. I" II U'4 ' B a- u ' m n o o .a . ; 2 B prince Bupctt Dailp Bttos Thursday, August 8, 1848 SENIOR MATRIC TUITION FEE SET AT $12 Senior matriculation tuition tees of $12 a month will be charged for students taking those courses at Booth Memorial High School this year, the Prince Rupert. District School Board decided at:a meeting last night. A senior matrlc class or eight students is exppcted to study here this year, reviving the advanced rijgh: school course here for the first time in many terms. JThe bo'ard named Chairman Dr. R. Q, Large and Secretary Airs. M. M. Roper to be its official delegates at the annual convention of the B.C. School Trustees Association to be held in Prince George September 3-4-& . Continuing with Its plan to entree Booth Hirh School wi-mmds Sweden Censors News of Rockets STOCKHOLM A limited censorship has been Imposed on information concerning unidentified missilesbelieved to be flying bombs or rockets which have been sighted over Swedish territroy in recent weeks. Authorities have banned the publication of names of localities "where the missiles have been sighted and newspapers have required to use the dateline "Somewhere in Sweden" when writing about the subject. TWO-MINUTE ROAST An electronic machine has been developed which roasts green coffee in a two-minute operation and turns itself off; normal' roasting time has been 15 minutes. th board authorized the employ- iditiire of up to $2,000 was auth- ment or m. Saunders to level orr 1 orized for trie work. hi n area of protrucing rock and to fill in a depression. An expen- Ladies' Pyjamas and Gowns L ALL COLORS LADIES' PURSES Ree. $6.95, $4.50, $3.95 ALL AT Swim Caps and Shower Caps 65c to $1.00 KEG. PRICE $195 25f LADIES' BATHING SUITS LG- Jantien and Beatrice Tine PRICE LADIES' SHORTS Her. $2.50 to $1.50 95f MONTADOR NEW KINSMEN HEAD At an election of officers, necessitated by the departure on August 19 of President William Jamison for Prince George, the Trince Rupert Kinsmen Club elected former vice-president Robert E. Montado rto be its new president last night, elevating former Sergeant-at-Arms Alex Armstrong to the vice-presidency. The new Scrgcant-at-Arms i3 Stewart Johnson. At the dinner meeting, held in the Commodore Cafe, plans were laid for a Kin picnic at Lakelse Lake on Labor Day. The full club membership with their wives will be asked to attend. Part of the outing will take the form of a working bee to rear down the Kin boys'summer camp which will close at the end of August. The meeting also discussed publicity features for the club's Port Queen candidate. Guest at the meeting was G T. Durkin. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday &s Catala 12:30 pm. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. August 14, 24, September 4. Princess Louise, p.m. August 17, 28, September 7. ss Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 pjn. ' Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert. 7 p.m. August 14, 24, September 8. cess Louise, p.m. August 17, 28, September 7. ss Princess Norah. For Alaska Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. August 9, 19, 30. Princess LouLst-. August 12, 23, September 2. Princess Norah. CONVOYED CHICK When frightened the mother t woedcoefc often flies off with a ' chick between her legs. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE THE YOU WAITED FOR U AT THE PRICES YOU WAITED FOR!! 2 for 1 Give Away DRESS SALE HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Choose your 2 dresses. If both are the same price, pay for one and GET ONE FREE! If prices are different, pay for the highest ONLY. Up-to-the-minute styles. Sizes 12 through 50. ' LADIES MILLINERY - - Wantable, Lovable! Styles featured in the latest Fashion Journals. Must clear to mak room for incoming stock. Reg. $2.95 to $7.95 ,.: .95 LADIES' PLAY SUITS CD Qr Reg. $7.25 to $11.50 ALL AT yJiJ LADIES' SLACK SUITS J KEG- All Sizes ' PRICE CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS T(U Ages 2 thru 6. Reg. 80c to 51.50 "r 0 GIRLS' SLACK SUITS CI QC Sizes 6 to 10. Reg. $3.95 CHILDREN'S SUN BONNETS ICa Reg. 40c to 55c Boys Too :.. "r LADIES HOUSECOATS - Sizes 12-20 $q "V.95 Original Price On Each $3.95 to $8.50. ALL FOR ALL SALES FINAL NO CHARGES OR RETURNS H 8 H H H H H - a Rupert Peoples Store! TOP COMEDY AND ROMANCE COMES TO CAPITOL The advent of a new romantic team in the movies is always watched by the fans with intense interest. Consequently, the news that Rosalind Russell and Lee Bowman arc the new heart Inter-rst in Columbia Pictures' comedy. "She Wouldn't Say Yes," the heralded racy, embracy story coming to the Capitol Theatre Friday and Saturday should be of great interest. Telling the hmr.crous story of a pTrhonalalyst (Miss Russell who has to b? cured herself ol inhibitions about love, "She Wouldn't Say Yes" Is said to give nor only the stars every opportunity for hilarious behavior, but al?o to furnish the supporting cast with neat and tight bits of characterization seldom found in a story of this type. Charles Winnlnger. famed on tage. screen and radio as the rantain of "Show Boat," plays Rosalind's doctor father and Is renorted to give one of his usual comic performances as he helns t "p Bowman win Rosalind's heart. Adele Jergens. remembered for her exotic performance In the recent "Thousand and One Nights." Is said to have another clamorous role as Allura, a South American dancer (from Brooklyn. It is she whose curse Rosalind undertakes arte thus brings about her own upsetting experience. And then there's the Nixie, imaginary inn who influences ncople to do what they wane to fo. II?. according to the snooper"!, 's troing to rival the "plxillated" sisters in movie fame. HISTORIC HOUSE OPEN TO PUBLIC YEOVIL, Eng. T Montacute House, built by Sir Edward Phelps between 1553 and 1001 and in the hands of his descendants until 1931, nas been acquired by the National Trust and ;s open to the public. Built of local stone, the house is noted for its panelling and .embossed plaster work, and its east front, where nine Worthies stand in niches. Rooms arc being furnished with valuable relics Including a Jamrs I royal fcefhtead, early Brus;M3 trie s and portrait- by Romney. STINJC'IWA1' Fabrication ERECTS "Build B.C. Payrolls" SO RICH AND SMOOTH fY ""v,- rA tola YouH like Pacific Milk's creamy-rich texture it's irradiated to give an extra measure of goodnessand it's vacuum packed which means It can keep indefinitely- Try a can today. PACIFIC MILK "Irradiated and Vacuum Packed" KWONO SANO HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PlIONE RED 247 RAILWAY PLANS 8-MILE TUNNEL JOHANNESBURG O) An eight-mile railway tunnel, longest in Africa, will be Included in plans for the re-routing of the rail line from Johannesburg to Capetown, Railway Minister F. C. Sturrock told the House of Assembly. The tunnel, part of a 1,000,-000 ($4,000,000) Improvement program, will connect the Karroo plateau with the fruit-growing valleys of the Western province. Four other tunnels, each about a half-mile In length, are Included in the plan which will take about five years to LIGHTS PLEASE The late Harry Greb, middleweight prizefighter, would not go to sleep In an unlighted room. PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS TrimcM Adelaide" Every Monday. 10 p.m. ALASKA PORTS "Princess Norah" "Princess Ixniise" Full information on railing from local ticket agent, or write G, Bruce llurire, G.V.A., C.VM. Station, Vancouver. WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 11", per cord $13.50 Jackpinc, 11", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 11", per cord $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal in any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 HAVE YOU ORDERED NEXT WINTER'S COAL YET . : IF NOT, DO NOT DELAY! INQUIRE ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN Philpott, Evitt&Coltil. Phone G51 or 652 i fl EitCTRICAO ft I APPLIANCES REPAIRED mi PHONE 644 Keep 'Em On The Job Our electrical appliance repairs salvage home aids which are Irreplaceable now! RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC We. Pick Up and Deliver ,0 "FALLEN ANGEL' PRIME r ' l : i , . r"" roes FbhinS 1 Al 1 - ttJtlMTtffinjjrjj Announcement... JOHN IIAHIMS and SI. I'AltKINfiON hire resumed proprietorship of ATLAS BOILER WORK! Boilers, Tanks and General Ironwork Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrd "RUPERT BRAND' cm c n-n i ctc rnn ni IF1 SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste No fus A i ' -ri-n-arinri.nn.n i. . .- nj-u-i-i-j-i-i-ij-ir-i.i-in l -l - i -ir.i- -'i 11 Try them today from your butckl Canadian Fish FINEST SALMON AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, D C in wlm MM THIRD AVENUE WE DELIVER D A 1 1 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S We Scrv But Ul:' C AKl TASt 601 BULKLEY MARKE1 ruol GKITIAI. I!ED BRASl tuntrt ,T VlOf1 avo inins COMPUTE ll1' ( KOttiUfi DELHATES." Sleat l"ic a" S:Ji4l RUPER B UT'CH Jrf Phone 21 QUALITY,' (2nnJ Fond! fern Vmi'll f !H tw -H TnnP 'or delicious summer J Jtrwm ord"s delivercd 1 n -- vr- door. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY W (Opposite Canadian Le Phone3 18 and 19 P.O.