SALMON NT HERE 1L rut. iVAXTtD ... nf ran- iwr-hlFment j to the easiwii '"' ,v. tehikan ..- r ot t. u- ..i m cort I"" ".. ifflrtn was load- Sa . HI1 .Kit lVlUld : yr; j o Watson .r. ti'iulna Russ: iw r-:ve Ethel ana Brentzen; ; 3 csiiy Ann, Ed, Mr B J Bacon and . Ru;::r' Mrs. B. A. - i.. 13 flrwin Mi jr-T -! Reld: The - ?! Kfr and Mrs. ::t:w.T Mr and y-tt and family, DnSU:nh (Shorty), RENT 3 or 4- Uhrd h::use Phone (265) J t...i ocal range. iCS. 260) ;K WANTED . w ;rk Phone (265) t school boy, ": school hours. in alter 5:30. tf HIV . - 1 nnJ r.cme Room - -ry Apply (tf) rlt o ".ock depart- -i f.vt agency, good ? advancement. XD BOARD BOARD Table sway from home. 622 Frascr (265) -CifcLi unfurnished. Avenue (262) u 12 5 room, (2C0) -HcirekeeDlnz room r"t pnone Blue 815. (tf) !i Avenue West. Ap He:-erson Block. (tf) 'vj nuuM lor -".able AddIv ror 'WHNERS w .in, (262) OIlHnrnere moi oin Ave. (262 better lumber more use tno mortorn Bawmllis, manufac- watlonal Machinery wa, Vancouver, (tf) lloU 1 T-v . ' v-ttSIl UO j lave in tho - - - HIV Attic? B u thai nr 4itrjsi- :iri ipiao ? cussmED An n0V lCns Sini-B v In . . " JU IT nl. I ciosets? ""woorj Sell what "i'l! Advertise l,at muick cash! V KTT.M Im. m "sitieds Steamship Sailings ' s1 For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday S3 Catala 12:30 p.m. ll:15p.m. Friday-ss Cardena, 9:00 pjn. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, Princess Louise, p.m. Advertise In Tue Dally News. .r.A J J . .1 Minimum -horrro fcV ttlrfe M-i4Iam r vZ-nk Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage OF TMAM FOR SALE Moraes and FOR SALE 10-guage double than uieu si) to and c.!i"hbors for if-i?'. or svm- nr th: wauuiui irV,o fnllowln!' Bowers -f th? iy uuai AU d Oif Y.P.E.A., David Musgrave .. ir and Mrs. joe - iho hovs: ,-1 nfr- Jenny t.. i i!fv Havward; Henrv White ana iiUijit' nrppn ana . rw Mrs Maua barrel, hammerless shotgun with shells. $20. 517 6th Ave. East. (261) FOR SALE Monarch kitchen range, good condition. 621 Ihofnpson St., or see Boat "Cohoe", New Floats. (262 FOR SALE 3 spaniel puppies, C weeks old. Box 175 Dally News. (261' FOR SALE Piano, $125; alo two electric stoves, $50 each. Hyde Transfer. (265) FOR SALE 5-room house, lino leum Included, near Cold Storage. Phone Blue 728, after 6 p.m. (261) stoves, from $35; 2-piece ches terfield $59.50; slightly single beds, complete, $20; hand winches, anvils, etc. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 1 tube-tester; 1 mul timeter; 1. Universal loudspeaker; 1 Victor record player. A bargain. 1054 9th Ave. East. Phone Red 751. (263) FOR SALE Beautiful home on vnnrth Avenue. Larue sun- porch faces harbor, giving ex- cellent view; spacious living and dining rooms, hall and ; study all with oak floors; two fireplaces; modern kitchen; Pembrooke bath; all on main floor. Four bedrooms and bath on upper floor. Concrete and rock basement; heated with automatic coal stoker One of the finest homes in the city. Immediate occupan cy. Inquire Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342 or evenings, uiu. 1A7 (262) ream flat, two' ; TTTTr" oearcoms. kitchen r un. oiur- mtaijr n.,w.w.. ranee. Phone Rea 887, or 8th Ave. East. (260) I ALWAYS Education Week Ave. West. Good garden, Phone teacher and child." v November 4-9 (By a Parent For a matter of 12 vears. from five to six hours a day, a child Is under the guidance of a teacher so the teacher Is, or should be, a very Important person Indeed, Teaching is an art with a great responsibility because It deals with the human mind, a mind that may be developed or destroyed. Just how ;ar either way depends to a great extent on the teacher. There are several ji.uoi relationships iwoiwiuhjj Red 998. (260) Children will accept guidance r 77" 'only from one for whom they r?, TJ,Sa5S'-i"" have respect. They early learn S Shfd;.CaU n,1 1 Uthf( - to recognize ability, dignity and West. Phone Black 973 after o llndcrstanJJng. naopsest re. o'clock. (263) ,...,.... ... FOR SALE Bed couch in Al condition. Cheap. Phone Black 961. (2t) SLIGHTLY USED sheets and Ls one In which the teacher Is the child's assistant in making knowledge his own. All subjects of the curriculum are mere lor a purpose uuu aic . . 1 1 . 1 V DianKew, an cieau, aucews i the j.esuit 0r much research on 45x90. Less than half price, the part of the educators who 95c. Blankets all-wool, real, are consiantly working to fit the bargain; almost half price, ' eurr!CUium ,0 the child and to $3.95 B.C. Furniture Co. (tf) ,he times. In these days ol so - i 'mi'ch cheaD reading material a FOK SALli-wew ana useu lur- . . ' mnewI, niture and hardware at the ' ?'7", New a.nuin IZ V , rT'T.Wod literature. There are many .....c ,k"""' clear lessons in history. From used sleeping couches $7. beds,, . .. A , them a ctudent shou'.d derive a complete, $10; coal and wood consciousness of his cultural and Ls Nrial heritage and In such a worklne knowledge of It. He will see the place in the set-up of his own nation and his community. of his own family and hlmsslf. If he ls to be a good citizen he must be carare of his duty to maintain this heritage. The trend 'of today Is towards more Insure for all. This will result In more time for mischief for all and more discontent If there ls no cultivating of a pro fitable Interest for these leisure (n RHEUMATIC PAINS and STIFFNESS Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILY Jrd Avenue rhone 1"8 XMAS SUBSCRIPTIONS Special Rates One Year 1 Gift 2 Gifts CHATELAINE $Joq CORONET ;-6"00 ll.uO ESQUIRE 200 3 no LIBERTY ,00 2.00 3.50 MCLEAN'S MAGAZINE READERS' DIGEST Q u 5C TIME 550 9.75 LIFE MiaSm.M moments. There should be taught an active and vital ap preciation of painting, music, sculpture of any enjoyments that recreate and educate. The relationship of the child to his work is not solely the responsibility of the teacher. Study habits, good or bad, are formed early. Assigned home study is a necessary part of school work and parents are shirking their duty who do not see that conditions conoiuons at ai home iiume aTc arc condu-, cuuuu-, involved In the school life of a , Cive to its telng done. After all, child that of the teacher to the co-operation Is one of the things Child. Of he Child tO his Studies, nr., hnn rmr children -- -- n't 4f V Ut? vsf w - " - - - I- of the child to other children wm ieam on their way through and that very Important rela- school. Here is one place at least tionship of the parent and where we can do a bit of co- teacher. I By the time graduation from High School is reached we no longer longer have nave a a child cnua but out a a stud operating. Individualism overlooked but must not be group working ua- should be rZ" fining ground for group ----- - " - contlnues to university or not he will still be a student In that he will have the desire to pursue his learning. He will have been so guided that he has been enabled to grasp more learning. Of necessity, the teacher has n . n M i i . ft I. fry hflnrdfl ihp Msf. nnr. behaviour in later life. Physical training and games are necessary but have the desired result only when supervised by qualified instructors. It would seem too, In these days of counsellors whose busi ness It is to study the aptitudes tutt GrtL-t. z gouu ium un uiu -!. i ... . . . .... , j Ave. East; also some lumber, w unaeriaim xuav out i uuns i Ui , I i (Za 2 . . ' .. n-n hniiM nwo n fool that ihprp i "uls chou'd be trained for the Kor iniormaiion j'none uiue -- . r. - 1C3 (261) existed an understanding of our nlace in life most suited ,tinA to his '. iown narticular child: "a meetinz land her native ability. There FOR SALE 6 room house on 7th I of the personalities of the i should be fewer misfits. Parents who wish a bit of advice as to mi ;ht do well to consult the cou.iseiki. We ask a eoad deal of our teachers but we cannot expect them to-be altogether altruistic about it. What w wish them to give our children takes long and continuous training so the re muneration should te such as to Induce the most capable people Into the profession and people who will give of their best. I think all D2rents hope that during their school life their children will receive the train- inn that will turn them out. whether to college or straight to the business of life, healthy, happy young people with alert open minds. Young people witr. a love of life and a zest for learning. We hope they will be capable cf recognizing and assuming their responsibilities, capable of taklne advantaie cf every opportunity and at the same time willinc and readv to make their contribution to society. INVITED TO VISIT NEW UNION LINER All members i the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce and, their wives have been invited to visit the new steamer Coquit-lam at the Canadian National dock at Prince Rupert on the coming Sunday evening for a tour of inspection of the ship. The vessel will be arriving here voyage in command cf Capt. John Bodsn ?.nd will leave the same night for Stewart. GIRAFFE'S HORNS The horns of the giraffe are the career of their children covered with skin and hair. gfggi.l&t (Wnui Ouup Soup i y ihat Satisfied flJlA- - The Bordcii Co. Ltd- j For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CnOW M KIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. Hotel. . . .TTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-, A World of Home Cleaning Helps . m v- m mm n at the VAKIL 1 Y SlUKZ . . . Make your home shine . . choose from our dozens of house-cleaning helps that will save you time and work and make things cleaner. We've all kinds of cleaning powders, soaps, creams, polishes and gadgets to use with them. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Phone Red 400 518 Third Ave. W. P.O. Box 1118 a Girl loves a nice Compact We would like to tell you of the wonderful variety of new designs we have this Fall. They are beautifully shaped in gold and silver colors and the engraved patterns arc really artistic. Some are enameled in lovely floral effects In combination with the hand engraving. The prices vary with the quality and workmanship and run from as low as $1.85 up to the sterling silver at $15.00 to $20.00. You really ought to see them. arrivals Prince Rupert S. .Waring, Vancouver; H. E Cheverle, Vancouver; C. Paulson and sons, Terrace; H. 3. Brown, Port Essington; Oeorga Robinson, Shirley; Mr. and Mrs. J McCulloch, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Battersby, Georgetown; K. Garland, West Van couver; K. Tostiana, rincm Lake; Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hougthe, Port Clements; Mrs. A. Espeseth, Petersburg, Alaska: Mrs. G. N. Maclnnes, Terrace: Mrs. B. Espeseth, Petersburg. Alaska. COMPILE KNOWLEDGE LONDON, Oi ' The British Medical Association has appoint- , ed Dr. G. M. Flndlay, editor, and j Dr. N. Gilder assistant editor. ; for a bulletin of abstracts from the world's medical journals to begin publication in January. Before the war this service was performed in Germany. ASTHMA SUFFERERS uplrnmr relief from the wheezinjt. sneezing, gasping struggle for breath caueed by Atuhma. Take RAZ-MAH. specially made to relieve itchy, streaming eyes, cl.oked-up bronchial tubes, difficult breathing and harassing .coughs caused hv 'Asthma: Phrnnir RrnnciLia. HaT that afternoon on her maiden S evCT' At tow-0 il- The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Geo. . Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: nm Blue. 145 Res. Red 127 Ask lor George WE'LL KEEP YOU WARM NEXT WINTER 'you order your coal for next winter NOW. By ordering today you protect your fam-ily and yourself against being caught without coal when winter comes. Philpott, Evitt & CO. LTD. Phone 651 and 652 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Prfnrc Hiiprrt Daflp Jftcuis Wednesday November 6, J94$ Magic's Orange-Raism Bisrults 2 (upl uleJ floirr 4 ltspoos Mik Bakmt Powder H 1- "It 2 Asfns. ilr Ice ce G 4 tbipnu lhorUnin ctp rtiimt 1 thtpn, eranti rind ii cup miU Sift dry ingredients together. Cut In shortening until well mixed. Add raisins and brange rind. Beat egg slightly in measuring cup and add milk to make H cup. Add to first mixture. Roll out about -inch thick; cut with floured biscuit cutter. Place on greased pan. Bake in hot oen (475T.) about 12 minutes. Makes 16. v-ream . . .for DINNER Hazelwood Ice Cream NOW AVAILABLE IN BRICKS at McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. . (E. C. Wallace Mgr.) Srrl Ave. at Gth St. . Phone 70 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 LIMITED COAL WOOD "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY CRATING "storage HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 A. MacKenzie Furniture We are taking orders for goods on our usual Chrlstm'as Policy pay a deposit, goods will be delivered when required. We have a large stock of Spring-Filled Mattresses. A Christmas Present Deluxe. Restmore Supreme Mattress - Sl!).."iO Res'tmore Rip-Van-Winkle Mattress $:$.7." . Beautyrest Mattress $10.50 Spring-Filled Mattresses SSI. 50 NOW IN STOCK Bedroom Suites in walnut. In four pieces; DlnetteSultes in six pieces, walnut and natural finish; Chrome Chairs: Dinette Tables and Kitchen Tables, singly; Chesterfield Suites; Cribs for baby, with panel and plain; La-Z-Boy . Delux Chairs; large assortment of Tables, coffee and novelty Satin Cushions; Hassocks in variety; Doll Carriages for the girl; Cedar Chests in beautiful walnut lined, Tenessee "aroma" cedar. Many other goods to choose f rom. Shop early Our floor space Is limited, but samples will be there for your choosing. The usual courteous, reliable service. MAIL YOUR ORDERS Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Demand . . . Quality Drugs In "over the counter" drugs as U the makings of prescriptions, branded merchandize is all-important. It's your guarantee ol quality and perfection. We feature only the best brands-each one a promise of complete satis-, (action. Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Druggists Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped ' "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS k SALMON FILLETS J; No bones ... No waste . . . No fuss. '2 Try them today from your butcher. Canadian Fish j AND Cold Storage company limited PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.