13rfllfr RtltlPrt lflt) fifnt( An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Jv'illlll- i.UJ.Hli lUli.' Prince Runert and all the communities eomDrlslne Friday, September 20, 1946 ROTARIANS AMUSED BY MAGICIAN How to make one doctor's watch disappear, then re-appear several minutes later In another doctor's vest pocket was demonstrated to ihe Prince Rupert Rotary Club Thursday afternoon by W. C. Rutherford, amateur Vancouver conjuror,, who entertained the club at its weekly luncheon meeting. Any good housewife, who is also a magician, might conjure the ten of clubs from the centre of a loaf of bread If she wants to Impress her husband, merely by using Mr. Rutherford's secret "Abacadabra" Incantation. At lfast magician Rutherford was able to. Borrowing club president Dr. LakeiseLake CAMP Johnstone's Camp at Lakelse Lake is still open for the hunting season. The trout fishing is still good. CABINS TO RENT BOATS FOR HIRE northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Dep't Ottawa). Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prlnco Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. a. PERRV, Managing Director.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month, 65c; Per Year, 7.00; By Mall, per mohqi, 40c; Per Tear, MOO MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION MINISTER COMING HERE IT IS QUITE some time since Prince I Rupert .had a visit from a federal cabinet minister so it is. gratifying to hear that one is coming in a few days in the person of Mr. Bridges, the minister of fisheries. In fact the last federal cabinet minister to visit the city was a former minister of fisheries, Hon. Ernest Bertrand, who was here two or three years ago and who was so impressed with the need of fisheries float extension at thistport that decision was soon made to proceed with thp floats now under construction at Fairview Bay and which would have been ready for use long since had it not been for the difficulty of getting the necessary materials. Since Prince Rupert is the principal fishing port on the British Columbia coast, it is logical that the fisheries minister should come here in any western tour particularly a new minister like Mr. Bridges for bis picture of the industry could not be complete without seeing the. situation here at first hand. Doubtless, fisheries operators and fishermen will haye matters to take up with Mr. Bridges. Since he is one of the members of the government, it would be appropriate that he should also be met by local representatives in connection with general developments of the port. One matter, of course, to be taken up and of particular interest to the fisheries will be the advisability, of having the fisheries experimental station restored in whole or part to this port, situated as it is in the centre of the great fishing grounds of the Canadian Pacific coast. THE ATOMIC DANGER wore serious and realistic THOSE words by Mr. Churchill that the; use of the terrible instrument of atomic energy "might well lead not only to an end of civilization but to the disintegration of the world itself," meaning, of course, the physical destruction of the world. Mr. Churchill was never known as a wishful thinker but one who faces the stern facts. He was the practical inspiration of the British people in the dark days when they stood with' their backs to the wall and the pos sibility of physical destruction staring them in the, face. Heed may well be taken of his latest words in. re-denying the menace that it is capable gard to atomic energy. There is no of presenting to every living thing on earth. As Mr. Churchill suggests Jf we do not get on with the job of real peace making, a situation might wel larise where it, would be too late well arise where it would be too late to save the world from cataclysmic destruction. GENERAL STRIKE IS AIM labor leaders are RESPONSIBLE convinced that communists in Canada and the United States are aiming at nothing short of a general strike, says Financial Post. -This tragic goal has nothing to do with bettering conditions of Canadian or American workers but with exactly the reverse. The axiom of Communism is that the worse it gets with the people, the better it gets for the revolution. That appears to be Moscow foreign policy just now and that policy, no matter how it may reverse or twist, has always been the policy of Canadian and American communists. The theory is simple enough. Moscow can't hope to sell communism abroad if democratic capitalistic countries are prosperous. And even if there was no hope of exporting her doctrine there might be serious difficulty in holding the line at home. In recent weeks, indeed more and more reports of internal criticism in Russia have seeped through the iron curtain. Serious unrest in Russia might be dangerous for all of us. It has always been a favorite device to dictators to distract attention from their own shortcomings by stirring up trouble abroad. That sort of meddling, even if it tloes not lead to war, fits in perfectly with Soviet policy. For years the Russian people have been told that democracy and capitalism are doomed, that our high standard of living was a myth, that we were heading for industrial chaos and depression. That is why the communists are working for a general strike. That is why Canadian labor and management and capital should be, on thejr guard against it. L. W. Kergln's watch to perform a trick, Mr. Rutherford achieved such success that he himself was apparently nonplussed. He later exonerated himself by finding the missing timepiece In Dr. C. H. Hankinson's vest pocket. To see a playing card, apparently safely locked into a picture frame, later come to light from the centre of a wrapped loaf of bread somewhat disconcerted the Rotarians as' did Mr. Ruther-iord's version of the old shell AIRQRAFT FOR INDIA HESTON. Middlesex. Eng. First of six Viking aircraft was delivered at Heston Airport to Indian National Airways Limit ed. It was christened Jumna after the Indian river, game as practiced on club secretary B. R. Dodds. Assisted by his brother, Robert, Mr. Rutherford kept the Rotary Club, amused and bemused for more than half an hour. Do you GAMBLE on your FAMILY or your LIFE? Why do it -When Complete Protection is Offered by the Unite.d Home Securities Association (Incorporated 1922) DEATH (From Any Cause) PAYS YOU $1000.00 SICKNESS and ACCIDENT AID (up to) $2000.00 PAYS . Per Year o Doctor Bills Special Practitioners Nursing Kills X-Ray Operating Room Emergency Transpprt , Ambulance Maternity Anaesthetic Laboratory Drugs (in hospital) Hospital Rills Non-Prorating Non-cancellable 73 CJ w AIM I IJUUTUK AINY HUSi'lTAli ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Immediate Protection for Sickness or Accident) PLUS A Monthly. Wage or Salary if Away from Work through SICKNESS or ACCIDENT $500.00 up to $100.00 per month Per Year Making a Complete Blanket Protection of $3500.00 THE TOTAL OF COMPLETE PROTECTION, COSTSONLY A FEW CENTS PER DAY United Home Security Association Anyone wishing information please phone Bill Rody, the one and only official reoresentatlve. Green 873 or call at 749 Praser Street, ARCHIBALD IS SPEAKER Prince Rupert Junior Chamber ol Commerce will hitch itself Into line with the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada by altering its fiscal year to. begin July 1, rather than October 1. Motion to amend the constitution In that regard was approved at a dinner meeting of the group last night. The change will become effective this year with Inclusion of the amendment In the Junior Chamber's new constitution, which so far has not received the necessary approval of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The Junior Chamber's 1946-47 officers, who will be elected at the annual meeting on October 17 will hold office until the end of June, rather than until October as In the past. Quest speaker at last night's meeting was H. O. Archibald, M.P., who urged local gro.ups to keep hammering for, recognition of Prince Rupert's needs to the governmental authorities. He foresaw an expansion of Industry to. the west. "Industry must expand into northwestern Canada," he asserted, "because, if it remains static, the growing taxation load will force a collapse of the economic framework. Trie future of central British Columbia is encouraging. I am certain that Industry must expand in this direction." President Clifford O. Ham, who appealed for an Increased Interest In the activities of the government, emphasizing that intelligent awareness of governmental actions is vital to good citizenship and to good government. Harold Hampton, chairman of the Port Queen committee, reported briefly on the Junior Chamber's Port Queen campaign, and Tpnv Crawley, Port Day committee chairman, "ave. a similar account of Port Day. Hotel,. . arrivals l'rinec Rupert J. McCullock, West Vancouver; B. K. Boulton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Brocke, Ketchikan; J. R. Pollock, Victoria; N. McCand-l!sh, Prince George; K. Kenward, Vancouver. LETTERBOX ARCHIBALD ANSWERS Editor, Dally News, A letter appearing In the September 18 Issue of your paper under the signature of J. R. 1 Blakey posed several questions I for me to answer. I Firstr Mr. Blakey states, thai the L.P.P. advocated a Liberal-Labor coalition composed of elements "within the Liberal Party representing small business. Those small business elements within the Liberal Party were Mitchell Hepburn, noted for strike breaking activity; Humphrey Mitchell, the mlnltser of labor; Mr. Howe, the avowed representative of every major economic interest In Canada, and last but not least Mr. King himself whom Mr. Molotov advised Mr. Coldwell to support but who now heads the Government that arrested the only representative the L.P.P. had In Parliament and that in such a way that even the hated Tories protested without even meiiionlng the battle the C.C.P. put up. The coalition so well advocated by the L.P.P. now turns out not to be with the rapidly diminishing middle claw but with spokesmen of monopoly, their natural ally. In answer to the second point as to what stand the C.C.F. and myself are taking on the International question the answer is always the same a planned socialist economy which -removes the contradictions of capital and thus removes the necessity of war. When I advocated such a step In the House In the discussion on the National Defence estfmates the Minister of Veterans' Affairs (Ian McKenzIe) stated that I was spreading indoctrinated communism, That from one of the nice capitalists. H. G, ARCHIBALD, M.P. Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Biidge( Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE H'OKK OAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TKACTOK IIF.I'AIKS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas ... , : Terrace Corner Snack Bar MRS. FLAMBLY HOME-MADE PIES SANDWICHES CAKES LUNCHES FOR TRAVELLERS On the Main Highway TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District P.O. Bo j 167 TEUKACE All householders are urged, in their own interests, to have their coal bin filled at onco. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 LI How is a TOOTHBRUSH Related to a STOCKING? WHEELS n If so we suggest, you have your wheels aligned and your tires checked. If you hope to drive your car through the winter . . . WATCH YOUR. TIRES! IS YQIIR CAR SLUGGISH ANI),TEMI'EKMENTAL? If so bring it In to have a Motor Tune-Up. Don't wait until cold weather leaves you on the road. LUBRICATE OFTEN I T PAYS! S.E.PARKER' LTD; Ford and Monarch Dealers Third. Ave. Phone 83 The Seal of ' Quality, BRITISH COLUMBIANS FINEST SALMON ...They're. both made of nylon... the toothbru.h bristle from turdy, wear-proof nyjon monofilament and the. stocking from nylon yarn. ..two different applications of the fame chemical substance. Both are telling examples of the manner In which chemistry, through ceaseless pioneering and research, develops new materials and shapes them to. widely varied uses. From basic substances the men of chemistry continue to evolve new products of . greater beauty, utility, efficiency and economy . . to bring you better living. S.t.R V.I.N G C A N. A,D I A M $ (t C'I'Lj) T H R 0 U G H C H 1 ! Does Your Car Look DOWN AT THE l'MtTt Prince Rupert Bottle Col ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE W We buy . . . all si: I'erfex Beer Whiskey, G Dottles Bottles Wine W PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SE T . I II 1.1 r n r w- f a ri I I I' Villi W. H. CORRINS Painting and Decorating FTtEE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 P.N, Kllborn W, Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls, Oreen 977 Prince Rupert' If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete, Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot: do myself. FRANK H. PARTRIDGE CONTRACTOR Estimates Olven On All Work Phone. Oreen, 417 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repair of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys andbll Burners PHONES; Qreen 488 . Rd W Manage i GRADUATE sneciai ii"M"'" phone J BEAUTY permanent ...... M Beauty 20(1 4th Street : ...irnTI P. V. SMI!" " Plumbing & Phone 174, nnt I ..un. Accounts Tax "e Besner Bloc, JONES Eastern a SUBSCR1 Sixth Street NEtt? fffltf ...2. 'Art I J HI M HI ' BRITISH COLUM NORTHERN AND CENTRAL