r Iff 53. 4 I ? fct Prince Uupcrt Daily J3eU)$ Tuesday, January 29, 1946 LIBRARY BOARD ANNUAL MEETING The Prince Rupert Library Board was in session last evc-nfngnolding its first meeting Df the year. Those present were Mrs. if. Arnold, chairman; J. S. Wilson, secretary; Mrs. A. Fla-tcn, Mrs. M. Roper and Olive van Cootcn, librarian. Officers cleotcd for the coming year were Mrs!. Arnold, :halrman; J. S. Wilson, secretary; Mrs. Flaten and Mrs. Roper, book committee. The Librarian's Annual Report ' was' read and adopted. The estimate for the comin?. ear was considered and Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What Is wrong with this sentence? Reverend Mr. Adams will be there." 2. What Is the correct pronunciation of "discharge'' (noun and verb)? 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Tortable, visable, renewable. 4. What docs the word "aspiration" mean? , Answers 1. Say, "The Reverend Mr. Adams," or, "The Reverend James R. Adams." 2. Accent both noun and verb on last syllable, not the first. 3. Visible. 4. Ardent desire or longing for what is elevated or above one. "She hoped to satisfy the aspirations of her soul." IIIBIBHIBIIDB3B3RIBBIIBIBDDBIBIIIIII You'll be holding the Right Bag... For HAGS - SCARVES - ACCESSORIES WALLACE'S ' c naaBBiBHaBiiBBBinBfliaBnBBBfliBia REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Ghop'Sucy Chow Mcin PHONE 17i Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 a.m. to 2 a.m. COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 r We Deliver Your Order LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA GOOD EYE SIGHT HE SELDOM THINK OF EYESIGHT UNTIL IT SHOWS SIGN OF FAILING As longer evenings bring more reading, sewing and close work, we increase the burden on already over-worked eyes. It is wise (o protccf your eye sight by having them scientifically examined at regular intervals. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENTS FOR EXAMINATION NOW -Cor; 3rd Ave, t and 5th St. Room 4 STONE Optometrist block PROMPT SERVICE ON REPAIRS Telephone 593 PRINCE RUPERT Box 127 Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL G:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. VIENNA BOY CHOIR BACK IN HOFBURG VIENNA, 0' -Sixty little boys who can sing 'like the angels," arc back in. the HofbuTg, the Vienna palace of the Hapsburgs, .sharing a wing with Russian troops and polishing up the hymns and songs they have sun? all over the world as the Vienna Boys' Choir. Allied authorities have closed one eye to the fact that the choir went right on .singing while the Nazis were in town, sang for them and even went on tours to France, Belgium, Holland, Poland and Germany while Austria was considered a part of that big, unhappy country. Mcsf of their singing now Is for Allied troops, but they all have an eye on the concert circuit, especially in America. Father Joseph Schmltt, the priest who handles 'he administration of the choir, spent three weeks in the custody of the Gestapo in 1938 and was forbidden to take any part In the organization during the Nezl regime in Austria, but he is back now. None of the boys who sang In America every year from 1930 to 1936 are around any more. A good many of them dieq fighting In Hitler's armies. The choir was founded In, 1498 and had a continuous existence to 1918 when the fall of the Hapsburg dynasty took away its chief support; It was founded again six years later and reestablished In the Hofburg. Father Schmitt's main problem is finding food for these boys. However, he Las managed to keep them from losing weight by making weekly trips to his birthplace in the Russian occupation zone and bringing back potatoes and anything else he can scrounge. Not many of the boys who sing In the choir grow up to be great statesmen. But a great many do turn out to be musicians. Among those who sang in the choir were Franz Schubert. Joseph Haydn, Clemens Krause and Anton Bruckner. lBBlVBHKMiPHBHC;' Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge UiNUINE ASPIRIN 15 Ai) MARKED THIS WAY BBKJ EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. If Casualty, Nature and Date ?ll lm f 4-Hl BHflHwEBmifBBfllB I V" ftlHBl 1 $ ?9i flBBBBBBflBBBBBBsraiNK3B19HHBH V 1 'BBBBBBJ ENGLISH WIVES OF CANADIAN SERVICEMEN IN BBC OVERSEAS PROGRAM The English wives of two Canadian servicemen broadcast recently In the BBC weekly magazine program "Dominion Special" which is produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation in London and heard throughout Canada in the CBC's Dominion Network. They are Mrs. Eileen Hock-ridge (left), wife of Pilot Officer Edmund Hockridge, Royal Canadian Air Forcef from Vancouver, British Columbia, the popular singer who is heard in this and many other BBC programs; and Mrs. Daphne Duhamel, wife of Squadron Leader Gilles Duhamel, Royal Canadian Air Force, of Quebec City, who is waiting, to join her husband in Canada. CFPR Radio. Dial 1240 Kilocycles . (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M. , 4:00 Feidler Conducts 4:30 Art Kassell's Orchestra 5:00 Vocal Varieties 5:30 Henry King 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Marimba Melodies 6:45 This and That 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Music From the Pacific 8:00 Citizen's Forum 8:30 Night Music 9:00 Music to Remember 9:30 The Loose Leaf 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Clement Q. Williams 10:30 Spotlight Bands 11:00 Silent WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Music for Modems 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 The Violin 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Songs of Today 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Women's Forum 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15- -Thoughts for Today 11:30- Weather Forecast 11:31 Messacu; Period 11:33- Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00--Downbeat 12:15 Music a la Carter 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Modern Minstrels 1:15 Musical Memories 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent SABBATH SAILING STAYS STORNOWAY, Scotland, Oi A motion that the hour of sailing of the Stornoway (Isle of Lewis) mall steamer should be delayed until after midnight on Sundays so as not to break the Sabbath, has been rejected by the Stornoway town council. DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is completing a Roll of Honor which it Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or land and In the air. To make this list complete, it is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting- the names. It Is Impossible for the Daily News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the information we would like you to (ill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Daily News, Prince Rupert Name .. ; Service (Army. Navy. Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Remember, if YOU do not submit a certain person'! name, no one else may. You are responsible. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make i good filling for cushions? A. Cut a roll of cotton Into small squares, put these bits into a pan and heat in the oven for about 30 minutes. Do not allow ihe cotton to scorch. Each smai: piece will swell to several times its original size. Q. How can I make popcorn pop better? A. Sprinkle popcorn with water Just before putting it in the popper. In the winter, hang it out in the cold until the bag is needed, to make it pop better. Q. How can I Improve berry pies? A. Add a little salt to the .gooseberry pic, and a tablespoon of vinegar to the. elderberry pie. to improve flavor. SPECIAL COLOR WORK In the early history of printing only black Ink wa used. When a color was wanted for Initials or ornamentation, it was hand-lettered. COMMUNITY CENTRE MEET Don Forward Represented Prince Rupert at Recent Gathering Don Forward represented Prince Rupert Civic Centre recently when well over a hundred people from many parts of the province attended the two-day ! community centre Institute at i the University of British Columbia last week. This was the first institute of its kind to be held In Canada and Judging from the report of many representatives who attended, the success achieved augurs well for future province-wide Institutes on community centre problems munlty activity, would do much towards ensuring success in com munity centre projects throughout the province. In opening the institute, Dr N. A. M. MacKenzle, President of the University, stated that "No community centre can be a success unless It is backed by a true community spirit." Prc-requisltes For Success He listed three pie-requisites necessary for the establishment of a community centre an ln- teligent survey of existing facilities in order to avoid needless duplication and waste, a director or a nucleus of leaders with imagination and energy, and sufficient funds for operating as well as capital expenditure. Miss Elizabeth B. Thomas, special lecturer In group work hn the Department of Social Work was the director of the institute. Dr. M. A. Cameron, Head of the Department of Education at U.B.C., and author of the recent report on education spoke on the relation of schools and community centres. It was his opinion' that the cost of school maintenance should be shared! by the provincial government In the community, and that schools should be made available to fill the needs of all the community. Dr. G. M. Shrum, Director of the University Extension Department, outlined the services of University Extension in the field of community activities and explained the many ways In which Classified Advertising - - - - Clastlfitda: 2c rr vortl per Insertion, minimum clurRC, 60c. Birth Notices: 00c; Cards of Thanks. rath Notices, tMncral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements; 12. SWAP TRADE Quarter section in Alberta for truck, house, boat or what have you? Apply Dally News. (28) WANTED WANTED Coal and wood range with water Jacket, good condition. Apply Box 81 Daily News. (26) WANTED Male High School teacher desires one or two room suite or room in apartment block or hotel. Clean, comfortable, central. Phone Red 876 or Box 1059 Station B. (25) WANTED Late model car. Apply Room 80 Prince Rupert Hotel, 6 to 8 p.m., before Thursday. (25) HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable woman to help with housework for one month. Phone Black 991. (28) WANTED Urgently, woman for housework. Easy cooking. For few weeks. Mother Just home from hospital. Reasonable wage. Hours 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call at 1545 6th Ave. East (29) HELP WANTED Woman for housework. Reliable, willing worker. 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sleep out. OO.CO; or mother's helper, 4 to 8 p.m. $24.00. Phone Blue 240. (25) WANTED Maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital. (29; LOST LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN 2-yeaTold cross bred spaniel, male, black with white mark- ings, feet and muzzle. Short tall. 1945 licence tag No. 319 on collar, Reward. H. A. Ponder, 745 5th Ave. West. Black 892. (24) LOST Man's watch "Merit." Waterproof, stainless steel. Silver expansion bracelet. Phone Red 715. Reward. (28) LOST Necklace of crystal beads , in vicinity of Presbyterian Church. 1128 8th Ave. East. Reward. (927) KAP'Q SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaian-teed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radk recnnician win can. MCitae Bros, Ltd. FOR llttfl FOR RENT Two-room 537 8th Ave. West. suite. FOR RENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (28) FOR SALE FOR SALE Drop head sewing machine. Price $35. 235 First Avenue East. (25) FOR SALE Rowboat. 16 feet; clinker-built, suitable for inboard or outboard motor. Phone Blue 367, after 6 p.m. (25) FOR SALE 4-bumer Hotpoint range in excellent condition: and separate refuse burner with hot water coils. Phone 83. (26) FOR SALE House, four rooms and b,ath; newly decorated, complete new plumbing and wiring. Fully furnished, $3,000; unfurnished, $2,500. Apply Collart and McCaffcry Ltd. (28) FOR SALE Immediately. Electric washing machine, hot plate and Iron. All as new. 354 Blggar Place. (24) FOR SALE New and used fur niture selling at lowest prices. 2 -piece chesterfield bed, Khroler make, perfect condition, $05; used smoking stands, $1.75; used hassocks, $2.50; records, 25c; used battery cabinet radios'; electric mantel radios; tools, some are Just like new; office desks; kitchen sets, slightly used; complete beds. B.C. Furniture Black 324. FOR SALE o-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (36) FOR SALE Large floor sun lamp. Cos $70 new. Apply Pioneer Rooms. Phone 47i. (251 .MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B-C- (tf) INTANGIBLE GiS Helium is tht hn Isolate, it tah't bo seen, tasted" or mellen the University, was attmptlns to meet the needs of small community centres throughout British Columbia.. "Financial hcl; to adult education in B.C. is Just in its beginning." Dr. Shrum said. Stanley Bligh, well known art critic of the Vancouver Sun, cm phasized the needs for the proper emphasis on cultural activity In community centres. Two speakers on the physical set-up of a Centre were Mr. Ned Pratt, well known city architect and Robert Orchard, Vancouver theatrical director. Mr, Pratt made a survey of definite types of architecture for community centre buildings, while Mr. Ot-chard spoke on the design of stage and auditoriums. The dU cussion during the two-day meeting was divided into four f main parts the values, orgam Of greatest value perhaps, was zatlon, program, and physical the exchange of ideas on how 1 set-up of a community centre, to tackle these common prob-1 At .the conclusion of the Interns. This, and tho advice of stltute an Interim Provincial experts in various fields of com- i community Centre Committee was set up to look Into the possibility of holding further in stitutes. TORONTO AIDS WRENS LONDON, (Reuters)., donation of $450, sent to Queen Elizabeth by the Women's Central Progressive Conservative Association of Toronto, has been turned over .to the Women's Royal Naval Service benevolent fund. The donation was collected for the benefit of women serving In the forces. TRY TO COUNT THEM A scientist has calculated that It may take 1,000,000,000.000,000 snowflakes to cover an acre of ground. YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Rulldlnf SnppUes Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Door and Frames, Cabinets Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Tbone. Black 126 Between 8 aon. and 5 p.m. Kitselas Natives Elect Officers KITKffT.AH . luiseiaj u . ...wnuuu 01 St ccted Chief Mark q t president for 1946 at the,. election of officers rece-the same time, the NauV. terhood elected Mr J Turner nroslrlrnt r i. . ' , v.. ul uiai oft, ..... . ..... v.iwuuns fcet,, lowed by a banquet put 4 the Sisterhood at the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Writ! Officers elected by the B-crhood were: Honorary Preiidrnt c Waiter Wright Honorary Vice-Prc.ldeat f Bcvan, President, ClUeiMarko Kay. First Vlcc-Prciidcnt ton. Second Vlcc-Pre.idp.it Rl i. migni. Secretary. Fred McKtjj. Treasurer. Gconc Turk Officers of the Native fc hood for 1946 arc Honorary President uuason. President. Mrs. Ocai ?Tr Secretary, Mrs. R, Bute Treasurer. Mi;. Flora R GLAMOR BARRED In 1770, a bill .z. bi fore the Brit. ,i p- which made null and Vu marriage where the a had Intrigued he? I:u;ian. marriage thn:u;;h tiu scents, paints and (x washes. VISUAL ACTION Color is the r ; rays which cause ; , . i on the retina of hs r TODAY and WED. atl:00 - 3:06 - 5:03 U. J, , L'LU r on ---v -irH mtm For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS - ?:L"" OTTOMAN COFFEE TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) !?." CHENILLE BED SPREADS, 7:C3- 1 wm& I TRAVFI.OOUE CARTOON LATEST NEWS ! I'l.liff juji iwi'in, I LING THE TAILOR We are taklnr clcanlm' pressing and steam press while you wait PHONE 849 220 Sixth 8" Priced Sjtll.o." to !?;:(. 7. FURNITURE TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. If. Malr) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT The Key to Economy ami Satisfaction . . . That's what The Variety Store oners you. Our stocks are largo ana varied, you'll find personal needs, family needs, and many household sunnlles. And your budget will heartily artllytf. applaud the savings prices! riccslfy Jfi THE VARIETY STORE Phone nua1 "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars GENERAL CONSTRUC TI0M CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION C 12 Second Avenue West Evenings; Green 1