Prfnrc ttuprrt Dally ttchis FrMay, January 4, 1945 THUNDERBIRDS WINNERS AGAIN Score Fifth Successive Victory In Tour of Washington and Oregon EUGENE, Ore., ft University of British Columbia Thunder-birds defeated University of Oregon C2 to 60 here last night to mark up their fifth successive win without a defeat in the current seven-game tour of Washington and Oregon. The Thun-derbirds had won over the same team 72 to 61 Wednesday night. University of Oregon was the . third Pacific Coast conference 'team to be beaten by the Thun-derbirds who hreviously downed Washington State Cougars and University of Washington Huskies. LONDON O) Sir Wilfred Gar-' rett, Chief Inspector of Factories, says In his annual report that whitewash will be replaced by paint and color schemes in factories soon. SHAVING'S A CINCH With Minora Blades! For comfort and speed, you can't equal Minora in its classlt's the quality blade in the low-price field ! TITS YOUR OOUSU-CDCf RAZOR Quality ).j Economy fjB PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Thrown At Santa Anita Succumbs PASADENA The prominent Canadian-born jockey, George Woolf died today. Woolf ' was thrown by his mount yesterday during the fourth race at Santa Anita. The 6-year-old rider was born In Montreal and spent much of his youth in Cardston, Alberta. RANGERS-WINGS IN PUCK DRAW Eddie Bruneteau Stages Sensational Eleventh Hour Scoring Splurge NEW YORK, m The tail-end New York Rangers did it again last night. It wasn't a victory, although It appeared that it would bs until Eddie Brunteau's two third-period goals within 10 seconds. The game ended in a : tie, New York 3, Red Wings ! 3. Yet U seemed to bear out the 1 contention of New York supporters that the worm had turn-, ed at last and that the Rangers j were finally grasping something i approximating their stride In other years. ' , The New Yorkers were victors over the Red Wings last time the two teams played on New York ice. Rangers never trailed dur-i lng last night's encounter and apparently had the match In the the bag, thus giving them their third decision of the year over Detroit when Edgar Laprade punched in a 10-footer from left wing. New York stood 3-1 ahead at that point, with only four minutes and six seconds to play. Suddenly Detroit came to life after Eddie Bruneteau's shooting. Murray Armstrong dipped the puck to Adam Brown on the next face-off and Bruneteau was In a position to take the pass an flash In his second goal to put Detroit back Into the game. A run-over, of the books shows trie scorln? Shaped up this way -iMoeor New York in the first neriidrUscQrnbVfor Detroit and then Leswick for New York, both in the second period. Laprade for New York ln:the final stanza. Followed by Bruneteau's two markers. LARGER EXPORT The British in normal times export a larger percentage of their total steel production than U. S. steel makers. T K I) 327 Third' Avenue iA. MacKenzie Furniture L I M I "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Slart (he New Year rijrjtt by letting us meet your requirements of IIOMB FURNISHINGS AND FURNITURE Phone 75 GOODYEAR TIKE & RUBBER CO. LTD. MILL SUPPLIES - GARAGE ACCESSORIES Hose - Belting - Griptread Tires - Tubes - XX Patches - Cement Friction Tape - Tubing A representative stock for Immediate delivery, from Prince Rupert. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 330 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 Phone 632 Taking the Public's Pulse We've found that the people like our policy of low priced merchandise. It pays off In dividends of greater var iety and fresher goods because of the rapid turnover of our stock. The y Variety Store wishes to mans you tor your dence and friendliness. conn- a i , rm TH-E VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Gold Boom Hits yeI!owInife as New Claims Show High Grade Ore Geolosists Declare Gold-Rich Area Extends 2,000 Square Miles Prospector Tony Tennessy checks.the compass hearing of his newly-stakfcd claim. Miners seeking high grade ore on thfe small island in Great Slave Lake have diamond-drilled 700 feet beneath lake-bed. Gold content of rock is shown by drill cores. SPORT Presentation of $4,500 to each member of the Moscow Dynamo football team which visited Britain in November, has British soccerltes aghast at the difference between "amateur" status in the two countries. "I asked the Dynamos when they were in Glasgow if they were amateurs and they assured'me they were," said George Graham, Scottish Football Association secretary. "If these reports of payment arc true they- only emphasize the gulf which exists between the Ideals of British football and continental football. "It was on this very question that we left .the F.I.F.A. (Federation Internationale Football Association) and I am afraid it is one of the points which will require to be clarified before 'our relations with contintental countries are firmly established." George Allison, manager of Arsenal, which played the Russian team, said the Dynamos told him there was no professional football in Russia, but they would adopt it if found desirable. "We can only hope, or at least we are entitled to assume, that they have adopted professionalism Judging by the princely sum. given to amateurs for services' rendered," he added. Victor Woodlcy, Chelsea and former England football goalkeeper, is on the transfer list 'at his own request. "I understand he Is dissatisfied at not being able to find a place on the team at the moment," Chelsea manager W. Birrell said. W7II. Robertson, an amateur, has' been goal-minding for the past month. Woodley Joined Chelsea in 1931 and won his first International cap in 1937. For a time he was England's regular goalkeeper. Tom Hammond, 07, famed long distance walker, died at Hay-ward's Heath, Sussex. His greatest performance was in 1903, when in a 24-hour -alk at Shepherd's Bush stadium he set new marks for 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 and 130 mlles and also established records from 13 to 24 hours. The distance he covered In 24 hours 131 miles, 580 yards Is still a record 'Touring the Empire Is a costly business even for the Foot ball Association with Its accrued financial backing," writes David Williams in the Daily Herald. "Derby County would like to go (to Australia) but the expense would be too much, for the trip would have to be by air. A round trip would cost about $45,000 and on top of that would be at least $8 a day per person while In the Commonwealth. The last F. A. tour to Australia by boat cost 5.040 for a party of 42. The side played 23 games, of which only 15 were In large towns. The only hope Is for the F.A. to subsidize clubs if British footballis wanted In the Empire " PRINCE RUPERT Honor Roll List of Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU responsible for someone's name not In this list? (See entry lorm elsewhere) NAVY .ir.. Sidney Alexandei Arvl.i J. Landals Peter D. Allen Jack It. Laurie Charles Anderson Maurice Lay Harold Anderson James O. Laurie Stanley Anderson Richard Lelghton J. Armstrong Jr. Jantoft Leland R. Armstrong. Fred Lewis It. D. Armstrong Tilly B. Lloyd H-cd Q. Barber Bruce Love Don Arney Harry Lundqulst Tert Arney M.-R. Meuse George Bagshaw Fred Miller W. O. Barker Ted Mills Emlle Blaln Harry Monkley John Bowman John Morrison Arthur Bredeson T. A. Mulhcrn J. K. Breen William Murdoch William Bremner William Murray Bernard Brldden Wm. H. Murray F. H. Brooksbank W. M. Murray George J. Brown Daniel McDonald James Bryant Jack Macfle Tony Bussanlch Robert McKay uronson Bussry . Ernest jucitiniey Harold Bunn Robert McLean John Bunn E. (Ned) McLeod Hugh Burbank John McLeod G. Calderwood Normai McLeod Richard Cameron David McMeekln Russell Cameron David McNab Edward Capstlck Robert McNab Robert Capstlck John D. McRae Doug. Chrlstlson Harold Neville Vernon C. Clccone John CVNelll Wm. J. Commons R. K. Omen Alistalr D. Crerar Charles. Ormlston r. ej. xvi. rmmtr Sydney Croxford Frank p. Parker Spencer Davlcs Gordon' Parkin Edward Dawes G. R. Parsons George Dlbb Peter Ji Peterson A, F. Dodd Douglas Pavne Vincent Dodd A. M. Phllllpson John Dohl C. J. PJillllDson Robert Duggan Bud Ponder Donald Eastman N. C. Powell Elmer Eburne Magne rtnhben Melvln Eburno Lloyd M. Rice John Eby David Ritchie Robert L. ETv Jack Ritchie William Earl Eby , Robert Ritchie Robert Elklns Harry Robb William P. F.lklns J. II. Robinson I.e-n Engstrom Robert Roy Martin Erlksen Arthur Saunders Jajncs Feasby W. J. Scheaffer Bernard Fortune P.. M. Scherk Terrv Fortune Stanley Scherk Gordon Fraser J. P. Scjiubert Mitchell Gay A. Blmundson Pfner Green C. Rllversldes James Oroef r. J. Sims faster Orlmble M. Skalmerud Terry Orlmblo F. W. Skinner Tun Grlmsson Henry Skinner Rnvo Gurvlch John Sfcog John Grlmsson Ole Qlatta nnrl J. Oustafson Carl Smith George D. Hague Jack E. Smith Fanklnson Malcolm Smith Victor Hanley Ralph Smith Matt Harris Walter Smith Glen Ilemmons Thor Solllen Trevor Hill F. II. Stephens, 1r. PflvmnnH Hmifrnn Carl Strand nut Tiuntor Jonn Strand Foster Husoy Jack Storrle Orme Stuart Peter Husoy Charles Sunberg James M. Irvine James Taylor Tom Johnstone J. H. Tavlor Rodney Jones Inge Valen Stanley Veltch Jack W. Joy Sid White L. (Sonny) Keays Robert Whiting ITnrro T. trrmtenn Carl O. WllSOn ' ' ,, ... Oscar Wlnharn tin mint-Kill Gerald P. Woodsldo Lloyd Lahte George . Yule Jack Yule (Women) Lavlnla Exley l. m. Thomson Dapane Hcr.imel US. NAVY (Men) C. J. Robertson Howard Frlzzelt U.S. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn SHOW AIMY PHOTOS AMSTERDAM, W More than 100 of the best photographs taken by Canadian Army photographers in the first four years are on display here. Adjoining the salon is a theatre where Canadian Army news reels and features are shown twice daily. 1 ' ' ' ' r v. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Prospectors prefer planes in the Yellowknife country, lira few hours this Norseman transport plane will land this canoe and its owner in the heart of the wilderness. McGill-trained chemist Leo through first stages of the gold content. At 2 apiece - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices ; 60c; Cards or Thanks. Death' Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage ' and Engagement Announcements: 2. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late H. J. Thomey of Stewart desires to express appreciation for many acts of kindness and sympathy during his recent illness and following his death. FOR SALE FOR SALE Model "B" Ford, iuj'A good condition, excellent rubber, heater and spare tire. serial uiicmzo, Licence 29-165. Apply 1326 8th Ave. East. (8) FOR SALE Two-room cabin, fully furnished, ton of coal, wood, blankets. $190 cash or terms. 106 Wantage Road, aner D'p.m. or Sunday. (4) FOR SALE Chesterfield, two chairs; reasonable. Contact Cpl. Price, Air Force, Seal Cove. (3) FOR SALE Cabinet grama- pnone, wamut finish, good condition. 313 7th Ave. East. (3) FOR SALE Set of oil burners., Apply 1532 Overlook St., after 5 p.m. (4) FOR SALE u-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (12) FOR SALE New and used furniture. Some from United States Army officers' club at Port Edward selling at lowest prices. Used hassocks, $2.75; used smoking stands, $1.75; used bed and spring sets, $3; used battery radios in good shape, $20; used chesterfield chairs; $24.50; used two-piece chesterfield beds in good condition, $65; barber chair in good shape, $35; new mirrors from $2.50; new rag rugs, nice designs. $2; rugs in good shape, sizes 12xl2; all kinds of cooking utensils, etc.; used desks for ihouse and office; all kinds of office chairs. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. (tf) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Two keys In brown leather case. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. FOUND AT LAST A brand new dance hall to rent for your parties and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For Information Phone 846, ask for Fred. (12) FOUND Bunch of keys In black leather case, New Year's Eve. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) FOUND Black wallet at Three Sisters Care, now at Dally News office. Can be had 'by paying for this ad. -(tf) Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS Kitchen Cablnefs, Sash and Door .225 First' Avenue East Alexander puts ore samples assaying which determines he averages CO assays a day NFB Photos hy John Mailer. HELP WANTED SALESGIRL WANTED Applications taken for permanent salesgirl. Apply Rupert Peoples Store. See Miss Peterson In office, (5) WANTED Two good waitresses. Steady Jobs for right girls, Three Sisters Cafe. WANTED Experienced stenographer, shorthand required. Apply Fisnermen's co-op -Association Fish Oil Plant. Pro vincial Government Wharf, "or pnone tin. 4) t WANTED WANTED TO RENT By careful tenants, permanent residents. no cniidren, 4 or 5-room modern dwelling, central. Give full details, Box 72 Daily News. (4) WANTED TO RENT Light housekeeping ' room, close " to dry dock. Apply Box 1354, Postal Station "B". (5) FOR RENT FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden St. t) FOR RENT Three-room cottage, furniture for sale. Apply 733 5th Ave. West. (4) FOR RENT Two comfortable sleeping rooms, other arrangements made. 733 5th Ave. W. (4) FOR RENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (27) FOR RENT Fully modern three-room furnished cottage near Seal Cove Air Base. Phone Blue 825. (7) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable , Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Blocr Green 985 Phone 5C.1 I JANUARY IPICTURES Interesting List is Coming Up At Local' Theatre The current world premiere showing of the comedy drama "Kitty is'the fitting start of an Interesting month's list of pic tures to follow at the Capitol Theatre here. The complete list is as follows: January 4 and ! Paulette Goddard 'and. Ray Milland in "Kitty." January 6 (Sunday midnight) Chester Morris and Janis Carter in "One Mysterious Night" and Richard Lowery and Phyllis Brooks in "High Powered." January 7 and 8 Robert Young and Laraine Day In "Those Endearing Young Charms." Januarys and 10 Anne Shirley and Dick Powell In "Murder My Sweet." January 11 and 12 Gary Cooper and Merle Oberon in "The Cowboy and the Lady." January 13 and 14 Gary Cooper and George 'Raft in "Souls at Sea" and Leon Errol In "Mama Loves Papa." January 15 and 16 Ida Lup-Ino and Sydney Greenstreet In "Pillow to Post." January 17, 18-and 19 Esther Williams and Van Johnson in 'Thrill of a' Romance." , January 20 and-21 Brian Donlevy and Akim Tamiroff in I "The Great McGlnty" and Jack Haley and Anne Jeffries Jn I "Sing Your Way Home." ( January 22 and 23 Merle Ob eron and Laurence Oliver in "Wutherlng Heights."' January 24, 25 and 26-Edward Cocoa DOOR MATS To keep the mud out of your homes. SEVERAL SIZES from ?. $1.25 Gordon's Hardware McBride Streets We serve you nothing but the best Special Red llraml He cf, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN tiURING REGULAR STORE HOURS' Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Cliotv Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste anil quirk service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals! n Prh(nnn n n A w O'Brten'in "On;' Vines Hav, . Tt ' der G: :';;es." January 27 and 23Bcb Hn and Blng Crosby in Thp r , io Singapore ana rom C';nira-and Ann Rutherford m t. O'Clcck Courage." January 29 and 30 Bud Ab. Don ana hoa costeiio in 'Hi, wood." ' ALLOY CENTRE J Sheffield Has becom tho I tre or h ail-JV and industry m England. LADY MAXIM , :R EM1 , IUtJ -f l ,13750 tvx ,j JOHN BULGER j 1: w f. 1. f. n s Third Ave. (Opp. Post Office ''Phone SU West Next Royal Hotel 1 PHONKS llfl - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY SEE OUR STOCK OF AutomotiveAccessories Cleaners and Polishes-Polish Cloths Chamois Glashine Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors-Bumper Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility Carriers (Just the thing for thesportsman) Sleet Shavers WheefWrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dea,er Imperial Oil Dealer