Becoming more popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY ' at CENTRAL HOTEL G:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Make sure your Oil Burner, Stove and Furnace are In good order also check your Water Pipe insulations. FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS N. T. HANSEN phone home service 74.1 For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS $r OTTOMAN $H.rl) COFFEE TABLES .51 MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) $!" CHENILLE BED SPREADS, Priced $11.5)5 to $20.75 itumture TAFT & ODOWES "VOVELTIES. (Formerly J. II. Malr) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND - Cold Storase COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTING Does No Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (SS) LTD. 326 Second Avenue ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS Phone Black 387 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER on account of the death of their father, the late H. J. Thomey, pioneer of Stewart, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on ' their return south, the former to San Francisco and the latter to Britannia. Another son, Arthur Thomey, will return next week to Chllliwack where he is stationed with the Royal Canadian Engin eers. The widow will continue to reside in Prince Rupert. LUMBAGO (Lame Back) Can't ELt.!tlttn ud? Back too stiff nnd ore to touch? If that's hov Lumbago (Lame Back) affects you, do what thousands have done and get quick, safe relief. Take Templeton's T-R-C's, the remedy specially made to help you. Don't suffer a day more than you have to. Get Templeton's T-R-C's today. SOc $1. T-21 Take .invigorating steam baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R.XjWalker . Graduate Masseur Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Fhone Green 507 evenings 1 for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Red 296 after 6 o'clock. We will call for them. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON KWONO SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Nxt to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open a pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J. P. Hawklnson sailed, last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. J. A. Wlllan of Smlthers was a passenger for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert last night. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinninger sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Flying Officer George Currie returned to Vancouver at the first of the week' after a brief visit to the city. Harold Fisher, who spent the holidays here with his parents, Judge and Mrs. W. E. Fisher, left last night to return to Vancou ver. Mrs. Gunnar Anderson and family sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mr. Anderson will be going south later. ' G. P. Lyons left last night on the Prince Rupert to return to army. Gwyn Holtby left last night on the Prince Rupert on his way to resume his studies at the University of British Columbia after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrsf. A. L. Holt New Year holiday season visiting here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Woodslde, left by last nighfs train on her return to her home in Winnipeg. Gordon Calderwood left last nisht on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will enter the University of British Columbia following his recent discharge from the Navy. He spent the Christmas holidays with nis parents, Capt. and Mrs. Harry Calderwood, here. cr.UTiKH'.m: nr MH'kovk.mknts PAR FRACTIONAL, EVE No. 1 FRACTIONAL. EVE FRACTIONAL, ATLIN FRACTIONAL. POLARIS No. 5. POLARIS NO. 6. POLARIS No. 7, POLARIS No. 8. POLARIS No. 9, POLARIS No. 10. POLARIS No. 11, POLARIS No. 12 FRACTION. POLARIS No. 13 FRACTION. POLARIS No 14. POLARIS No. 15 and SNOW No. 9 MINERAL CLAIMS. Situate In the Atlln Mining Division. Where located: Tulseqush River Valley about S miles above Junction with Taku River. Lawful holder: Polarls-Taku Mining Company Limited. Number of the holder's free Miner's certificate: 67689E. TAKE NOTICE that James T. Underbill. F.M.C. 2311 F, Agent for Polarls-Taku Mining Company Limited. Free Miner's Certificate No. 6768DE. Intends, at the end of sixty days but not later than one year from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of thu above claims. . mil fm-thpr take notice that ac- imH.r Rnrt.lnn 85 OI tne "Mineral Act", must be commenced before the issuance of sucn certificates of Improvements. Dated this 15th day of Septem- ber- 1945- .-D7-14-21-28 J5-12-19 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pin. Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone. 568 THIS AND THAT "Chee, this must be killing my 'manager'!" Robert Peachey left last night' on the Prince Rupert for Van- Vancouver after spending the COUver to resume his studies at Christmas holidays here. He was the University of British Col- recentiy discharged rrom tne umbia after spending the holi- by. George, Hazen and Elmore Hankinson left last night on the Prince Rupert to resume their studies at Vancouver after spending their Christmas holi days here with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hankinson. Lieut. George Mir.ns, who re cently returned from overseas left last night on the Prince Ru pert to return to Vancouver after visiting the city briefly over New Year's Eve. He Is the son of Mr and Mrs. C. G. Minns, former local residents, new in Victoria. Miss Janet Rochester left last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she is attend lng the University of British Col umbia, after spending the holl- ( days with her mother, Mrs. H. B. Rochester. Miss Marion Shepard left last night on the Prince Rupert to return to Seattle where she is employed as a telephone operator She 'haabeerrspending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shepard. Miss Eileen Smales, who has been spending the Christmas and days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Peachey. Jack Breen left last night on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where he will resume his studies at Victoria college after being discharged recently from the navy. He spent the holidays with h'ls parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Breen. Lieut. Ted Moore and John Moore, sons of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moore, left last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where the latter will con tinue his studies at the University of British Columbia. Lieut. Moore will continue on to Vic toria where he is attached to the King's Own Rifles of Can ada. Both spent the holidays with their parents here. Mrs. Audrey Brooksbank sail ed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Bruno Pettenuzzo and Peter Pcstuk sailed last night on the Prince RuDert lor Vancouver to resumeltheir studies after spending the holidays with their parents here. The Markets : 1 Fruit Cranberries, lb 49 Pears, 4 lbs. -39 Fancy APPles, lb 10 rrnrws." lb Grapefruit. Calll - .09 and .14 Lemons, doz 39 and .45 Oranges, Navel, doz. .. .25 to .75 Bananas, lb. 17 vegeiaDics Spinach, lb. , 19 Beets, local, lb J3 Turnips, yellow, lb 04 Potatoes, new, id Calif. Carrots, lb 05 Tomatoes, Hothouse, lb 40 Cauliflower, each 25 - .45 Lettuce, each Celery, lb I narllf!. -lb.' - 70 Radishes, bunch 08 Cabbage, lb 06 Parsnips, 4 lbs. 2j Brussels Sprouts, lb 30 Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 27 Sugar White, lb 09 Golden, Yellow, lb 09 Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz 58 Grade A, medium, doz 55 Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 44 Finnr 49,s. No. 1 hard wheat..l.85 Second Patent a-ou Flour, 24's v -95 Milk Evaporated Milk. 16-oz. tin .10 Vi Butter First Grade, lb 41 r.inadian Cheese Bulk, medium, lb 40 Lard Pure, lb 19 Fish Halibut, lb 33 Salmon, lb 35 rind, lb -25 Black Cod, shaoked, lb 35 Smoked Kippers, lb. a Meat Ceiling prices for Red Brand and special quality meats. Shank, (hind quarter) .26 and. 24 Round Steak or Roast .44 and .43 Round Steak or Roast (boneless) 46 and J .45 M, Minced Round Steak .46 and .45 Rump Roast 45 and .42 Sirloin Tip (boneless) .47 and .45 Cubed Sirloin Tip (boneless) 53 and 51 Sirloin Steaks, Roasts .49 and .48 Sirloin Butts , (boneless) 48 and .47 Flank Steak 33 and .33 Flank, trimmed ,17 and .15 Porterhouse Steak or Roast 55 and .53 T-Bone Steak or Roast 55 and .53 Wing Steak or Roast .51 and .49 Strip Loin tboiteless) .60 and .58 Rib Roast, seven no bones, whole .34 and .31 Rib Roast, seven rib bones (boneless) 49 and .43 Prime Rib Roast, five rib bones (whole) .. .3(5 and .32 Prime Rib Roast, five rib bones (boneless) .45 and .41 Rib Roast, outside roll (boneless) .35 and .31 ShortJUbs, 46 and ,10 Plate Brisket .15 and .15 HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove Iodine stains from fabric? A. Wet some corn starch In milk and cover the stain. Repeat If necessary, but allow it to remain until the stain Is gone. If the stain Is on wood, allow it to , stand for about a minute, then rub with a cloth until the stain ; Is removed. ! Q. How can I. prevent stub born -window sashes? A. Rub the cords of the win dows that are hard to open with soft soap, and the sashes will run smothly. Q. How can I Iron linens successfully? A. Iron linens lengthwise instead of across. Many bulges and little puckers will be the result If ironed across. CHECKED in a Jiffy -or MoneBack For quick relief from itching eauwd by eczema' iiuctc iiuut, euiuics, niiJica aim utiit in uiu. conditions. rture. moling, medicated, liquid u. u. u. rntaKiriiun. oreaxeiess ana stainless. Soothes, comfort! and quickly calms intense itching !on't mffer. Ak vnnr druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAI. STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Lumber Sec Us for your BUILDING NEEDS PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 jPcfnce Uupctt Daily JQcUis Friday, January 4, 1945 MRS. FRANCES JOYCE PASSES Native of England, She Had Resided Here For Nineteen ' Years After having ailed for seven years with heart trouble, Mrs, Frances Joyce, widow of the late John Joyce, passed away this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Scherk,. 2218 Seal Cove Circle. Sixty-seven years of age, she was born in Lincolnshire, England, coming to Prince Rupert nineteen years ago from Lethbrldge. Mrs. Joyce, who was highly esteemed by many friends arid was for years an active member of the Full Gospel Tabernacle Church, Is survived by three sons and one daughter. The sons are Leonard Joyce of Vancouver, Major Sydney Joyce with the Canadian Army at Dundurn and ..rru uinv mlli rwi iiir i mi v hiv i HAPTER HEARS f I-1" A I I UK1 kltuki.) Queen Mary Chapter I.O D E . ,,,mmittee reports at ita mnntniy meeting ntu- iht outlining the chap- .uviues in cuiietHuii ,,hlI1o tor unwsii uuu - unnACI 1 IIHtf. Lit. J 1J1 A wnmpn ana me aunauuu i (-hristmas narcels to L.t nr the local Pioneers' The meeting was held at the m, f Mrs. E. V. Whiting and i rma" m t A Tens was committee, Mrs. J. Laurie .-.. that, three Doxes 1 1 nd Polish renei puico. . . rhA meeting that soe- I IMIM " - vi !iia"-- ..Hiir!.' Aim Trlon ! ..Mthinff nrtteips sen V, H -km hhiI imp in i-ii.ii i?r. l 1 1 1 0HtPrt tne wann thanks of the Mr J M Taylor reported that .Ammtttoa Vio nrnnnrpH fifl W... w till ins. anviw - - - tides, and sent them to Britain as Christmas gifts to women In the Auxiliary Territorial Service, d branch of the British Army. Special Christmas parcels had been sent by her committee to residents of the Pioneers' Home and to other residents who would appreciate them, Mrs. J. Stewart reported' to the meeting. The parcels were packed tastefully and contained a variety of articles. The meeting received greet ings from Mrs. Dorothy Garbutt, now In Winnipeg, formerly Y.W. C.A. hostess here and a member of the chapter. The season'3 greetings were also received from Mrs. Roulette, formerly United States Red Cross director at Port Edward. Mrs. Roulette Is now on her way to Manila. The meeting decided to change the regular meeting nights of the chapter from the first Wednesday of the month to the second Tuesday of the month. The. next meeting, on February 12, will elect officers for 1946. Buy more War Savings Stamps Announcements All adrerturmema -u mis column will be churcftl lor a full month at 26c a word. Welcome Home Dance for Naval veterans, January 11, Oddfellows' Hall. Modern dancing every Satur day night, Recreation Hall, 5th Ave. East. Admission 50. COLLART AND McCAFFERY LTD. PRINCE RUPERT REPRESENTATIVES for HALIFAX LUMBERMAN'S WELLINGTON AND UTAH The Finest in General Insurance HEAL ESTATE including Rental and Property Management Services. Local News Items... James Nlcholl sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kinch, follow' lng ?. brief visit to the city, left at the first of the week on thsir return to Vancouver. Mrs. II. T.1 Mullen Is leaving next Monday for a three months' visit to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. ttf) A Meeting- of Job's Daughters Friday January 4 at 8 p.m. Ini tiation, Silver March and Social. (3)' Mrs. E. T. Applewhaite left last nijht on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on account of the Illness of her brother there. Kosta Killas, who spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Killas, here, left last night on the Prince Rupert to return to Portland, Oregon, where he Is studying dentistry. Miss Mary Martin, formerly a teacher at King Edward School here, left last night on the Prince Rupert to return to Vancouver after spending the holi days in the city as guest of Miss E. A. Mercer. William Thomey and John Thomey, who were called north Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When taking a girl to a night club, should a man go first to his table, and then excuse himself while he goes to the men's room to "brush up?" A. Yes. It is a girl's privi lege to go to the women's room first, but a man should always get his companion properly settled at the table before leaving" her. Q. Which Is the proper way to serve soup, at the table or from the kitchen? A. Either way is all right; it Ls merely a matter of preference. Q. Is It obligatory to answer a wedding Invitation? A. Yes, if the Invitation Is a nersonal note, or one is also in- ON TOP Venezuela ls the northernmost nation in South America. Joseph Joyce of Vancouver, on Air Force, The daughter Is Mrs. service with the Royal Canadian Ray Scherk. - Expert - RADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed 1 ; ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOME APPLIANCES FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADDRESS INTERCOM Mail Orders shipped same day as received. Rupert Radio & Electric 313 Third Ave. West BURN WOOD Spruce, per cord Poplar, per cord Slabwood, 14" u.. $12.50 ... $12.50 ,M $10.00 HYDE -TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD Phone 644 Box 1321 LOVIH'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to ' order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA HOME COOKING AND BAKING AFTERNOON TEA Open Daily 5 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Dine, dance and be merry at a happy holiday spot. Kathleen Davis, Proprietress. KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 Fulton Street Phone Blue 882 DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News is completing a Roll of Honor which it Is hoped may contain the name of every man ar.d woman of this city to serve with, the armed forces at sea, or. land and In the air. To make this list complete, It Is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole in submitting the names. It Is impossible for the Dally News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking ?OU to be responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following is the Information we would like you to fill in and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert ; ; Name Service (Army, Navy. Air Force) Rank Next of Kin Relation Address Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Casualty, Nature and Date - Remember, if YOU do not submit a ctrtaln person'i name, no one else may. You are responsible. V. '"V