! - r li ISrinrc Uuprrf Etaflp f3cto5 Thuisday, November 7. 19-4,3 'c,3'? JSE3S?- T'SSKR; - 731 SAILORS AND TURTLE The Galapagos turtle shown here Is a long way from home and so are the Canadians pictured with it. The photograph was taken at the Bermuda museum. Last summer scores of University Naval Training Division men visited Bermuda on training cruises. MIXED FIYE PINS November 13 Pirates vs. Coop, Headpinners vs. Thistles. King Pjnners vs. Reddy Kilowatts; Rockets vs. Midgets, Atomics vs. Lispetts, McMeekins vs. Pushovers. November 20 Thistles vs Pushovers, Midgets vs. Lipsets, Pirates vs. Headpinners; Co-op vs. Reddy Kilowatts, McMeekins vi Rockets, King Pinners vs.r Atomics. November 27 Rockets vs. Reddy Kilowatts, Pirates vs. King Pinners. Atomics vs. Coops; McMeekins s. Llpsetts, Thistles vs. Midgets, Pushovers vs. Headpinners. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND ATU ' IN THE MATTER ER OF OP THE ESTATE OP PAUL BRODIN. DECEASED. INTESTATE HUnudgW.Ehrn ' ljocai judge or tee supreme Cotirt of British Columbia, I was on the 28th day , of ; October, 1946. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Paul Brodln. who died on or about the 25th day of July 1946. All persona Indebted to the said Estate arc required to Day the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith tnd Lionel Conacher. perhaps Can-all persons having claims against tre,0j,. ,, . all-round said estate are required to file theniia:ias greatest athlete, wtth.meJr2p-.rlr wu-ted'on or be-( was bought by the Montreal fore the 30th day of November. IS IS. , ,. , . failing- which distribution win be i Maroons from New York Amercd- .,IT'k0,,;lyK 10 fuchcans cf the National Hockey claims of which I shall have been 1 , - . , , . ... notified, : League in a straight cash deal DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C . this Mr vears ao After his retire-29th ! "IS r?ure- day of October. 1946. UOEDOS P FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C Yl butt ! FABRICATION ' Hollywood Cafe PK1NCE RUrEUT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-GOURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CnOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD BLONDIE 20 YEARS AGO November 7, 1926 Report was heard that the marine station on Dlgby Island would be removed to the city and the wireless station on Dlgby moved from its site to the position occupied by the marine station on the Island. With informal ceremony, the Biological Board's fishery experimental station on the government wharf was opened by J. J. Cowle, secretary of the Biological Board. A number of officials were present. The Canadian government freighter Canadian Importer was taken on the pontoons at the dry dock after being damaged dur- l 41, i il-l j 1US l"c """er oy Deuig airanu- en in me ti. Lawrence Kiver. SHORT SPORT , mnt in 1937 Conacher sat for a time In the Ontario legislature and served as chairman of the Ontario Athletic Commission. Two outstanding Canadian athktes, Phil Marchildon of Psnetaregulshene, Ont., and Roy C-nacher of Toronto, were rworn mto the-R.CA.F. In Toronto four years agp yesterday. Marchildon who rlaced ninth In the balloting for the American League's moit valuable player the same year, is back on the Philadelphia Athletics pitching staff. Conacher, formerly a forward with Boston Brums of the National Hcckey League, now plays for Detroit. Advertise in the Dally News. ORDERS rilONE 133 AVENUE WEST Name It and It's Yours! Basketball A lot of talk has been heard from the basketball fans and players In regard to the breaking up cf the powerful Iligh School Rainmakers quintet by sending up some of the team to either Savoy or BX. Packers in the Senior "A" loop, thus weakening the students' line-up and sup posedly evening up the Senior B" teams. The students take Pride and enjoy playing for the green and sold of Bo-Me-Hi and practice gently to attain such an op portunity. Some of the studes feel it is not fair to be forced into breaking up their best team In many years. But there is net much danger now that Joe Davis and Mel Holkestad have returned to the Savoy !ine-up. This Willi strengthen Savoys and give them about IQ players while B.C. Pack ers is hclding its own in the league with 11 players which doesn't leave much room for any iax1'- jarje Undsay (99 Taxli. High Schoci olayers moving up. RuPert Holkestad (Savoy . Son-Ths best soVtipn to the Senior BeWCT " Taxi. P- White "B" troubles might be to ' (B C Packers) Ted Arney strengthen Macey's and Co-op. ; '-avoy). These U'O teams can strenethen themselves by practice, by teamwork and by acquiring a fighting spirit. There has also beep rumor of the Rainmakers moving up as a, team into the Senior "A" divi- fia. But the Rainmakers want the Intermediate cup back In Principal W. W. C. CNejll's 9f-flce at Bo-Me-Hi at the end of this season and this can only bs dpne with the Rainmakers remaining in the Senior "B" and winnlnj it. j At present the Rainmakers are : undefeated in their league with all their games won by wide margins and in trie Senior "A" loop 99 Taxi seems to be doing the same. It would be a treat for the fans to match these two In an exhibition game so that the fans could realize the difference In strength of the two Senior leagues. StilJ better, let the Rainmakers try and work their way up to the present champs by - starting . at the bottom of "A" : league With a game With th-3 savoy. If they should defeat the fcavoy they would meet BC-Packers arjd If again victorious ithe ?reen and gold tide wouid I be eliglbleto play 9. The talk of breaking up High j School might end if the Savoys stopped them in their first en- i counter. The Savoy were the nemesis of the students last year. After cping through the second half last year undefeated Bo-Me-Hl let the championship slip away by losing 2 to 1 to the Savoys In a thrilling best out of three play-off series. Last year the Savov line-up consisted of Arney, Davis, M. Holkestad, Vukovjch and Alexander and the Rainmaker five were Forman, Hartwlg, Lavlgne, Clccone and Thompson. If Bo-Me-Hi and Savoy were to meet, this year their line-ups would be practically identical to the last time they met except that Savoy would carry the edge with the addition to theirs of R. Holkestad, D. Murray, -D, Arney and R. Moxley. Association President Art Mur- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Union Steamships Limited are pleased to announce the first Northbound sailing of S.S. "Coquitlahj." will leave Prince Rupert Sunday, November 10 at midnight for Stewart and spnthbound will leave Pfince Rupert on Tuesday, November 12 at 1:30 p.m. for Vancouver. WEEKLY SCHEDULE WILL BE CONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Round Trip fares on application Excellent Accommodatipn Pot Shots ; ray Is alternating to have the I j Rainmakers and Savoy matched I h? an exhibition game and thus have the school make a bid at working up the Senlcr "A" lad der. But, with the Important Ketchikan-Prlnce Rupert series coming, up next week he has as. yet $et no dates for what might be the game ol the year. The basketball executive has done a ;ood Job In the selection of players from various of the Senior "A" teams to take part in the inter-city hoop series be-1 tween Prince Rupert and Ketchikan scheduled for November 15 and 16. With Art Murray as team manager, the fojlowlng 10 are elected as players: Guards Bob Houston (99. Taxi). Sev Dominate (99 Taxl. Don Fitch (BJC. Packers). Forwards Fred Calderone 'B. c- Packers), Angus MacPhee 99 LADIES' BOWLS INDIES "A" LEAGUE W L Pis Savoy Syingers .... 18 .6 18 Big Sisters 16 .8 16 Variety 16 8 16 Annettes 15. 9 15 Ideal Cleaners .... 11 13 11 Moose li .13 11 Orange io 14 10 Toilers 8 16 8 Lucky Strikes 8 16 8 ' Miller Bay 7 17 THRAPSTON, Northamptonshire, Eng. Q, One-armed A. Clarke completed a six-foot tapestry of Windsor Castle In six months. LONDON O H.M.S. London has presented the city with a new gavel to replace one de stroyed In the bombing. .Classified Advertising Pays! PRINCE RUPERT TO, f VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS "Princess Adelaide" Every Monday. 10 p.m. ALASKA PORTS 'Princess No rah" "Princess Louise" Full information on tnjUnft from local ticket agent, r tcrile O. Itruce lliirpee, O.l'.A., C.l'.IU Station, Vancouver. v-.- W't7 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre By Chic Young V IfH ) S f VOUtL LATE) TfET -1 ( ka?' IFOR WORK IN THE C-Tv , fTf SEES CLOSER LINK VyiTH NORTH Continued irom Page l profiting from the painful ex- President W. D. Lambie prc-periences of other areas, were sided over the luncheon and growing potatoes as disease-free as could be foundanywhere Minfng activity was aXso com- j ' and Nelson Young of Prince Ruing bclc rapidly in th Cariboo, pert and Krlstlan Sortland of Mr- Lebourdals disclosed. Sev-' Germansen Creek. S?t,filS I'VH Gratifying financial successor ready In operation and others t rectnt community wrvfce Ck wai XrnLTT fund ents report- 2 lJi H.Mie Apply5 Day sale nett fJir(w7f at ylls were opened i P WW. PWU)? lode ProPes west of William. Lake: f Kteena-Kleen and Taseko La "ndf development. ins quite an Industry In the Cariboo with no less than thirty-four sawTnilLs around Qyesnel aloDe. yyith many new resorts opening up to give people a gopd time without pampering them, the tourist business in the Cariboo was showing a great txpan slon. The fishing streams and the guest ranches were attracting more and more visitors. Many came by car over the highway and the Pacific Great Eastern Railway was also carrying many in. In fact the railway line was running three well-filled trains a wee now In addUloa ?v the freight and cattle trains. Talking of the Pacific C.reat Eastern, Mr. LebourdaU explained that one of the reasons the Cariboo people, were so' interested in seejn the line completed through Prince George to the Peace,' River was VVJJ c,'.eaP. l,iaJ"d grab would thru become immediately ay-ai.,'?Ie f.?r ne f inishing of the Cariboo livestock. "SIMPLE Millbank is a Mild, Virginia Cigarette . i mey mean Remenib'rRnce )ay November 11 Poppies on sale as usual give generously! Twenty-five years selling automobiles and trucks in Prince Rupert and vicinity makes us feel that the day wiil come when we shall again be knocking at your door, asking for orders. Therefore, as In the past, we are endeavouring to so conduct our business that we may continue to merit your confidence and support. OUR POLICY: Deliver the oldest orders first. Give proper consideration to needs of veterans. Not to require a customer to trade In a used car to get a new one. When a used car is traded to allow a fair market i-iwtc lur tue useu car. 5. Not to load a car with accessories that may not be wanted by the purchaser. 6. To keep our order books operi for inspection by any customer. ohe may see where he stands on the list. S. E. PARKER LIMITED FORD AND MO.NARC DEALER Third Avenue pnone 8.1 SAVOY HOTEL Carl'Zarelli, Prop.. Phone Z', P.O. Box 51.4 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert bourdais, were W. L. Armstrong S200 and the Hallowe'en IIoedown over $400. The respec- tlve committee chairmen-David Aen and W j,; stone -were tuJated They, In turn, ac'kn0wledged the energetic sup port they had obtained from the members as. a whole. Frank Skinner extended an Invitation to all Gyroj end their wives to visit the Union Steamship Co.'s new steamer Coquit-lam next Sunday night when she arrives In port on her maiden voyage. CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 WORDS" Cool, Straight Cut Simple words but TERRACE Transfer&Taxj Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO" ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) PxO. Box 167 Terrace SHOP & GARAGE Terrace Corner Snack Bar MRS. F. LAMBLY HOME-MADE PIES SANDWICHES CAKES LUNCHES FOR TRAVELLERS On the Main Highway TERRACE MACHINE other guests, besides Mr. Le TERRACE, B,C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK OAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and gas m i m m COASTAL CHARTER SERVICE BY SI I IAI.NK BOAT " LJ - - J fl I ' ifnwnive t;nn.AmiA. twin, n . Tiircn.vc trir,n n.,n . 1T. . lotte Islands. Charlotte Islands. THURSDAYS Prince Rupert to Stewart ti Anyox. Alice Arm and Request Po'its. FRIDAYS Prince RuDert to Vancouver Dte P.O. Box 1219 PASSENGERS AND FREIGHTM 3 ipes and Sizes ol AIRCRAFT to Sen From 3 to 18 Passengers, or 480 lbs. to vu G. II. STANHIUDGE, Agent Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 am. to 2 am. PHONE 173 i .f i fBrioi i n VII' Ji)(bl if""' ' w nuiumouvc I ciria aim Distributed by: -. - - .... r v c 1 l I5UILT 111 linn"" r r r r ksIstiiiiiii i V M U I. U MM I II K M J I la IV I V 1 W - Phone Blue 803 PHONE 566 q p f r i a L I ZING I WORKMEN'S MEAL r '1 c TiniD i,nop ouey . v,,v r. A AT TO 12 MIDXIC"1" SERVICE COURTESY AND f f f TTTTTT ! Fine Wood for Sale.! .. r. rm 1MJ EBW" 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap First class 11-lnch lengths, free of wlj Second class trimmings up to J AND RELlAB FOR COURTEOUS j f ....... a ii r rnANU Phone Blue 739 Nlfht 'Phone: Mack CC5 mono at ni mi Ml4 nfflrf . tfflT t P.O. Box 1131 Station B i 1 .