCH WELL 1IIDDE DUMFERLI E r- POllSh H(iiri tectors tried ; , stolen barn . :r hidden in rim n0. -and fm!' (i p v a store in Aa LAUNCE "I actlnq a: . neighbor' v Bray 0r i TODAY 'TIL SATURDAY THE r jr-v I I B n MM mmmmm llV.p.')3CJiMU.IMi1 P.O. Box Mtl Green & KermodJ All Interior and Exterior Work Builders and Painters Free E .imatw aiu Prompt Service LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LlMIItll FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.SA. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 Storage and Furniture Crating AWNINGS . SAILS . . . WINDOW CLIX1 CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S Phone Black 169 P.O. El dsn Itmiser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIl'PPEKS SMOKED ALASKA IJLACK COD SMOKED MILD CUKED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. adian Fish .ana AND . Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. York General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation KIMSUL smcthins Ncw and i,,c liesl Free Estimates on Any Kind ot Construction You Name It, ,and We Can Do It m WE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANY Phone Black 126 Day Phone Black 731 Even"