News Items... XOTIf ,.A nn thC afternoon - ,1VK .... incai rations ..hfMMcBrldc day or ,r 5nort, , i pprrault the Coquitlam yu vt.-in .,wn inry idencc. to the city on Adelaide last nljht Hip to Victoria Tonight. Civic I returned to the quaru thi morn-ending week at formerly rc- 1 5hc ;;, British Amcri-iescntativc. sailed i on the yoquiwam 1 . ,.lti'itnt or the uwiiMp' :b oi Hit- Bank of 1 a nassenccr journal" ww- e a Vancouver well known .rtation man, was ikjra the Coqult- ; ,Kuunh to Van- ier inp ri Stewart to Fort ;) on the (rsm the north ..i tomorrow eve- :;- us Uic vital ;.i!!cm i ac in" j :i en to near t n IF r Ovif Centre on at 8 p.m. (270) ! --ih T nilllni'. u ammanacr oi . .tay and Mrs. n ast evening's i ;s at Ccdarvalc, iff Hazpltnn and ray expect to be Says .ftrcift in ' n i pn imn in in i nir nn L'n I " .J QIUII ... M Mr... V1 .v I linn I. . m nj. i .aim Tiirlrfu n nnor Welcome Home ; Centre. Nov. 22, to and Home Cook- w 23. au Bazaar. vaviIVUiai 7M wr 30, nni, rujr.ii .n l) Bazaar, Dec. 5 "vie centre. 1 and home cooking A morci,.'.. inn j ii. 1 5 Dec 12, rcsiHjnsiblc for -wred by Audrey Wilfcrd Banbury J. II. Black, Capitol Theatre manager, returned to the city on vne rrmcess Aaeiaiac last i night Irom a trip to Vancouver where he attended a conference of theatre managers. A SKATES SHARPENED- New factory methods, hollow-ground, mirror finish. Mac Shoe Hospital, Second Avenue. (271) Constable and Mrs. Eric Turtle left this afternoon on the Co-qultlam for Vancouver where Constable Turtle has been transferred to the Burnaoy detachment ef the, provincial police. Constable Turtle has been attached to the city force here for the last two years. Legion W, A. Bazaar, Wed. 2:30 p.m. Home Cooking, Sewing and Raffles, Bthgo and Games in the evening. Legion Hall 3rd Ave. (270) Constable and Mrs. II. D. Johnstone of Stewart, arrived in the city tills morning, Constable Johnstone having been transferred to the city detachment of the provincial police here after being posted for a short rjcriod at the Portland Canal town. IVxhard Nelson, president of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., ar- rived In the city on the Princess Adelaide last night from Vancouver to pay a brief visit to the company's operations at Port Edward and sailed by the Co-qultlam this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Aid. C. W. liudderham, who has been on a two months' va cation trip East, which included a visit to his native home at Sydney, Nova Scotia, as well as at Boston, Chicago and other Amcrjcan cities, returned home on the Princess Adelaide last night. He attended the World Scries baseball games between Boston and St. Louis. By KAY REX Canadian rir.s Blall Writer POTATOES ARE BACKBONE -Sure and the Irish lovp their spuds,- but other persons like them loo, and in Canada almost everyone includes them at least once In the dally diet. Totatocs form the base of many a satisfying supper dish and home economists have come t., -in a mow rrrvno u'hlcll . iiw n hi c ... t-w - Canadian potato-tatcr?. Potato Secrets: Six large po tatoes; one cup ground cooked meat; one cup giavy or cream sauce; half a teaspoon onion ju'.cc; half a cup cooked carrots, finely chopped; salt and pepper to taste. Method: Wash and scrub potatoes and bake in a moderately hot oven until soft. Then mix meat, gravy, seasonings and parrots, cut slices from broad sides of potatoes and scoop Jut potatoes leaving unbroken sncns Mash potatoes and add necessary seasoning and a little top milk. Pile the well-whipped potato mixture Into the shells which already have been half-filled with meat. Reheat in oven until the potatoes arc lightly browned and the filling hot. Tills Quantity serves six. ANOTHER DISH-Wlth potatoes ctill in mind here's another supper dish calculated to tempt the family. Potato Cheese rJoufflc: Two cups mashed potatoes; one cup .jmi bbh v w m ft 1111 1, 1 IV IVJLI1J.1W ui " jk . ' v . J-l , O i. UHAJ, ' rnrna Or UANAJJA Ai'L' QUICK llr,,,.. - . tun nl-ltAttl.K " 'iiUfiNT, UAlir.r mil -'-' SERVICE Phonp 1 Thirtc a vc an fiR ollMAr.r.rl C pRlNCE MirERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT ULL. COURSE MEALS . HtOM 11 A.M. TO 6 AJV1. nner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CIIINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY " ATER TO PARTIES Ctl0l' SITP.V nnnw MF.IN F0R wtside orders rnoNE lin 155 THIRD AVENUE WEST 168 INJURED AS CHICAGO TRAMS COLLIDE IN FOG--When two .elevated trains collided in heavy fog on Chicago's South Side, 168 parsons were injured and dozens miraculausly escaped death. Police and rescue workers are shown carrying one of the injured passengers away for treatment. Both trams were northbound, one crashing-into the rear of the preceding train, telescoping several coaches. Boy Uninjured In Sleigh Accident A young toy, Otto Strand, narrowly escaped injury in a sleighing accident on Fifth Avenue cast when the sleigh in which lie was riding struck the front wheel of an automobile which fortunately had come to a sudden stop as the driver anticipated possible collision. According to a police report, a taxi driven by W. R. Bagshaw proceeding cast on Fifth cast near Young Street, came to a stop as Bagshaw saw the small sleigh heading In the opposition direction on the street, Suddenly the sleigh veered to the same side of the street as the car and struck the car's front wheel. The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Strand, 130 Fifth Avenue West, suffered no apparent injury. Classified Advertising Paysl The Say Experts - - grated cheese; two tablespoons melted fat; one-third cup milk, two eggs; half a tea-spoon salt, one-quarter teaspoon pepper: one-eighth teaspoon mustard. Mix grated cheese thoroughly with potato. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon-colored and combine with milk, melted fat and seasonings. Add this mix turc to the potato and beat un til smooth. Fold In stiffly beaten i f.,vw niih nil esc whites. Turn into a wen greased baking dish and oven poach In a moderate oven about 40 minutes. Serves six. DRINK PLENTY There is no time like the present to emphasize good health habits, and one of the first rules Is to drink plenty of water daily. In addi tion, a glass bcrorc eacn meat tends to reduce ovcr-lndulgcnce in food. Health experts claim the hasty cater often is the over-cater. Slow eating is conducive to better digestion of food, as well as to greater enjoyment of it. Irregular meal hours often result in over-indulgence at the meal, or the habit of "snack-ing." both of which arc a strain on the digestive and nervous systems. BLACKHEADS tKwdr from your J"1'1. ;,r'?vv,dh W. "ft clolh wntlr over th Mji-lifc" lli jo "111 "odtr !' h" S XMAS GIFTS V :.. y lilve lll.ii i,vcij i.iiifcvi.v- JJ Nightgown, Slip and Pantlc, Y, In heavy satin, sizes 32 to . . i.i. i. , . . n nt rnen Deposit, $2.70 Balance, $10.79 C.O.D. Send color, size, deposit, and address to SYLVIA'S Itvudy-to-lVvur OCEAN FALLS, B.C. Delivery, in 3 weeks BLONDIE i SEVENTEEN NEW LEGION MEMBERS Arrangements fur Seasonal Activities Made at Kcccnt Regular Monthly Meeting Seventeen new members were elected and initiated at the regular monthly meeting of the local branch of the Canadian Legion. President V. G. Houston presided over the meeting and there was a good attendance. Preliminary arrangements were made for the annual Christmas Tree to be held December 21. Members were assigned to assist the Women's Auxiliary with their annual bazaar tomorrow The local branch will organize to have Christmas trees placed in local stores at which gifts may be laid for 111 ex-scrvice men. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Sore Throat due to a cold. Let a little timc-tcsted, soothing VapoRub melt on WICKS tongue. Works find V'tTonut MUSICAL UPSET BURY, Eng., Oj A burglar who wanted music while he worked turned on a musical cig arette box and awakened the householder. In court Harry Beaumont, 19, was committed for trial on burglary and house breaking charges, While on the way to commence their routes at five a.m., three Milwaukee newspaper carrier boys saved Milwaukee citizens from the loss of one million gal ions of water and a temporary water shortakc when they discovered a break in a 12-lnch water main. HEAR.. An Outstanding Canadian Maj-Gen. G.R. Pearkes v.c, m in a PUBLIC ADDRESS Wm. H. FRANCKS Optometrist of Vancouver is now in Prince Rupert Wm. H. Francks is visiting this city until Nov. 25. Mr. Francks Is at the Prince Rupert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can be made at the hotel. at the Civic Centre Auditorium TONIGHT at 8 o'clock Everybody Welcome.Vl And Fifty-Fifty, Darling! ARE HONORED BY VARDEN SINGERS A few nights ago the Vardcn Singers held a delightful fare well party for three of their most valued members, Mr. -apd Mrs. Matt Nordgaard and Freddy. They have sung in the choir for a number of years and in that t me they gained the esteem and goodwill of all members. The evening was spent In playing bingo and in singing favorite choir ongs after which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Peter Lien, and a number of the ladies present. Presentations were then made by the president, Rudolph Olsen. These gifts testified to the high regard in which these members were held. Mr. and Mrs. Nordgaard and Freddy have left for Bellingham, Washington, where thev will make their new home. W. G. Thornton sailed oh the Coquitlam today on a trip to Vancouver. ASPIRIN EASES SIMPLE HEADACHE NEW LOW PRKES 12 tablets 18c 24 tablets. ...29c 100 tablets 79c cots TO WORK IN 2 SECONDS Genuine aspirin MARKED THIS WAY I Demand . . . Quality Drugs In "over the counter" drugs as in the makings of prescriptions, branded merchandize is all-Important. It's your guarantee or quality and perfection. We feature only the best brands each one a promise of complete satis faction. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drtuzptets MAJ.-iEN. . It. I'EARKES, V.C M.l". Under the auspices of the Incc Rupert Progressive-Conservative Association Fine Wood for Sale! -irI rtHBOVi LOOK Ar W YO J'LL V V5 H I KNOW-" LETS SEE- .11 C GIVE OJf?fELF r L. I THAT-- WOWVP HAVE TO BUT I OUGHT TO --DAG 'I'll'1 f FIVE DOLLARS r BLONDIE.'S twenty-two )' I Return set a five dollar H dagwood T nd puLL THIS IS MV LUCKY i DOLLARS Y ' f IT TO THE , REWARD .' RJMSTEAD. j,. VBAOYOUR DAY-1 JUST FOUND ) i IN IT s V OWNER V (ITS YOUR OWN ftlf JjLf0 A WALLET IN YWi -W-- VWALLETi Pa- H.V Fij ?r NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class li-inch lengths, free or nails $10 per cotd Second class trimmings up to 11-inch lengths, $8 per cord Third class, various lengths uncut $B per cord ft 'FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE H EMMONS TRANSFER I'honc Blue 73!) Night I'honc: Black CCS Office: P.O. Box 1131 Station B Frederick Street jptuicc Rupert Daily &tw Tuesday, November 19, 1910 Value. By Chic Young or your money Yes, there's real value in these honestly made suits by Fashion - Craft and, equally important, every style detail is correct . , . While our showing is not as extensive as it was prewar it is well worth your while to see our Fall range ... Priced from $33.50 to $53.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP 532 THIRD AVENUE I'LOTHIMi AM) H I1MSIIIM.S PHONE 343 TOY DEPARTMENT . . . Now Open! If it's toys you are after, vou will find most everything you need at THE VARIETY STORE. Our range of toys and games this year is as complete as possible, including several items that haven't been shown for a long time. drop in and look around. We feel sure you will be pleased with the fine selection now on display at THE VARIETY STORE. There are all the festive wrappings, cards, seals and -tricks that make your packages look so wonderful, too, all right here. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Special Announcement Union Steamships Ltd. arc pleased to announce the addition of a regular weekly sailiiiff with our SS. "Camosun ' Icavinc Vancouver Wednesdays 3:00 p.m. and licginnins on Wednesday, November 20th, for Ocean Falls, Prince Rhpcrt and Ketchikan, Alaska. SCII E DHL E Lv. Vancouver Wednesdays !:00 p.m. -Arr. Ocean Falls Thursdays 9:00 p.m. . Lv. Ocean Falls Thursdays 10:00 p.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Fridays 3:00 p.m. Lv. Prince Rupert Fridays Midnight Arr. Ketchikan Saturdays 9:00 a.m. Lv. Ketchikan Saturdays 11:30 a.m. Arr. Prince Rupert Saturdays 7:30 p.m. -Lv. Prince Rupert Saturdays 11:15 p.m. Arr. Ocean Falls Sunday 2:30 p.m. Lv. Ocean Falls Sundays 3:30 p.m. Arr. Vancouver Mondays 3:30 p.m. Weekly Schedule will be maintained until further notice. Excellent Accommodation Available UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED (270) For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUE Y CHOW MK IN 7:00 am. to 11:00 p.m. : NEW -I LOCATION COlU I'M ENT STOCK COAIBINEI) IOR A COMPLETE CANVAS (iOODS SERVICE WE CAN nr make Mr pa iii ! PLACE ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 12G EDMONDSON fM Awning & Sail Works ICO i:asl Tliiril avenue (Next to McMcckfn's) Z BMH General Contractor : We do basements, res-iingling. build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE G10 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 -:- PB1NCE RUPERT