m a a Cle ISrinrc Uupcrt Oailp J3cUje( Friday January 4, 1915 ORGAN ENLIVENS BERLIN STREETS BERLIN Th- organ grind-r, that vagabond of melody, has reappeared for the first time .since war In rubble-llned streets gf downtown Berlin. He's Just a tramp trying to make a catch-penny living in fhe ruined city but he created a street scene indelibly imprinted upon the memory of a reporter for American-licens-wi Tages-jpiegel (Daily Mirror : "All of a sudden Jrom amidst the ruins a little song floated ijp. -The organ grinder has reappeared and is dispensing his penny melancholy. "At a corner of Wilhelmstrawsc he has created an unforgettable scene. Women who've been push-frig heavy sand trucks or passing bricks from hand to hand in a chain as gangs or rubble I clearers, have abandoned their talks and are embracing each ther and dancing dancing a waltz in the ruined street. "A group of returned prisoners MILLIONS STRIKING NEW YORK Half a million workers are already on strike in the United States and two million more threaten to walk out within the next week or so. PLAN TO HALT WAR CHUNGKING Communist authorities here announced ystrrrtay that they agreed in general with Generalissimo Chiang: Kai-Shek's plan to halt hr-tilities but they were laying down specific conditions. of war comes shuffling up the street seeking their old homes. The women rush to them and .surround them. The shabbv looking women put their arms around the shabbier looking men and bid them dance. The shy. broken men light up vith slow smiles and try a few clumsy steps. Then they stop. Breathing heavily, the organ gr'.nder collects his pfennigs and passes on. The prisoners snuffle along their road back. The women go back to their rubble piles." It's A Date RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Inventory arance Sale Now On! I 2 for 1 Dress Sale J Coats Reduced 30 to 60 1 a : SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT Jr.: SCOTTY'S Old Country OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. Fish and Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME PHONE 543 Phcne 861 PHONE FOR . . . . . H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer INCOME TAX Returns Prepared 5ee R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8b YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW IIAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals EMPIRE CAFE (Fo-icny L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 ajn. FOR 1946 Diaries Pocket Diaries, from $ .50 Daily Reminders, from 1.10 Daily Journals 1.75 Ideal Calendar Stands.. $1.00, 1.25 1946 Stand Refills 75c Calendars "Beautiful Canada" $1.50 Assorted Pictures .35 "... By Varga" 35 MaSmM TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd, Vancouver Bralorne 17,75 , B, R. Con 22 b. r. x ; .18 Cariboo Quartz 2.t0 Dentonla 35 Grull Wihksne .24 Hedley Mascot 2.90 Minton 09 Pend Oreille 2.80 Pioneer 6.30 "Premier Border 08 Premier, Gold 2.45 Privateer 71 Reeves McDonald .65 Reno .08 Salmon Gold .19 Sheep Creek l.lO Taylor Bridge 1.13 Whitewater 03 V2 Vananda 51 Congress 14 Pacific Eastern 19 "Hedley Amalgamated .. .13 ' Taylor Windfall .06 Oils A. P. Con .24 Calmont 43 C. & E 2.25 Foothills 1.75 Home "... 4.25 Toronto Beattle 1.45 Buffalo Canadian 39 Consol. Smelters 79.00 Giant Yellowknife 7.70 Hardrock 1.12 Eldona 1.35 Little Long Lac 2.28 Madsen Red Lake 4.65 MacLeod Cockshutt 3.60 Donaldo -..,...,.... .1.58 Moneta .76 Pickle Crow 4.6O Joliet Quebec 1.10 San Antonio 5.75 Sherrit Gordon 2.07 Steep Rock T 3.05 Senator Rouyn 139 Sturgeon River .43 Jacknife .38 Bob jo .;:.,. .22 God's Lake . .61 Lynx 38 OsLsko 1.65 Merchant Navy Club Now Four Years Old LONDON, O Several Canadian seamen, recently arrived in port, wefe present when the Merchant Navy Club celebrated its fourth birthday with a BBC broadcast from the club's Pica-dilly headquarters. Since it was founded, at the height of the 1941 blitz, the club has entertained seamen from all over the world and its weekly broadcast' "Shipmates Ashore," has become a firm favorite in the BBC programs. Only one of the 203 broadcasts had to be abandoned, due to a particularly heavy raid. In June 1944 when a flying bomb was heard to cut out nearby, the Shipmates' Orchestra, conducted by Debry Somers, gave an extra-loud rendering of 'Rule Britannia.' The crash of the bomb was drowned out by our brass and drums," Somers said. Buy more War Savings Stamps. Mr. and Mrs. HOUSEHOLDER 7doitf "The privacy suffered." V o MONTREAL "1 had two rooms, one of whfch I fitted un as a bed-sit-Ting room, and the othet as a kitchen with a Jangette fp&ffort to install ik :i Inmhinc. usine the "m ' 3 Z V7" m Fot kitchen "'"u McGill University needs. The The young Yh 1 rented veteran and his wite whom . j. consider it a b this accommodation Pnd " AIM. A.E.U VANCOUVER with a vet-ca experience "My officer tenant, a younfi Seaforths has been f rom the exceptionally good, "fehas settled back into a 1 -Lilian life and in- of my Herbert U CALGARY "When the Citizens' octpil mc if 1 Com- could Secomrnodationfo !for ?Tnn veteran and his wife, 1 "m kLthteerooms:; pbnntng to ten..p JT kudhen. TORONTO -The attic in my home had finished but, never been when the housing cmer-SS arose, 1 finished up SrSTroom very cheap y through the use of wall board. . . r,-iU1 home tor u Ins nrov ded a ronuui-"-- 1 THIS AND THAT "I've got to talk to you alone right away." j Steamship Sailings , For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 1 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 pjn. I Thurday ss Prince Rupert i 11:45 p.m. j Friday ss .Catdena. 10:00 p.m. ; Jan. 3 ss Princess Norah, i pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. For North Queen Charlottes Jan. i, Jan. is, Feb. l. For South Queen Charlottes Jan, 6, Jan. 20, Feb. 3. From South Queen Charlottes-Jan. 4, Jan. 18, Feb. 1. wmm t ijbi If you have hesitated about renting a part of your home, read these experiences of others who have patriotically responded to the call! RENT LIVING SPACE TO VETERANS! Now that winter is here veterans all over Canada are seeking accommodation for themselves and their families, while many homes have unoccupied space that would satisfactorily fill their needs. In this time of emergency, the goodwill of citizens who have such space can assist greatly in providing family accommodation for these young Canadians who ensured our freedom on battle fields all over the world. Here are the things you can do to assist Canada's veterans: 1. Advertise your available accommodation in the newspapers. 2. List your space with your local branch of the Canadian Legion or other veterans' organizations, or list it with a real estate agent. By doing this, you will assist in the rehabilitation of service men and you will receive regularly a fair rental for your premises. LANDLORDS! LANDLADIES! All who regularly rent apartments, rooms and other accommodations are also asked to co-operate in this housing emergency. Give veterans and their families consideration BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT! A PATRIOTIC APPEAL Because our fighting men volunteered for overseas duty and risked their lives to protect your home and your business, jou have never been forced to billet troops or civilians cither. Even now there is no compulsion. This is purely an appeal on the basis of patriotism and gratitude. Won't you help? If you have space which you can make available, list it with the Citizens' Rehabilitation Committee, or the local branch of . me .anaaian Legion; advertise it in the newspapers or list if it with ..UU real I . r a estate agent. Inquire at the nearest Rentals Office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board about five months or less rental ments. These are exempt fritm normal Wartime agree, Prices and Trade Board non-evcf.on regulations, and five month '."umonras ren- en-oncy will help many veterans through the winter. CHAIRMAN OF THE PRINCE RUPERT REHABILITATION COMMITTEE MR. NORMAN A. WATT, Box 639, COURT HOUSE PUBLIS HfD'lNT HE INTEREST OF VETERANS BY THE GOVERNMENT OF C A N A D,A South Africa Plans I War On Tuberculosis I DURBAN, South Africa, 0 . Plans for a nation-wide attack on tuberculosis, have been announced by Health Minister H. G. Lawrence. The proposals have been made by the National Health Advisory Committee, ap-, ( pointed during the last session of 1 parliament and a special T. B. division will be created In the , public, health department. The ) training of nurses and other as sistants is to begin at once in existing T. B. hospitals and suitable military hospitals will b: taken over and etj"-ped. It is hoped that among those soon to be acquired will be the Springfield Military Hospital In Durban. In :hese hospitals mass radiography, wifi be Organized; ; PT7 PRODrcfY Richard Strauss was tan.. ut. . . u idmci 10 reao. notes ber "i'p piif piano at' age of four. Classified Ads bring result NOTICE The Daily News wishes UiaW ll L I, i 1 L 1 1 1 LI l.MO this rule bv refraining CITY OF ?ItINCE RITERT NOTICE ma, : am 111 that classified and tmnct.. mi toil; vance at the offirp nt or presenting copy for nrw Hiring. ThfKP rtoslrfnrv .. vertise in this mann Dally npwr are nci-ai , o color thfl rTTinn n - wVt U1JU It. KMC O 4iU. iritunuuiiiH viuooiiil'u ami. using. TODAY AND SATURDAY The Picture ALL RUPERT IS RAVING About! KITTV WITH PAULETTE GODDARD and RAY MILLAND SEE IT FROM THE START ! at 1:00 -.3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING FOR THE KIDS! LAUREL and HARDY IN "GREAT GUNS" SHOW STARTS AT 10 30 A.M. Capitol Col,1.2!S January 2nd, 1046, discount dates on al accounfifend'ered by the' City of Prince Rupert will be rigidly enforced; No discount will be allowed on Utility Bills paid after Jlhe 15th day of the month, unless such date falls on 1 Sunday, in which case discount will be allowed on payments made on the 16th. II, M. FOOTE, Treasurer Announcement . . . The office will be closed as from December 18 - t v 1 I (V .. ' to January 6 when it will be again open for appointments. Cor. 3rd Ave and 5th St WfJU'V'lL OPTOMITRISI Room 4 STONE CLOCK AUTOMOBILE OWNERS- To speed up our service 011 motor overhauls, we have installed the latest in "cylinder boring equipment. Wc can save you money with this new equipment and assure you of .precision cylinder wall alignment. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. DISTRIBUTORS OF CHRYSLER PRODUCTS Specializing in OUR REGISTERED PHARMACIST KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OP FILLING ACCURATELY. You can rely on us. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Avenue at Sixth Street Phone ,7