2tiui Rupert Daily r3eUis JTharsday, Aflgdsf 8, 196 YES BAGS TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADSTHEY GET RFSULTS QUALITY MEATS Jones Family Meat Market We Deliver Daily PHONE 957 Learn To FLY! WITH THE TERRACE FLYING CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEE DUAL INSTRUCTION SOLO FLYING $25.00 Per Year $12.00 Per Hour $8.00 Per Hour TRIAL FLIGHTS for Non-Members Rates; $18.00 Per Hour: $5.00 for 15 Minutes For Sale By Tender CROWN ASSETS Type of Assets: FOUR BUILDINGS, RIDLEY ISLAND, B.C. (Appro. 5 miles from Fr. Rupert) War Assets Corporation will receive offers to purchase all or any of the Crown-owned buildings described below. The purchaser shall remove the building or buildings, fill in excavations and restore the ground to Its original elevation, leaving the site in a neat and tidy condition in a manner satisfactory to an authorized representative of the corporation. FOUR BUILDINGS Bldg. No. I Indicator Loop B!dg., 75'x45' wing 60'x34'. ,Bldg. No. 2 Power House, 20'xl4'. . Bldg No. 3-iOil Shed, 16'xl2 ; : ' ! Bldg. No. 4 Plank Road and Floats. SALE of these buildings include only such normal plumbing, lighting and heating fixtures as may be- installed therein. Buildings to be sold for removal and restoration of site. AH areas and dimensions given are approximate, A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of ten percent of the. tender price, made payable to War Assets Corporation, must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDER NO. 403-247 FOR FOUR BUILDINGS AT RIDLEY-ISLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA. ADDRESSED TO: BRANCH SALES MANAGER, ' WAR ASSETS CORPORATION, 1108 WEST GEORGIA STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Tendeis will close at Twelve o'clock Noon Pacific D.S. Time, AUGUST 15, 191G The tenderer must state the use to which the building or buildings, or materials contained therein, will be put, as this will be a determining factor in deciding the acceptance of any tender. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. The successful tenderer will, when notified of acceptance of his or her tender be required to furnish a certified t - - " - ...l.... .. . ii.tii. jvv i tulbUl ins U or her tender, and In addition, a certified cheque or bank man mr an amount, equal to tne estimated cost, of restoring the site or sites, as a guarantee that he will comply with all terms and conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draft guaranteeing restoration will not carry Interest and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. War Assets Corporation 1108 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. NOTE: Passes for inspection of the above buildings must be obtained from the office of War Assets Corporation, Prince Rupert, B.C. NOW F0R BETTER SERVICE AND GREATER 111 II CONVENIENCE. WE ARE LOCATED AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Second Avenue For . . , SAILS AWNINGS -- TARPAULINS CANVAS WORK OF ALL KINDS Venetian Blinds Window Blinds Garden Chairs Shopping Bags Edmondson Awning and Sail Works Phone C32 P.O. Box 302 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work Everything in high class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens D IBB PRINTING COMPANY 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE toooiwol3pooo&OHjnaooooH900pooopfloofl9oKW KIDS THRONG WINNIPEG'S PLAY TOWNS Youngsters Take Kiiid)' to Scheme Teaching Primary Lessons in Citizenship WINNIPEG, 0 Quiet, sandy-haired Ed Weiss is a mayor at the age of 15. True, his civic domain is only the Aberdeen School ground in North Winnipeg, but he has a municipal council and all the other things that go with being a chief magistrate. As he walks among his youthful constituents, they greet him respectfully with, "Hello, Mr. Mayor." Ed and six others like him are key figures in a new scheme to teach Winnipeg youngsters the meaning of self-government. Under the direction of Charl?s Bar-baur, city recreation chief and 3;rmer MoiOreal physical instructor, seven of Winnipeg's 39 playgrounds h3ve been designated ias "playtowns." Each playtown has at least one the organization work is left to the elected representatives of the children themselves. Ed and his four counsellors, two girls and two boys, keep tab on a comprehensive program designed to educate the children as well as amuse them. Counciller Tommy Bryant. 10, looks after safety squads and clean-up vanes. His 14-vear old brother sports program that includes everything ffom boxjng to croquet and whist. The council alsp . supervises craft And hobby activities, while a hard-working drama group Is treparin; a production of "&aoi' White and Re Red.'.' fights Are Out Ed likes his Job. training," he says. "Ife good The kids rib me a bit, but they're always friendly and eager to co-operate. We haven't had a single fight yet." But despite the success of the Absrdeen government, there's still plenty of work for the two dif-ectprs, Norma Rpdln find Sam Kantcrovich, both university students. PLAYGROUNDS IN BOMB RUINS LONDON IF SornCf of London's grim scars of war areas where German bombs turned! whplf rows of houps into a mass of tangled d-3bri3 have been off the pontoons at the dry dock and sailed for Victoria and JJpion Bay to load cargo and fuel for Europeon points. She underwent hull repair., and painting. ' they'd like to get into a ball game." v Bats and balls are ?care in Winnipeg's poorer "dktrieU, and tin: invitation usually produced results. Trere' lots of. work, too, for are fun to work with. Sure, they Mr. Barbour. He dogs his office work in the morning and spends the afternoons distributing athletic equipment, conferring with his mayors and directors and ironing-out a host of petty difficulties. Although sports are the big drawing card for all sevin play-towns, Mr. Barbour emphasizes that he's not interested in devel- "Our bluest prottem was to t cping star athletes. "This Is a get the children to come to the j program of mass recreation, and olsvsround," says Sam. "The best tour object Is to cultivate iports-method was to stop youngsters jmanship, citizenship, and a sense on the street and ask them efioose your flour Announcing if of cultural values." , OtVTHISXECOW 4oS1 OFWOMEN WHO WIN PRIZES FOR HOME-BAKING use Robin Hood All kinds of baking ... bread, cakes, pastry. OPENING OF (' sj PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 VAUGHAN SEES WEST (Continued from Page 1) . onnnrt,inltv i vlsltlne feme ent that there Js a shortage pf ot the shipyards and discussing cpnsumef goods 1 most places "At all places visited, Mr-Vaughan had the opportunity of cleared and transformed into! waking an inspection of com ctren-alr playgrounds wherelpany facilities and discussing small children, especially in matters with officers and em-xrcsfAed district, play safrly and I plpyefs. 'Our railway 'facilities happily under the supervision of are in good condUym considering trained mothercraft nurses. I the tremendous amount of traf-Mothrs working a W-hourjflc we handled during the war week leave their youngsters at : years. Every pne of our em - a charge of 20 c&us a day. The children play from erty morn-ins; until sunt tp their heart's content with swlngi, aee-saws, Ronnie, who can rattle off the Canadian government freigh-names of most pf the p league l teF Canadian Prospector camp taseball stars, is in charge of a. ployees gave outstanding service during those exacting times and alter meetlns so many of them I t$$l they ate all ready to con- rpclfic? horses and rag dolls tinue their efficient service to still not asy tp set in post-war . the public." Britain. The oIly three ratals Mr. Vaughan visited both cora-cors'st of breakfast (which in- Ipanysummsr resorts in tn vtst, rluCci tree oranse Juice), alMinaki and JaWr Park Lodae cooked dinger and tea. 20 YEARS AGO August 8, 192C Prime Minister Arthur Meigh-en was exdected to arrive in the city within a few days, having school changed his timing on a west director, usually a high, or university student, but much of ern pre-election tour. Local Conservatives looked forward with interest to hearing his speech. Vic Foley, Canadian lightweight boxins champion, had and said they were operating ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. R. P. James, 640 7th Avpnnp Fast, annonnrp the accepted ap. offer. w ht Jack' t - t , daueh- y-wman n a charnpioryihip Jane Alke (BpbbIe)f der, 1126 Beach Place. The wedding will take place August 31, ! at 8 p.m., in St. Andrew's Cath- j edral, Rev. Basil Prockter offi- elating. FOIl KENT WANTED TO RENT 5 or, 6 room unfurnished house; will consider one needing re-mod- FOB RENT Comfortable sleeping room; reasonable. Apply 806 Fraser St., evenings, (tf) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (185) HELP WANTED WANTED Clerk-stenographer for City Hall. Please apply in ! u-rltlnc tnMnT WANTED Maids for kitchen and ward work; also ward aides. Starting salary will take Into account the experience which you have had. Applications will be accepted from native and white girls. Prefer applicants )8 years of age and over-It will be necessary to live in. Miller Bay Indian Hospital, Phone 635. U87) BRIGHT AND HONEST boyTand girls wanting Dally News delivery routes should enter their names at the office. HOUSEKEEPER Good accommodation and wages. 722 West Fifth. (tf) CLERK-STENOGRAPHER Applications in writing giving qualifications and references will be received by local business firm for permanent position as clerk-stepographer, preferably able to keep books. Box 150 Daljy News. (tf) WANTED WANTED Lathe, to swing, not less than 18". and six feet between centres; quick-change gears. Apply R. Stevens, Ste-,wart, B.C. Box 175. (186) WANTED Girl to share housekeeping suite. 940 Ambrose Ave. (186) stovp. Apply Station B. Box "81. (187) PERSONAL the construction of a new pass enger steamship ior our com pany. This will be placed In tht Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Alaska service. No contract has yet been let but the new ship wll be a very outstanding contribution to passenger and shipping circles on the West Coast." Jn commenting on the present day railway earnings, Mr. Vaughan stated that all railways on the continent are finding them-sJves in an Increasingly difficult position owing to the decline in gross earnings and at the same time a great increase in the cost of wages and materials. "Wp are well organized to handle the present grain crop practically to capacity. "Each t and will use every car to the best handling the largest number of advantage in moving the grain guests since their Inception." from the prairies," declared Mr. Saw Vaughan. ' ' Shipyards "At the Pacific Coast I had Buy War Savings Certificates Classified Advertising - - - - Clus.'fleds 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth N46.cr.J 60c: Cards of Thank. Death, Uoticen. Funeral i noucrs, AUiTi&gc and Engagement Announcement!: 12. KOft SALE B. u u -w"""" to Sidney E. Alexander, only sonp . . : S g A L E-Beauty mnl AWflatlon exhibitloni parlor Mf; d Mrs g E lexan-j . on September 15. FOK SALE Oyster Bar, vety reasonable price. Apply llux 1190; Phone 30G. 315 Third Ave. West. (191) equipment and furniture cpm plete. Reasonable price. Phone Blue 943 or call at 603 6th Ave. West. (tf) FOR SALE 50,000 or 60,000 board feet of mixed lumber. Make offer at 1000 1st Ave. Phone Black 412 after 6 pjn . evenings. (189) ellng or re-decorating. Phone! FOR SALE - Two-burner oil Blue 781. (185) FOR RENT Apartment in Bay; Apartments; also front house- i keeping room. Phone Blue 815. (tf) i range (wick), good working condition. 413 McBride, or phone Green 406. (185) FOR SALE New Remmlngton Express, sporting model, 3006; set for scope. Five boxes of shells. $150. Sandy Oazley. Box 113, Smlthjrs, B. (185) SPEED BOAT, 26 feet, without engine. Phone 406, (188) IF YOU WANT LUMBER phone Green 698. 087) WANTED Sun carriers, large FOR SALE 20-foot cabin cruls-and small routes, between Mc-1 er, 5 h.p. Easthope engine, in Bride and Tatlcw. Apply good condition, at Vacht Club. Northern Distributors, Green, ,p c,Tr. 917 or firpon 7R7 (tf) . , v. uy ictritr pups. males and female. $75 and $50. Call Blue 810 between 9 a'jn. and 6 p.m. , (185) . . "7 :!.7:' FOB SALE-Sawmtll with two- status apd previous experi ence to pity Clerk. (186) : WANTED Experienced woman1 clerk for grocery ;$tore. No i otner ne,ed apply. Apply1 fakeena Grocery. (tf) and-a-half million feet of timber; camp and kitchen utensils; equipment, tools, 4 horses, good condition. Price $5000. Apply Lee Jim, Hazel-ton, B.C. (tf) - FOR SALE Three-room house: combjna tlon liying-dlnlng room, bedroom, and kitchen, plus all furniture, consisting of mujlt-ln sink unit, new oil stove, dining room suite, etc. Plus four-room house with rental Income; large garden and green house, located on two lots. $3500 cash takes everything. Owner leaving town. Inquire Armstrong Agencies. (183) WE BUY AND SELL New and Used Furniture; also Hardware. Sep us before buying elsewhere. Used phonograpn records, 20c; 5 -piece kitchen set. $16.50; electric ranges, McClary's, from $15; sewing machine, $24.50; 3-plece chesterfield In good shape, $69.50; radio, 9 tubes, $5; baby carriages, from $7; hassocks, from $2.50; beds, complete. frnm t15.in- plifrl fane I , ... , iviii $7.5C; motors with tlectrlc fans, from $16.50; new Our-ney ranges, all-enamel; new scatter rugs, big assortment, $16.65 each. B.C, Furniture Cp, 3rd Ave. Phone Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 12 -foot row boat; kitchen cupboard; library table. etc. Apply 134 5th Ave. West. (186) WANTED-Oil burner for cook! FOR SALE 1942 Victor 5-tube GREY HAIR handicaps you. Use Angellque Grey Hair Restorer to regain natural color-life. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (187) ALTERATIONS DONE Expert-lv fitted. No. Z Washington Block. Phone Green 289. (185) MACHINERY TO PAW better lumbef more economically us the modern and up-to-date type National Portable flawmili. manufac-; tured by National Machinery i Company Pmlted. Vancouver,! BC (tf) j mantle radio, good condition. $30. 224 5th Ave. West. (J87) FOR SALE Luminous paint 30 cents; sculptured crucifix 10 cents; midget Bible 20 cents; toothache wax 15 cents; needle threader 5 cents, or send stamp for complete and unusual bargain list. Stanley's Co.. 306 Jackson Ave., Vancouver! (It) INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 3Z4 2nd Ave. - Phone fi Kellogg' limn Flu Lee ore deliciou$. In a recent aurvey Canadian houiewivei voted KeUocK'3to 1 favourite our a ny other brand. VITa'o , U . . n U . . ,i.i.. . Make 30-day " iJU P fit' 1 7. Start i to fc' "-) f.;.7l gftretftViJ I "m Other 1'arUOmv 3. Juit j. Villi hftw it- i I liave the tsttf, fe tiling j joudtin togopaktspij,,; Bran Holt,, ftf A on, Kict Kritpit. J SAVE TIME. ..SAVE FUEL.., odorants. to glfW for your hi.' ; t BUY ON BUDGET PLAN-No Interest No Carrying Charge W.T.P.B. Regulations SUMMj T" 1 t , A truly marveloag array of roc l. i rtix preparations, sun lotions. m;.ke c.j u l r Many of which you know and m.y Cr i -i . . ... ' r lutros i or summer com ion ! THE VARIETY Sill "Where Your Dimes Are Uttle Ma We are here to serve you and you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL 0 til BLAIN BROTHFI "HOUSE OF FINE FOOEl" I'JIOXE .-.17 : II Fresh for Fi New HARRIS Tweed . ST M" A I f Assorted U Smart Box Stl I I II I t MnlKiArinri U I'ltivm; iTi'Fi!Ts NKWEST AND " 'I UP-TO-DATE KESTAI'KANI FULL-COURSE ME FROM 11 A.M. TO 8 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 P"1'1' CHINESE DISHES A SI'l PARTl1 WEN CATER TO CHOP SUEY CHOW $ oiiftKE 11 FOR OUTSIDE OKDEHS ""l-.gl 735 THIRD AVENUE