'in 14 13dncc tttipcrr Daily Jcius Saturday, December 21, 1946 UP REC TOTS ma PARTY Santa Claus Favors Tine Party at Civic Centre With Visit Children of the Civic Centre's tots Rup Rec class swarm- (1 around Santa Claus at their hristmas party in the Civic outre auditorium Friday morn- ns ana were rewarc.?a wiui :iiis and candy from that jo vial cnaracier wno neia cuuit 'lKim a throne before a large, colorful Christmas tree. The children more than GO Aif them, were lurea into ine auditorium from the gymnasium Iby the jingle of Christmas bells iftor they had spent a part of heir regular training period inft Christmas songs in the In the auditorium was a huge 5 Christmas tree which the young-1 J : 1 .. i 1 4Un nffitfnl liters auinucu luiui muvai of Santa Claus who entered car- viii:. a nuge Dag oi gins, a ;richformal moment following he arrival of Santa was broken ',-hrn tae youngsters suddenly v( ki rahv-s and rushed to him villi crjes of delight. Santa hru dispensed gifts to each of he 'hildrei and answered in- iM-rable Questions concerning . i d: t ions ill toyland. Ihe atmosphere was eased ip.siderably when Santa Claus i.--::red the youngsters that the c ont visit 'was only a pre- tmnary ana Uiai ne wouia oe ack on Christmas Eve with nore toys ana xanaiee. All the children were con-; ' nt that this Santa Claus was . imine and that parental whispering which connected Ills dentity with that of R. E. Mon- kador had no relationship to fact. s The party was arranged by adies of the Parents' Study 4ioup. which is composed of iH thers of the tiny, tots who et on Friday mornings in one tho lounges while the chil dren take their Rup Rsc classes ffrom instructor Neil Ross. Mr. 'Res? directed the children prior lo Santa's arrival. i ; : d ' - ol the group, who agisted with the party were Mrs. Miurice Irving, -convener, Mrs. iCrfth Dixon, Mrs. Alex Arm- ip. Mrs. Don Forward, Mr.?. lA. J. Domlnato, Mrs. Don Mac- tDonald, Mrs. David Allen, Mrs. J R. E. Mortimer, Mrs. H. A. Mc-1 onald and Mrs. C. A. Brind. ' As the children left the hall ,V-at the conclusion of the party, ' f !each was given a bag of candy ! at the door. ... V, AniMG CLEANS CUPBOARDS WhM !' -sy cleaning of kitchen cup-Kfuboards is accomplished by wax- ''i" : t lie shelves or covering them . h .m oil cloth. Then dirt and s '.'..$ wipe off easily. You saw it in The News! MANSON'S JEWELLERS The Home of Better Jeweliry" ! REMINDER OF RATION COUPONS FOR PRESERVES 1 I Gift O . Seasona RADISHES: Roses Select Belter Quality . . Better Value BUY AT -A- . Pay ble Ideas for Housekeepers GARNISHING, IMPORTANT AT XMAS, SEASON IS REAL CULINARY ART Now that canned fruits and THAT FINISHING TOUCH -cranberry sauce are no longer I Garnishing is retilly an art. It rationed here is a reminder of 1 does for food what framing does the preserves obtainable for one sugar-preserves coupon: Jam, jelly, marmalade 24 fluid ounces. Cut comb honey 4 lbs. net. Extracted honey 48 fluid oz. (4 lbs. net). Extracted honey 43 fluid oz. (4 lbs. net). Honey butter 2 pounds. Maple syrup 48 fluid ounces. Maple sugar 4 pounds. Molasses ZO fluid ounces (2 quarts). Corn syrup, cane syrup, blend ed table syrup 30 fluid ounces. Fountain fruits, pie fillers (containing 66 or more of water soluble solids) 24 fluid oz. rVYYTTYTTTYYTYTTVYYYYTYY' Briefs from Britain .AAtAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ BELFAST O) The refrigerated cargo liner Loch Avon, 9,200 tons, was launched by Mrs. Claude Barber, wife of the managing director of Royal Mail Lines. LONDON O) Sir Stanley Holmes, member for Harwich, has been elected chairman of the Liberal National Parliamentary Party. SHEFFIELD, England 0 Sheffield Repertory Company plans to build a new "people's theatre" to seat 1,000 persons, for stage plays and movies. PERTH, Scotland P Lawors Mansion and farm at Comrie are being acquired by Perth and Kinross County Council for use as an agricultural school. LONDON Anticipating a "baby rush", London County Council is getting 25 more mid-wives, a total increase of 50 this year. MANCHESTER, England 0 Lord Crawford and Belcarres has been compelled by heavy taxation to break up Bibliotheca Lindesiana, one of the great private libraries of Europe started four centuries ago. for a picture. The frame is carefully chosen to accent the picture. In the same manner garnishes should be chosen to compliment the food we serve. They are indispensable in the attractive presentation of food, adding that eye appeal which is so necessary. It has often been said that we eat with our eyes before we eat with our mouths. At no time of the year di garnishes play a more important role, than during the Yuletid? season. With its gay, cherry color scheme of red and green, many attractive garnishes can be used to create that holiday spirit for the occasion. It is the wish of every homemaker to create those perfect "symphonies in food" not too much of this or too little of that, but all in true balance. A few pointers may help you to achieve this end. Let your standard be simplicity. Over-garnishing produces a very repelling effect. It is preferable to have too little rather than too much. Garnishes should be edible and should have a fresh appearance. If they are supposed to be crisp, be sure they are crisp before serving. Drain them well, if they have been made crisp by standing In water. Colorful garnisnes should be used on dishes which are themselves lacking in color. However, be sure the colors do not clash. If the food is to be served hot, use garnishes that will stand up do not seTve jellies with them. With these few suggestions on the uses of garnishes, home economists give the following instructions for the making of several varieties of garnishes, which will quickly and easily transform the simplest dish into one of holiday fare. Garnishes for Salads and Cold or Hot Hates These may be used singly or In combination. small, firm, PRACTICAL Suggestions FOR, MEN 9 D, vssiinx Gowns Pujunuts Bells -Suspenders Gloves Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Billniore FOR ue TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there Is a man in town who ha had a wide experience In the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling t'nat only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done In your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. evenly shaped radishes. Wash and remove root ends and all but one or two small leaves, not more than an inch long. With a' sharp knife cut uniform, thin strips of red skin almost down to stem-end. Two rows of these petals may be cut if desired one row from the middle of ths radish down, the second from the top to the middle. Chll in cold water until the petals curl back. Accordions Prepare radishes as for roses, but remove all stem and leaves. Cut radishes crosswise in thin slices, about three-quarters of the way through the radishes. Chill in cold water. Fans Prepare radishes as for roses, but slice in thin slices lengthwise down to, but not through, the stem-end. Spread out fan-wise. CARROTS: Curls Cut lengthwise paper-thin shavings from cleaned, scraped or peeled carrots. This Is easy to do with a small vegetable peeler. Curl around the finger and chill In cold water. Insert toothpicks to hold shape while crisping. CELERY : Curls Separate stalks of celery, wash thoroughly and cut Into two- or three-inch strips. Slit ends in narrow parallel by CWC YOUNG- L- v- Rititf4 U. S. Feleai Offxt. strips, almost to the centre. Chill In cold water until strips curl. Stuffed Celery Flowers Separate stalks of celery, wash thoroughly. Fill with colored cream cheese, processed cheese or peanut butter. Replace stalks as in original bunch. Wrap In wax paper or a damp cloth and chill well. Slice in one-half-inch slices. Celery leaves may be finely chopped to replace chopped parsley. Jellies to Garnish Cold Meats or Salads , Pour tomato or cranberry jelly into a moistened or lightly greased shallow pan to the depth of one-half inch. Cut with fancy cutters into the desSred shapes. Dice the left-over jelly and add to salad mixture to give added color and a delightful contrast In texture. Red-skinned apples make a very effective garnish. Cut In thin wedges and dip in spiced vinegar from pickles. This prevents discoloration. These arc very attractive when put together with cream cheese. Holly Necklace for Christmas Bird Cut green pepper into 1 Vi-lnch squares. Starting at one corner, using a sharp knife, notch to represent holly leaves. With needle and thread string alternately a green pepper holly leaf, then three raw cranberries. Form cranberries into clusters f SUPPER IS V. f ALL READY AND ) V DADDVS NOT S 7 HOME FROM J THE OFFICE V-VETr- ' by bringing needle back through the first cranberry of group. Repeat until necklace Is. long enough to extend loosely around the bread of bdrd from thigh to thigh. Fasten ends of necklace to bird with toothpicks. These garnishes, although attractive in themselves, need that additional touch of greenery to complete the picture. Sprigs of parsley or green celery tops give color contrast, and remember parsley is edible. Xmas Recipes t93ik3t,):kiaiiat3iiaiM 1 Cherry Macaroons 1 egg white Pinch of salt 'i cup sugar IV2 cups wheat or cornflakes 'i cup maraschino OR canned cherries, cut in small pieces Add salt to egg white and beat until stiff. Add sugar gradually, then fold In flakes and cherries. Drop by teaspoons on a gTeased baking sheet. Bake in a moder ately slow oven, 325 degrees F., for 30 minutes. Makes 1 dozen 1-lnch macaroons. Mincemeat Cookies cup mild-flavored fat . li cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup mincemeat IV4 cups pastry OR 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons aM-purpose flour teaspoon salt Cream fat, add sugar and cream well together. Add egg and mincemeat. Add flour, sifted with baking powder and H Drop by teaspoons on a greased WHEPE CAN ME BE? fWESHOULDV& PHONED) JH ( WERE, ALVOST TH RU ) I SHES" jj b5 A. 1 NOW, DON'T WORRY -STOP A Shaking -I'll STRAIGHTEN EVERYTHING OUT THATS RED INK OUR BUSINESS WAS VERY BAD LAST MONTH ' WKZm YOU'RE k AND OUR COMPANY )iitl lc: js - J-yJ so sweet LOSS vJ ..,vr.Hn I Mi rrf V7 IS ' J" , cookie .sheet and bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F., 12 to 15 minutes. Makes aoout 3 dozen lft-inch cookies. .Make-Your-Owu Sandwich Tarty Tomato Juice Atsorted Banthdeh HUtna cheeee. eggs, minced ham, liverwurst Buttered Bread or Rolls Cookies, Christmas Cake, Coffee Christinas Eve Buffet Supper.. Christinas Wreath Sandwich Loaf garnished wKh Carrot 8tlcks, Celery Radish Roses Cherry Olives, Pickles. Parsley Christmas Cake, Cookies Coffee Call for ' MAKING CAUSTIC Kr. ' Salt brine is ! tally to nmH,,,,. !a.?d ertrtJ liquid chlorin; VaU4UC80lJ'n4, r - you SEW?. Hrite for your Fltrr , of of cloth-co'vered cloth-covered Buttn? u.nCiUl0? JucKies. We also do boZ holes. i nkinr DBlm nail heads. We'ca inany types of Should" fippers I'ins, Thread" tic. Hejtinf. Chalk. sVn.,"- Arm Shields, Bjas TapV B. C. SEWING SUPPLIES 1025 Kobson - Vancouver ilx BC Br Mail OrrlfH ni Attention A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A QOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHRISTMAS (HITS THAT LAST 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Walnut. Dresser, Chiffonier, Bedstead ,, ... SPRING FILLED MATRESSES In all sizes, includ'ine the Supreme and Beautyrest S;M..") to stu-.n CUTTER SLEIGHS with handle, railed seat. " Ideal for this weather ... A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS OIFTS I'hone 775 327 3rd Ave.Ll'rince Hupert BC. EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. Expert Radio Repairs PHONE 237 1 1 I I C WE'LL START EATING, AND fcV.'A I'LL KEEP HIS SUPPER ) f i-T WARM POP HIM 5P MR. DITHEPS. " f 1 A U I OF COURSE, L 77 YOU'VE GOT TO J;"- - ' "1 (J b C 0AGWOOD-- ) V COME OVER TO )' - jj?v1 WE HUSBANDS S ( MV MOUSE y- -VjZ-cC HAVE ALWAYS J t. ano help-C ..fc x- S cor TO STICK p Ji HE TOLD THE 7 ( WELL.THEN, f TRUTH, BLONDIE ) TA'.S f WHAT ARE . V - - DAGWOOD r.y. 3k THOSE REP ) u WORKED LATE J .Ar ""S MARKS ON A WITH ME ON -?2I ) V HIS FACE? ) ttf ftt, K'ti r.-alunt SynJimilrT. Wnt f I i X!" u- -.1 (jT tV1 ' TFWMTmT " s:f7;vn OH, I'M SO ) I ; MM Y CVLADTOHE I p