'4 Holiday Trippers Prince Rupert Daflp rectos Thursday. June 27. 1S46 SILMMERIZE your car now ! Let us check your car before you make that long vacation trip. A motor tune-up, lubrication, and tire inspection 'may save you time and money on the road. Phone S3 for an appointment S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealer The Home of Friendly Service namaaamaEBBBmmmmm T Potict Truffle SoUty Oixk tpoitciad by lnnKirla.vil A. RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering: - Slip Covers Drapes Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre LAWN BOWLING LEAGUE STARTS Canadian National Recreation Ax c ation's Lawn Bowling League began its summer schedule on the greens last night with fi.ur rinks in action. Rinks skip- iPed by 5. C. Thomson and J. Paul defeated George Hill's and Frank Dibb's respectively. The Ihomspn rink overcame the Hill raink by a score 17-8 while the Paul aggregation .emerged sue- , cessful over Prank Dibb's crew by a score 17-7. Two more games of the schedule are booked for tomorrow night. Baseball Scores American Wa&ingtan 4, Chicag 3 (16 jinings). New York 8, Cleveland 4. Boston 2-; Detroit 16-3. Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 11. National Cincinnati 2, Brooklyn 4. Pittsburgh 0. New York 4. Chicago 2, Boston 11. Si Louis 4, Philadelphia 1. OTREYMDS -'BALLPEN i 4 I u ChoUt of Coiafil Cold SUVer BUtk GUARANTEED TO WHITE AT LEAST YEARS WITHOUT REFILLING NO CAP To fumble with ClUk It TTrittl Eitlo. tire Bill Point Gnard cndi cap nuisance forever. ClU k Park Itt A flick ef the thumb and pen it ready for pocket or pari. $12.50 plus tax) PEN ITSELF GUARANTEED FOR LIFE! il aft i' LI rif McRae Bros. LIMITED FASTBALL PLEASES CROWDS Grotto Has Easy Win Over Reserve While Bo-Me-IU Gives 99 Hard Game In the first league fastball game last evening Grotto had an easy win over Reserve Army by 15 to 2 although the latter fought hard to ihe end. Pallister pitched a good .game and. with Watmough and then Sun-berg, made a good battery but too many errors In the field cost them the game. Barraclough came in for a run in the second inning and Pallisler for the other run in the sixth. Grotto started off with five of the first seven to bat all scoring In the first inning, five more in the second, one in the third and four in the fifth completed the count. Arney and Moxley scored three runs eaeh. Bury. Oillis and Dell had two each and Smith had one. Moxley made a home run to which faulty fielding contributed. Arney, Gillis. Holke- stad, Moxley and Pallister all bad two-baggers. A triple play was a feature with Arney catching a batter, touching second for a second put-out and throwing to first to complete the triple killing. Grotto Kerr, B. Simonson, Budy. Arney, Dell, Gillis. Moxley. Smith and Holkestad. Reserve Watmough, Pallister, Alexander. Mintenko. McCub-bin. BarrarkHi$h, Korulok. Sun-ber? and llelgerson. Scoring: Reserve . . 0 Grotto 5 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 0 15 Not Close But Exciting The Bo-Me-Hl versus 99 Taxi game gave the crowd something to set worked up over but experience and greater strength gave IN THE SDPREMfc COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP SADIE BEATmiN. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKH NOTICE that by Order ol His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 30th dar of Mar. A.D. 1948. I waa appointed Administrator of the Estate of Sadie Beaudln. deceased, and all parties haTln; claims against tb said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 13th day of July. A-D. 1S48. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me mrtnwltn. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 30th day or May. A n. 1948. GORDON P. FORBES. Acting Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. June 30 BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Our Specialty Open Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 pjn. Sunday 8 ajn. to 8 pjn. Located at Bulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. Rex Bowling Alleys CLOSING JUNE 30 F OR RE N OVATION OPENING SEPT. 2 PHONE 658 for reservations GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone' Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone 150.1 Evenings: Green 103 -fJjC, 1M (fMO Yes, sir, and I can tell you right now RPM Motor Oil is tops. It's compounded! And boy, does that ever make a difference to your engine! Your car's cooling system can't stop the fiery beat of modern motors from blasting cylinder walls ... but RPM sure can . . . and does! Most olts duck from such hot spots, but not RPM. This means better lubrication and a lot less wear. Sae Money, see your Standard Dealer and change today to 1PM P.S. Don't carry a lot of dough vi'.h you when you're travelling. Ue a Standard Credit Card, lft good in ihe United Stales and right here at home, too. Your Standard Dealer will be glad to lake your application. the taxi men an 8-1 win. The first two innings were scoreless but the heavy hitting of 99 brought in four runs in the third with Poatuk, Oalderoni, Windle and A. Smith all scoring. Hatch-ford and Dominate added two in the fourth and Smith and Hui- i ton two in the seventh. Scherfc scored the only run for the students. Wesch pitched good ball for the losers and James was a good partner. Schreeder and Pastuk were the battery for the taxi men and turned in a good perform-; ixnce. Dominato had two two-baggers and Ratchtord one. J Both teams played smart ball j with the students fielding and ! throwing with loft of swap. For-' man brought off three fine catches in the outfield. Teams: Bo-Me-Hi Ilartwlg, Ciccone Forbes, Lavigne, Porman, llolke- stad, Wesch, James. Sclwrk. 99 Taxi Pastuk. CaUteron? Ratchford, Windle, A. Smith Montesano. Houston, Schroede: Dominato. Scores: Bo-Me-Hi 0 0 1 0 0 0 99 Taxi ...0 0 4 2- 0 0 Umpire. M. 3JmonHi; umpire. Landon. Fastball Comments 99 Taxi men appeared In their bright new purple and goid swetVers and caps. They would htyve been an easy first in a fashion parade not Jer a beauty contest thou gli. The faas had lots to talk about when the students got the Taxi-men in a jam with thre runners unable to decide who really waj on third base. Nearly all the experts had the right solution but they were nearly all Minor Simonson, behind the plate, umpired bath games in Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I am awfully glad to see you again." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "protege"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Benjamine, Bartholomew, Benedict. 4. What does the word Hn-efficacy" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with pa that means "tipectaeular display"? Answers l. say, "I am very glad." 2.1 Pronounce pro-ta-zha, o as in no. both a's as in day, principal accent on last syllable. 3. Benjamin. 4. Want of power to produce the desired or proper effect. "The inefficacy was soon proved, like that of many similar medicines.'' 5. Pageantry. HOME, SWEET HOME The layer of atmosphere in which man exists is called the troposphere. SPEEDY TORNADOES Tornadoes advice across the earth at a speed 0f 20 to id miles an hour. l-Wll Kf.filSTUY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 16415-1 to Lot, Six Hundred and Sixteen (C16). Range Five (S), said to contain One Hundred and Seventy-one (171) acre, more or leas. Excepting thereout the Rltfht - nf Wav r.r th. n.an,i Trunk Pacific Railway, said to contain six decimal Four Five (645) aero, more or less. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Iops Df , the above Certificate of Title Issued in the nnm rf T?.K. T .... L- Lllclntosh has been fUed In this of- jice. notice is nereDy given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication thereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title. In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 6th day of June, 1848. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (161) . . . compounded :a first-rate manner andIJlH,ri.lJ,lfl,u-w--tt'i on the pases dJdaVmlsiilPt gating. , There was a Mg etewd ladid-1 w IMid- nr irw usual nanhwilkil t a pity the pound-kecpr tat t mi fastball fan. At the rate sonic ol the tyi on the roof of thetaortnta deroyiag ths netting ihmilU be none left alter a Ion mm games. The ground is in lair ilupf bit it would fee in a mwhtoiir condition if the players ol lht various teams got togtthtrlu working bee. With a donnbi, and men to handle then, ml then a sood rolling. the arte would be easily improved. 7 CO 4 SWlre mm iMlir jmtK i It a pain, ilinilu Ml) m lllQlSQ IWI1 cart n tuttc jwotttij Bfl IUI . 11112! 1- tM i m K PROMPT sod EFFICIENT SUM tmVKI Mil nour qltsssilt p-q COLUMBIA OPTICAL C01U H'-l M WTMOua sx uutcar.u it u4 SHORT SPORT Ceraa Sarasen made it a golf iw duble 14 years ago yester- (v "r winning the United gate s- Own Jest after he had' run- r uii itt the British Open. I ftp tvky little United States p li xr-ed a lottr-undir-par round ol 66 Jar a 7-hole score of 286. Ja?: Johnson, first Negro to 'i.'d the vcm-M's heavyweight r.wr defeated Frankie Moran in !0 -cunAs 33 years ago tonight atPaiajr-ls. Johnson, who was kill- din s. motor accident two weeks i;o. wnn the title in 1910 and lit iJt five years later to Jess Wlar-"J at Havana. East to Wesim mitf JSRolsBest 1 oqWogde: ns is 'to ps) life m 11188.1 Easy to ro delightful to I I I I q M 1 ITTMTTTTTTiMWIIIM M Business d A ui Professional W. II. CORRINS Painting and Decorate FREE ESTIMATE! Phone Blue 45! GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement M PHONE GREEN 182 , HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlnj Beauty Culture in all Itibrutlw 206 4th Street : Phone li! SMITH & ELKINS LTD Plumbing and Ileatmi Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Bo: H ' ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING & PAPERMNOINO 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 pjn.) INTERNATIONAL Correspondence CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canadi a P. LOVIN. Phone Crmlli Rep; Representative 117 Boilil 2nd Ave. W. Oppoulu TIIC GEORGE L. ROPJE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 1ST H. J. LUND Painting Paperhar,rjii Interior and Exterior W P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black (2! ip.:.1 LuJ Phi n wm iPIIC-SJborn w. Peterson m HIT'S TRANSFER AlJD MESSENGER Imbe --Coal - Wood - Baegaee Freight - Express Pbane Ulue 81 0 Prince Rimerl 3IERRELL & 'dRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Juildincs Moved F-oundations Built Exc. Our PH. l .-vatlflg and Rock Work Specialty With Modem Equipment LACK' 926 - BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. 1 ICj a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man " 3M. SAXJNDERS Blue 666 Concrete sidewalks, Basements I dsn't take work I cannot , do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUJNSTON & RICE r Gesnerai Contractors P.CZD. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green il 7 Hcuse Repairs, all kinds. -CabEkriet ork - Foundatlorus Estlxiatej Clneerfully Given ProHQnpt attention all work. HANDYMAN 3T0ME SERVICE GKrMERAL CONTRACTORS g and rtepalrs of all klndi Roofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: I8G ned 894 roin Schedule for East Mon-day, Wednesday. Friday 8 -3D.m. Fiom the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 30:45 p.m. GenmlCot'd Contractor " , If We do basements, reshirfiii ti, rcshingl rig, build fences, sidewalks, r(tate"lel your kitchen. -Demolish orjnoouro or wove IrDuildings. 100 SATISfUIIOOlllftCTlOS -GUARANTEED CALL BLTJU BLUR 610 and we will giveavijlllll give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT Jlaislflfdl SOc; Classified Alnnri;: 2c per word oer lmsort inn ' 'K Car Card. JtoZ&"n WANTED WANTED To give away, 2 fe. male tortoise shell kittens. 6 weeks old. Green 897 after 6 o'clock. (152) WANTED High powered rifle. Apply Box 138 Dally News. (152) WANTED Late model car in good ihape. Phone Red C23. (150) WANTED High power rifle. 303 preferred. J. Sackner, Central Hotel. (14G) WANTED Boys for delivery routes. Dally News. (tf ) WOKK WANTED WOMAN will mind children evenings. Phone Red 126. (1M) HELP WANTED WANTED Qlrl for Phone Blue 336. housework. (153) SALESMAN in local district to sell and install Reclaimo Oil Refiners on cars, trucks and boats. Require car and mechanical experience. A permanent paying business for the right man. Reclaimo Sales & Service, 1353 Saymour Street, Vancouver. B.C. (150) MAIDS WANTED immediately for cleaning work at Miller Bay Hospital. Apply to-Medical Superintendent. Phone 635. (150) WAITINO LIST for newsboys, now open at Dally News, (tf) FOH RENT FOR HENT Furnished rooms: also 1 sleeping room. 209 5th Arenue West or call Eva, Fish it Chips. (158) FOR RENT Furnished 2-room cabin. Phone Blue 167. (152) FEW ACRES LODGES offers ac commodation by day or week. Oood beach; strawberries are ripe. Turn south at Terrace School. Gertrude Mitchell, Terrace, B.C. (151) FOR RENT Sleeping room. 801 uorden Street. (tf) BOAT TO CHARTER by respon sible party for trolling season. Must be shipshape and seaworthy; gurdles preferred but not essential. Box 136 Daily News. (14 ) FOR REN" Furnished rooms. 843 9th Ave. West. (tf) LOST AM) FOUND FOUND Lady's gold wrtstwatch. Phone 452. (51) LOST On Sunday last, lady's goia wnsi waien with black leather strap. Finder please phone Green 380. Reward, dtl FOUND - Have found watch. Owner may have oii description. Write Edvard Bates, General Delivery, or Police Headquarters. (150) LISTINGS WANTED SELLINO YOUR HOUSE? We have buyers looking for well-built 4 and 5-room homes. Cash or terms. Consult us first. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (164) PERSONAL LLOYD'S Corn and Callous Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (152) TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to June 30. 1946. on the gasoline launch Sunbeam III. Ship may be inspected at Prince Rutxrt Yacht Club. Highest or any ten der not necessarily accepted. Dr. R. O. Large. P.O. Box 368. (150) IN THE SUPREME COUHT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT' end IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE WILLIAM NICHOLSON BEL'. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE thit by Order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher. mde on the 3rd day of Jun. AD. JB48. I u ippolnted Administrator of the Es- t.lji nf Ullllam Mlfhnln Hall ceased, and all parties having claims vgninsb ine said rotate are nertoy required to furnish same, properlr vartflAsf tn m. rr rr -,frm IK. IK.Vt dy of July, A.D. 1946, and all parties iitueuiru w wie mwu) are required In mv the imniint nf t.hte lnHht. tdnesa to me forthwith. uatcu at if inc Kupert, n.u tnit 3rd day of June, A D. 1048. ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS, Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek, BC Phone Blue 850 All Interior and Exterior Work FOR SAli FOR SALE- 20-ft 85 h.p. K. V-8 engine!4 AWred street ? ValfV caretaker. C, FOR SALE Remlfl to . Sotrrj POR RAT v . trailer cln CtJ nunc oiact 322. 'l. 192Q V; '10" tr, matching rue mm,,... m complete be5; 'Zl "' fhone Bit W SALE- 6 rooftJ house. 742 7th Ave Wec FOR SALE - 'Baby wood), cream and white i electric lroner rotary tr FOR 8ALE- -M amp. oFi and fuse box 8x18 at Moo Sackner. Central Hot, err OOOD BUILDING- Urfi cciure oi irince Ruperfi b uusjness area, Ap.y Box j uay news. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Z rooms and bath, urtng roc mi new mapie lu..- nn aecoraiea kitchen. Located : inm East, iminediatt occ pancy. oniy 12300. ft, j. Epeciion can Armstrcnj Age cies, phone 342, u FOR SALE Tr JMt Nordt Lengtn 28, beam !, depth J Five tons, 4-Cj.der engic Marine clutch lit. Willi Ready to fish, fwegolppe Reasonable New ITcia S- owner 1307 Omlxk Stret (15 iXR SALE Radio, i u buiEt cash re gltter rfstwrt range, househv.d fan-tt Apply 1021 2nd Wtst, tr.pk. Blue 74. Hi FOR SALE Hi ui 4 roam 1: bath; convenient!? stutc For further par,. :ari pha Oreen 987 or app j Ml 5th 1 East. II! FOR SALE Four-roca h $1600 cash. Apply 225 9th A East, evening 1! I SIX-ROOM HOUSE with nlace. on 1' . lots in TjO 8 Fifth Avenue Wen PnataJ Cash $2000. Balan:e ratol Collart & McCaffery Ltd lli FOR SALE - SummDer s! mill and Bond Packer plete, in good cc:n!itio: 1281, Prince Rupert llti FOR SALE - Six -room M thrpe rxdrooms ua. liree 1 ine room, diru.2 rccn a kitchen with tk tuit hniit-ln punboard:. Sanro overlooks garden Hartwr tit , Basement and fun-i:f u In. $4500. Armstror.i Agencl Phone 342. (151 FOR SALE Twee dogfish net j one glllnet drum, cww one stern roUcr Apply 8th Ave. East. ; house lot. 2053 Graham Ae. Phal HI riff, on 1Q rv-vrj a at r Wall mirror, spt slnplp bed. crOSS-MK Si 1.11.1. ..Ar.ciu wish bl Qladstone bag, cabin tmrj Must be sold, 121 5th Aren East. nnn o r v Ttcw4 ln?f!r.i h from $3; used electric . .11. .iiViIv nvd W mui nn' raz rugs u 11"' Z, " ."n,hen sH Ji.bD; usea "-P'r;": nc ... office M tures; fireproof tW chairs, filing cabinet, jWJ used rugs, size 12x z. w ior omce, suiica, thing reduced m s cn onH hi.-, new ana tJ furniture, also nardf us first, it will PJVfi Furniture Co., 3rd A- 324. - MACHINERY TO SAW. better lumber fcnnomlcanv, use -m. and uii-to-dU OTd Portable Sawmills, mJ tured by National Wg, Company 1-fnlted. Van" tl HO Aeenta. AUCTION SALES Builders and Painters Mill'- AUCTION SALES every 6 -t ir Thtr Avenue EaL tt b 1 1 i P.O. Bo 11,4 .... anil Frie Est""1" - prompt flan: