'Jivie IT.' -t. ms -unpl I kn t PI drhtc Rupert Daily JSruis Wednesday, December 11, 1946 ANNETTE'S LEAD LADIES' LEAGUE With three straight wins over Iric-ai Cleaners and an aggregate score of 2,679, Annette's were at the top in iast night's "A" league bc?ling. However, the highest I? nd total was 'bowled by Savoy Swingers, who ran up 2,699 but York voted th trophy by accla-Q-y-y ,vo v ., ,,0 0f their thrrs 'motion for the first time in the oeires asfainU Variety Store. Big -Sier'. won three games over To'lers. with an aggregate score of 2,152. Game scores: , Annettes 3, Ideal Cleaners 0. D', Sister 3, Toilers 0. Sjvoy Swingers 2, Variety 0. ; Miller Bay 2, Moose 1. . IP3AL GLEANERS &fcinirit 161 125 V. Suden 143 67 -Ri SM&n ,i 140 55 T- '!.-,..- J39 1?,3 iCampagnoia 129 172 Ji" '-!$'., 23 23 - - Ratals 73V 580 Sfr.:gomery 118 153 Eolith ISO 137 MaAIillan 166 223 0 -tfa3iower 180 171 Diifcens 106 183 Handicap 43 43 Totals .,. 793 910 T31LHi- Smith ...M. Ill 92 IcharrtP,: 1C5 110 P.lsnzies i 123 126 Ellison . 80 Hill 123 99 UcLeod 117 118 80 160 167 155 28 708 180 ICQ ! ' 195 204 j 127! 43 976, 123 104 112 118 110 THIS AND THAT Mi fMi mm The C.cttrft Mttllicw AJjmi 5r-nk, lav. "Gee, boss. It's sure swell of you to take rae hunting." 9 i Robz:z::. ,04 . 90 152 yi4t.wJ-i 1IO xi j Lew gone 103 113 1131 IJAwMaap W. ljl 11 Tfltak 735 '725 343 VARIETY SJ-p'rtE Fcasty 230 1,6 203 Lykegaard 124 147 137 II. MelHnnon 131 210 144 Cambria" ,129 125 111 McLean 181 134 174 Handicap 96 96 36 Totals 891 833 835 SAVOY VFhee 170 253 224 McLecd '.. 177 114 ,85 Basso-Brt 2io 130 174 Menzies 128 150 119 M:Callum 144 181 224 Handicap 42 42 42 Totals 871 C0.7 fl8 1 tfj m BR P.O. HOX 98 P sJm II II 1 II II -! & SPORTING GOODS AIEN HARDWARE PHONE :i SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 3"i P-O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert ISHORT 'SPORT Joe Louis, for his record-'.reV-'.ra ni-ai cf boxing, was awarded the Edward J. Neil Memorial award as the man whq did the most for sport five years ago today. The Boxing writers' Arsaciation :f N?w iur years was awaraea. Mels Siewort, veteran hc;key battier, ended i brief retirement seven year ago by scoring a steal for New York Americans 15 seconds after stepping onto the ice for his first .N.H.L. jiame of the year. It was the 318th goal of his career. Ha retired at the close of the 1939- 49 jrsason. Handicap 90 90 93 Totals 632 G33 630 BIG SISTERS " Gomez 1G6 149 129 Bond 142 142 186 Pttwas 145 72 174 Rothwell 151 132. 133 Alexander 43 73 37 Handicap 96 96 96 Totals 743 057 743 MOOSE Taylor 153 109 11C Hilton 121 103 113 Irvine - 103 124 174 Erickson 142 182 206 Morrison 113 101 1G9 Handicap 75 75 75 Totals 704 694 853 KILLS3 BAY Peterson 201 91 121 lesfer CIGARETTfES JI TSl ThWH TM II II II II II IU III 11 II MMMlUUliaiMllL AND 7T7) IT. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHINCE RUPERT, B . 'C . PARTS AND SERVICE DEPOT CHRYSLER DODfiE PLYMOUTH S I)E SOTO DODfiE AND FARGO TRUCKS TAXI DOWNS SAVOY IN CLOSE GAME With a biti.i.is .avoy squad hounding them ell the way, 93 Taxi Jui'.vhr to a 3-52 win in last iii'hl's basketball tussle. The game was full of crowd appeal with both teams playing bang-up basketball. A total of 26 personals and two tschnlcal fouls were handed out by referees Ala Bill and Boyo Gurvich. Ke?3lng rigiit up to the taxi men, Savoy's cais to the first i w.Lafiicri itru jr,iLii biicti '.'.iva;.a at lf-14. In (he second quarter t9 sot a 5-5oint jump on .hc hoteinien to bring the half tbne sccrs to 30-85 for the cabber6. Once a.",tin, ja the third quarter Savoys l".f.t rlfbt up to 99 br.l'i Lc.ms nettijig 17 points. With tlw cj;no or the game "gcttiinr more fufioui in the last minutes cf nlay1 tempers wer getting shorUr and sherter. And at one .iaint in the game, time was called white the two team'' "corjtd off." This Just-went to make the game that mtch more ' ' ' Interesting As a ."' --'t the came, only the B.C. Pacl-ers !s left to b'enl-- D3 Taxi's tiii'.nterrupted string of ! wins. . I'm tar.t frmc of the first half is lo lie slaved this Saturday rtjgl. Ttorn ae:t fuesdav night the 99 AU-Stpps will battle with a v'sltln?: team frcm New Met- ".W -T. Artiey 12," M. If i' es'pd 12 D Iarray, J. Davlj 10. E. HftHjran 8. D. Arney 2, R. HoiVestnd 4. p.. Vuckovitch 4. Tral-52. 93 TAXI n. Hounon 6, S. Domlnato 9 ,T. Lindsay 21, A. M-cPhrp 5. g. nvnon 14, G. Viereek. E. Clausen 4. Total 59. Port -Ed ward Hefrats Co-op The Senior "U' m;x-up showed t-o vry ag?resivo teams fight-irj.pf a win withPort Edward emerging victors by a narrow 43-13 .margin over a ' .battling Co-on qu'.ntet Th' canneryman stalled TiNU out dtsohying the same type of ar-jrefsive bsM p'-aying that had won their first ame for brm Fiturd'ay nlrrht against Macey's. It caught the Co-op boys nf'WD-n? and let Port Edward cane into the end of the first quarter on the far end of a 17-9 score. In the second quarter Co-cp came right back allaying the still 3 noints behind with th? jSihalf t'me score bsing 28-20 for uie put of town team. The third quarter showed an INCOME TAX Returns Prepared -.' See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Aye. Phone 88 HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing UELLAMY & TWEED 401 McBride JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Irvpn more aggressive Co-op I tasm puteeore Port. Edward al-1 though sum -tt.King d points to ! sven '.he game up. This 5 point advantage was held by Port Ed-I ward throughout the last quarter t'orir.jing the game to an end U-S-53 .with Port Edward on the 1 Jong end )f the scrre. CO-OP-3?iixiscxx 11, Shcppard T, ., vi , uu v. Mrazm H flJ!. U" tr . r L.LXtiAttuj. uurney 19, A- Stevens 10. C. Clayton 14, i VI. Mcvrn 4, ,C. Barton, A. Le- 1 T Rtpywg, Albert Stevftn, I . H M 'JJpil. Total 4(1. i H,i Uins ' o-M-Hi Ha itl:dS i:sx.tr-'4 Siwct Bivbtw .31-8 ... in ihWW fe?v9. TMa u Itie 'ipwapt' " af ooaH imu Mi t " sp'tc ttjr w-sfck-d tfiose tit jvpb ff-t mi intMMrt-T-Utii artm' far ilia gjua m Isuir Cu.li-4ii) w4tto 10 point t iiw !T of Uve Orat half n-a- the sfare .was ,4-4. With -w ij -'.nml fouls beint handed out by referee Don Hnrtwlg the game was nottre-ab!y "clean." In the second half Bo-Me-Hl ?enllv went wild netting 20 noints to their haplesi ornoiwit' 4. Hrln?ins th full " t!ne wore to "54-8. Gsod '. rt'nisn.shio was displayed when so inexperienced a team took a less sc good-natur-cdlv. espsrlally when lack of experience ! was made uu for by enthusiasm. jh RAINEUU3S B. Haillton 2, Thaln 4. Rudinich 10, N. Bill, "r K. p !e, Hrwe. A. Hamilton 8. N. Yourman 6 TlioniDSon 4. Knnr'y. Total 34. PWE2T SIXTEEN Simooson 2, Wendle, Ourrie 4 L. Young-man. I. KlldPl. Hithins. Duma n 1. J. Macintosh, McKin-Total 8. flyro Juniors Heat Grotto In the Junior gaa a vastly superior Gyro equad tock a hap-'.? - Cuotio Uam for a 38-2t --uneiug. pisplayin v?r oiaeth teamwork tt G rc hat n lasy time overcoming a lors vsying Gi-oito agsr.-eation WUh the score standing a a: the ind of the lirst half f 18-13 for Gyro, the winners put evsn mar -i.p into their playing to increase their lead by a sizeable amount High men for '.he night were l'-h!er and HauTan of dvro with '3 -nd 11 points each. Vith Ds-Montjcmeiy handing out a fa!-mjunt of fouls .i.h te:ims wsr astonished by the c;tual num b-'r 23. This win leavo? Gyro in undisputed leadership of the Junior lefue. CaOTTO-B. Currle 1, J. Hefeb 6, S.- Younsrr.an 4, A. Owsr 7 M. Webster. R. Anderson 2, B. Vndenon 2. Watsan, Johnson. Adclph. Total 21. GYBO-Schier 13, Haugan 11. P. Sch;rk 7. Moore 3. Sanberg, S. Scherk, Oonald'son. Total 38. In New York, an Italian was being examined In court after applying for citizenship. He answered correctly questions as to the name of ihe President and the Capital of the United States. Then came thhC.I "Could you become President1 of the United States " j "No," was the reply. j "Why not " persisted the official. ! "You pleasa excuse," begged the Italian. "I very busy rluht now sella de peanuts." Hollywood Cafe ruirtuii KUI'KIIT ,S, UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO C A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - T p.m. (o 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES WE CATER TO cnop SUEY FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS TIIONE !: 73 5 THIRD AVENUE WEST Gift FOR THE YOUNG . . . Ricycles - Wagons Roller Skates - Shis Scooters - Kiddy' Cars A small deposit will hold any article till Christmas. Mrllride Street ;T r r CTAnMC 1 CAA J 3 I U K Pi J START IN CANADA ! PALIAS, Texas, iAP) Pedigreed Texas northers begin In A:'.-:' '.a, .vhh dt.viuilie middle-v.f:tcrn flairs and charge Into I ::rs through the Panhandle. A norther without that Uncage i.: - , :,.:rt it have nave th: tnj oia vim anc po ''fa champion. B t to di'-iel a part of this norther mytiv northers aren't !:)d ;enoi:s to Te'sas. A. M. Ham- rick herd ci the United States v;,,i hf-'hii..H t rn. irt all states'had them, only they 'rll then cold waves. In the Dakolas they're sometime bliz- .. ,1.. FiittheuDor. it's ooen season V ; or rround on n-jrthcrs. Jn t'"'1 -:ilng thev'ie called coo! sji?Us. - f k a Uncap, there's noth-in else Quit like that day in Hie lati vkeii a yeHew tlnue c4cj th air, a blue bank I la, s in -ttie sfer to tile iwrWi rrx! rn ley wind starts wh!p?ig Hi-1 leave?- flaw tbe stawts. It's-. 1:!ov!r- is a fetee norUur. j TeThnirrMy, that fffMew tinge I crtr.es fr;ra daat jsrUeiee stir- i -'t! v;-'fa-t the advance wlods, ' -aniing in the tun PTOUitt the ; dark backrdqu, Mamriak ex- j ;M-.v-d. Th:l He bank isnutb- hr.W "!n over Oklahama or ! Or maybe :t's to?en hot and ! ni Id. The air Ts ot.'U. Then a i distan rtrnle of thunder breaks Into a clap overhead and rain canoe sweeping dr .ai the road. pu:hcd fty a wind from the north. It's a wet norther blus tfrirg into tevn. "All weather lu he northern hemisphere. . moves sooner or later in an easterly direction," Kornrkk .rld, pohit ivj to a maze of concentric circles, wavy lines and yellow spots on a map. The circles, mcstly elongates 33 Grotto yj 121 ft) ! CIGAR STORE and Retail Tobacconist CJOOI) SITPIM.V OF MF"S SUNDRIES SMALL QUANTITIES ROLLS KAZOKS KONSON LIGHTENS Make Your Choice Early Sec "li?r"or,,Hid" NEWEST AND MOST A SPECIALTY PA R T I 10 S CHOW MEIN 7 O Rrmnnlier Ihe Civic Elrrtion Dec. 12. Vle as yon like . . . but VOTE! PHONE 311 I and never uniform, came from a high preasupe area, .which, the weatherman adde, waa a mass cf dry air .'tfgoatfd ever one area so fong that it took on fno aspects cTTIie weather of that area. That's why northers fo:! in Canada or Alaska, where snnv and Ice abound. "Sooner or later," the weath erman went on, "the rotation or ths earth starts movln; the hieh pressure area east, and low nres-sure areas to the routh star; drawing the cold air." Low pressure areas are trouah j between '.he high psessure hlH.s At)d a push from a wind from th "rth' and ihcT;ol2 wtve ts to Jexas, maybe. If the winds from ul" are wt, H get deflected. Any cold front coming frcm west of the Hccky Mountains expends itself getting over the Rockies and is a Aveikflng when it geU to Texas. As for cold fronts ortginaing east of us, w get only the backwash and sometimes not even that. Northers take from 84 hours to threed8ys, to get dswn fram Medicine Hat or Edmonton i Alberta. Advertise In the Dally Nexs Tn C We have taken over all or-it-were placed with S. E. Paikc: policy of lillinK the oldest o will be open for inspection t to see where he stands on ':. 3rd BOB PARKER LIMI1I FORP ANP MONAD H OEAtEf Al'fllllk iLiinnrL m Ar uu l t nn n r h tr m-M m-M m i a a jm i" & a a v fl m . II n n (II I I 'I Ml I 1 1 lu I Mil IK A. M I.Vnler in Cf'M'if l MUTOUS I'rm ii u.m.M. iiki was and tuilKK REPAIRS Tn0s xm v.MTlNf. FOR "S AM) DIKSIX and. IttAd'Olt KIT A IKS Kn in i nu r repairs and its rjRIIAII2PIAA I II llllll llilMllhlE11 Mill i dm i i vnim 1 Uv-ii I TkK A 1 I j RIDD .mirM n it'" ' Ik'" fi,l.i., ..tt: il.. r.ittn l hi l Inn IS DM wiling uic jiisjii up unu me i"'"-""" - tk sin fir KlvUrd ( krpn vour orders HI B vanre to clvc us Hie lies! possible chance l Jim Mipplirtl. n f . lava r n , a nMPi. W II flllrl A i?l I CM II h I LI Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND m.TILDINCJ MATKRl' SLIP POUT II A I) 10 AUCTION" NEW CONSTRUCTION ' (zdczd q g Builders and Contractors i itr rr 4 Mir f i i n m ii i i i ii r r. . l i i in Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUHWiu PACKED, CRATED. STORED AND SIB? TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA I 01! OUICK EFFICIENT. CAREFUL AND SERVICE P n LINDSAY'S 60 or REX CAFE ....niTr .niKRB PRINCE SECOND AVENUE, unuoi.u a !m Chop Stiey I IDIIIIll. mm v ViC CENT? MA IV MTt- 1 I ,R1 1lfnv... 111 F I 111 V3.. 7 I 1 i. vs. ITf Ihn... MtEIJMrAM T-i - 1 C-( Orott Cijarstof, i unadtan !; HICKS FRASERH ... Cliow W' n.lnrsi- DliI"" m,r Open 6 bjii m 2 a-"' rllONK l'-"1 lull' WILL llR COPY EARLY ApVERTISINO