asona ble Ideas for Housekeepers .v ,1u lime for Peaches: minimi this year I I ujf u oea::hes i cally controlled oven' at 275 de ' .- . very v r. nvmakt-r has .nt ! ir next disserts s? .niiiih by , J,. Wi'ii that . :0u" 'i tfle x -i quota ha r.: jam ri Fruit II -Mai m hot e 1 t i: ip-d very ::, in- appe-i 0) : vt;r SUg- nomi economists the "V ' - ;l Elberta'. c: .:ined by , or the ty.-.:: For cither as'f s L'P.ted . t t d decree ui ancj ripe be used x- should :o;id por- desserts. nr biaijch' be: water), : nt peaches Is ;. r moval of ilkc pears cutely after .re Uould be !; ai :r.o u.s soon :; T.i peaches. - ".? brine, are irrr.) sr.d pitted. :: tne.hed, the : 3 ? aler. cut ;v- T3 with boil-a: sealer - ororessed ; 3ar.h for 20 can only thremostatl- grees F. pint sealers 35 minutes, quart sealers 45 minutes. The hot pack method differs from the cold pack. After the peachea are prepared, that Is, blanched, skinned, drained from the brine, halved or quartered and pitted, they are simmered far 5 minutes In the syrup and packed hot. The processing time Is decreased' because of this pre-cook-tng. Sealers of both sizes and tin cans are processed 15 minutes In the boiling water bath. In'the oven, pint gla.s .sealers are proceeded 25 minutes and quart sealers 30 minutes, at 25 degree I'each Jam C cups sliced peaches. 3cupssugar 3 teaspoons cider or blended vinegar or lemon Juice Prepare fruit then add sugar, mix thoroughly ana allow to stand one hour before boiling. Experts Say - - it baco i used v J for one's .iterally. ' send, the " bacon amount of the average ernidnred a ma'' quantity qui.ikiy used - cf bacon ' Many home- e: tzr.on In the tr the idea 'i Cc :on i- hung but not Th'! salted: :: will keep :iiT.nnL bat the 1 generally ' ike re,u meat and 1 o (he same :v?reo and cold. fc: '..x:ai . home :mmend bacon I ::um ootatoes. six uar. !?v rWo table- I1 T'Jea nnlnm !nrl o '.aste n-c: n? potatoes. o email pieces 1 u In ;"- njn until R-move from 111 r , . 3 .ninjs. Shape uip in bacon s.x servings. ... 1 '!V. it mra: Wa can have " ';akr and cookies. Swenheart Conk. 11 I lil ' I PTlll .WUil . PAM T 1 n w itmjIUX I remove scorched 21. j cnmnAl.. th v """netware pan , 'u wai :r aaa ons of washlne sodn. vu uum point, out and wash pan In Thc -orch will dls- rin t ,emve mud garments and liip crrtf- sue nf n ro, - VJ a clean slice urn ih. ne piece Is nr. .. to r- them? bv nil ... Place in ana tin,,. them ' uull,nS Start cooking and when Jam begins to boll, add the cider or blended vinetar or lemon Juice. Boil Jam uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes. Pour into hot sterilized Jars, cool, seal. Yield: 4V2 cups. NOTE Boiling time should be counted from the moment Jam comes to. a full rolling boll. Jam should bestirred frequently to prevent sticking. Since boiling time Is approximate, Jam should be tested for consistency, by removing saucepan from heat, placing a tablespoon of Jam on a cold saucer and chilling It aulckly. If Jam does not set to proper thickness, It should be cooked for a few minutes longer, then retestcd. Peach Surprise Rich biscuit dough (using 2 cups all-purpose flour) '4 cup milk flavored fat; li cup of sugar teaspoon of salt i teaspoon of vanilla Vz cups slfUd all-purpose flour or 1 2-3 cups pastry flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 tablespoons of milk 2 tablespoons of cocoa Cream fat, sugar, salt and vanilla. Add.egg and beat well. Mix and sift flour and baking powder. Add alternately with milk to creamed mixture and blend thoroughly. Divide dough in half and work cocoa into one portion. Roll both pieces of dough to V8 inch thickness. Cut with cookie cutters into desired shape. Cut centres from cookies with differently shaped cutters and put the coloa colored centres into the white cookies and visa versa. Roll lightly with rolling pin to seal the centres in place. Bake on greased cookie sheets In a mod erate oven, 350 degrees fahren- heit, for 10 minutes. The recipe yields three dozen two-Inch cookies. EDUCATIONAL FORCES OIPPPINO, Suffolk, Eng. UO Newspapers are the greatest educational forces In the country "and we must walk with them hand In hand," Rev. W. O Harerave Thomas told a rural council meeting. Advertise In The Dally News CHRONIC BRONCHITIS rxi rtubborn bronchial couth, (either phletmy or dry and hacking) make yo choke, gasp, wheeie, keep you awaka Blghta? Relieve it now I Do at thou. aandi' have done get Temploton I RAZ-MAll and atop that cough l MAll has helped other let it Help you. SOc. 11 at druggiiti everywhere, K-l IN THE SUP11EME COURT OP DIHTISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" anrt IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP RAONAR N. FREDRIKSEN otherwise known m FREDERIKSEN anrt FREDRICKSON DECEASED INTESTATE tw MdTirE that hv Order 01 His Honor E. D. Woodburn, ACimg for and at request of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 3 1st day or July, A D. 1946. I was appointed Artmlnlttrntnr nf the Estate 01 RaR- nar N. Frcdrlksen, otnerwise as Frederlksen and Fredrlckson. deceased, and all parties having clalhis against the said estate are hereby required to rurnlsh same. Prop"'? verified to me on or before the 181IJ day of September. AD. 1048. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Ptlnce Rupert. DO., thU 5th day of AuRuat, A D. 1946. GORDON F FORBES. Official Administrator, rrlrice Rupert, B.C. 3 peaches, halved and pitted 0' teaspoons brown sugar Make rich biscuit dough. Rol! to V4 inch thickness and cut in 12 rounds of 4 inch diameter. On I each of six rounds, place half a ! peach, cut side up, put 1 tea-! spoon brown sugar In the hoi- low. Cover with other rounds of dough, press edges together, and i bake In a hot oven, 400 degrees F j for 15 to 20 minutes or until i browned. Serve with rich milk ! flavored with a few drops cf al- I mond extract or with pudding Eauce. six servings. Crusted Peaches 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 2 tablespoons honey C peaches Hi cups dry ready to eat flakp cereal ' 1 tablespoon butter teaspoon cinnamon Mix lemon Juice and' honey. Peel peaches, halve and pit Dip In lemon mixture. Roll In crushed cereal. Place In greased baking dUh, cut side up. Dot with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake in hot oven 400 de grees F. for 10 to 12 minutes. Serve hot or cold, plain or with custard sauce. Six servings. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. In conversation, shouldn't one avoid talk about ailments, operations, and the like? A. Yes, such subjects are tiresome, uninteresting, and often obnoxious to other persons. Q. What is the correct pronunciation of "boutonnlere"? A. Pronounce boo-to-nyar, oo as in boot, o as in no distressed, a as in care, pfinclpal accent on last syllable. Q. What is the birthstone for October? A. Opal or Tourmaline. rTTTTYTYTTYTYYYYYYYTYYTr Briefs from Britain CIIALMONT. Eng. TR The "Sweetest Old Lady" over 60 will be chosen during the Bank Holiday fete In this Bucklnhamshlre village. TREDEGAR, Wales W When offered a. flag captured in Burma, the British Legion rejected It because "the Japanese were 'hot worthy foes." rmrr.TENHAM. End. 05 A prefabricated bungalow was erected here by 19 men In 29 '2 minutes. In one hour, 11 mintes. It was ready for occupation. LONDON Ot The London Transport has arranged for win-Hows in all new buses to be made cf toughened glass. LEEDS, Eng. O) Candidates tor an Arts degree at Leeds University no longer have to study Latin or Greek as a compulsory subject. Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Dally News is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, It is requested that Information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been Identified, in wha. theatres of war, if wounded, ill, etc. If inconvenient to call at the office, the Information may be written or telephoned in. S Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. I Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue MR Res. Red 127 Ask for Oeorge PRINCESSES AT RACE FOR PRINCE OF WALES CUP The sea-going tradition of the British royal family Is evidently to be upheld by Crown Princess Elizabeth, right, and her younger sister. Princess Margaret Rose, left, who are seen viewing the recent International sailing dinghy race for the Prince of Wales cup, whlh was resumed for the first time since 1939. At the extreme right Is their host, Sir Philip Hunloke. PASSES AWAY IN VANCOUVER Ami Walter Jchnsun Dies in Southern City Funeral Takes Place Today Arnl Walter Johnson of this city, who passed away on Friday in Vancouver where he had been taken for treatment, was laid at rest this afternoon in Forest Lawn Cemetery at Vancouver. He was an engineer at the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative plant and had been a resident of the city for some ten years. Forty years of age and a native of Manitoba, he had been seriously 111 for about three months. Many friends will mourn deceased's untimely passing and will extend their sincere sympathy to the widowed mother, who resides here, the widow, the former Jean Eyolfson, and young daughter, Marget. Mrs. Johnson will return to Prince Rupert from 'Vancouver on Wednesday of this week. KINGSTON. Surrey, Eng. ff "Try to reach your century without another black mark" were the words of the judge when he sentenced a burglar of 88 to six months' imprisonment. LONDON m Women police arc ta-get their, new unlfornuJn November. Some of the features of the new style include padded shoulders, two breast pockets In the tunic and a six-piece skirt Instead of a two-piece. WIGAN. Eng. ) Brides who are late for their weddings cause "discourteous and unnecessary" delays, said Rev. John Lawton In St. Anne's parish magazine. A All klndl of baking., i 1 bread, eaki, paitry. plr'SJ. WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 11", per cord $13.50 Jackpine, 14", per cord $12.50 Slabs, 11", per cord $10.00 Lump', Egg Nut and Slack Coal In any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 WILD ANIMALS ARE FRIENDLY SOUTH HAZELTOS Wild life has become exceedingly friendly this summer, approaching much closer to the settlements than is usual. An example of this was the visit here from Sunnyslde Cannery last week of Henry Wilson to visit a sick friend. First of all, Henry saw what he thought was a cow in the yard of Jim Stewart but it turned out to be a moose nosing around the house. Then, as he neared Thomas Brown's house, he encountered a big black bear which moved calntly off Into the bush. Then at Jonathan Brown's he .saw what he at first believed to be a de.g but which he found to atcually be a coyote. Richard Large, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large, returned home on the. Catala iast night after spending the past few weeks camping near Vancouver. Miss Betty Grelg, having resigned from her duties with the Wartime Prices and. Trade Board here, left yesterday for Vander-hoof where she will pay an extended visit as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Moran on their farm near that town. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Johnson are on a visit to Massitt, having left for the Queen Charlotte Is-landjpn the Casslar at the end of tfleweeTc. i Fresh Local Raw and ; Pasteurized MILK t" VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre PRIME BULKLEY WE DELIVER. TIIIKD AVENUE XL) t ) Mrs. H. R. Frost and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Stephen Frost, of Massett are visitors In the city, having arrived on the Casslar yesterday morning from the Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gale and daughter. Zona, arrived In the city on the Casslar yesterday morning from Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, where they formerly resided, being on their way to Victoria where they now make their home. Miss Bernice Eastwood) who has been on-a' trip to Longbeach, California, as delegate from the local bethel to a-Job's Daughters' convention, returned home on the-Catala last night. mt wu Md m i6 'ib MAXWELL MAXWELL HOUSE HOUSE ITS TRUE THAT MAXWELL HOUSE HAS EXTRA FLAVOR ...EXTRA-DELICIOUS FLAVOR, TOO! 1 inb:ttii''i","J I MH774 AMD TASTY COD e&rs MARKET- DAILY fair r PHONE 178 YOU WANT TO BE WARM NEXT WINTER FlUWmCOAlBINSm! Telephone or visit our office and place your order for your full winter's supply of fuel. We will deliver it during the summer To delay means that you may have to burn an inferior grade of fuel next winter. ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Phones 116 and 117 l?rncc Uupcrt Dnflj) tttw Mbnday, August Iff, 1046 QUITS TEACHING FOR RACE TRACK Love-of Horses Drew Justine Mossc From; the Schoolroom REQINA tP A- school teacher turned racehorse owner and trainer Is Justine Moose of Sar Fernando Valley, Calif., who has just completed a successful running of part of her stable at the Reglna Exhibition. Miss Mosse has-been training horses and running them in "various parts of the United States Including Santa Anita, Hollywood Park and Chicago for the past 10 years. This is her first visit to Canada. She says racing is In her blood because her family have been interested In the sport of" kings for generations. Her father, bom In England, Is at her California home looking after the rest of her string. It is more than a .year since she last saw the San Fernando Valley and she doesn't expect to be home until December. While on the road she bunks close to her horses and superintends all work on the ponies. Most successful of her horses in the Canadian circuit is The Wunk who won at Saskatoon and placed at Regina. The Wunk Is an offspring of Morovich which won the Kentucky Derby in 1922. She has enjoyed her visit to Canada and her only compallnt is that Dominion racing; purses are hardly big enough to. cover expenses of transportation. The Majority Say vv I " 1 ' "N I MAXWELL HOUSE IS 1 sKUfui BIeNd,7 , FRAGRANT AND FULL-BODIED ''ne 0,1 ",e I I"- ...YET DELIGHTFULLV d, cojTee8' Ulese ra'e I rV- jfliwmnnv iiiwuii V r'Ch Jjjpt.,1 f Our Summer CLEARANCE SALE C3 fill 7 Mr. and Mrs. James- McNuity have arrived in the city 'f rom" Long Beach, California, to spend' a couple of months. Jack, McNuity left Thursday night for a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. H. K, Christiansen are'by car on Tuesday next tot Vancouver. Mr. Christiansen has finally severed his connection' with Chris' Mill Bakery here. FOR REDUCING DIETS JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue MAXWELL HOUSE is bought and enjoyed by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE A Product of Gtnrol foodl Continues ... i Printed Silks and Jerseys JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT BARGAIN PRICE Toe Out for the Carnival BUY ON BUDOET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges W.T.P.B. Regulations "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY"