Sending Money. Abroad You can send money remittances through any of our branches by cable transfer or by air or ordinary mail, depending on the speed required. Our long experience in handling such transactions and our vast network of foreign correspondents enable us to ensure you responsible and efficient service. ttu THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Prince Rupert Branch: It. (5. HOPKINS, Manager onnacona ALL BOARD We have a carload on the way ORDER NOW : -TO ENSURE EARLY DELIVERY VxV, 18 1VJ' and r.10' $65.00 per M sq.ft. PMLP0TT EVITT AND CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Huildinjr Supplies becoming more ! Popular every day Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY of CENTRAL HOTEL 0:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. ork General Construction See or Phone Us on a New Insulation SUL Something New and the Host Free Estimates on Any Kind of Construction You Name It. nnrt Wo Can Do It VE HAVE OUR OWN SHOP WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING "hone Black 12C Day Phone Green 937 Evenings COMMERCIAL LI -M n II i r7 y nit.. fOMPLETELY MODERN Viable rooms ASS .-ter. xs;0A;7and Eiehth St" I WU7 PI TOM n me STORAGE and Furniture Crating HYDETRANSFER Phone 580 Timely Topics from Terrace PRESENTATION AT MASONIC MEET; McADAMS IS VANCOUVER DELEGATE Tnwn Til .asi. r;-i.. l t i... r i tut I iiuiiuau rvnjmincK, uisinci Leputy uranu ivius-, ter of the Masons, paid a visit to Kitselas Lodge last Friday. In the evening a special meeting was held. ; During the meeting a presentation was made to Ed die p miayson who was married here recently, liy the night's train, Mr. Kilpatrick and his party proceeded oiniiners, Mr. Klipatrick'S home. George McAdams has recently been appointed a member of the Regional Council ol the Canadian chamber of Commerce and will be attending the first postwar meeting of this organization on March 14 In the new Hotel Vancouver. He will represent the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British A local store was the scene of coatiderable excitement last week when the first shipment of nylon hosiery was distributed Customers had previously entered their names on purchase coupons and the first 40 names drawn from the box were given Ihe opportunity io purchase a pair of shimmering new hosiery. Martin Stewart of prince Rupert officiated at the drawing which was attended by a score or more of Terrace ladles. A larger shipment I expected In a few weeks and by la believed that supplies will be ample for everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baron-elskl left on Friday night's train for Vancouver where Walter will obtain his discharge from the Army. They plan to return by boat via Prince Rupert. On Friday night Ronald Cole left Tor Vancouver where he will obtain his Army discharge. Towards the end of the week Mr. and Mrs. Art Klohn, who recently sold their meat market here, left for Vancouver. They will return to Mr. Klohn's home In McBride where Art Klohn and his brother plan to operate a garage. Friday night's train carried with It to Kamloops. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sande, Ray Sande. Mr. C. Ruckle. Eddie and Harold Ruckle. Ruckle and Sande have a sawmill along the Remo road on the other side of the Skeena River and will return next summer to reopen and operate this mill. They are now going Into the lumber business near Josephine Lofeudo left on Friday nighty train for Vancouver where she will stay with her brother, Tony, and his wife. Her NEW IIAZELTON Donald Grey, the patriarch of Hagwllget. is not going out" on his trapllne this winter. He Is getting older and enjoys the comforts of home. Mrs. Reynolds of Houston is paying a visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Reynolds. Girls and boys of the native school at Glen Vowell are taking a keen Interest In manual arts and domestic science respectively and are showing considerable proficiency. Mrs. H. Webster of Hazelton is baying a visit in Prince Rupert with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bartlett. Miss Morgan R. N. has arrived from Vancouver to Join the nursing staff of the Wrinch ! Memorial Hospital. i Buy more War Savings Stamps. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 sister Edith, Mrs. J. TTelenberg, Is also In Vancouver. The Army mess hall here has been closed and the soldiers are getting their meals at a local restaurant. At the beginning of the week, Duncan Kerr made a trip to Prince Rupert. While out on their trap line iear LakeLse recently, Geoff Lambly and John Chrltien ran across the remains of a moose which had been killed. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton left on Saturday night's train for-a brief holiday trip-to Prince Rupert. McBride Street TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. BOX 167 TERRACE Welding and Body Repairs No Job Is too large or too small for us. Our mechanics are Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Venture, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived In port at 1 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing later in the morning for Stewart and other points whence the will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. NEW KITKATLA HALL GOES UP Most of the framework of a fine new hall which the Excelsior Club is erecting at the native village of Kltkatla down the coast from here has been completed and, by me time another Social season rolls around, the commodious and well appointed structure should be ready for use and enjoyment. The building is being put up by the men of the community during the slack sea son rrom fishing and other seasonal activity. ON FEBRUARY 28, 1946 MADE SUPREME SACRIFICE ON ITALIAN FRONT Word has reached the city lately of another former Prince Rupert boy who made the supreme sacrifice with the Canadian Army while serving over seas In Italy. He was Radford Edward Aves, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Aves, formerly of Prince Rupert and now of Ques ncl where Mr. Aves Is provincial assessor for the Cariboo. Ray Aves spent the most of his life in Prince Rupert, attending Borden Street and Booth Mem orlal Schools here for 10 years. Matriculating at the age of 17, he enlisted In the Army and, during his trailing was selected for a special Army course at the University of British Columbia from which he graduated with honors. Proceeding to the Italian Iront with the Seaforth Highlanders, he contracted infantile parayLsis and died at the early age of 19. He is burled at the Allied military cemetery at An-cona on the Adriatic. BUCKINGHAM - WINGS CIGARETTES CIGARETTES THE OVERSEAS CIGARETTE PLAN WILL BE DISCONTINUED THE PLAN whereby Buckingham and Wings cigarettes can , be sent to members of the Armed Forces overseas will be discontinued February. 28th, I9f6, after which date no more orders can be accepted by Tucket t Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. The Canadian Armed Fprccs overseas will be supplied with cigarettes, at the present price of 30 for the equivalent of $1.00, from the Canadian Tobacco Depot, Overseas, but only on direct orders from Canadian Forces personnel still serving overseas. The Canadian Tobacco Depot, Overseas, will not accept orders from Canada, so therefore do not send' any orders to them at any time, nor to us after February 28ih of this year. TUCKETT LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO C. C. M. BICYCLES Men's and Ladies' models now In. stock. The guaranteed bicycle that will give you the maximum of service. Gordon's Hardware Phone 311 LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty Phone Green 974 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA experts In body repairs. Dependable, prompt service. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP box 202 & GARAGE terrace W. C, OSBORNE V. IMHOFF ii l WRETCH SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER ana Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 pjn. Friday SS Cardena, 10 pjn. Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient n Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and' shipping, PRONE 00 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Aremie Prince ttupcrt Daily &cv$ Monday, February 25, 1946 NOTICE ,5 The City of Prince Rupert Is considering theacWsa-blllty of granting a franchise for the exclusive operation of motor buses within the city limits. Interested parties are Invited to submit proposals to the undersigned prior to March 15th, 1940, giving the following Information: , !.-V a Proposed Schedule, showing routes in detail. (b) - Proposed fares, showing reduction Uf aityi for quantity purchasing. uA (c) Proposed Equipment. (1) For immediate use. ; ii 2) To be obtained within a specified Unit. d) The proposed terms of the franchise. (e) Such other and further details which if is considered advisable to include In the agreement. All submissions should be Inclosed In sealed envelopes and marked "Proposal re Bus Franchise." II. I). THAIN, City Clerk. ' (47) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL '-V! PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box-1381 Phone '. "(!.'! Evenings: Green l:l P.O. Box 13CG Trappers Phone,j 08 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING:" ' & HEATING Repairs aid Alterations OIL BURNERS INSTALLED, SERVICED AND CLEANED Corner Second and Seventh St. West Night Calls Green WJ Black 861 Bltie"l70 Highest Prices Paid for Your Attention FURS SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL "fc BILL SimiABERG B.C. FURNITURE Phone Black 21 PHONE: 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open G ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 17 We Deliver Your Order Be Wise: SAVE MONEY Many costly repairs can be avoided by regular LUBRICATION SERVICE STOP WEAR TODAY! RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED SCOTTY'S Old Country SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO 6 A.M. Fish a nd Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street j FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE "HollE Phone 864 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices I i PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) ft