a8 n Ilnited states .Reearded as ,. oothfinaer 0 Bomber 'SL.iHMicy comma"". Squadron the novai , American " iiriiiK cover 18.0W mu .1. t a month1 tour nited States. jttdrai fred- after e people of the or u was .,oc.h ihc money to thus formations air-. ,nuadron was the first A F to be rqulppea wiui bomben Among the .morrtt won by Ita are (9 D.S.O.'s, six bars X I J. 4. the ?.F.C ana (he war tne squadron major part In the air int Germany, fly-than 13,000 operaUonal , .ht and over 1,000 . .. h riav. It Dar- 0) Che 1,UW uoniuci Co;; -ne bombea me -",'rd the Oneisenau j 1 1 ccok pan in aayjis.; Bern- and carnea ouv .... .Hnn in Tripste tl aisn zave havy nf -&z'.i) gun-sites be-Aineo landing. After j ,m'nn nf the COn- ad made headway, the Presidency Squadron' i i n J-rarM"tf Iter f . i::int onH Inmflt.P r.nentration camps. fo ot ancient Rome irl pm n; i h :il iiiiiiiil: ::a (rom wood blocki as (ht- eight century. in tim Dallv Newf. ences. Check these NEWS STAND and Western Papers Magazines KirnONS TAKEN Red 808 H, C0RRINS :ntr n r n i uah v...b iiuiie HiiiP ai MESSENGER Coal Wood - Baggage cignr Express "uue tjiue 810 t Ortll- ? Rupert a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man SAUNDERS Blue 666 Sidewalks, Basements t take .,n.t, t l . . - uu myseir. AuriuJJiiE, i voniractors H89. Station B "one Green 417 Repairs, all kinds. Work - Foundations tes Cheerfully Given vuuuu in worK. SERVICE mi. f'rnn.. . . -""inAUTORS 1 Repairs of all kindj ... Ti mvm m - Burners PHONES: 488 - Rd 894 CO-OP, 99 TAXI-WIN FASTBALL DOUBLE HEADER The Co-Op fastball team beat Orotto last night by a score of ten to one and were full value , for the win.Thls evens the cur rent series between these two teams at one game apiece and should make Friday's rubber mateh a hotly contested affair. Moxley on the mound for Grotto didn't hare his usual control and the fighting Co-Op nine hit him freely. Ward's home run climaxed a good night at the plate for the Co-Op team. Dell's two-bagger for Grotto was the only extra base hit that Bellls, Co-Op pitcher allowed and ably assisted by some sparkling support afield, he had tc face more than three batters In only three of the seven Innings Although Grotto tr.ied hard all the way they Just didn't have the stuff last night. Batteries were: Co-Op. Belli: and Slater; Grotto, Moxley and Duncan. The first game of the twin bal was a disappointment when 99 Taxi had no trouble in swamping the Reserve Army team by a score of 12 to 1. Both teams played well below standard and showed little enthusiasm. Although the tjximen didn't even bother to field a strong team they nad little op position. j Art Murray, coach and mana-iger of the Taxi nine, Injected himself Into the game and made himself something of a hero by pounding out a two-base hit in the third inning. Batteries were: 99 Tax! Schroeder and Ourvich; Reserve. Monstad and Watmough. Friday night the powerful General Motors nine meets the rejuvenated Bo-Me-Hl team in the third game of their current 'series while Orotto and Co-Op ! try again to settle their differ- Cleans gently Easy to apply Hard to rub off KIND to leather WHITE SHOE CLEANER . I T I 1 usmess and rrotessionaL CHIROPRACTIC R. J. PARKER, D.C. (Palmer Graduate) Suite 6 Telephone Smith Block Green 995 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement worK PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branche i 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 27 ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERHANGINO 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, ett Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 H.J.LUND . Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 82! K PROMPT m4 efFICttHT SERVW COLUMBIA OPTICAL CQV SCOTS MUST PAY FOR THEIR GOLF AT ST. ANDREW'S ST. ANDREWS, Seotland-The thrifty Scots of St. Andrews fing- Jied their wallets today and mut- tered against the passing of their leneratlons-old privilege ro play j ,;olf for free on the famfd St. ndrewi courses Despite protests, the town ; :ounc 1 wen governmental ap- : w urur aninonzing t to assess every St. Andrews axpayer up to $8.06 a year to iay on the four town-owned inks. A parliamentary commission '.greed, however, that children nder 11 can play for nothing on he two newest courses, the Eden nd the Jubilee links. So the oungsfers can go on learning heir .golf from the time they're nee high to a putter. Also, the Roval and Ancient "lub, which has its quarters on he "old" and "new" champion-hlp courses, will have to pay we for itj privilege. The commissioners said the own couldn't charge the towne-eonle to play unless the Royal nd Ancient chipped In one-tiird more than its average contribution from 1936 to 1938 to i!p maintain the two championship ! courses. The order will iave to be confined by an act if Parliament usually only a "ormality. onre the commlssion- rs have . ruled on it 1 umianaerj neitrwr citizens of , -i. Anorews nor memDers or tne oyal and Anclent-always have 'iaa 10 pay sun iees to traverse 'he deen bunkers and tricky Pitches. They'll still have to pay. f C P n Radio Dial V T r IV 1240. Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY PJil. 4:00 Radio Repertory 4:30 Accent on Music 4:45 Johnny Burt Trio 5:00 People Ask 5:15 All the World -Sings 5:30 To be announced 6:00 CBC News 6:15 They Lived to Tell the Tale 6:30 Eventide 7: CO Parliamentary Committee Report" on Rario Broadcasting 7:15 Impressions In Italy 7:30 Concert of the Nations 8:00 Choral Program 8:30 Gypsy Strings 9: CO CBC News 9:10 B.C. News 9:15 Eastwood Garden Orch. 9:30 Music by Shrednlk 9:55 Interlude 10: CO This Week's Composer 10:55 CBC News and Int. 11:1)0 Weather and Sign Off Ann. 11:05 Silent FRIDAY M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Medley Time 8:59 Time Signal 9:00 Little Concert 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 A Miss and a Male 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Music While You Work lb: 15 Scandinavian Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Piano Masters 11:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 11:25 Program Resume 11:30 CBC News 11:45 Weather Forecast 11:46 Message Period 11:48 Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Tunes for Today 12:15 Music of Lower Basin St. '.2:30 Musical Program' 12:45 Recital. Winnipeg 1:00 From the -Classics 1:15 Women's News Commentary and Speaking as a Canadian 1:30 All About Glen Alan 1:45 Downbeat 2:00 Rudy Naylor's Orch. I ... the only many-Uyer insulttion is lupcrior in principle. It won't shift, sag or settle. Saves up to 0 on fuel. Install it yourself, (we'll show you how), or let out trained men do it for you. Either way there's no mess. 'Phone today for a 7'2c free estimate, or stop in and let us show -SQ. FT. you why KiMSUl is (HOT IKSULUO) best for you -how it 10OLI pays for itself while INSUIATH giving you real comfort. 100 SQ.FT. Act now. Start BUY NOW" savin j 1 ' Albert & McCaffery KIMSUL DEALERS Phone 116 Prince Eupert Today nAfiCCWL! T PM KUUjtYtL I 3lv - . . . IT- , p PKAi ApT IJ vLHL HJJLI a visit to the Roosevelt Park gymnasium impresses one with realization of the asset that this buildins can be to ttie commun- ity If the sports enthusiasts and supporters in the city make .proper use of it. It is probable that lacrosse will be the feature game there. The netting is now available and will be put up Immediately. The corners of the playing surface are being fenced off so as to eliminate the right-angled corners that hold up play and make for unnecessary nazards. Re movable fences have been provided opposite exits so that they may be removed when net needed. Fire exits have been cleared of obstructions, and new doors made from the playing area. Rest rooms have been rearranged. There are public rooms for ladies and men. The players quarters have also been overhauled. For girls' games thture the all facilities with, showers for visitors and home teams. . The storage rooms have much f quipment. This lueludes the boxing ring, tumbling mats. weight vJv lifting (VMtUU; apparatus, sprlnj boards, and exercising equip ment. One specially notable Pice 0f equipment is a wrestling mat 20 feet square. This is a piece of equipment and the city is fortunate in being able to possess It. Civic Centre director, Don Forward, and Ru-p Rc director Neil Ross, have put in a lot of time in getting this equipment checked and properly stored away. The lacrosse players are to be congratulated on the voluntary work they have done. And now it is up to the players and team managers to see that are accommodation and fqu'rren; are properly handled. It is necessary that equipment be cared for when in use and equally necrssarv that it he put awav aftpr use. There is aha the matter of cost to be considered. The heating system Is adequate but costs money to operate. There is the lightln?. There Is Janitor service and general upkeep. It Is to be hoped that the users and citizens generally will be prepared to see that all these expenses are taken care of and the necessary funds provided to take e?re of maintenance and operation. Visitors are amazed at lbs equipment we have. It Is up to us to take calj of it. Altogether the city Is unusually well provided with playing facilities, let us all make use of it to the best advantage. ' Advertise in the Daily News. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT"' and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP RAGNAR N. FREDRIKSEN otherwise known as FREDERIKSEN and FREDRICKSON DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honor E. D. Woodburn. Acting for and at request of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 31st day of July. A D. 1846. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Rag-nar N. Fredrlksen. otherwise known as Frederlksen and Fredrlckson. deceased, and all parties having claims against1 the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 18th day of September. A D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are reaulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 5th day of August. A D. 1946 GORDON F. FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. 209 !(vi:kmi:nt lvqiok act" (Section 28) NOTICE OF APPLICATION" FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE. Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of September. AD. 1946. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7350. Issued in respect ot premises being part of the premises known as the Commercial Hotel situate at the cor- uvi u r iinv Avi-uu ana cignm oireet. in tne uuy oi t-rince Jtupert. province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) in Block Nine (9) Section One ill Map 923, Prince Ru pert Land Registration District, from Prince Hotel Limited to Panko Mlch-alczuk. of Prince Rupert, the Trans-feree- DATED at Prince Rupert, B C. this 2nd day of August. A D. 1946. PANKO MICHALCZUK. I-AND RF.OlsrRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 4941-1 tc Lot Five Thousand Four Hundred and BUty-one (6461), Range Five (5). Coast District, said to contain Ten and Fifty One-Hun-dretha (10 and 60lO0ths.) acres, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of losa of the above Certificate of Title, issued In the name of Alexander Noble has been filed in this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first posting hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title, In lieu of said Lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid obpectlon be maae to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Of. flee. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 16th aay oi jit, iimo, a.u. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. Buy more War Savings stamps A17 in Sports ' Baseball Scores National League Boston-Philadelphia, rain. Brooklyn-New York, rain. St. Louis 8, Pittsburgh 1. American Learue Philadelphla-Bcslon, rain. Cleveland 3, Chicago 4. v Detroit 2, St. Louis 3. . New York 3, Wasnington 4. International League Jersey City 4, Toronto 1. Syracuse 4, Montreal 9. Newark 12, Buffalo 5. Baltimore 2, Rochester 5. American Association Louisville 4, Milwaukee 2. Columbus ll'rMinneapoUs 7. Indianapolis Kansas City 6. Toledo 1, St. Piu: 3. Pacific Coas: league Sacramento 6-5, Los Angeles 0-3. Hollywood 4, Portland 1. Oakland 2, San Diego 2. San Francisco 2, Seattle 4. Western International Wenatchee 8, Tacoma 2. Bremerton 10, Spokane 11. Vancouver 5, Salem 9. Yakima 6, Victoria 5. Vancouver- 5, Salem 9. Yakima 13, Victoria 8. WATCH WHOOPING COUGH Among babies, whooping cough Is fatal in one case out of 10. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLOMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ROBERT HURRA1, GAMMON otherwise known as ROBERT HURRELL GAMMON DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order ol His Honor E. D. Woodburn, Acting for and at request of His Honor W IT Flctiar mafia rm tK- filet rtatf of July. AU 1948. I was appointed, Administrator of the Estate of Rob-1 as Robert Hurrell Gammon, deceased, and all parties haYlng claims against me fi&ia e&i&ie are nereoy required i to furnish same, properly verified. to me on or before the 18th day of September. A D. 1946, and all parties Indebted -to the Estate are required! tn MV th nmnlint nt thlp tnrihtpri tiprt tn me fnrthwith. I DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 5th day of Auirust. AX). 1946 GORDON F. FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. 209 &3 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Itates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 648 220 Sixth Street Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 VINES LEAD PRO'S OPEN WINNIPEG, JUi Ellsworth Vines of Chicago took the opening round lead Wednesday In the $10,000 Canadian professional Golfer's Association open tournament, firing a par-shattering 65. Freddie Wood, Vancouver, and Nick Wisnock, Windsor, followed Vines for runner-up spot, with three under par, shooting 69. I Advertise in tne Dally News, j LOOK SHARP FEEL SHARP BE 7 Gillette TIT 11V TIT ATICC! MJUfXUjLj L WITH THE $HARPT EDGES EVER HONED,' Quality PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Biidge Tourist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE-B.C. ieo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 115 Res. Red 127 Ask for George SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time 9 pm. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets, and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 868 Pffnre Hupm Daflp Btivs Thursday August 8, 1946. THIN STRONG PAPER NON FINER MADE TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday ; Charter Trips to Any Part of District P.O. Box 167 TERRACE In TERRACE... Shop at Skeena Mercantile Groceries - Ladies' Wear - Dry Goods - Shoes and Men's Wear mm TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. : Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Produl-ts MACHINE WORK GAS arid ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BR1DDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 BOX 1308 Oil Burners Installed and Serviced . . i-. PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATiN? J. II. Schuman S. Julian ' REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS I ESTIMATES ! Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 ; CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST Phone Blue 850 Green & Builders All Interior and Exterior Work PHONE 108 P.O. Box 1464 Kermode and Painters Free Estimates and Prompt Seryice UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks; and Chinese dishes. ; WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Due to the critical shortages of automobile parts, we urge motorists more than ever before, to LUBRICATE! and SAVE WEAR, if you wish to continue to ride. We use only the best grades of oils and greases. Call us for an appointment . . . PHONE 500. Pennzoil and Peerless Motor Oils RUPERT-MOTORS LTD. CHRYSLER PARTS DEPOT h