Jnii. ctirn C I' i .inn lo mai glVCS W- thai vou are tak- . nprsonally. , Fellowship you ....... .. nrinkline n awiw""" aill' llll "-" . ire rarrv- inney rastor. w... j. .ITP'A I. 1 1 1 1 1 It " I . II 1 11 .... Wntt Where 10 Look lor r .1 1 - . illfil-'WV.. ivsiemauc Giving prayes Band vm,it Ppnnle. i- tlLlltlll V.iltlll VII Avenue East MacSween, B.A., em mi 'oi n e Church -itidren with their i rr onria unii moor fir jmor Choir : Cieams Our Banner" Vltatlnn fn nmroh i. conereeatlnn is 1 n )r Knnli.t 5 l.W.ll.r.. I tail and McBride St.) Christ . . . RUCIF1ED ROWNED OMINO j vuuut, mira nrni-nn i -Gospel Service. GOD I5E FOIl US, t AGAINST US?" co S. Weatherly. - 'jt mircwiiK, w or Red 701) Ill V BIBLE FOR WORLD .mmmu j I V - ' - . - f - TURDAY sermon r. t- d r r D l it Tirn rector of St. Andrew's Cathedral 1. 1 1 iiUuiifU I nif i j.. tn incr riiiii uiau wtiuot ...t- no rrfiiiii tin Liiuovi vviiw uui i . n0 L lC Swvw i. vnnv i'tJ niuvii v . t nil i iiiiiiv" " kj -.r NOt DC- . . u no liu - answt.1. rnmDare unfavourably with the stumg, healthy, handsome, rharmlnir and able of this world. But surely It Is obvious that mir Creator must expect a great er output of nobility, kindliness, leadership and burden-oeanng from those are are best equipped to do this. It Is surely a cheap thin-r to sneer at the other per son when his or her physical and mental endowments are far less than our own. The handsome person doesn't know what It Is like to live behind a plain, insignificant or even homely ex-tprior. The ones with good digestions do not know what It Is like to live without one. vvny should one. who has no trouble at all being kind and charming, despise another person who has great difficulty In this respect? Why should those who can be brave without even thinking 1 about It consider that they are superior to those whose first Teactlon from babyhood is to run away? How does It come about that snme of us had latners ana mothers who loved each other, and who had every material ad vantage to give us? How is it that we were born Into one race First Iiantist Church Youne St. and Fifth Ave. East Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Green 812 i Sunday. September 29, 1940 11 a.m. Great Bible Doctrines 2. The Offense of the Cross. 12 15 nm. Church School: a class for every age, starting with the Cradle Roll. Rally Day will Hp Rundav. October 6. 7:30 p.m. Bible Characters. 2. Daniel, the most Influential man in the Old Testament. Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Junior cnoir. 8:00 p.m. Prayer meeting. 9:00 pm. Fellowship meeting Thursdays 3:30 p.m. Junior Boys- e.x- nlnrprS- 7:00 p.m. Senior Boys Trail Rangers. 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir. no it. for elrls 12-17 years of age will be started shortly. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED A QOnn PI 1PP irn tllTV" W ' IN STOCK . . . CONGOLEUM RUGS All sacs, in Limited Quantity Only. . -".111(1- .All t nn . In PtAIIV I 1 1 f V ,1 1 1 1 n ii. Mj . . w ii ... " - ii.uuuws CRANKS r vio.-o inmr waitprl for arc "'SO n sliT wieks will be arriving this wceK. "'c B'ven promot attention. Watch our windows.. nilHA.. I iiiiiiiiii Bwm n mmmi iii 1 1 ii miiiuiii mm u gf - wuinuill i JOHN 327 Tlilrd Ave. uis ana M. PARKINSON have turned nroDrletorshln of ti BOILER WORKS S. I flhlrn 1 T u1k ' .nm .nnnrn raiii iviii iv and not Into another? That we grew up here In Canada and not in some Asiatic slum where all our boasted menial ability would have hardly secured for us the barest necessities of existence? That we came Into this world free of half a dozen diseases which would have stacked the cards against us right from the start? All these things, If we have them, were given to us. we did nothlne to deserve them and one day you and I will have to account for the use we have made of all our splendid equip ment. Shall It be said in that 'day that we used It all to despise our less fortunate fellow creatures and to thumb the nose at the Giver of all of It? Tt does not matter to Almighty God what you have or have not in the way of physical and men tal equipment. He can put all that right In His own good time, .The soul burdened with bad nerves, sexual twists or other handicaps does not have to unrrv If In thp mpantlme he learns' to trust In God and to lean upon His Salvation. On his spiritual pilgrimage perhaps he will not make a very lovely or Drofound impression on the world in which he lives, but all that he does will be In his case a tremendous achievement and the goal of It all to be trans formed Into Christ's likeness. Many who are first shall be last and last first. It Is true that the most costly thing God does Is to make an immortal soul out of a human being. It was this that cost the Suffering and Death of Christ. Creation Is easy lor Him. e can make a handsome body or a keen "mind without even think Cathedral Church of St. Andrew Rectory: 542 Eighth Avenue West Blue 733 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Harvest Festival Services 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. ... Anthem: "The Lord Is Loving 2::00 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 pjn. Evensong and Ser rann. Anthem: "Praise to the Lord nf Harvest." Preacher, Morning and Evening, 5 the Rector. ing about It. But all these handsome bodies and keen minds are things Just of the moment. They are like the beautiful sunsets that are sDeedllv swallowed up In the night and are soon as u thev had never been. It 13 our lob for the little while that we have" what we have to make of that an immortal soul. And the way to do It is to let God do it. For this the Christian Fellow ship Is vital. The Sacraments are vital. The worshipping, pray- lne and worklne together are vital. It Is not alwavs pleasant The devil still has most of the hest times. We cannot promise vou a eood time in the church Nor can we promise that you will be with the best people. But you will be at God's most costly business for yourself and for others, which is the making of Immortal souls out of human clay. You will be reading the only road of Hope. UNWANTED VISITOR LANGLEY, Eng., J) While railway signalman Ted Nye, nearly frantic with pain, cleared two expre.'ses and two freight trains past his signal box, a doc tor nroblns his ear finally usea a hot-water syringe to force out a moth three-quarters or an Inch long. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES Times of Services Services In all churches at 11 am and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday School at 12:15 except as nuuwu. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. w. ai uuiismuu Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Suntiay School 2:00 p.m. Hector: Basil S. Prockter, B A B.D. ST. Mavwe tpme ioji PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove PlIfST IIAPTIST Sth Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus v (Red 839) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 6th Ave. at McBride St. (Black 922) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East ' (dfeen98ai SALVATION ARMY Fraser Street rr Arfit p I.. Oorrie (Black 269) FIRST UNITED 636 6th Ave. West . i . . i A XM1cnn M A (Green 613) fillyour prescriptioni PIki yeur pusctlplion In the skilled hinds of 4 Nyl Diuuist, md mivi ill th pio'cssiond tu md Hading standards, that the Nyal Dtujtists ol Canada hal maimaineo im oro mm itiunuwu. iv. g........ tiinj your next pttscnpuw v. A Rjfalirt(f Pnormocfal Afwoyi On Dwly To Srvt You Ik ViH W Mm WAmW. H iiRWiHM u- kgniiiiiiwgiiiiiiiiw m Mwmm mwrnw mmm mm mw mmmmmmjry ii iiiiM gHHHf Mm mmmW mmww mmm V JggggggggggggKf'T 9 t ragwgiiiingHHMggiMgiiiBWira: McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED 3rd Ave. at Gth St. IMioiic 7!) - ' Stratford... Two-Tone Pens THE DEPENDABLE PEN FOR SCHOOL $1.70 DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE eo99,0eoooo000000fl000000,Cl,,l,!!'9,!,OICl,900,Cl'!!a FRIENDS GREET ENGLISH BRIDE In honor of Mrs. Clifford Johnson, who recently arrived in the city, from Watford, England, to Join her husband, a miscellaneous surprise shower was held at the home, of the bride's mother-ln-law. Mrs. C. E. Johnson, Lotbienere Street, by friends of the family. Durlns the evening: a deco rated basket filled with gifts for the young bride was presented to her with warm wishes of wel come to Prince Rupert from the assembled friends. Court whist was played and prizewinners were Miss Eileen Foster and Mrs. Alice Ritchie. A sing-song was enjoyed by everyone and delicious refreshments were served. Besides the guest of honor those present were Mrs. F. Ellison, Mrs. J. Erickson, Mrs. H. S. Parker, Mrs. D, Santerbann, Mrs. G. Ciccone, I Mrs. T. Petrofi. Mrs. L. Raabe, Mrs. R. Webber. Mrs. P. Lien, Mrs. O. A. Johnson, Miss E. Cav- alier. Mrs. J. S. Irvine. Mrs. E. u. Foster, Miss Eileen Foster, Mrs. C. Smith, Mrs. Helen Gil bert. Mrs. W. Hampton, Mrs. Alice Ritchie, Mrs. J. M. Irvine, Mrs. J. Krlkevsky. Miss Aleda Johnson, Miss Agcta jonnson, Mrs r. V. .Tnhnson. Mrs. E. San- J. V. Eoys, newly appointed In i terbane, Mrs. Rod Morrison, Mrs. i R. Taper and Mrs. Carl Smith. Villagers Welcome New Indian Agent SKEENA CROS,SKCG of Skeena Crossing and Kit- segukla turned out to welcome dian Agent at Hazelton: At the social gathering, speeches were made by a number oi native phipfs. which were resoonded to I the new agent. Mr. Boys Is a veteran of the R.C.A.F. HOW MUCH HAV VOU FARMD?. HAVE YOU Mfr? MOST MEN EARN SUBSTANTIAL SUMS OF MONEY over a period of year, only to find that at the end of 10, 15 or 20 vear. they have veryilittle left, If any . . . BUT It need not of Canada Limited have a be tnat way Inve.tor. Syndicate III h?hyw..! Zip you'-to accumulate $2,500.00, $5,00000 . . . which fifteen or twenty year. $10,000.00 or more In ten, be withdrawn In a lump sum, or on an income amount, may bl. Thl. tlme-te.ted plan ha. already enabled thou.and. of Canadian, to reach their goal. Why Not a Branches In Principal Cltiet -THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY"; 1 f Iver Fox This Fall? SEE OUR FINE NEW STOCK OF FUR COATS and SUITS KWONO SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome (pen 5 pjn. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 ' BUY ON BUDGET P LAN-No Carry Charge No Interest Terms In accordance with W.P.T.B. Kegulatlons. We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES 0 DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS' Phone 21 Third Ave. West REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin , Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 ajn. PHONE 173 Prince Hupert Daily J3rtufl Saturday, September 28, 1946 For Stormy Fall Days... Quality Repairs Economy Prlcei at Towers' Oiled Cotton Raincoat Olive Green Shade with Corduroy Collar. Lined. Has Storm Flap With dome fasteners. SIZES 36 TO 16 $8.75 "THE MEN'S SHOP' 532 THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Olllce) ClOTIHSC .WD FURMSHIXCS Gordon's McBride Street PHONE 345 COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Just Arrived! A new shipment of CongoleumJR. ug s and other felt back rugs. See them now at 4ardware PHONE 311 Some New Goods Things are still far from plentiful. Vve have a few of the following at present: RONSON LIGHTERS UMBRELLAS ONE WALNUT MANTEL CLOCK PARKER "51" PENS REYNOLDS BALL PENS WATERMAN PENS AND PENCILS EVERSHARP NEW PENCILS STERLING CIGARETTE CASES NEW COMPACTS NEW SOUVENIR SPOONS i Fine wood tor baiei NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 14-inch lengths, free of nails 510 per cord lengths, $8 per cord Second class trimmings up to 11-inch Third class, various lengths uncut $G P cord FOR COURTEOUS AND RELIABLE SERVICE HEMM0NS TRANSFER Phone Black 156 Night Phone: Black 665 pn. Rox 1131 Station B office:' J. II. Mair's Auction Rooms Third Avenue East