IPriiifc Uupcrt Dai!?? J3clujoi Thursday, November 7. 1948 Education Week November 4-9 fiooeoooooooooooooo5HooooooijooaoHiaHoooiooHaoo (By a Social Worker Education What a Blessing! That is what our young people at school should not fail to appreciate. If in youth they despite this blessing, they may later Jn We spend much time in plocmy regrets things upon those sad words: "It might have been." We could mention any number of men and women who ruined their own lives and saddened the lives of others by their Ingratitude to parents and teachers. There was Absalom . What golden opportunities and blessings God showered upon thaj young man. lie had a brilliant and wealthy father. He had health and strength of bedy. In short he never wanted for anything except the grateful recognition of hii wonderful blessings. But, instead of making the most off all these advantages, he wanted more. H allowed covetousne&s to drive him to desperate and shameful courses. Thus he brought ruin upon himself, bitterness of soul to his father, and misery to thousands of others. How different the story of Joseph, son of Jacob! The misfor B Complimenting your 'Outfit : PURSES from LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND UJ5.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 Cold Weather's Around the Corner... Get the most out of your coal .this winter by putting your furnace in shipshape condition. And get the most heat out of your furnace by filling your bins with our coal. Order now and fill up for winter. Our clean quick service is well known. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD, Phones 116 and 117 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue tune which befel that poor boy might have driven many a one to despair. But Joseph met every situation with unflinching courage and determination. I am writing thls especially four our young people who are now attending school, hieh school, college, or university. Some of :hese may feel their limitations. They may at times have difficulty in meeting financial requirements. They may be depressed because they are not as brilliant or gifted as others. However, why should I recount all that may be disagreeable or distressing;? Each knows his own limitations and difficulties best.J But. young man, young woman, do not dwell upon these things. Rather "count your blessings. I count them one by one." Do not forget to be sraterui fcr the pri-1 vuege oi auencnng scnooi out daHy make the most ol your opportunities. LONDON P-Sqdn. Ldr. W. A. Waterton of Edmonton, who took Tart in the record-breaking HA F. sDeed flight, has joined the Gloster Aircraft Company as a test pilot. I J I I i j ; Q , WALLACE'S r! ; 1 ; I Quality Repairs Economy Pricea at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) BOARD PONDERS WAGE REQUESTS FROM TEACHERS District School Board members geared themselves into a bargaining mood last night and set about framing counterproposals to salary increase requests by the Prince Rupert District Teachers' Association which if granted would cost the board more than $19,000 a year above present salaries. The counter-proposals will be presented to he salary committee of the Teachers' Association at a meeting later this month, when, It is hoped, a satisfactory compromise can be reached. After reading a list of six requests by the teachers, which resulted from a meeting between the board and the salary committee last month, School Board Secretary Mrs. M. M. Roper exploded the information that to grant the requests in full would cost the Board an additional si q mq rnr .v, r,ror,t tm, if VwFvwv W t llOkllV Willi 41 made effective now. It would cost considerably more than that if it was made retroactive to Serjtember 1 as suggested by the teachers," Mrs. Roper added. Basis of the teachers' claim is payment of the salary schedule set by the B.C. Teachers' Fed eration, plus $200 annually to cover the greater cost of living in Prince Rupert and with $100 annual increases. Other clauses in the teachers' request were: 1. Increments (increases) to be based on one increment for each year's teaching in British Columbia and one-half Increment fcr each year's teaching outside British Columbia. 2. Teachers with temporary certificates, who who are otherwise fully qualified, to be treated exactly the same p.s t.hose with permanent B.C. certificates. 3. ir the School Board finds it necessary to hire teachers above their place on the salary schedule (possibly owing to difficulty In obtaining teachers) then the salary schedule Is to be .adjusted to bring all other teachers salaries into align-i ment. 4. An unsatisfactory Inspector's report is not to affect a teacher being put In the salary schedule but should only affect the pending increment. 5. The salary schedule Is to ' be made retroactive to Septem-1 bcr 1,1946. I The schedule set by the Teach-lers' Association asks a $1,500 minimum and a $2,600 maximum for teachers in the elementary schools and a minimum of $1,800 and a maximum of $3,200 for secondary school teachers. Both to have $100 an- - Mrs. Roper Roper pointed w out that no school in the province Is paying as high as the Prince Rupert teachers are asking and that th? present minimum salaries paid lo start 1 S Whe dciy.wii" (j a song V JUST TRY THIS TONIGHT Why waken tired and listless when you can do what thousands of happy people are doing! They simply take a cup of Ovaltint at bed time to wake up frcsb and alert each morning. For Ovaltine acts in three ways: Virst, taken warm at bedtime, it fosters sound refreshing sleep, uitlmut drugs. Second, it supplies essential .food elements to rebuild vitality while you siecpl Third, it also furnishes important vitamins and minerals in a delicious, more natural way for ail-round health and vigour. So why not try Ovaltine beginning' tonight Sec if you don't wake, up refreshed and vigorous in the morning, ready to start the day with a song. 1 Ovfljtwe 14 Senior High Record Enrolment October enrolment in the senior division of Booth Memorial High School was the highest in the records of the school, Principal W. W. C. O'Neill stated last night in his monthly report to the Prince Rupert District School Board. Senior enrolment was 220 out of a total school enrolment of 4"i3, Mr. O'Neill reported. Attendance tccord at the school during October was 96 per cent, the principal said. Junior high school enrolment was 253. Mr. O'Neill informed the board that the installation oi fluorescent lighting in one of the Booth classrooms had been a progressive step that had "transformed the rooms." Total enrolment in the city'i four schools during October was 1.139 and enrolment in the rural areas of the district from which reports received, was 51. At Borden Street elementary LOCAL WOMAN'S FATHER DIES Thomas Rotxnson. father 'A Mrs. Lillie Phillips, former local resident, and a brother of Mrs. Andrew C. Messer sr.. died at his home in Calgary on Wednesday. according to word received by Mrs. Messer last night. He was 68 years old. Born in Northumberland, England, he is sruvlved by his sister, Mrs. Messer, in Prince Rupert, a daughter, Mrs Phillips, who left Prince Rupert in August after being a member of the staff of Long Motors dur- mg the war years, his widow am. lour brothers are in Calgary. FOR CLEANER FLOORS An easy and effective way to remove dust particules. from any bare floor is to use the brush nozzle of your vacuum cleaner. DUNDEE, Scotland . Three thousand children were released from school to help save the potato crop. elementary school teachers are $100 annually greater than the Vancouver scale, Minimum Salaries paid high school teachers here are the same as in Vancouver, she said. i V . 1! .1 I .1 I 1 IK Baa II Maai - m i 1 1 i Ginuinc Aspirin is MARKED THIS WAY mJJ T .1 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON leo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free P It I N CE RU PERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Biw. Blue 14ft Res. Red 127 Ask for George school, enrolment was 195, with an average attendance of 93 per cent, Principal J. S. Wilson reported. Grade Six pupils at the school raised $17 for the Junior Red Cross by a tale of hot dogs, and an additional $7, also for the Junior Red Cross, by. a concert for other school pupil3, Enrolment at King Edward elementary school was 267, with an average attendance of 93 pe? cent, according to Principal Robert G. Moore. Conrad Street Elementary School had an enrolment of 204 with an attendance record of 89 per cent, Principal T. G, Bate-man informed the board. In the rural areas, Digby Island, school had On enrolment of 19 pupils, according to Principal Miss Gladys Foster, Port Essing-ton had 20 enrolled, while Port Simpson had an enrolment of 12, Miss Jane A.XIommon; teach-t, said. No report was received from Port Edward school. Hotel. . . arrivals I'rinre Rupert II. Singleton, Vancouver; C. H. Ellergodi, Vancouver; E. J. liar-greaves, Vancouver; J. A. Wood, Vancouver; T. C. Wedd, Vancouver; James Bryden, Vancouver; E. R. Hall, Vancouver; N. Boyd, Vancouver; W. D. Cooper, i Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross i and daughter. Port Clements; ' Miss B. Rogers, Victoria, T Gray, be Toronto. 30 WWK FAMltf MYSTERY AND DRAMA HERE Picturization of Great Novel Features Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck A film replete with gripping drama, high-pitched intrigue and poignant drama, is being featured tonight, Thursday and Friday at the Capitol Theatre in "Spellbound," the picturization of Alfred Hitchcock's great novel which was conceived in the blitz days in Britain. Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck are co-starred and supporting players include John Emery, Leo G, Carrol, Rhonda Fleming, Wallace Ford and Michael Chehkov. Briefly, the story concerns a mysterious young man who, suffering from amnesia, becomes suspected of a murder and, with no memory of the past, believes he might be guilty. A young woman phychlatrlst falls In love with him and desperately tries to save him from punishment for a crime she is sure he did not commit. How she manages to reach Into the recesses of his mind and bring back bit by bit the baffling secret his loss of memory has hidden from the police forms the basis of the fascinating mystery which passes through exciting sequences to a thrilling denouncement. The performances of Miss Bergman and Gregory Peck are said to be of exceptional merit. RETFORD, England 0 Coun cillor J. W. Peatfield will be the fourth member of his family to mayor of this Nottinghamshire town. TS SO GOOD YOU JUST KNOW r'sAYLMER DESERVES AYlMEft QyALlTy ALL THREE Drastic Discount Sale Substantial discounts on entire maclc-up slock for one week only. Must raise cash for raw fur" buying: season beginning November 1. Wc now have fur trimmings for hats, coals, elc. W. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" BURSTING WITH A WIDE QUALITY HOME GORDON & We suaaest von make no riolav FURNITURE - HARDWARE - WALLPAPER r,,,,,, ITODAY'TIII CAT sj- m - j a i i i ur i vita 1 " , UAr, Comw. JAVID O. SCIJ.MCK - - -w-aui ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S 'SPELLBOUND' A SCUtflCK Z)ICK INTLI INTLKNATIONAL PICTUtE 3 fcQPUDi MgWTTTTlTTlTTnTgrTTTnM CALLING KIDS WE'RE ALL A RETURN GOING TO SI ENGAGEMENT Of i r vi : onow wnite and the I Seven Dwarfs' FRIDAY AT 4:30 ONLY TWO SHOW'INQ LSrTI TUf WHOLE FAMILY. Prince Rupert Bottle Collec ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PhonC BlM ttf r We buy . . . all sizes Pnrfox Hcer Whiskey, Gin Bottles Rottlcs Wine BotlH PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Tort Edward, B.C. mi op KilKV CHOW Mill 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. FLOORS NOW OPEN ASSORTMENT OF TOP MERCHANDISE ANDERS "THE LARGEST STORE IN NORTH CENTRAL RC." INVITES YOUR INSPECTION AND PATRONAGE TWO NEW FLOORS in vnnr Christinas Shoppy 11 If T.t 11 A T rn ir t -r ... r -i it r ti ? W CAItTOOX SATTTTJnu. .. 1 ""'E "IE BLACK BLACK JH p saturdI AT 12 NOd "M1"'" " '" ttnnii ON CROCKERY GLASSWARE - BEDDING