rinssified Advertising IRK l r. Insertion, minimum charge, 80c. Birth Notices, i- . i ik ds j r -cement Aiinoi.ntraniir o. J.lSTfcl 0 RENT olshed house . ....vrirn ,,r la twme itoom Foa KENT y Apply MT -,-c:'a' yun' irj ock aepari-a agency, -V.m: '!1 good op-jncement. p.- L:d '263) j AND BOARD k.VD B ARD- Table - from home. C!2 Fraser (265) L -Bedroom for single ;t!i Ave West, after !L Bl'KXKKS I 2CGi i . -C:bii unfurnished. , ::. Fh:;ne Green Av.-ni!i- (262) . - - r- -Housekeeping room pi. mp Blue 815. (tf) T 'c::m flat, two ii c-rcam::. kitchen Av.-:me West. Ap-ir: '.on Block. (tf) r.E-PWO ROOM for .it:: Apply 80G if.rr 5 p.m. (262) H;r-? Ollburnera .j 37 (C52 6th Ave. (262) MACHINERY better lumber more .'y use the modem '.o-date type National S:wmi!!x manufac- NV.:ona) Machinery U!t:d Vancouver, (tf) mm. ICOLlMmi lln.. " r'"i.uuv: 4 PACKERS LTD. tR. CANADA . FOR SALE 3 or 4-1 FOR SALE j- Hunter's Special! Phone I 30-06, rule, perfect condition. (265) tfBUENCED colored (265) Lev ICb vno0i Duy' 5 3U. ' after 1 7 fa WANTED Oman ut ;? n'-!y need Owner leaving city. Phone Black 251 after 6 p.m. (263) FOR SALE Baby buggy, cheap. Phone Red 329. (203) FOR SALE Two electric stoves, $50 each. Hyde Transfer. (265) FOR SALE 18-ft. boat "Islwyn," 4 h.p. Easthope, with go6d skiff and oars, generator and . batteries. Good hull. Can be seen at New Floats. Call at 1012 6th East. (266) FOR SALE 10-guage double barrel, hammerless shotgun with shells. $20. 517 6th Ave, East. (261) FOR SALE Monarch kitchen range, good condition. (32 1 Thompson St., or see Boat "Cohoe", New Floats. (2621 FOR SALE 3 spaniel puppies, 6 weeks old. Box 175 Daily NeWs. (261 FOR SALE-Plano, $125; a.o two electric stoves, $50 each. Hyde Transfer. (265) FOR SALE 5-room house, linoleum Included, near Cold Stor age. Phone Blue 728, after 6 p.m. (261) FOR SALE 2 good lots on Cth Ave. East; also some lumber. For Information Phone Blue 1C3. (261) FOR SALE 3 room cabin, furnished. Call at 529 7th Ave. West. Phone Black 973 after 5 o'clock. (263) SLIGHTLY USED sheets and blankets, all clean; sheets s'.ze 45x90. Less than half price, 05c. Blankets f.re all-wool, real bargain; almost half price, $3.95 B.C. Furniture Co. (tf) FOR SALE New and used furniture and hardware at the lowest prices. New aluminum p6ts 60c; new scatter rugs, nice patterns, from $1.65; used sleeping couches $7; beds, complete, $10; coal and wood stoves, from $35; 2-piece chesterfield $59.50; slightly1 used single beds, complete $20; hand winches, anvils, etc. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 1 tube-tester; 1 multimeter; 1 Universal loudspeaker; 1 Victor record player. A bargain. 1054 9th Ave. East. Phone Red 751. (263) FOR SALE Beautiful home on Fourth Avenue. Large sun-porch faces harbor, giving excellent view; spacious living and dining rooms, hall and study all with oak floors; two fireplaces; modern kitchen; Pembrooke bath; all on main floor. Four bedrooms and bath on upper floor. Concrete and rock basement; heated with automatic coal stoker. One of the finest homes In the city. Immediate occupan cy. Inquire Armstrong Agen cles, Phone 342 or evenings, Blue 367. 62) LONDON tB Naval officers and men above the age of 17'2 are no longer required to attend Sunday church services although encouraged to do so. ALWAYS . . . Mrs. Hamilton arid her mother, Mrs. A. Greenwood, spent the week-end In Prince Rupert. Mrs. W. Carrigan returned on Saturday from Sm'.thers where she has been receiving medical attention. Miss June Warner left on Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue rhone 178 XMAS SUBSCRIPTIONS Special Rates One Year 1 Gift 2 Gifts CHATELAINE $S CORONET 00 noo ESQUIRE - " 7 2 00 3.00 LIBERTY " 9(in 350 MCLEAN'S MAGAZINE -200 READERS' DIGEST J-JJ TIME 5 50 9.75 LIFE Bible Institute. Word has been received that Mrs. E. Willie, who Is now In Winnipeg, has undergone an operation and is making a favorable recovery. The pottery kiln ordered by E. T. tfenney Ltd. for the Women's Institute has arrived but Is In badly damaged condition. Repairs have been ordered. C. Stanly-Rees of War Assets arrived Wednesday for a brief visit to Terrace. Mrs. S. Campbell and Miss F. James were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower held Tuesday evening In honor of Mrs. Gordon Haugland, formerly Miss Monday evening for Edmonton, .Joan Macd&nald. ONLY STEWART NEWS Litest from, Portland CamdMuring Centre - - - i HALLOWE'EN QUIETBUTENJOYABLE; SEVERE SNOWSTORM HITS DISTRICT STEWART The Stewart Parent-Teachers' Association held a Hallowe'en party in the Moose Mall last Wednesday. There were many games with apples, and plenty to eat so the youngsters had a Wonderful time. The old-time Hallowe'en hand-Out was missed and, as one vouncrster said. "The party was all right . but I I like like the the Handout Handout." vSome f of the older boys would like to nave stagea someining rougner but they were forestalled by a patrol which kent them on the dodge and caused considerable dissatisfaction In their ranks. It was a very happy and peaceful Hallowe'en and no one regretted , the absence of the pranks except the few would-bc pranksters. Stewart was visited toy a severe snowstorm last Saturday. Over two feet of snow fgll and the nrnvlnir'nl trnvprnmpnt. snnw WALLY'S JEWEL CASE NOW EMPTY-Scotland Yafd Is in a 1 Iow wftnt !nto aettori clearimi dither because this Jewel case is now empty. Fifty of its best Ph the main .t K, thoroughfares 1 , and a the operatives are wonting on tne daring burglary which saw tmeves decamp with the million dollar collection of gems of the Duchess of Windsor, which she housed In this case. The duchess Is shown receiving the jewel case at ceremony when she was the governor's lady of the British West Indies it's empty now It was emptied by the riocurnal visitors who staged a "welcome home" party for the recently-returned duchess (while she was absent) at the secluded Ednam Lodge of the Duke of Dudley at Sunningdale in Berkshire county, England. Timely TERRACE Topics A ft ir number of parents were out at the schools on Monday, Visitors' Day, to observe teachers and pupils in action. The day was fine after the unusually wet, stormy week end. I where she will attend the Bethel Salmon River Road as far as the Silbak Premier Mine The Carolan picture show Is now a regular feature showing cm Wednesday and Saturday and fills a long felt want. The long trip to Premier and the attendant expense has been a deter-ent to the movie fans. Last Thursday the Halda Queen set "out on herreturn flight to Prince Rupert but ran Info a snowstorm near Georgia River. Forced to land on the water on account or poor visibility the plane had a partial crash owing to the altimeter having frozen. The tail was damaged and mechanic Peterson SUDLESS, SOAP A new detergent has been synthesized for use in automatic heme laundry machines. The soap is sudless, and non-curd forming. Advertise In Tjie. Daily News. way is cocoa NOURISHINC ? I Cocoa is nutritious because of its high protein, fat, carbohydrate, and mineral content. PERFECTION COCOA is exceptionally rich in these valuable energy-giving elements be- cause it is guaranteed to contain 22 of rich, nourishing Cocoa Butter. For an economical, nourishing food-drink which the whole family will enjoy, be sure to buy PERFECTION COCOA. Regardless of price, there is none better. Yet PERFECTION COCOA costs less! Hiid A. Mackenzie Furniture LIMITED " A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" We are taking orders for goods on our usual Christmas Policy pay a deposit, goods will be delivered when required. We have a large stock of Spring-Filled Mattresses. A Christmas Present Deluxe. Restmore Supreme Mattress $l!).."0 Kestmore Rip-Van-Winkle Mattress $;t.7." Beautyrest Mattress $!.."( Spring-Filled Mattresses $:M .." NOW IN STOCK Bedroom Suites In walnut, in four pieces; Dinette Suites in six pieces, walnut and natural finish; Chrome Chairs: Dinette Tables and Kitchen Tables, singly; Chesterfield Suites; Cribs for baby, with panel and plain; La-Z-Boy Delux Chalfs; large assortment of Tables, coffee and novelty; Satin Cushions; Hassock3 In variety; Doll Carriages for the girl; Cedar Chests in beautiful walnut lined, Tenessee "aroma" cedar. Many other good3 to choose from. Shop early. Our floor space is limited, but samples will be there for your choosing. The usual courteous, reliable service. MAIL YOUR ORDERS Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER I Phone 580 sustained a fractured leg. The plane was. taxied back to Stewart and Peterson was taken to the Premier Hospital for medical attention. Preparations pre well under way for the annual POppy Day campaign sponsored by the Stewart Branch of the Cana-J dlan Legion. A dance will be held in the Legion Hall on Saturday and a service will be held In the Legion Hall on Monday morning. A. iRusswurm, branch chaplain, win officiate. There Is every indication that the Sllbak' Premier M!ne will not operate- this winter except for a few necessary repairs and some, maintenance work. Mrs. J. W. Stewart, widow of the late J. W. fc'.cwart, left on ASTHMA SUFFERERS Get welcome relief frpm the wheezing, tneezing, gasping struggle for breatli caused by Asthma". Take RAZ-MA11. specially made to relieve itchy, streaming ryes, cl.oked-up bronchial tubes, difficult breathing and harassing coughs caused by 'Asthmai Chronic IJronchiti, Hay Fever. At drnggists 50c, $1, R-24 Lightning streaks across this dream of a wool dress with electrifying results. This and many Others for your selection from our new shipments. Be sure and see them. No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms In accordance wltn W.P.T.B. Regulations. 9&o INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 rsrfiife Rupert Dnflp J3eUte Thursday, November 7,' 1946 the Catala Monday for California on an extended visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Archer. Constable and Mrs J. Meredith-Jones and their son have left for Youbou, Vancouver Island. Seymour Campbell;, who has1 55 been here for some time reopening the Indian Mine, Tuft Monday cn the Catala for his. h"6rfie In Vancouver, operations having been closed down for the winter. Mr. Campbell Is very optimistic about the future of the properly and expects to be back in the. spring to resume operatlcms. TEA Q AG 5 Ice Cream . . : for DINNER Hazelwood Ice Cream NOW AVAILABLE at IN BRICKS t McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace Mgr.) 3rd Ave. at Cth St. Phone 70 a Girl loves a nice Compact We would like tof tell you of the wonderful variety of new designs we have this Fall. They .are beautifully shaped in gold and silver colors and the engraved patterns are really artistic. Some are enameled In lovely floral effects in combination with the hand engraving. The pi ices vary with the quality and workmanship and run from as low as $1.85 up to the sterling silver at $15.00 to $20.00. You really ought to see them. Demand . . . Quality Drugs In "over the counter" drugs as In the makings of prescriptions, branded merchandize is all-important. It's your guarantee- of quality and perfection. We feature only the best brands ech. one a promise of complete OrmesLtd. "Jim Pioneer Drttqfftets Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste ... No fuss. Try them toddy from your butcher. - Canadi lan AND Fish Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.