Christmas Devotion By RT. KEV. J. B. GIBSON, Bishop of Caledonia "Unto you is born this day . .a Saviour which is Christ the Lord." Tnli is the good tidings which the Angel brought to the shepherds on the night that Christ was born. He came to be the Saviour of all mankind. He has so impressed Himself upon the world that today all roads lead io Bethlehem and multitudes of every people, nations, and languages fall on their knees before the Infant Saviour. But it is not enough to recognize the power , of Jesus to save the world. We must begin to make the potentiality actual. Where shall we begin? .Just where our Lord Himself began. When He set out to bring in the Kingdom of God what did' He do? Did He first attempt to change conditions by trying to persuade the politicians to enact more equitable laws? Did He try to work through committees to bring hostile nations, together and see If they could not agree on some International plan of peace? Did He write a book on the "Brotherhood of Man" and, propose in it an economic scheme that would embody the idea of brotherhood? No. He did none of these things. Not because- He was not interested In those ends but because He knew that was not the place to begin, that the secret or the world's salvation lay in the salvation first of Individual hearts and lives. If He could only change men He could change Institutions so He went out to save the individual men and women. He never took any direct step towards changing institutions except in just that way. Now what does this mean but that the first application of the Christmas "Glad tidings" of a Saviour Is to our own souls. "Unto you Is born ... a Saviour." He came to save us from our sins from the things that separate us from God and from our fellowman, I feel sure we have believed that all our lives. We have celebrated the fact every Christmas. But has the potential ever become real? Has Christ actually saved us from our sins? Do we love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves? Have we so completely given ourselves to Christ that He can depend on us to be His faithful soldier and servant unto our life's end? Merely celebrating the Divine Christmas event will not save us, nor will it save the world. We must go further and offer to the Incarnate Lord the complete devotion of our lives and then we shall be ready to help make His salvation real in the world about us. r Full Gospel Tabernacle Rev. .1. I-inney, Paslor ' 221 Cth Ave. West CHRISTMAS SERVICES Sundav. 11:00 a.m. Devotional. Subject: "The Christmas Discovery". 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m Evangelistic. Subject! "Glory to God in the Highest." Special numbers will be rendered at these ,. services. Wednesday, December 25, at 11:00 a.m. Christmas' Service. You are invited to worship with us. ( -In these services. Church of the Annunciation And Mary said to the angel: now shall this be done, because I know not man? And the angel answering said to' her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore tha Holy Child which shall be bom of thee shall be called the Son of God. (St. Luke C. I). . Pontifical Mass at Midnight. His Excellency Most Rev. Bishop A. Jordan, O.M.I. Mass on Christmas Day at 9 and 10:30 o'clock. Benediction In the afternoon at 3:30. . x - x x x x x-x-x- X- X-X- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X X X X X X X-X X X X X X X X X X X-X X-X X X X X X X X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X X-X X X X-X X X 3 St. Andrew's Cathedral Church THE CHRISTMAS SERVICES 11:30 p.m. Christmas Eve, December 24th. Sermon by Rector. 11:00 a.m. Christmas Day, December 25th. Sermon by Bishop. St. Paul's Lutheran Church A. O. Aasen, Pastor Phone Black 922 CALENDAR Dec. 22 Service Worship, morning and evening. Wherever a Church steeple rises to pierce the blue skies of daylight, and commune with the stars of night there: isPeace. Arid as we enter our Church this ChrisTmaitide, the fuVspirit meaning and essence oi tne vvoru snanyus injj-uemga -spire eachfofusto f ulf ill Ismail roles in aShIevihfijfenie iJiftlfShGWWill to Men. W$ft oftter bH? 1? 1 JiM' Sunday After Christmas Day, December 29th 8,30 am. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 2:00 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. The Carol Service. Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Avenue and McBrlde Street) We preach Christ . . . Crucified, Crowned, Coming ' "God so loved the world that He GAVE his only begotten son that whosoever BELIEVETH In Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16. Sunday, December 22 Christmas Services 12:15 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL, ILLUSTRATED FLANNEL-GRAPH LESSON, "THE CHRISTMAS STORY." 7:30 p.m. GOSPEL SERVICE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE: "JESUS LORD AND KING" SPEAKER: GEORGE S. WEATHERLY. Special Christmas Music by Junior Choir "Little Stranger." The Whole Bible for the Whole World. .! VI ) I. 6 &J Ii I. i IM1 I IU1. rami lira. Christmas, Dec. 25 Worship Service, 11 a.m. Special sons by the Choir. Norsk Holmesses kl. 12:30 Varden synger. No evening service. Dec. 29 Regular Worship, 11-a.m. Children's Christmas .Tree Exercises, 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 1 New Year's Service, 11 a.m. Sunday, Jan 5 Regular Service, morning and evening. Sunday School, 12:15. X-X- ! X-X-X-X-X-X- f ' X-X-X-X-X- t X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X' X The Salvation Army CHRISTMAS SERVICES Brigadier and. Mrs. Gilllngham will lead the Christmas Services at the Citadel as follows: 7:30 Saturday, Dec. 21 Pubac Praise Meeting, 8:00 p.m. Sunday, December 22 Holiness Meeting, 11:00 ajn Salvation Meeting, 7:30 pjn. Sunday School 12:30 p.m. Mrs. C. Carter will Impress the Christmas Message with the use of the Flannelgraph. Monday, Dec. 23 Children's Program at 8:00 p.m. Christmas Day Service at 11:00 am. "Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus For He Shall Save His People From Their Sins' First United Church Organist: Miss Rose Marie Hartwig. Minister: Rev. R. A. Wilson, MA. CHRISTMAS SERVICES Sunday, December 22, 1946 11:00 a.m. Mornlne Worship. .Sermon Subject: "The Hope of the World." Anthems: "Silent Night." "The First Noel." 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 pjn. Evening Worship. ... .... . 1 1. 1 I. r.1... ,, r. t n 1 tr...lH U oermon BUDjeci; ueimcjieni ok.j. opctiai iviua uy the Choir. Guest Soloists: Mrs. Douglas Gushue, Mrs, Brian Higglns, Dr. R. G. Large. Tuesday Christmas Eve 8:00 Carol Service. "O Come Let Us Adore Him." St. Peter's Anglican Church (SEAL COVE) The Christmaa Festival will be celebrated In St. Peter's Church at the following services; December 22 11:00 a.m. Family Service combining the Bible Class, Sunday School and Parents. p.m. A Carol Service will be held in the Church. Speaker: W. B. Skinner. December 25 Christmas Day X X x-x- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X X x x Christmas Service with Holy Communion will be nem x at 11 a.m, Christmas Day. (All welcome), Ptfnte Uupctt Daflp J3eto$ Saturday, December 21, 1946 T II iaat ii fqikB: pVi n. I tn ce a N vJn Jin' Church .5 Message of Church of Annunciation 1 Another Christmas Eve dawns the Christmas Eve of 1946: fco once more we pause to gaze down the long road that beganYat Bethlehem the road that leads to peace and happiness. For Jour thousand year3 men had hoped and prayed and looked forward; to the coming of Him who had been foretold as the Prince of Peace, the hope of a world, weary of bloodshed, sin and strife. As He entered the world the angels heralded His coming wtth'thelr joyous song of peace, "Glory be to God in the highest aud on earth peace to men of goodwill." As the world looked forward to the coming of Christ" as the dawn of peace and happiness, so we look backward to that great event as our only hope In a still troubled and turbulent world. But not until men lay aside greed, hatred and pride fcnd begin to travel along the road that began at Bethlehem will there be true peace and happiness on earth. j Baptist Church To All a Happy Christmas CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICES December 22 11 a.m. "What think ye of Christ?" Let everyone remember that His name I. May that good will which brings the peacoJChrlst on Earth abide with us this Christmas and through theromlng year. , . ; ' - I f f' I I may be written in the Lamb's Book of Life; and so by grace through faith, we may all be in the genealogical tree of which He is the root. Junior Choir will sing: (a) "We Have Seen." (b) "The Story." 12:15 p.m. Church School. 7:30 pjn. 'The Nativity." The language of the world's religions is found In the question of the.wlse men, "Where Is He?" The cradle and the cross are heaven's answer. Senior Choir will sing: (a) "When Christ was Born." (b) "Come All Ye Faithful." Solo, "O Holy Babe." Male Quartette, "Silent Night." Jr Thursday, December 26 "77 7 pjn. Junior Choir. 8 pjn. Prayer Meeting. i First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith Choir Leader CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. A Family Christmas Service. T p Anthems Junior Choir "Hark, What Mean Those Holy Voices?'" "Now Once Agala Our Hearts We Raise". The Church School will meet with the Congregation. 7:30 pjn. Christmas In Song. A Carol Service led by the Senior Choir. Anthems "A King Was Born", Soloist: Mrs. Wm. Martin. "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", Soloist: J. A. Teng, "The First Christmas" (a) The Annunciation (b) The Message to the Shepherds (c) The Cradle Song of the Blessed Virgin (d) Gloria in Excelsis Carols "Olad Tidines" "Let Bells Ring Everywhere" Solos- "Come Unto Me" (The Messiah) : Mrs. Barbara Brown. "Goodwill to Men": J. A. Teng. A cordial Jnvltation to worship with this Congregation la extended to all. 1 7 fi