IP V & i T '7 FouTtrl Street, Ldrfnrc Uuprrt Daily jftcuis Saturday, January 12, 194C TERRACE TALKS SPORTS, MUSIC These Anions Matters Diseussed at P. T. .Meeting TERRACE The regular monthly meeting of the Terrace Parent-Teacher Association was held on Thursday evening in the Legion Hall with a good-sized , crowd in attendance. Mrs. F. Frank1, the president, extended a hearty welcome to all new members present and Mrs. R. de Kergommeaux, the secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and the correspondence which was rather voluminous. Mrs. D. O. Little spcke of the urgent need at present to provide worthwhile recreational ..facilities in the line of sports for the teen-age pupils. A meeting of all parents and interested i bodies Is to be called to see what action can be taken in this matter. . Vic Imhoff, one of the guest ASTHMA RELIEF A Mttftin InKllant Mttliad for Itfltviiif lh Sinptmi l Ailhma f fUa-Cartfiac Neturt and Hay ftf lineatlte&Uf, CAUTION: (tad l!totvr Thoroughly CONSULT YOUR LOCAL .DRUGGIST Y 1 speakers who has had considerable musical training, discussed what could be done In the musical line with the children of Terrace. He has offered to form a. group of them into a band. S. F. Campbell, the other guest speaker, dealt with the subject of Credit Unions. The Credit Union is one of three university sponsored study groups organized In Terrace and the P.T.A. plans to hear from all three. The evening concluded with the serving of refreshments. Better English I By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "The -ien ascended up the hill." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "numerous?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Bugle, bufalo, bureacracy. 4. What does the word "speculative" mean? 5. What is a word begining with po that means "drinkable?" Answers 1. Omot up. Ascend means to rise. 2. Pronounce the u as in unit, not as oo in soon. 3. Buffalo. 4. Given to meditation; contemplative. "The mind of man being by nature speculative." Hooker. 5. Potable. WTTHAM, Lincoln O Wltham magistrates ruled Christmas was not a special occasion and this year refused to allow pubs to stay open two hours extra on Boxing Day. Announcing . . . Beauty Lane Salon Beulah Lavlgne (late of Modern Beauty Parlor) has purchased the Annette Powell Beauty-Shoppe from Peggy Saunders and will continue as Beauty Laiw Salon opposite Post Office Phone Blue 917 SEE OUR STOCK OF Automotive Accessories Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois-Glashlne Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors Bumper Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility Carriers (jusi the thing for the sportsman) Sleet Shavers Wheel Wrenches. ; i(f G(jt your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules , :hqre. Listen every Saturday night at (pOO p.m. over CFPR ia the National Hockey Broadcast. lf)T? E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer Imperial Oil Dealer For Comfort in the Home! HASSOCKS - S.1.7." OTTOMAN .'. S8.50 - COFFEE TABLES S I I .!)." MAGAZINE RACKS (glass) S.i).- CHENILLE BED SPREADS, , Priced to Jj!20.7." furniture t AiFT & O D O W E S W ' NOVELTIES (Formerly J, II. Mair) J -OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT FOR Young and Old Overnight Cases, 12" 1.71 Overnight Cases," 18" ........... 2.(50 Black Cases, small 85 medium 1.15 large 1.15 THESE ARE AVAILABLE IN SETS OF THREE ALSO -Jrteal for School Children and Week-end Trips Come in and see them at , THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTING Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (5SS) LTD. 326 Second Avenue 3LECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS Phone Black 367 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER " v. auauian I A QTamatk! crIM( Tnr a rfatlw tr city tt recently named ai : tit R eaper who has covert Srr., ' K honor of a local newspaper edi tor In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the life of the community. FOR QUICK SALE at $150.00, S.W. 4 Lot 3061, Aiyansh. Official Administrator. FOR SALE Two houses on one lot, in good location, vacant possession; good -rental income. Terms. Apply H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (14 1 FOR SALE Complete "household furniture. Apply 1432 First overlook. aoi FOR SALE Westinghouse Dual Automatic electric range with Thrift Cooker. Execellent con dition. Phone 840. 10) FOR SALE One wood and coal range, cheap. Phone Red 446. (11) FOR SALE.. Underwood typewriter, almost new. Price $70. Also 2-burner electric plate with 3-way switch. , Apply Box 76 Daily Newp. , U4 FOR SALE One pr. men's skis, Norwegian importedT Gresvig Kandahar, harness and poles: one pr. size 7 heads ski boots; one pr. lady's skis, poles and boots. 1381 Overlook St., Phone 670 line 23, Mr. Bolton. lpr FOR SALE Office writing desk and chair, like new, $15.00. Call No. 2 Helgerson Block. (13) FOR SALE Premier Duplex vacuum cleaner, excellent condition. Call Blue 588 or 900, 10th Ave. East. uo) IFOR SALETfe- Miscellaneous fur niture .none 239, mornings. - 7 (11) FOR SALE New and used furniture selling at lowest prices. 2 - p i e c e chesterfield bed, Khroler make, perfect condition, $65; used smoking stands, $1.75; used hassocks, $2.50; records, 25c; used battery cabinet radios; electric mwitel radios; tools, some are Just like new; office desks; kitchen sets, slightly used; complete beds. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Complete household furniture. Cheap. 1133 7th Ave. East. ni) FOR SALE Small business now operating, no competition, low overhead; interesting and easy work, no experience necessary. 90 profit, year-round operation. Can be operated by man or woman. Two branches, either or both for sale. Excellent opportunity for partnership. Each branch $800, or both for $1500. Over $1000 worth of supplies (retail). Owner cannot handle due to other business pressure. Write to Box 1253 Prince Rupert for appoint-ment. Cash sale only. FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (12) FOR SALE Why pay rent? Comfortable 5 - room house with bathroom, in good condition. Partly furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable price. 537 7th Ave. West. fll) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES STENOS. TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Oovernment work. You can train at home. Free information. M.C.C. Schools, Winnipeg, Buy more War Savings Stamps and screen events for 54 years ' K ciaims ne nas "wcrn out more theatre seats than any other person." THIS AND THAT And me with four aces in my hand!' - - Classified Advertising - - and Engagement Announcements: 2. "rr,ase FOR SALE for SALE Chesterfield and chair, 6 beds, 2 tables. 1344 8th Ave. East. (15) FOR SALEp-32-ft. trolling boat. Phone Black 412. (ID FOR SALE Quick turnover Four rooms wit'i bath. Also garage. Price $2,C00 including furniture. Call 900 10th Ave. East. (15) HELP WANTED WANTED Two good waitresses. Steady jobs for right girls. Three Sisters Cafe. WANTED For January 15th, women for filleting and fish floor work. Apply Superintendent's office, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. plant, Seal Cove. (10) WORK WANTED WANTED Full or part-time employment by youth with high school education. Try anything. Phone Red 728 after 6 pjn. , (tf) PERSONAL CHILDREN CARED FOR In my own nome. 441 7tn Ave. East. (10) SOLDIERS' Intelligent female dog needs home. Left behind off transport from Aleutians. Loves children. Phone Black 959 after 2 o'clock. 909 1st Ave. West. (12) WANTED WANTED Four or five-room furnished house or apartment. box 75 Dairy News. (13) WANTED Urgent! Room and board for 7-month-pld baby. PO. Box 323. (10) WANTED 8 ricks wood, 20". $7.00 per rick. Digby School. Apply J. Hadland, Dodge Cove. FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms. Make yourself at home at 909 1st Ave. West. (15) FOR RENT Warm bedroom. Apply 806 Fraser St. or Phone Red 243. (14) FOR RENT Rooms. 622 Fraser Street. Phone 309. (141 FOR RENT Single furnished housekeeping room. 650 7th Ave. East. (10) FOR KENT Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water, Reasonable weekly rates to re liable tenants. Commercial Hotel. (28) FOR RENT Cabin. 1144 7th Ave. East. Blue 822. (11) FOR RENT Housekeeping room, eui uoraen St. Ul) FOR RENT One housekeeping room, ana suite., 344 Sher-Mwke Ave. C16) LOST AND FOUND FOUND AT LAST A brand new dance hall to rent for your parties and socials. It's the Recreation Dance Hall on 5th Ave. East. For information Phone 846. ask for Fred. (12) FOUND Black wallet at Three Sisters Cafe, now at Daily News office. Can be had by paying for this ad. (tf) LOST Pair of brown horn rimmed glasses In brown leather case, between Grand Cafe and 6th Street. Finder please return to Daily News. (tf) LOST Black wallet, containing 'money, etc. Good reward. Phone Green 780. (10) RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaranteed radio satisfaction phone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician will call. McRae Bros. "Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tfi Waterfront Whiffs Migration of Salmcn Reported Upon Travelling Time Is lagging, wniie ine omer, Laay V, Capt. William Leask, restrict ed its operations mainly to the south of the Skeena River, with one side trip to the Naas area and one to Principe Channel. The offshore tagging achieved only slight success, due mainly to the fart that the taggers were unable to find concentrations of fish in schools sufficiently large to make purse seining pro fitable. An Interesting point was demonstrated during the Naas River tagging when three of the fish tagged there later were found In the Skeena. One was recovered at Carlisle Bar, one at Point Lambert, and one at Moricetown, 22 miles above Hazelton. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday ss Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Catala, 1:30 p.m Thurday ss Prince Rupert, ii:45 p.m. Friday ss Cardena, 10:00 p.m. Jan. 3 ss Princess Norah, p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss Catala, 4 n.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide, Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, iu:uu a.m. NOTICE OP CANCELLATION OP RESERVE NOTICE is hereby given that the Reserve established under authority of Order-ln-Council No. 1653. approved December 9th. 1943. notice of which was puoltshed In the British Columbia Gazette of December 16th, 143. Is cancelled in so far aa it re-Liter, to Block 1 OX Lot 1009,'Ranjc S. Coast District.) i containing .41 acres. H. CATHCART. Denutv Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests. Victoria. B.C. December 11. 1945. An active salmon tagging program took place off the mouth or the bkeena River last summer and the results have been published in a report by Dr. A. L. Pritchard of the provincial fisheries biological station at Nanaimo. Two vessels were employed, one, the Estep, under Capt. N. Lovrich, doing offshire For sockeye tagged at the Skeena mouth late In June, areas as widespread as Moricetown, Kisplox and Babine were represented In the recoveries. The time taken for the sockeye to move from the point of tagging to the locality of recapture, as calculated from the dates of recovery submitted to the biological station, Is considered to be the maximum. In other words, the fish might have taken considerably less time to arrive at the point where it was caugfrt and the tag recovered, but it most certainly could not have taken longer. On the average, the fLsh remained In the lower reaches of the Skeena for 6.6 days. They reached Point Lambert in an average of 5.3 days. Terrace in 10.7. KiLselas In 12.1, Hazelton and Klspiox In 18, Moricetown in 22 and Babine Lake in 38 days. The year's migration was slower than in 1944, and was believed due to much lower water in the rivers during most of the summer. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTAIE OP OVSTAF ELSTROM. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HH Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 8th day of January. A D. 1946. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Gustaf Elstrom, deceased. Intestate, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 19th day of February. A D. 1946. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Pr nee Rutert. B.C.. this 8th day of January. A D. 1946. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 19 I NOTICE - -' brill Van Ship Repairs Linii(( Announce to business associates and friends that Effective January 1 sty 1 946 the company's name is being changed to PiM ifir llniliirk fJonipn 11 y LimiM Ownership, management and location remain th z same. ; . A, G. BURDICK, President DRYDOCKS, PLANT -AND -EQUIPMENT .AT NORTH VANCOUVER BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS t The Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-o perative Association Wish to announce they arc the new owners of the Chris Mill Bakery 3:.- The Third Avenue Bakery " Store Is Open To All Mr. H. K. Christensen, previous owner, continues as Manager of the Bakery. Board of Directors, PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION.