liJrinrc Rupert Daily f3cUisf Monday, February 25, 1946 WANTS SIMPLE MOM CONTROL Oxford Professor Discusses "political Consequences : Of the Bomb LONDON W Control' of the atomic: bomb by one nation, by viarld government or by international organization is deemed impracticable by E. L. Wood- ! ' mffT M&r Post Office Staff Dinner The members of the Prince Rupert post office staff held a dinner and dance on Friday evening last at Reld's Cafe In honor of several members who recently had left the staff. Speakers at the dinner were Douglas Kerr, president of the local Civil Service branch; R. D. Sherk, assistant postmaster, and Miss Anne MacLeod. Louis As pire, professor of international toria acted as master of cere-r lations at Oxford University, I monies and C. R. Boxall was alid he believes that "we are j chairman. Guests" numbered rr.cre likely to find some mcas- about 30. After the dinner there li e of security if we do not at-! was dancing and community ttmpt too much." singing led by Russell Cameron " In ""Seme Political Coiue- who played many selections. The of the Atomic Bsmb" event was enjoyed by all who ?iences Oxfoid University Press) first j attended. d wilered as a lecture, Wcsdward j warns that raising the stand-; Sfpanishin Sailinis aJdSUfJife have not in the past rt moved the incentive to war jf.icT IhSt this may be equally true of- the future. Balafnclng the loss of the jcon-ditions of security "which we 4 J p p-jS e d cur grandfathers possessed," Prof. Woodward points 'to the United Nations and the Security Council as something' .fiipon which we can build:' He suggests that the na tlons should reinforce the present arrangements for keeping the peace with a "simple pact" that would bring immediate retaliation by the association of Rations against any power using Jhe atomic bomb. The pact, he--says, will not necessarily work. 'for a nation may refuse to honor its obligations. The potentialities of the at- For Vancouver- Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 pjn. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:45 p.m. Friday as Cardena, 10:00 pjn. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert '"DO a.m. For Alaska vi-isday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. erature. art and "all creative energy." Although not definitely optimistic on the fate of human society under the doubtful aegis onlc bomb in the hands of the of the atom, Prof. Woodward state as a deterrent on the free- rejninds the reader that great dom of the citizen is recognized 1 men were pessimistic even at in the professor's inquiry as well the very thresholds of great as the effect it may have on lit- periods in history. OHBKDnDBE3BDBHriBBInBDIHHiaaaaHBHB Srupert peoples STORE 5 Ch 1 iff irl SM n jjcnice -Lovely Lady Dance " arming rormal Gowns JUST ARRIVED For the MARCH 4th CIVIC CENTRE OPENING jUupert Peoples Store! SPECIAL one week only HEACH BABY BUGGY $2 UK! GO-CAUT '21.11.1 BABY BASSINETTE . EDUCATIONAL SET (J.70 KINDERGARTEN DItOP-LEAF SET U.71) Limited Sale one purchase lo each customer only furniture TAFT & ODOWES NOVELTIES (Formerly J. II. Mair) OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT We serve you nothing: but the best-i-Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meals, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve yon Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take 2s;. .put. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! ftUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave! West Next Royal Hotel N OTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of members of Frince Rupert General Hospital Association will be held at the City Hall on Thursday, March 7, 1946, at 8:00 p.m. Business: To receive President's report. To receive Auditor's report and Balance Sheet for 1945. To elect five members of the Board of Management. To appoint an Auditor. Membership fee is $1.00 per annum which may be paid at the Hospital or left 'at Orme's Ltd. prior to Saturday, March 2nd, at 5:00, on which date the membership list will close. II. W. BIRCH, Secretary. Steamship Service from Prince Rupert to OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE 4 i , V ' tf . ' IT "LL ADDEN 'iNGTEBO Sowing Data on Short Season Crops To Eat These All Summer Make Sowing Schedule Now Days Harvest Grow for to table from one four-portion size sowing lasts serving Beans, snap 44-53 4 weeks 1 foot Beets 55-80 6 weeks 1 fool Carrots 60-80 8 weeks 2 feet Cucumbers 45-75 4 weeks 2 feet Endive ' 70-90 6 weeks 1 foot 'Kohlrabi ' 60 3 weeks 2 feet Turnips 40-75 2 weeks l'2 feet Spinach 40-50 " 2 weeks 3 feet Onion Sets 21 4 weeks 1 foot Peas 60-75 2 weeks 3 feet Radish, early 25 1 week 1 foot summer 45 2 weeks 1 foot winter 60 6 weeks 1 foot Most gardeners have experienced an overabundance of some vegetables early In the summer, only to have a shortage of the same thing later on. This happens often with the early vegetables which have a short harvest. For the first harvest more is sown than can be used during the short period the crop Is at its best; so the suprlus Is wasted, or given away. By dividing the same amount .into two sowings, harvest time may be doubled, from the same space, with the same amount of fertilizer and, what is most important of all. the same amount of work, for this spring there' will be plenty of other things to do In thj garden. To plan the correct number of sowings, "and determine how far apart to make them, give a few minutes' study of the table shown herewith. It lists 13 of the short-harvest crops which home gardens arc likely to grow. In the first column are the days for sowing the seeds, until the first harvest. The second column shows how long each, harvest lasts, In top condition. The time It takes to mature a crop depends somewhat on the variety .grown. Most seed catalogues give the maturity season for each variety. By sowing two varieties one quick, and one 1 slowat the same time, longer harvest can be assured or the same" result can be obtained by sowing the same variety twice, with an interval between sowings. The Interval should about equal the period In Column 2 he length of the harvest. In the. rprlng the second sowing will grow faster than the first, so the interval may be a little longer; but warm weather will maks third and fourth sowing grow more slowly, so a shorter inter FOR RENT Two-room 537 8th Ave. West. .Mi x .-!.(,') 751 1?.7I 8..H 1110! 1H.9C 11.3!) I.H) 2.X 1 1 17.0R 3M0! .VI.XH! 31.17 4.30 (i.l.T 8.W) 1 '!.! $ R.7.T suite. (47) FOR RENT One furnished suite and two single rooms. 209 5th Ave. West. (48) FOR RENT House, furniture for sale. $75 revenue. Apply 549 West 9th Ave. (47) MONEY TO LOAN DO YOU NEED MONEY? Personal loans at the lowest price . . . 'tiily If, f Icl liitrrrst per month. Ao other charge. If you need a loan for some useful nurDose. and have a stearlv lnrnme. ;llscus3 your needs with the manager J or nccoumam 01 our nrancn in your district. 27c a month for a $100 Loan repayable In r monthly liistiilmrnts (equal to it nt 1 Interest per month) TlllJti; IS NO OTIII.IC CIIAIKii: You repay l,y .Monthly Instalments 0 9 n 18 21 pay- pay- pay- pay- puv-) on ml'K mt mix ni nt get INCI I ni(l INTEREST :.1.XII IJ.IU $13.28 .VMM 81.79; 56.941 43.0"!! 29.10 22.14 730 127.191 G!.5.r AMU as n 1.WMH9,.-,8 113.89! 8(l.()4l .-,8.191 41.27 Lar;er loam at uriifiorllonate eoU If you have Victory Bonds, or an Insurance policy of sufficient cash surrender value, you can borrow at even lower Interest rates. BANK OF -MONTREAL Branches Everywhere file space required to produce a family serving (for four). Each time you serve snap beans, for example, you u.i up a foot of the bean row, provided you. garden has maximum fertility. If not a heavy yielding garden, then the space required may be longer than that given, perhaps twice as long. Make your best guess on this point, then ask the cook how often each week she will serve snap beans next May. Multiply the number of servings each week by four since the harvest lasts four weeks. That will enable you to tell how long a row of beans should be allowed for the first sowing. It may sound complicated a little but every minute you spend in workin. out a schedule is likely to save you an hour which might otk-.-wise be wasted in producing food which yo'i could not use; to say nothing of space and materials wasted also How many sowings should you make? Of most crops, enough to insure a 16 weeks' harvest, which will carry you Into October. A the fall weather may make your final planting last twice as long val between plantings will al- as normal, it will often pay to low more time for the crop to . Increase this sowing, so you may mature. 'get fuU benefit of a late fall Column 3 gives for each crop season. THIS AND THAT "This counter Is awful. You never meet any mashers here!" PERSONAL Grey hair handicaps you. Use Angeliquc Grey 'Hair Restorer i j terrain Jicituiui- tuiui - inc. Si at ormes Ltd; (52) WANTED WANTED Kodak movie earners with projector. Box 87 Dally News. (48) RADIO SERVICK RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phono 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms. Private entrance. 1021 2nd Ave. West. Phone Blue 874. (51) PQTS. PANS Classified Advertising - - - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Noticed: 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 12. HELP WANTED HELE WANTED Applications will be received up to March 7 by"the undersigned for position female clerk for Telephone Department. Typist preferred. Preference will be given to applicants with former telephone operating experience. II. D. Thain, City Clerk. (491 HELP WANTED r Housekeeper for small family. Nice bright ' vnnm rwrsA nnrvn A nnlif Tallin iwiii, guuu waged nyyij uiuc 217. I town. FOR SALE (tf) FOR SALE Boat "Rita," 32-foot trailer, At New Floats. Phone Black 170. (48) FOR SALE Six-hole all enamel McClary Escort range. 77 Wantage Road. Anytime. (48) FOR RENT Sleeping .room ,FOR SALE McClary Byng kit close in. Phone Blue 605. (48) i chCn ranee. $45.00. Lcavine Phone Black 953 (47) itju salis o-room iurnisnea FOR SALE 1934. Chevrolet sedan, god condition: Serial Number 4053647, Licence No 29268. One electric iron, 8-tube electric radio. 1320 8th Ave. East. (48) FOR SALE Five room house with bath, new furnace, laundry room, centrally located. Reasonable terms. Apply 416 6th Ave. West. (49) FOR SALE New electric heavy press irons and electric hotplates, very special prices. Hotplates now $4.75; press irons $7.00. New 1946 mantel radios. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, February 28th, 1946, for the purchase of Lot 17, Block 4, Sec tion 2, City of Prince Rupert. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. G. F. Forbes, Acting Official Administrator of the Estate of Henry S. Misner, deceased. (50) FOR SALE Modern duplex apartment, stucco front. 327 2nd Ave. West. Phone Red 889. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vandouver, B.C. (tf) March Calendar Ration Coupons Following coupons become valid in March: March 7 Sugar S2, Meat M27, Butter R3. March 14 Meat M28. March 21 Meat M29, Sugar S3 and S4, Butter R4. March 23 Meat M30. Buter coupons 116 to 139 Inclusive, expire February 28, 1946. Coupons still valid through March are Sugar 46 to SI; Butter Rl and R2, and Meat Ml to M26. Modern Etiquette I By ROBERTA LEE Q. What Is the proper way to point the prongs of a fork when cutting food and when eating It? v A. The prongs of the fork should point downward when conveying It to the :mouth. Q. Is it necessary for one to give a wedding gift to woman who is being married for the second time? A. Not unless the bride Is a very close friend. Q. is mourning stationery with a black border still popular? A. No, though it is still used by some people. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Doe a itublJbrn bronchial couth, (either phlegmy or dry and liacldng) make yom choke, gasp, wheeie. keep you awaW nlfhti? Relieve It nowl Do at thou-andt have done get Templetoa't RAZ-MA1I and top that coughl RAZ-MAll has helped other let Itlielp you. 50c II at druggiitt everywhere. R-U AICTIOV s.u.i: TIMBER BALE X28857 There will be ollered for sale at Public Auction, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the 1st day of April. 1946 In the office of the District Forester at Prince Rupert. B.C.. the Licence X28837. to cut 11 .385.000 f.b.m. of Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and Ualsnm on cart of Surveyed Timber Llcei.ce 356P and 2368P and adjoining Vacant Crown land near the South end of Kumelcon Lake, Oren-vllle Channel. Range 4, Coast Land District. Three (31 years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at tho hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forektr. Victoria. D C., or the District Forester at Prince Rupert. B.C. "fiOVEUNMENT l.iqt T;h ACT" NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NfYrtrE TS HEREBY OIVEN that on the 8th day of March next the 1 undersigned Intends to apply to tne Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No. 7399 Issued In respect of premises being part of a butldln known as Knox Hotel, situate at First Avenue in the City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots numbered Thirteen f 131 and Fourteenth (Ml of Block Two (31 of Section One (1) Map 82), lTince ituperi LAna iiegisirauon Dis trict in ine i-rowince oi unusn uoi-umbla. from Knox Hotel Company Limited to Beaudoin Hotel Co. Ltd. of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B C this 29th day of January AT). 1940. BEAUDOIN MOTEL CO. LTD. Jules Vandcrbeck. President, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HUOH OREGORY HILL AND DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order o: His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 18th day or February, a d. 1940. I was appointed Actlne Official Ad ministrator of the estate of Hugh Gregory Hllland, deceased, and all panics iinvinf? claims against the said estate arc hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 27th day of niircn. n.u. iio. ana ail parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their In debtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Pr nee Runert. n C. th . 18th day of February. A.n. 1048. uimuuN r. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE Is hereby elven that the Reserve established under authority or Order-ln-Council No. 1653. bd proved December 9th, 1943. notice of which was published In the British ixiiumoie uazette or December 16th. 1943, U cancelled In so far as It relates to Lot 1100, Range 5. Coast District, save and except thereout assigned Lot I of said Lot 1100, as shown on plan attached to deed deposited 7891-1, also save and excepting the South hnlf of the Southwest quarter of said Lot, containing 112 auren. H. CATHCART. Deputy Minister of Land. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria, B.C.. February 2nd, 1D46. No. 14-40 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY SCHMIDT. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS HENRY SMITH, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that letters probate of the last will of Henry Schmidt, otherwise known as Henry Smith, deceased, formerly of Prince rtunrrt British Columbia, who died at Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on or about the 29th day of November, 1944, were Issued to Alfred J. Stclncrt. sole executor, of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, out of tho Prince Rupert District Registry of the Supreme Court qf British Columbia on the )8th day of February. 1940. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to the solicitors of Alfred J. Stelnert forthwith: and pursuant to Section 28 of the Trustee Act all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file the same properly authenticated with the solicitors of Alfred J. Stelnert on or before the ISth day of April, 1946. after which time distribution of the said' estate will be made, having regard only to .claims Which have been so filed. DATED at Prlnco Rupert. B. C . this 23rd day of February, 1946. BROWN AND HARVEY, Besner Block, Prince Rupert. B.C., Solicitors for Alfred J. Stelnert. Executor. Kir-. publication Fobr iarv '5 194C TONIGHT at 7:17 - 8:20 "HORN BLOWS AT MlDMri. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 1WU rfcAlUKES A SWELL MUSICAL COMEDY" ! Phil Harris Leslie Brooks In "I LOVE A BANDLEADER" SlloWN AT 1:08 3:26 5:32 7:50 - 10:08 " V V C rw. O 1 E, JJ ROMA N C E J Bill Elliott Bobby Blake In- "CHEYENNE WILDCAT" SHOWN AT 2:31 - 4:37 - 6:55 9:13 Copitft CONDENSED VITAMINS I LONO RANGE .v u nit nutty Mountain. rna arc ?o nisn in protein tna; ihey can alternate at times for meat In a main dish. Irom the hot d! :cr4 ,jl mcxico ana Colorado b ; tic. There is a valuc-I'LUS in shopping at the Variety Store. Our standards of quality service have earned for us the confidence and respect of our customers. THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dollars" kv K TI THE REXALL STORE Phone 81 and I! i i PRESCRIPT!!! 1 H Have your prescriptions filled htre with confidence. You can be assurtd that only the purest and finest quality ingredients are used that every prescription is compounded accurately by a registered pharmacist. Our label b your guarantee. Ormes Ltd. "Jjui Pioneer Druqgists WHAT DOES RUPERT NEED? WILL YOU GIVE YOUR VIEWS? There is much discussion these days of proH lems and difficulties which face Prince liuper in its postwar development and prosperity and wh'it. un mnnnc mirrlit hn ftavicrm tnu'ill'ds w lntr these problems. Manv of these problems have been dis cussed in the Daily News from time to time but this newspaper is anxious to obtain sow new and constructive ideas and, therefore." are inviting our readers to express their on the subject of WHAT PKINCE RUPERT NKKDS TODAY? You are. invited to enunciate what you consider Prince Rupert's needs and to wr'tc.aJt cise answer as to how best that need migM K solved. - -Ti,n ,.:i :n u, Ui:i,n,i Cu-itli oi'V' 1 e ii... ,.,lin(rtoVlW uuu tut: iiuiiifa ua mu uiuuuic, iit-v-w " , iv Af til ui cut on the although primary basis of 'value of subject ma nlsri pnnnt conciseness, style and legibiM) Mayor H. M. Daggett and W. M. Watts W consented 10 assist tne uany . judging. There will be six prizes: First, $10 in cash. Second, '$ in cash. Third, $2.50 in cash. . lhe And three six-month subscriptions to1" Daily News. The .contest will close March 15. Old and young alike are asked to subnm The primary purpose is, of course, w win prizes but to bring forward winch may prove useful m lonvartims v- velopment of Prince Rupert.