EN- Prfnfc Rupert Daflj) rectos Friday. September 20, 1946 Pennant, bllllUiHj ai Race, Margii in Is . Unchanged St. Louis Cardinals and Urcoklyn Dodgers Both Won Games Yesterday BOSTON The margin be-tween, St. Louis Cardinals and RrooUyn Dodgers for the Na-tiol League pennant rtjmain-ed.aj one, game and a half as a, result of yesterday's play. The Cardinals won over the Boston Braves 5 to 4 in a close game here while the Brooklyn Dodgers were blanking the ntsburgh Pirates 7 to 0. CONN: READY TO MEET LOUS IN ANOTHER FIGHT .NEW YORK Billy Conn says he Is willing to fight Joe Louis again for the world's heavyweight title any time and any place. He will fight for charity but he wants the, fight "my way." Poor Grouse Seaspn Except For Grouse GLASGOW V Poor weather, depleted stocks of birds on the mooz;s and price controls combined to take the punch out of the grouse season in Scotland. Scores of shooting lodges were not opened this year. Not a shot was fired on opening day on the Wigtownshire moors and elsewhere there was little activity. Hotels which berore the war bought grouse at 30 shillings to 2 a brace ($6 to tS) early in the season didn't serve the birds this year. "It was worth buying grouse at 30 shillings a brace when we had a la carte menus," said one hotel manager, "but it isn't an ccflndmic proposition to include the birds, even at their control led price of 12 shillings a brace, If.u "? in a fixed-price menu." TOelJcXffi 126 most z restaurant can charge! n.vvpRc 1f for a three-course meal is five w Smith shillings. I J. Thornton 187 I "Hurry up This is embarrassing!" llSHORT SPORT; I ; Whenever a track and field meet is run off in Alberta, be it big or small, the chances are you will find an elderly, grey-haired man moving spryly around helping to keep evenU moving smoothly with frequent pauses to offer words of encouragement to competitors. That elderly gentleman is A. R. Pop Lawrence who "never ran a race in my life," but who Is known to most Edmonton city youngsters. Air. Lawrence is chairman of the Alberta track and field committee this year and he has been associated with the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada for more than 15 years. He has never pretended to be an athlete or a coach and ad- Low Score 67 66 99 Totals 700 633 634 B. uslck 156 111 144 M. Amadio 67 88 101 R. Anderson 190 190 130 Game Totals 667 681 604 PEOPLES STORE 1st 2nd 3rd C. Bellamy -101 85 135 Mrs. Stuart 51 123 105 H. Crowell 86 48 113 Jo Petersen 179 213 167 C. Bradley 56 148 118 Totals 473 617 638 KHATADAS 1st 2nd 3rd Y. Turcootte 114 154 146 M. Bird 152 134 109 B. Payne 145 131 92 A. Grimble 62 178 103 H. Watrin 126 238 124 Totals 599 835 573 which lobocce con b imold." '"Shew 's M the for Via irne t0ct is no eta CoP1 SWEET m Spurts "A- "A" I MORE LADIES' LEAGUE BOWLS Section B Swings Into Action' With, Five Games. Lxst Night Co-ops and Atlin won clean sweep three games to nil victories over Dockettes and Wartime Prices .and , Trade, Board respectively last night in opening games of Section B of the Ladies' Bowling League. In other games of the evening Watts & Nickef- son won over Bankers, Khatadas over People's Store and Revenues over Whirlwinds by two game to one counts. High scorer of the evening was Dolly Simonsen with aggregate of 614 and average of 258. The individual scoring was at follows: DOCKETTES 1st 2nd M. Montgomery ... 182 124 F. Wallgrin 98 171 R.Magnus 71 107 E. OUerbersj 77 70 79 E. Anderson 123 144 175 Totals 551 616 650 CO-OP 1st 2nd 3rd S. Johnson 97 113 79 J J. Clark 112 109 84 IB. Rudderham 226 120 144 jD.Rudderham 159 140 189 u.Himcnsen zss -151 205 Totals'. 852 633 701 W. P. T. B. 1st 2nd 3rd B. Grelg 168 150 183 R. Kerr 185 133 120 P. Black 109 68 125 M. Johnson 72 58 124 M. Rees 80 185 94 Totals 614 594 64g i ATLIN 1st 2nd 3rd J. Nielson 153 221 181 P. Vicktil 100 86 127 M. Flynn 123 106 253 M. Kellv 229 183 71 G. McNeill 158 146... 164 Totals 7C3 742 796 WHIRLWINDS 1st 2nd 3rd B. Cowgill 175 167 173 A. DeMaere 166 72 116 M. Postuk 180 133 141 E. Morse 168 154 154 E.Mennell 81 150 66 Totals 770 676 650 REVEN'UERS 1st 2nd 3rd G. Browne 101 144 165 R. Andreasson 92 199 145 G. Stangebye 101 128 133 K. Reid 103 160 152 E. Hintz 146 140 128 Totals 543 771 723 WATTES & NICKER SON 1st 2nd 3rd M. Cross .... 240 190 135 141 107 73 109 163 184 2nd 3rd 66 130 226 99 CAPORAL CIGARETTES Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive Parts and Accessories BUILT BY Distributed by: RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 i It purt form in i CHKYSLEK THIS AND TjftAT) l III! IMfll Tl V Vr.t.trfT SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert , mjtc that his exnerienpe on thP playing field consists of having taken part in a "couple, of ball (games probably right field.' His forte has been the all-Important administrative side of sport.,He has been secretary, of many athletic organizations. Be- jmes trues, ana ueia, ne nas been associated with, basketball, baseball and hockey, clubs and' leagues. "Pop" is strictly an amateur and never gets Involved with professional or semi-professional organizations. He says he has no quarrel with professionals. "I leave them alone and like them to, treat me, the. same wayt Young fellows these days usuaily want to know what th$. pay-off Is before they will interest themselves a r 11 -4 vf,' S: ' The House of Seagram suggests that each day's enjoyment he otkrate, so that the rich promise of Canada's tomorrow (fi. can be fulfilled ... to the. full. ' to any real extent In sport." Mr, Lawrence says. "Girls, hoyever, generally are interested in sport for sports sake and the fun they get oiitof it." For that reason he has tended to spend more and, more time organizing and assisting women's sports clubs and leagues during. the last 10 years. Vpt. "s y.s uuj W1,u i want to kiyj.w, "what's the pay- off."' In 1939., he, helped to form the Edmonton airls Athletic CJukHe, has been secretary of lt . . .1 . . . . I. i ever suite unu vuuay. u iias muxe ; than 49 active members. "Pop" j says.seye.ral of them will be hinting the, sports headlines, con- sisjently before long. Mr. Lawrence, was secretary of the men's, amateur baseball league that played on Edmonton's old Boyfe Street Diamond from 1923 to 1933. And he helped the same position with a girl's baseball club about the same. time. He has been one. of the mainsprings In,, girls' basketball In Edmonton. He was secretary of the Edmontp;! Eskimo girls' team that copped the Alberta intermediate crown in both 1929 and 1930. And he managed an Edmoriton intermediate hockev . ... team that i a went -a to a the Alberta finals in 1930, Frank. Coulson. one of the west's most colorful hotkey mentors, was coach of the, club and in the nets was Earl Robertson o( New York American fame, "Pop's" home has always b? en open to young athletes. " "Nowadays I usually have the chlldren br grandchil dren of the older gang cavorting j around the place' he laughs. And that just suits the man yho i "never ran a race in my life. W. H, Wllllscroft.and his, son-in-law, Johh'calde, are, paying a brief visit, to the city. They arrived by car this morning and are returning home later in the day. cause we Y fXft A fM(T UiMC MKALUjL VVIllJ OVER MONTREAL MONTREAL Syracuse went one game up today by winning the opener of the International tgw flnals over Montreal, 5 to o ' irp . , 'WQ. ladies Hood Team's Two teams High School and People's Store have already entered for a Ladies' Basketball League this winter. At least one more, te am Is expected to be in competition. Organization of the ladies' hoop circuit is' proceeding. r omiies A drunk watched as a man entered the revolving door. As the door swung around a pretty girl walked out. "Darned good trick," he mut d,."but I don't shee how that tMIV uy fYlft cnangeo nooH HIcVi nrf Yaa cVirt fastl" "Where's Miss Lightfoot?" shouted the excited producer, rushing on to the stage at re-1 hearsal. I "I think she's round behind," i ventured one of the chorus. j "I know she Is," roared thei pr6ducer, "But I want to know WHERE she is Dizzy Gob: "I came to see my friend. How's he getting along'" Nurse: "Oh, he's getting along Just fine. Did you wish to see him? He's convalescing now." Dizzy Gob: "That's all rlgh -! don't bother him, I'll Just wait until he's through." 1 MODERATIOJ arc u moderate people, cWlir tr"."" the war with perhaps the least dislocation of -uny, nation actively involved. That is a remarkable tribute both to the overall policies of our- Government ami to the . fundamental wisdom of the Canadian people. And it holds out a glorious promise for the future. BjJt, to make that promise come true in the days ahead we shall have to continue to live up to our principles, of moderation. WV shall have to continue to think, act and live moderately.,1 To give in to tlie natural desire for immediate enjoyment of everything and anything presently in short supply can result only in inflation and disaster. This is not our w;ayt Briefs Jrom Britain YORK, England O) - Headquarters of No. 64 (Northern Reserve) Group, RJV.F., is expected to move shortly, ' from Norton near Sheffield, to Hesllngton Hall, Lord Deramorej York home. . LONDON tf.Lonsest submar , lne telephone cable between 1 Britain and Europe has been laid to Germany since the end of the " war. It runs 200 nautical miles. EDINBURGH IP,' Dr. James Reardon, medical health officer for South Uist and Erlskay for 30 yearst died here. MILDENHALL, Suffolk, England Finders of a 30Q a.d. collection, of R.oman silver, si Ford and G. Butcher have been offered, E1.0QO, ($4j5gqj each by the British Museum. PRESTON BROOK, Cheshire, England Qi Farmer William Fryer, 70, member of Runcorn ruraj district council, was gored to death by a bull. 0? ivy. You can't t;el your beit if your kidneys ireq't working normally. Gin I'ilU help, give relief from Backache, Rheumatic Pain and other symptoms of sluggith kidneys. Your druggist sells Gin Pills oa a satisfaction-or-mohey-back basis. Get a package toJay mt pru ti tbtir merit. ttivlar sit, 40 rUU Economy tilt, 10 PilU "(In Iht VIA. .i or Cm. Pilll) Canada Ias 3' THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM 25im