10SIN6 AT ORDENST. re .ling Ceremonies at kilniol Yesterday Afternoon cxi-tcIscs were carried . u lid' ii Street School yes-, pi : u to th" breaking up :M umnier vacation. ,-1 r i tr .'"hool pupils met i hiy in-.st and were ad-. 0'. J Wilson', principal, it- "' nior school met in it mm. At this assembly i oil the platform were Earl Becker and Mrs. Wil- iu Rothwell, members of the ,ij of school trustees, ar ; ai, Roper, secretary to the ,rj Mr:. D. C. Stuart, regent Municipal Chapter, I. O.l). E., 1 Mr Ten";, recent of Queen Chitpi-'T with Mrs. Keays, n.dard bearer, were alao prea- tffr virrnninR the visitors w " on reviewed the record ih pupils with regard to the !VHv: nnd cptipon cojlec-nirin" the ypar. The lead-, inn in war savlnps was Murv nim's with $320.25. if d.vi ion': were Mrs. J. A. loi'd'.- whh $277, Mr. WU-vt.'h 1W"k Miss Mcltln-i v.iHi 210.'5. S. A. Chee.v-wiih VMM and Miss "v OPiir- with $180 50 ard total was $1,818.25. i !filtii;n Victory nonds to the IN THE SUPREME COURT. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" nnd THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE Or EDVIN BENS90N, :t w:w known ns Orton Edvln B -on nnd Edwin Benson Air.E NOTICE thnt by Order of Ilmor W E Fl;hi-r. made on . :h dnv of Jnnr. AD. 1040. I ppoiiitwl Administrator with i A iiirted of the Estate of Edvlti r atherwl iP known on Gorton i Ben ' jon and Edwin Beiunn. who died on or about July ;4! at Rubv Creek, near Atlln, the Pro-, inee of British Columbia; , pnrtle1 having claims atcainst Id e tute tin- hereby required fi n.iah ame properly verified, to ii or before the 6th day of AD. 1946. and all partlen ted to the Estate are required the nmount of their lndebt- t- me forthwith. DATED ;i( Prince Rupert. B.C.. this h da-' of June A D. 1946 GEORGE II. HALLETT. Official Administrator. Anm bc 162 CENTRAL HOTEL weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience t. . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection .ICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) P II ONE 51 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Skoif its FLAVOUR RICHNESS STRENGTH FROM YOUR NEAREST GROaR vu.'u.' of $1200 had been bought by the pupils so the grand total was -$2,718.25. In reporting on the outstanding achievement in the collection of tea and coffee coupons which were redeemed at the the wholesalers' for War Savings Stamps and the money turned over to the Junior Red Cross, Mr. Wilson stressed the persistent and successful work of Mr. Cheeseman. Ills division had collected 0,350 coupons with a value of $103.50. Miss Sim's was next with 3,088 coupons worth $52.25, Mr. Wilson's had 2,169 worth $37, Mrs. Rutherford's had 1,854 with a value of $31.75, Miss Mc-Klnnon's had 1,701 worth $30 and Miss O'Neill's had 1,595 worth $27.25. The grand total for the school was 10,817 coupons worth $284.75. Presentation of promotion reports were made to the successful pupils of Orade Six who would be attending Junior High School next year. The presentation. to the girls were made by Mrs. Hecker and to the boys by Mr"?. ftntnwll. Roth congratulated the children on their successful record. Ptlswys for the contest in British Empire knowled.?5 awarded by Qupen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E. were made by M-s. Teng to Sheila Bennett. Janet Wong and Alice Kills. Mrs. Tens also presented to the school a fine framed composite picture of the Union Jark with particulars of Its history and Instructions regarding Its use. On behaVf of the pupils remaining In the school, Anita Brue. leading pupil oJ the new Orade Six, extended .good wishes to the graduating class. Janet Wong, leading pupil of the RMduatln ela, replied. They would have happy memories of their years at Borden Street School nnd would always try to be worthy of it. CnnmllnVntarv rpmarks were made by Mrs. D. C. Stuart and Mrs. Roper who expressed their pleasure at being present at such an interesting ceremony. With Mm Seaman at the piano th)? children Joined in the ;lP"in! cf "Alnuette" and then after three hearty cheers for the school and the holidays all miner! in the sinsin!; of the national anthem. v VOMANRRflKER LIKES HER JOB Pornier Airwoman Established As Montreal Stork Trailer MONTREAL fl Goin into the Investment brokerage business is an ambitious undertaking for any veteran but when the veteran happens to be a woman .... yet Miss Eve Cote, former sergeant in the Women's Division, R.C.A.P., isn't frightened about It ac all Miss Cote started business in a St. James Street office last October but she had thought and planned It for years before. Prior to the war, she had worked for several years in a stockbroker's office, attaining the status of trader. When discharged lri 1943, she set about, the top priority task of finding a home. Pretty soon, she had bought a 14-room house In the central district, which she promptly converted . int0 a rooming house. The .Investment business, of course, she said, Is not an easy cue to go into, and she advises against anyone trying to enter It, unless they have had some previous experience. Besides, she added, it takes a sizeable amount of capital before a license can be obtained to operate as a broker. PRESENTATIONS TO TEACHERS Miss O'Neill and Miss McKin- j non Honored at Ilorilen Street At a meeting of the teachers of Boiden Street School yesterday afternoon reference was made to the loss to the staff by the resignations of Miss Dorothy OWelll and' Miss Florence McKlnnon. In making the presentation of framed pictures of the city J. S: Wilson, principal, expressed his regret at their departure. Both had given service of the highest quality, and their willing co Modern Etiquette I By ROBERTA LEE Q. When taking a girl to the theatre, is It permissible for a man to go out between acts to smoke? A. Yes; but he should nor do so more than once unless there is someone else In the party to whom she can talk. Q. Is It correct to send invitations to relatives and Intimate friend3 who live In a distant city? A. Yes; invitations should be sent even If one knows that these people cannot attend the function. Q. Is It all right for a dinner guest to rest one hand on the edge of the table? A. While it isn't exactly "bad form," the only place for the hands at the' table, when not in use, Is In the lap. STUDY NOISE EFFECTS CANBERRA, Australia, CP) Ef fect of Industrial noises upon workers will be studied by the Australian Accoustics Labora tory which had investigated deafness in children and the equipment of deaf servicemen with hearing aids. The Grand Old Recipes operation had always been an additional asset to the -effective running of the school. Miss O'Neill had accepted a position on the staff of Port Albernl schools, while Miss McKlnnon who returned to teaching after service with the R.C.A.F. (W.D.), plans on attending University of B.C. this fall. Both teachers thanked the staff for their kind gift. They had enjoyed teaching in Borden Street School and would have happy memories of their experiences there. Hotel... arrivals Prince Rupert S. W. Raven, Victoria; W. T. Hickmore, Smlthers; E. T. Abramson, Annette Island; A. Stromness, Queen Charlotte City; Mrs. B. Stoddard, Juneau; O. W. .La Croix, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. S. O. White, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. D. McLachlan, Inverness; P. W. Knapland, Madison, Wis.; Mrs. H. Sampson, Port Simpson. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide. 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 12:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 pjn. Friday ss Cardena, 9:00 p.m. June 12, 22, July 3 ss Princess Louise, p.m. June 15, 26, July 6 ss Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10:00 a.m. ST n more delf'cmuc mtiU P,:- M;1L ml YOUR cream soups and sauces . . desserts and creamy entrees laite on an enurciy new buu luxurious character when you make them with double-rich Carnation Milk. They're smoother, richer, finer in flavor. It's easy to use Carnation if the recipe calls for milk, use half Carnation, half water, if cream is called for use Carnation undiluted as it pours from the can. Carnation is just pure, whole, cows' milk, evaporated to double richness by removing part of the natural water, homogenized for imoothness, sterilized for absolute safety. C arnation Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT "rem Comemtd Cowt" I.JJJ-h i iH We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased., FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 17 : P.O. Box 171 FORT GARRY IS. Campbell's Cosy Cabins Skeena Bridge Touiist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. ATTENTION!! Campers Watson's Food Store AT SMITHERS WILL BE MAKING REGULAR DELIVERY TO LAKE KATHLYN THIS SUMMER. IJTVY7YTYTYV YYYYYYYYYYYYYJ PRINCE KUPERT 3 BOTTLE COLLECTORS rnonc uiue lit xc Buv PERFEXj Bottles HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I test a hot oven when baking a cake? A. A good way to test tha heat of an oven before claclng In the cake is to put a pinch of flour at the bottom. If the flour turns black within a minute, the oven Is too hut. If It turns a soiled yellow, the oven Is not hot enough. If it turns a golden brown, it is the proper heat. Q. How can I take good care of ferns? A. About twice a week dilute a little sweet milk with a little water and pour on the roots of ferns and rubber pants. It promotes growth. Q. How can I prevent flannel from becoming hard after laundering? A. Do not soak flannel clothing before washing. Jt hardens the fabric. Wash quickly In warm, soapy water. McBride Street HOUSE REPAIRS For General House Repairs, Interior and Exterior Painting, Concrete Basements and Sidewalks. Work done by the hour or contract.. Call us for an estimate. McLeod, Pitt-Cross &Gibb Phone Red 924, after 0 p.m. METLAKATLA GIRL MARRIED At a quiet cerfmony solemniz- 1 ed In St. Andrew's Cathedral at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Miss Helen Kathleen Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell of Metlakatla, was. Joined In marriage to William KrevencHuk, of Alberta. The rite was performed by Rev. Basil S. Prockter. The bride was given In marriage by her father, and witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. George Haldane, uncle and aunt of the bride. Mr- and Mrs. Krenenchuk will leave for Alberta, where Mr. Krevenchuk has a farm. He has been em- j ployed as a section worker with j the Canadian National Railways at Shames. WASTED OX Yd EN Man utilizes only about 25 per cent of the oxygen Inhaled In a breath of air. Yes! Sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH , " f YEAST . This active fresh yeast goes right to work, gives you full value because it's full strength. And bread made with Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast tastes sweeter, is lighter, more tender. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME -Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Canada's dependable yeast favorite for over three generations. f1 U MADE IN CANADA fsws ENGLISH BREAKFAST SETS 32-piece sets in dainty patterns, ideal for everyday use. Just what you have been waiting for. AT 5!0 95 and r Gordon's Hardware PHONE 311 MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone Black 307 236 Second Avenue West quality ! rz I oJl Help yourself to health from our stock. You'll find healthful foods for delicious summer menus. All orders delivered to your kitchen MUSSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 ROX 1308 Oil Burners Installed T- Announcing . . . OPENING OP PHONE 108 and Serviced PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING J. II. Schuman S. Julian REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls: Illue 170 Green 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p m. mim Erfnce Rupert Daflp &ttos Thursday June 27, 1946 t n fUVORW N "GOODNESS "These Shreddies sure taste good. Mummy!" That's what young folks think of thesr delicious spoon-size morsels. And mothers know that . Shreddies help build strong, healthy bodies too. They'ra . . made from whole wheat, with the precious wheat germ jr and all the other good parts of Nature's best food. JB t; sure to have Shreddies for breakfast tomorrow; They'r f really spoonfuls of goodness. $ sN.rttflmts YJ&f22zj 1 ShrtdJie is a rtiiilenJ tradt mark tu ntd in Canada by THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD NIAOARA FAILS, CANADA JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PHONE 21 Quality Repairs Economy Prices at i i After school troat Out of school nd r, into the box , of f Shreddies. Handy to t carry in the pocket crunchy Shreddies are great for a&ci " ? noon appetites. ' PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein , , Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17.1 5. WE SERVE YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST ; -j- : SPECIAL KEI) BRAND REEF CHOIcfesiJ. FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITSf COiMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN i I Choicest Cooked Meats. Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS ' THIRD AVENUE WEST UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL . HAS REOPENED " We specialize in tender, juicy steaks -' i. and Chinese dishes. m WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME ANI 4 f At ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD . f