IPriitfc Uunert Oailg r3ctus Friday. November 8. 1948 CEDRIC MAH WAS SCARED four hundred and thirty-three million dollars in currency. The crew -was prepared to jump mil managed to get the plane over safely. ,.T . , 1 Cedric Mah -was on ' a huntlnir uu "I was never so scared in my tH f rvorw, . . life,- This from an ordinary per- i ffiSSS ?Sri5fiK? son may not be noteworthy bu; from Capt. Cedric Mah it is a different story. Cedric Mah -was pilot of a transport plane for two years flyjng supplies over the Himalayas from India to China during the war. It was he who ordered his crew to jettison everything movable from the plane when it became iced and was losing altitude over the humo imeo wun shot gun shells. He was leaning against an electric wall switch when one of the sheMs exoloded harmlessly. It was then that he was never so scared In his life. Captain Albert Mah. Cedric's brother, was also a pilot and he flew behind the Japanese lines 80 miles from Canton City and carried out his sister to safety. mere are five Mah brothers, and, with everything else, went all born in Prince Rupert. a Complimenting your Outfit, PURSES from WALLACE'S: Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM II AM. TO 6 A-M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A St'ECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PIIONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 Cold Weath ner s Around the Corner... Get the most out of your coal thls winter by putting your furnace in shipshape condition. And get the most heat out of your furnace by filling your bins with our coal. Order now and fill up for winter. Our clean quick service Is well known. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) LADIES LEAGUE BOWLS SCORES Revenuers and Watts and Nickerson Show up Well The Revenuers piled up a grand total of 2,337 last night to take the top scoring honors 'in ladles' "B" league bowling while Peoples Store followed them closely with 2,343, for the three game aggregate. Watts and Nickerson led on games with three straight victories over Khatadas. Game scores were: Watts and Nickerson 3, Khatadas 0. Revenuers 2, Atlin 1. W.P.T.B. 2, Dockettes 1. Peoples Store 2, Co-op 1. Bankers 2, Whirlwinds 1. ATLIN I. Neilson 142 187 129 F. ThcmDson 191 87 130 P. Viktil 107 87 101 M. Flynn 166 122 185 jG. McNeill 128 135 107 'Handicap 93 93 93 Totals 827 711 745 REVENUERS R. Andersen 98 G. Stangeby 127 K. Reid 101 D. Peachey 143 E. Hcntz 163 Handicap 106 Totoals Z i W.P.TJ3. ' I Sandhals . B. McChesney A. Holkestad E. McCronk .... "Handicap 118 192 135 128 102 153 91 150 202 156 106 10S 743 754 89p 86 91 117 . 73 99 118 !M. Johnson 106 112 133 135 133 149 143 143 101 147 147 147 a Totals 690 730 763 " DOCKETTES R- Christenscn .... 114 131 146 E Osterberg 89 128 83 i F. Hallgrinsen 150 103 141 M. Montgomery .. . 107 108 95 E. Anderson 185 170 187 Handicap .., 87 87 87 M. Shrubsall t22 112 93 Hockey Standings The league standing: Toronto 4 Montreal 3 Boston 2 New York 3 Chicago 3 j Detroit 2 2 1 20 18 10 2 2 18 13 8 4 2 23 18 3 1 4 21 24 7 1 3 25 23 7 2 5 26 37 6 Meat Rationing May End Before New Year OTTAWA, 9i Government sources said that an estimate that meat rationing would be abolished before 1947 was possibly .correct although It was still too early to say definitely when. The forecast was made at Wlnni- S. Johnson . B. Rudderham D. Simonson M. Stewart 82 C. Birdley 144 B. Paulsen 68 Handicap 92 Totals 755 KHATADAS A. Turcotte 60 109 153 100 65 110 93 187 134 104 90 82 116 150 A. Grimble 95 125 162 B. Payne 205 124 125 H. Watrin 101 123 129 M. McRae 120 107 102 Handicap 133 133 133 Totals- 714 728 759 WATTS & NICKERSON M. Gross 155 125 219 D. Wrathall 141 195 2C1 C. Noble 131 143 110 N. Munthe 104 89 78 A. Wrathall l&o 114 Handicap . 63 63 Totals 784 729 BANKERS D. Smith 93 144 J. Thornton 183 177 S Usick 157 124 M. Amadio 75 81 Fine Wood for Sale! NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 14-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 11-Inch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut I $6 per cord FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMMONS TRANSFER Phone Blue 739 Night Phone: Black 665 P.O. Box 1131 Station B Office: Frederick Street Chrysler! Mopar! Chryco! Automotive Parts and Accessories Distributed by: BUILT BY CHRYSLER RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our ipeclaltj. Open 6 ajn. to 2 am. PHONE 173 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. 123 !63 794 100 175 157 63 B Laird 143 129 128 Handicap 101 101 101 Totals 763 756 724 WHIRLWINDS E. Cowglll 171 A. DeMacre 93 M. Postuk 109 E. Morse 180 E Mennell 103 Handicap 90 Totals 751 98 100 123 87 160 185 192 133 120 100 90 90 783 605 SHORT SPORT Totals 732 732 736 CO-OPS Dr. John C. Maynard, 48, one J- Clark 145 92 12C I of the ereatest halfharks in Can adian football history, died suddenly in Toronto eight years ago last night. Born Jn Stratford, Ontario, Maynard was twice captain of University of Toronto teams -which won intercollegiate honors. Larry Gains, Toronto Negro and British Empire heavyweight champion, scored a two-round technical knockout over Alexander Lutz, British challenger, in London 18 years ago today. Gains relinquished the empire title to Jack Peetersen three years later. '- ITCH CHECKED tnaJiYft or Monty Bak in pkts ana otncritrhj McMEEKIN'S LEAD MIXED BOWLING ffnlr!ne a ni f 1 rt tr n c "Kg JS 2 S emerged from Wednesday night's lotau 738 647 mixed bowling league session PEOPLES STC:u wjtn (nree Wins eacn McMeek- C. Bellamy 174 143 149 ms defeating the Atomics while war las 230 163 Midgets shut out the Pushovers, McMeeklns also ran up the highest cegregate score of 3.189. 135 149 wltn team scores" of 1,257, 963 83 92 ' and 964. Pirates followed closely tsuo 18 with an aggregate of 3,182 with team scores of 1,175, 1,048 and 116 1 03 1 959. Game standings: McMeeklns 3, Atomics 0. Midgets 3, Pushovers 0, Pirates 2, Llpsett 1. Rockets 2, Co-op 1. King Pinners 2, Head Pin ners 1. CO-OP O. Rudderham H. Astoria 169 E. Schild 188 A. Astoria 184 B. Rudderham .... 119 S. Mintenko 198 Handicap 70 Totals 1054 ROCKETS G. Mostad 170 D. Evans 165 E. Cameron 148 G. Wynn 131 B. Lindsay 119 I. Cameron 152 Handicap Totals READY KILOWATTS M. Sylvester 100 87 150 F. Da foe 233 -31 147 H. Mauehn 64 123 59 J. Yurich 156 166 183 D. McLean 126 116 151 R. McLean 220 261 140 Handicap 132 132 132 Totals 1031 1016 957 THISTLES Mrs. Wm. Davidson 90 79 138 J. Davidson 250 172 153 Mrs. D. Owens .... 71 67 68 D. Owens 94 151 92 Mrs. J. Thompson 119 256 201 J. Thompson 193 190 143 Handicap 149 149 149 Totals 966 1064 944 PIRATES C. Hinton A. Hinton M. Burnle . R. Burnle W. Slater .. A. Slater .... Handicap ... Totals Hales of Guelph, chairman of the rnrf;,i. d?d". Vrkcrip??- nr!?l?i- " Hamilton national divirion of the Retail ffiJfe?'i" ! fcur "" vL-i" Meat noaW Acclotlon . todav r Do n KA7JKi:SUi "a,u" 126 108 139 124 178 109 9b 117 101 142 139 213 221 70 70 883 946 119 198 113 160 130 127 193 246 183 106 244 165 104 104 104 989 11086 1106 134 73 230 156 175 117 161 236 142 130 139 201 135 130 194 139 99 106 . 239 242 197 1 94 94 94 1175 1048 959 LIPSETTS F. Gilmour 141 B. Gilmour 194 I. Hanson 143 H. Hanson 120 P. Elkins 206 B. Elk!ns 99 Handicap 139 Totals. 1042 PUSHOVERS C. Whatman 159 J. Warren 130 C. Michie 182 C. Barrie 167 C. Scharfe 123 M. Scharfe 120 Handicap 81 Totals 962 155 135 139 180 85 151 130 102 142 139 158 204 139 139 948 1050 14ft mi 95 143! 153 158 126 108 131 174 107 161 81 81 ! 841 1011 154 162 154 166 130 216 E. Freeman 153 224 230 R. Anderson 161 158 105 D. Mackay 169 125 159 Handicap 31 31 31 Totals 989 976 1069 McMEEKINS B. Wick 239 179 140 E. Hintz . .' 230 1400 200 B. Wlndlc 155 178 195 I. Wick 178 116 105 T. McMeekin "... 212 125 125 A. McMeekin 178 165 130 Handicap 65 65 65 Totals 1257 968 904 ATOMICS Y. Grant 116 138 51 E. Whiting 102 110 13Lt j. rayior vz iuo A. Halg 132 144 118 M. nvnn 116 141 121 J. Naylor - 144 116 116 Hanu.cap - 191 191 191 Totals 931 932 896 KINO PINNERS A. Pierce 180 131 128 S. Comadina 144 185 168 L. McLatchee 151 122 121 W. McLatchee ...... 144 180 166 K. Davidson 140 108 105 N. Klnslor 172 163 231 Handicap 61 61 61 Totals 922 950 980 HEADPINNERS N. Withers 215 166 152 B. Withers 209 191 163 E. Murray 123 172 146 R. Smith 192 153 139 V. Wrathall 148 138 J. Comadina 178 185 Handicap 10 10 Totals 1075 1015 Classified Advertising Pays! 104 186 10 906 Port Alberni Buys Fire Truck Here The Royal Canadian Air Force fire engine from the Seal Cove seaplane base has been sold by the War Assets Corporation to the city of Alberni for a reported price of $2300. Arrangements are now being made to ship the machine to the West Coast of Vancouver Island lumber city. For clean, comfortable, good-looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in qualify and low price 4 for 10ff 12 for 25c" Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer. Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: But Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George TODAY AND SAT. dAVID O. SUiNICK INC.RID BERGMAN, r,I)IY,Anr nnn,rl vjul,uwii rt:ur AIFRFD HiTnirnrrc 'SPELLBOUND' A KUMCK INTtKNATIONAl PICTl'KE COPWM Mat . - ijli, V CARTOOX "TIIF Dl .r.. SPECIAL KIDS SHC Friday 4:30 Sati 12 WALT DISNEY'S 7C YL:l ONUVY VY flMZ ANDth Seven Dwarfs7 GIVE THE KIDS A THE ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RS D-: D i D ill r I INUfJCK uowe v.oiie ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE We buy . . . Pcrfc.x Hccr Bottles Hottlcs 4 Phone B! ALL Sir; Whiskey, Gir Wine Boti PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERYICI A COASTAL CHARTER SKUVICF. HY SITBMU FLYING IJOAT "'Ha Ida OiW - HPASSDtl MONDAYS-Vancouver to Prince Rupert Direct TUESDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver vU QkI lottc Islands. I WEDNESDAYS Vancouver to Prince Ruprt "I Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart and I Anyox, Alice Arm and Request Points. FRIDAYS Prince Rupert to Vancouver Dinct SPECIAL CHARTERS ARRANGED FOI PAKSFvm-ns An FREIGHTING 3 Types and Slies ol AIRCRAFT to S M From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to 4.000 a G. H. STANBRIDGE, Agent P.O. Box 1249 rnono , ALL THREE FLOORS NOW OPEN BURSTING WITH A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF TOP QUALITY HOME MERCHANDISE GORDON & ANDERS ON "THE LARGEST STORE, IN NORTH CENTRAL B.C." INVITES YOUR INSPECTION AND PATRONAGE TWO NEW FLOOR1 We SLoriresL vnn nifikn. no tloltiM hi rnnr flirislirius Shopn FURNITURE - HARDWARE GLASSWARE - CROCKER WALLPAPER BEDDING "EVEHYT HI N G FO It T II E II O JU K "