K. n KM11JU PK 1240 Kilocycles tbject t change) Concert miner Jood Kadio City chestra , ifle .viarch Serenade ' SI Roundup airie Schooner aak Bogart fic Tune C1U- onrt Two targe 3age of Music 3C Ne- , .jourden-s. Orch. r. .j can mpntal ton Charles Or.h News ana im-ratlin (3C J'orecxit and i;n Off Ann le it TURDAY A.M. luiical Clock RC New klodl. for Juniors pn;iTo Devotions idlcv Time be s:-"aj a Mucic ;us..-i Prcram p the Teen Beat e m !C New.; athff Forecast wirin Showcase rf; Album Period j;i Iuf : .ude P.M. !A BJL liA. urdf Concert RlUsa Topical iC News re: ..de 3C Newj and irs: itary Ocw.i to Rio it affit Dally News. That Party ... . The Experts Say - - FRUITS AND VEGETABLES September abundance of fruits and vegetables means a well-stocked larder tor the coming winter'. Many homemakers will Include pickles and relishes in their late preservation program and there 'will be no sense of hoarding as there would have been during the war years. First quality pickles are at- long standing makes PARAMOUNT CAFE Nop at Port Edward, H.C. SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 pjn. Genera Contractor hollow. rubbery pickles. Shriveled pickles may be caused by over-strong brine, too much augai ui tuu swung vinegar. WiUl flnplv nt (hp nrpspnt (.imp t.hero cVinnlrl I be no need to emphasize this point, but a brine that is too weak will make soft pickles. One type of pickle that 1$ usually a success is the chopped y m , if h, mminrnm edsi,fcenentB' wshingling, build fences, remodel your kitchen. ""uoush or move buildings. SATISFACTI0N GUARANTEED . CALL KLUE 610 ana B we will m- i- B03c C54 estimate. ksMBBaN : PRINCE RUPERT flavor milder than the high seasoning usual In tropical countries. Fruit Pickle Here is a recipe for a fruit pickle of chutney type: Fruit Tamale: eight large or 12 medium, ripe tomatoes (three, pounds); three peaches (iy2 cups, chopped); three pears (l2 cups, chopped); three apples talned only by the use of fust (two cuos, chopped); three med quality vegetables or fruits, good ium onions (IVi cups, chopped); vinegar and fine spices. Wilted one cup of celery, chopped; one vegetables make pickles of poor small hot red pepper (two texture and flat flavor. The need' tablespoons, chopped); or six for freshness is particularly true small 'dried chill peppers; two If the vegetables are cucumbers, tablespoons whole mixed pickl- whlch should be pickled with- ln8 sP'ce. v cups of brown in 24 hours of gathering, while vzr, two teaspoons of salt, thev are still firm and crlsn. Tno one cup of vinegar. ciancn, peei ana cnop ioma-toes and peaches. Peel, core and chop pears and apples. Peel and chop celery. Remove stem and seeds from pepper and cut uic inciu! use ui augur ana Ban, srll-pS Unrlnrlin rirlprt chili peppers if used) loosely In a cneesecioih bag. Add spice bag, sugar and salt to vinegar, bring to boiling point and add other Ingredients. Cook uncovered until thickened about 45 mixed variety. Whether it Is minutes, stirring occasionally. called chutney, picaTIlll or chow chow, there Is still the necessity for good vegetables with the right, amount of salt, vinegar and spices. i Chutneys of vegetables and fruits fimmered a long time until reduced to the consistency of jam and seasoned with vinegar and a subtle blfnd of spices are always popular. Mixtures of two or three fruits and vegetables make good chutneys and as many as six are often combined. Apples, plums, peaches, pears, rhubarb, tomatoes, vegetable marrow, turnips, beeU may be used. To these, onions and celery are usually added. Mixed pickle spice, nutmeg and cinnamon give a delicious Remove spice bag; pack pickles In clean hot jars and seal. Yield it about four pints. OFFICERS OF TERRACE P.T. TERRACE Election of officers took place Wednesday evening at a meeting o Ithe Terrace Parent-Teacher Association held in the Orange Hall. The follow- .ng were elected: j President, Mrs. R. de Kergom-meaux. Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Kennedy and Miss Annie Lips. Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. F. Gavan. Conveners H. F. Noakes, Mrs. F. Frank, Mrs. Wold, Mrs. Far-.uam and Miss James. It was arranged that the meet-should be held on the first Thursday of every month. Plans were made for a mem-be ihlp drive. Miss L ns, elementary school piinclpal, 'tressed the need for rn -c bo: v- in 'he school and It J I rooking--;;;,' Whole m mmm Xtr f""' MILK I : -, Vi -an NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P-O. Box 196 iiN.U 1 1 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala l:!fl p.m. (Davllght Saving Time 12 -30 rvince Hupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 pjn. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER; Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West TERRACE Mrs. Nellie Yeomans of Port Essington is visiting with her sister; Mrs. 6. Lambly. During the past few days, the power crew have tyefn busy along the Frank Road putting Into place the poles to be used for the electric light wires, was. decided that Hie supplying of these would be a major project for the year. Mrs. C. Q, McColl of Vancouver, corresponding secretary for the B.C. Parent-Teacher Federation, who Will be attending the annual convention of the B.C. Trustees Association being held next- week In Prince George, will be visiting P.T.A. branches in Vanderhoof, Terrace and Prince Rupert upon her return. As she will be In Terrace on Friday and Saturday of next week, plans were made, to. have a, tea and, meeting In the Skeena Restaurant Friday afternoon in order to extend a welcome to her. FOR SALE Oil-burning kitchen range, Apply 1525 Pigott Ave. (222) FOR SALE 30-ft. troller, Betty. Cheap. 6 h.p. Vivian engine. Phone 582. (222) FOR SALE! 16-ft. Turner-built speed boat( like new. Phone Blue 3G5, after 6 pjn. (222) FOR SALE Stove, bed, water tank, mirror, tent. Apply Enterprise Fruit Store. Phone 343, (224' FOR SALE 200 special-mated New Hampshire chickens, six months old $2.00 each. Shipping charges extra. Leroy'3 Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Sawmill with two-and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, joos, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) WE BUY and Sell new and used Furniture and Hardware, Used hassocks from $2.50. Dressers $1450, Chest of Drawers $9 Stoves for coal and wood $35. Smoking stands $1.25. Dining room sets from $30;.;.Rug 6x10 V2 now $18. 3-plece chesterfield in very good condition $69.50. Ne.w coal and wood stoves, heaters. Scatter rugs from $1.65. Fancy mirrors from $2. See us first, it will pay you. B.C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. (tf) , FOR SALE Petters 5 h.p. Diesel engine and generator, with reostat and all equipment, in good condition; also 2 h.p. gas engine. Buyer must take both. For particulars apply P.O. Box 162. Terrace. B.C. (222) FOR SALE 16" Turner -built speed boat, like new. Phone Blue 365 after 6 p.m. (222) NV L. STASSEN JUNIOR. Bulbgrowers Hillegon. Holland accept orders for ' Individual shipment direct from Holland to you on orders received before September 30. For price lists write P.O. Box 520. Van couver, B.C. FOR SALE 6-hole McClary range, enamel front, 2 wick burner, copper hot water coils. Phone 748 after 6 o'clock. (223) FOR SALE 4 spools second hand trolling gurdles. Phone Blue 191. (222) FOR SALE White Leghorn pul-lets, R.O.P. ready to lay $2. 30 acres of land on highway, schodl on place, $500. Lee Poultry Farm, Kitwanga, B.C. (222) PERSONAL UNCLAIMED bicycles, watches and wallets accumulating at Police Office. Please call. (221) VIOLIN TUITION. For appointments phone Black 120. Mrs. Ellen M. Anderson. (s22) GREY HAIR HANDICAPS YOU, Use Angelique Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color- life. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (222) BANQUET OF MEMORIAL (lathering at Kitzegucla In Honor of Late George Sankey KITZEGUCLA Many guests were in attendance when a banquet was held last Sunday at the the late George Sankey of Port Simpson. The table was skilfully and attractively arranged for the occasion by Mrs. Jones who was assisted by Mrs. Jonathan W. Brown and Miss Phyllis Jones. Arthur Howard opened the banquet with prayer and Moses I Jones, in a spec-Cr, expressed the I sympathy which was widespread for'members of deceased's family r.'ho were here for the affair. Others who spoke in keeping with the theme of the evening were Arthur MpDames, Peter Milton, Chief Malkan, Joseph -.- Classified Advertising i.'fleds: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth NaBce 60c; Cards of Thank. Death notices. Funeral Notice. Marriage and Engagement Announcement; ij. FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room. Apply 806 Fraser St. after 5 pjn. (224) FOR RENT Partly furnished 3-room cottage. Phone Green 626. (221) FOR RENT 2-room apartment, and one sleeping room. Immediate possession. 221 5th Ave. East. Phone Red 807. (222) JIOOM AND BOARD Home away from home. 622 Fraser St. (222) WANTED WANTED Second-hand safe, 14x16 inside capacity. Write Skidegate Inlet Credit Union, Queen Charlotte City. (221) HELP WANTED WANTED Two mechanics for Interior garage. References re quired. State experience and wages wanted. Interviews ar ranged. Only first class men need apply. Reply Box 155 Daily News. (tf) WANTED Reliable housekeeper for family of 2 adults and 2 children. No heavy laundry or waxing. Large private room. $G0 a month. Phone Red 879. (tf) HELP WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework afternoons. 109 5th Ave. West. (3tt HELP WANTED Mother's helper from about 2 to 8. Five days a week. Phone Red 879. (tf) HELP WANTED Girl to mind two year old child, afternoons, 949 3rd Ave. West. (222) MACHINERY ro SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Pmited. Vancouver hi; " LOST READING Glasses In brown case Saturday evening. Please phone 355. (tf) LOST Person who returned los; wallet to Dally News is requested to return gold earring It contained. (223) MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS at the lowest rates Vi of 1 interest per month No Other Charges You renav by Monthly Instalment G 9 12 18 24 rash pay- pay- pay- pay- payroll mt' in"ts m't m'ta m'ts tH INC'l.l II1M1 1NTKKKST .MI S tUXjS .1.11!) Ml U.'.il 8..'.4 11101 1.!G MO 21.44 .1001 MI.88 RO0 84.79 tto;i7.i 11.3!) 1J.08 34.17 r.fi.94 3,42 i,ooo:i(!)..s;ii3.8: i 4.301 i ;.4.-.l I 8.;n 1 12.90;$ 8.131 25.811 17.4fil-.13.28 43.(2 29.10 22.14 (S4.B3 43.6.1 33.20 8(i.04 58.191 44.27 Ijir-er loans at proportionate (. Endorsers are not necessarily re-, quired. See the manager or accountant of your nearest B of M branch. BANK OF MONTREAL C20 TENTS - PACK SACKS TRAPPER NELSON PACKBOARDS ' t WATERPROOF GROUND SHEETS PROTECT YOUR LUGGAGE WITH CANVAS COVERS Edmondson Awning and Sail Works 330.SECOND AVENUE P.O. Box 302 : PHONE 632 Wesley, Samuel Wesley. Fann? Milton and Arthur Howard. The guests included John Sankey, Chief Herbert Russell, Joseph Brown, Alfred McDames, Moses L. Brown, Douglas Wesley and Jonathan Brown. LOTS OF COAL SYDNEY, Australia B Aus tralia's coal resources are be-1 home of Mr. and Mrs..Moses W. l11 be suf?lcitl ! Jones In honor of the. memory of mated to possess 13,700,000,000 800 years. The country is esti-tons of unmined coal and 38,-500,000,000 tons of lignite. BRISTOL, Eng., TThe first consignment of port wine to reach Bristol since the war has been unloaded. ! AW I; t ..... It Sour Stomach, Headache, Indigestion, too! Sake alive, good lady! Here's the thing to do- Tale a sparkling, cleansing dash of Abbey's Salt first thing tomorrow morning. See how the gentle, regulating action of Abbey's helps to"clean you up Inside". It acts to neutralize the acid excess that Is so often the cause of stomach upset, sick headache, biliousness and other digestive disorders. When nature needs a little help try a dash of Abbey's . . . PLEASANT AND EASY TO TAKE BEFORE BREAKTAST INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R.E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING NIGHT CLASSES Teacher, MRS. HILL (W.C.T.) PHONE RED 284 Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bui. Blue 14ft Res. Red 127 Ask for George Prince Uuucrt Daflp I3cto3 Friday, September 20, 1946 The Quality Tea M SALADA ORANGE FEK0E Stratford... Two-Tone Pens $1.70 THE DEPENDABLE, PEN FOR SCHOOL DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK phone r,i: Phone Red 319 Box 1308 'HOUSE OF FINE All Interior and Exterior Work Builders, and Painters Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman - S. Julian Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. THIRD AVENUE We are here to serve you and guarantee you yrill be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS FOODS" P.O. Bix 174 P.O. Box 1464 Gveen & Kermode Free Estimates and Prompt Service 0 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD LIMITED PLACE TO BUY' You Could Go Wrong . . . But not with the genuine La-Z-Boy Chair. Ideas can be copied but La-Z-Boy principles simply can't be imitated. THERE IS ONLY ONE LA-Z-BOY Exclusive Features: Self-adjusting and automatic. Stays put at the required COMFORT ANQLE. Seat comes forward as back, reclines. Quiet, smooth and noiseless operation. Quality-built throughout. LA-Z-BOY with STOOL $78.50 and up Phone 775 : 327 Third Ave. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS . FROM 11 AM. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISnES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 183 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST i- I