Srk: general ONSTKUUiiun Buildinff Supplies iife construction ana. """" ,ndowsandFrames.Dr. and frames, 1 of all description mimlture Repairs & class finishing and i n phi n Phini Black 12G Uwccn 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EXl'EKT tADIO REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Ielectrical SUPPLIES HOME ArruniHszo luORESCENT LIGHTING PUBLIC ADUKLoo INTERCOM Li) Orders shipped same day as received KITEKT RADIO & ELECTRIC 1 313 Third Avenue West Ue 644 - BOX 1321 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S INEST SALMON Local 'News Items . . . A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Marie's Dining Room closed for repairs for one month. "Wee Tot's Shop" Third Ave. for sale. A good profitable business. $3,000 cash will buy stock and fixtures. Comfortable heated living quarters for couple. Apply Dybhavn & Hanson. Rev. John Llnney of Prince Rupert Full Gospel Tabernacle has been called to the south due to the death of his father-in-law, Mr. Brooks. During his absence the pulpit will be filled by Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Shannon, workers from the mission boat "Speed the Light." Miss Laverna Llnney accompanied her father. Special meeting, Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association, Booth School, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 8 p.m. Panel Discussion: School 'needs of Prince Rupert and how to meet them; chairman, Mr. Gilker. A parent, teacher, school trustee and alderman will speak. mm NEW 10W PRICES 1 2 tobltll lie 24 lobltll 2?e 100 lobltll 79c ft w Genuine aspirin is MARKED THIS WAY Brighten Up Your Kitchen With plastic or metal mouldings for sinks, tables and counters. It's Colourful! Practical! Sec 11 Now at Sanitary! Gordon's Hardware McISricle Slrcet l'hunc 311 0 THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be interested to know that there is a man In cown who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only. foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what :an be done In your Individual case. ' Mr Bill Terry Is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing Ltcpt. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly Call around and see him for either reason. UMIMMMKIIMIVIUBa Compounded 'Accurately When your doctor sees our name on a bottle of mrdicinc he knows you have precisely what he ordered. Ormes lid. Jim Pioneer Druqgtets THE UEXALL STORE Kccti imtir r a Orders well Ahead for our Quality Coals! l'honc 81 and 82 PHONES 11( - 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY For a reliable taxi, Phone 32. Open 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. (tf) Annual Meeting of the St. Paul Lutheran congregation, at the church, Tues. Eve., 8 o'clock. Peter Lakie, C.N.R. divisional freight and passenger agent, is on a trip to the interior on of flcial business. He is at present in the sawmill . area east of Prince George and is expected back In the city next week. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Six room house, centrally located, good buy, owner leaving town. 420 Sixth Ave. West. Phone Blue 806. (It) LOST Large long haired black and white dog, answers to name "Prince." Call Black 196. (11) LOST Norwegian flag brooch, with coat of arms on side. Finder please leave at Daily News. Reward. (12) HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I improve home made bread? A. If one cup of thics cieam is used when mixing bread, it improves the bread, makes the crust moist, and avoids the necessity of buttering the bread when taken from the oven. Q. How can I hang out all the wash if the-yard is very, small? A, Try using xoat hangers for :the larger garments. They will take up less space, as they can be hooked sidewise on the line, and they will also dry in better shape. Q. How can I remove Indelible ink stains? A. Indelible ink stains can I sometimes be removed from fab rics by sponging with equal parts of ammonia and turpentine. J.H.Mair Auctioneer Sales Arranged at Your Convenience SALES ROOMS 171 Third Ave. E. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY Announcements All advcrtisrmciivs ni mis column will be cbarcrd lor a full montn at 26c a word. CAVA. Bridee. Whist. Crib bage, January 17, K. of C. Hut, a p.m. Lenin Memorial meeting Sun day, January 20, 3 p.m., Odd fellows' Hall. Burns Banquet, Friday, Jan. 25, First Presbyterian Church, Modern dancing every night, Recreation Hall, 5th Ave. East. Admission 50. William Cruickshank, special passenger representative of the Canadian National Railways, re turned to the city on last night's train from a trip over the line as far as Prince George on official business. Timely TERRACE Topics Eric S. Turner arrived home from overseas service a few days ago. He has been in Holland and England. Alanson Parker has returned from Shames where he spent the holidays. Rev. Father Paul of Smithers spent a few days in Terrace with Father Racette and continued to Prince Rupert on Thursday evening. Miss Olive M. Johnson of the Prince Rupert Health Unit spent Thursday and Friday In AUTOMATIC WATERING MAGIC TRICK FOR SEED BOX IN GREEN HOUSES II To equip a seed box with automatic watering, 1, bore hole in bottom; 2, put wick thiougli hole, lmoeci irayca top in In nan of water: 3 fill box with soil, and make shallow drills; 4, sow seed, and as long as pan is full of water, wick will lifep soil moist. An important labor-saving de- box, a wick of fibre glass, or vice widely ud in greenhouses just a ' piece of clothes line 4 i3 automatic watering. Unfor- inches long, is inserted. The top twately amateurs cannot use it is frayed' and imbedded in the on their gardens, but they can soil that fills the box and the easily apply it to seed boxes, in bottom drops into a pan of water, which seeds are started either As long as water is kept in this Indoors or outdoors. : pan, the wick will raise It and Through a hole bored in the keep the soil moist, centre of the bottom of the seed Tests have shown that plants watered in.this way make maxi CENTRAL HOTEL Transient Rooms NEWLY DECORATED Weekly and Monthly Rates For your convenience' . . . Cafe In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 THIS AND THAT i vvi u 1 ii i i i y 1 hi Cnnttr Mjltlii-w KUn- it n In. "People stare at me!" mum growth because- water is always abundant, and yet not in excess: and since water is never applied to the surface, there is no washing, and no compacting of soil, which would check aeration. With such a seed box, in a sunny window, hot-bed or cold- frame, you can give your favorite varieties of vegetables and flowers several weeks' head start this spring, and Insure an earlier harvest of food or beauty. Soil used in a seed box should always be put through a sieve. The coarse soil may be used in the bottom, the fine on top. Florists' potting soil is the best, or a fine garden loam, about half sandi Sphagnum moss should be used to prevent damping-off,- which is a fungus disease that frequently attacks seedlings. Rub the moss through a coarse sieve or colander and place a layer of this shredded moss over the soil In the flat to the depth of to Vi inch Firm and saturate soil and moss. Drop the seeds on the moss, and coVer very lightly with .a thin layer of sphagnum. Proceed from this point on as with soil culture. Seed may be broadcast one variety to a flat; or sown in rows, which allow several varieties to be grown in the same box,- each row being labeled. Seeds which are' broadcast arc usually less crowded than those In rows. If you sow in rows, use the edge of a ruler to make shallow indentations in the soil; sow thinly, cover lightly, and firm the soil with a block of wood. Keep the box in a dark place until sprouts appear, then place in the sunniest window you own. A kitchen window is good, be cause humidity is always greater there. Forty-'one per cent of people interviewed in a recent survey said that reading was their favorite occupation. Honor Dance Navy Men Welcomed Warm-IIeartcd and Colorful Affair Last Night by League Auxiliary A warm-hearted and colorful "welcome home" function was extended the returning naval service men of Prince Rupert in the Oddfellows' Hall last night. It was a splendidly arranged dance for which the Women's Auxiliary of the local Navy League of Canada was responsible. In addition to the local naval veterans, honored guests included naval personnel who are still stationed on active service at Prince Rupert base. In all about 250 persons were Culminating feature of the evening's proceedings was an ad dress of welcome delivered dur ing the refreshment hour at mid night by Mrs. J. R. Elfert, president of ithe Auxiliary. She voiced the deep pleasure that was felt to have the boys of the sea safe home again after the years. of absence during which they h? acquitted themselves with valor and distinction in carrying on to victory the battles of the oceans. It might appear to be conservative in its demonstration at times but, nevertheless, the appreciation was there and .this party was but a means of ex pressing it. Lieut. W. P. Elkins spoke In reply. He expressed eratltude to the auxiliary for parcels sent .to Me Navy men while abroad. Music for the dancing was by Jean de Carlo's Orchestra and Lieut. Walter Smith made a lively master of ceremonies. Refreshments, buffet style, were served from a table handsomely decorated with red. white and blue crepe in "V for Victory" design. The table was centred with red tapers in .silver sconces set among branches of holly. The hall itself was handsome ly adorned with naval flags, featuring the white ensign, loan ed for the occasion by the local naval base. Lieut. Cmdr. Eddie commanding. Mrs. Elfert, the president, was assisted by a hard-working committee convened by Mrs. Robert Murray and comprising Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. J. S. Irvine, Mrs. Thomas McMeekin, Mrs. H. Arney. MrsrTheb' Fortune-. Mrs-. C. H. Elkins. Mrs. J. E. Boddle. Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Mrs. Thomas Yule, Mrsi Charles Sunberg and Mrs. G. A. Hunter. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When in a nightclub would it be all right for a man to ask a girl he knows to dance, if she is sitting at another table with some people whom he does not know? A. No, It Is better not to do so, though he may stop at her table for a few words of greeting. Q. Should a photograph of one's self be framed when giving It as a gift? A. iNo; you do not know whether the reclpent wishes to place it on a desk or hang, it on the wall, or even keep it in a drawer. Q. Who should furnish the boutonnleres for the ushers at a wedding? A. The bridegroom, Lumber See Us for your BUILDING NEEDS PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 rfnce tUiyctt Dallj? I3clus Saturday, January 12, 1940 MRS. BOND IS PRESIDENT Regiment Women's Auxiliary Has Annual Sleeting At the annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Prince Ru pert 'Regiment, which was held in the Armory on Wednesday night with a fair attendance of members, Mrs. P. Bond was re elected president and Mrs. W. Holt was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The date of future meetings was changed to the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings to be held at the homes of members. A lengthy discussion followed concerning the building up of the membership of the auxiliary. Members were asked to try to contact women who had a hus band or son in the Regiment and invite them to attend meetings. A possible Valentine's Dance was also discussed at length but a decision was withheld until '.he auxiliary could contact the members of the regiment. The members are looking forward to an enjoyable year ahead with plenty of interesting activities planned. MRS. THOMPSON AID PRESIDENT First United Church Ladies' Aid Elects Officers At the regular monthly meeting of the First United Church Women's Auxiliary held recently at the home of Mrs. R. C. Webber, 147 Fifth Ave. W annual reports presented showed a very successful year. Mrs. R. A. Wilson conducted the election of officers for the coming year as follows: President, Mrs. A. Thompson. Vice-President, Mrs. G, A. Johnston. Treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Mac- auley. Secretary, Mrs. G. Cinnone. Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. FUNERAL NOTICE Funeral services for our late comrade, Norman A. Watt, ex- Lieutenant, Yukon Battery, Can adian Motor -Machine -Gun Brigade, World War I, will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, January 15, First Presbyterian Church. Interment in Falrview Cemetery. Rev. A. F. MacSween will officiate. All members possible attend. Ivieet at cnurch. "Lest We Forget." (It) Buy more War Savings Stamps. tHKHJ0IKHKWHKBKHCHKBKmW LOCAL COUPLE EXCHANGE VOWS Two local families were joined Thursday night when marriage vows were exchanged between Doris L. Gosnell, only daughter of Mrs. H . Farley, and Pte. Gerald Mclntyre, son of Mrs. W. Flewin. The cefemony took place at the home of the bridegroom's mother in the Washington Block, Second Ave., and the officiating minister was Rev. Peter Kelly of Ocean Falls, who Is an uncle of the bridegroom. Bridesmaid was Katharen Mclntyre, sister of the bridegroom, and groomsman was Sgt. Gordon McNeill. More than 40 guests attended the reception held at the same place at the conclusion of the ceremony. Pte. and Mrs. Mclntyre will live in Prince Rupert, where Pte. Mclntyre Is posted with the Array, "Churches should modernize their approach to the general public by using advertising methods, including daily newspaper advertising." Very Rev. Edward II. Wells, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo. LUMBAGO (Lame Back) Can't etxlthtcn up? Pack too stiff and sore to touch? If that's how Lumbago (Lame Back) affects you, do what thousands have done and get quick, safe relief. Take TemiJeton's T-R-C's, the remedy specially made to help you. Don't suffer w day more than you have to. Get Tcmpleton's T-R-C's today. SOc. $ 1 . T-2 1 I .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHkXAW r 1111111111111111111111111111111111m: V JOHN BULGER JEWELERS Third Ave. (Opp. Post Office) See Us for Your NEW YEAR OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS g SMALL CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete )i?1.7." LARGE CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete $:. SMALL CALENDAR PADS (IDEAL) '. 7o LARGE CALENDAR PADS (JUMBO) $1.25 DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Office Supplies, Bookbinding;, Printing-, Stationery Birthday and Every Day Cards BESlJER BLOCK Waterman Pens THIRD AVENUE Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 ?.0. Box 196 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" "scotch type smoked kippehs smoked alaska black col) smoked mild cured salmon Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian AND Fish Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.