Experts Say The - - By KAY REX . .-d'jn ITPW sta" Wrltcr OZIN FDODS Both the ,'. and vegetables will do 3 .1..,- Havs to Derk ud a i w r ..... . ... - j'ater menu uuir uj iw ...v onn cannen iooas. v -j memories of summer .. table these irozen proa- asked THIS ROOM AND ROARD 'AND BOARD At reason fates. Apply Box 185,1 rews. (tf) FOR RENT TED TO RENT Gas boat, or over. Phone Blue 882. (298! "UVT Four-room rnttnep. I' 6& Ave. W. Phone Green (301) ; RENT Warm, comfortable -a tuuui, leuauiiiiuie. au '06 Fraser Street, after 5 lST AND FOUND (tf) Brown nurse, name Wherl: ne Grepn Tl C Pnnlr. kW. Flndpr nlonco return fWMWW m V V V A News office. (297) r-Lady's gold Bulova wrist I finder rvlprien rolurn in ft 191 -J " ! M V V. T I 1 V (301) corn on the ccb which Is dry packed and should be thawed before cooklnz. otherwise th I 'Vflrnolo tirlll U . . . nui uc vvct-cooKea De-fore the cob Is hot. Cooking time varies from three to eight minutes depending on the variety of vegetables, ma-turlty, and method of preparation. Use a tightly covered saucepan. With dry-pack veg- jp-aiy -" "-. I tables use orw-half cun nf ten. r.M n water and one-third ea- ; , he ir own freeing lock- sPon salt to one P1"' container But lu .. i j quires three-ouarters cun of rs a" euin - wate, and copn nn fh; V f-"zea loofls wrucu nave ,.. . , " - commercially. " uuvcicu. n . preparaUon, home "y . '.r point out Uvit alP"al m , . iaD1'" vr- ables require some vvmiiher they are to be as in a salad, s frozen vegetable.! cr . partially cooked in :n.n3 process In. prep-" c freezing, ajjd as ; , ieni the tissue still less ,: v require vegetables. Red dry (commer-r. Kf-d products usually 'r:"led) they should be , :ik while still frozen, v: :K:d vegetables are bet-...:wed to thaw until th .:. oe- easily broken apart ! x!-i'3iion to the rule Is . ' . a "nil. t,W 1 l veil vegetables from scorching as they begin to thaw. No additional salt Is required. To hasten thawing and to. ensure uniform cooking, break the melting mass apart with a fork. This applies particularly to asparagus, broccoli and spinach. Bring water cr brine to boiling point as quickly as possible after adding vegetable and then Teduce heat so that liquid bolls gently for the rest of the per-xd. Crunt time of cooking from the moment the water reaches the boiling point. You saw It In The News I AND THAT ul : 1 So this Is what you meant by us building our own little love nest!" Classified Advertising - - U: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Notices. I sac; Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: 4. FOR SALE PALE- Console model com-;Ucn radio phonograph, hand short wave. $80 cash. "rd cabinet, $12.50. Bridge 1? $6. Menzies, 127 Hays It Circle (299 SALE Trolling boat, 29' "et type. 7 years old. East- engine and swan gur-i Box 192 Dally News. (303) SALE Sofa bed, kitchen I'le and four chairs. Apply fith Ave. East, (300) SALE- Dominion piano. 251 west Phone Blue 331. (298) SALE- -(New and Used Fur- Me at the lowest prices. All blankets; floor lamps 31 W; battery radios in best ""on. dining room sets R $25: beds complete from sneets ,95c: couches $7; v fancy mirrors, mattresses sizes; Gurnev's now cook- ; stoves $84. Also other use- furnlture and Hardware. C Furnlhir Cn HELP WANTED WANTED Miners for Silbak-Premler mine. Apply National Employment Service Office. 297 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring ex aminations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Endeiton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. WANTED WANTED To Box 1255. buy garage. P.O. . (298) WANTED TO BUY Four or five room cottage, close In. Write Box 190, Daily News. (263) WANTED URGENTLY Goafs milk for sick child. Require six quarts weekly. Reply giving particulars to R. U Tough, Box 1173, Station "B", Prince Rupert. B.C. 205 MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT irom Winnipeg stock. New International Trucks, duel tandems, front wheel drive, 4-6. tons, inpludes winch, spare, accessories, etc. Now General Motors Diesel Engines (165 HP) with extended shaft, outboard vnrinir Used Cletrac Diesel Tractor (61 HP) with hydrau Hp. nncledozer. Used TD 40 In- terntaional Diesel Tractor, hydraulic angledozcr, P&H 3A vard drafiline, 1946 model unhnrt 300 amo. gas driven Welder, rebuilt. Other equip ment available. Send your re-ouircments. Dealer inquiries invited. S. II. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Dealers, Winnipeg POOR RETURNS Irving Berlin made exactly 33 cents on the first song ne wrote MAKES NEW HLANDS-W11-liam Graham of Toronto,, an ct-pr;vate In the Irish Regiment ?f Canada, Is pictured above making hands for hand amputation cases. Graham, himself a double amputation case, having las- both legs ahov tfc knees in a battle north of Orlona, Italy, on Fpb-, ruary 23, 1914, while up forward with a scout platoon of the Irih Rejlment.. has been retained by the Department of Vftaraiis' Affairs prosthetic service to make wooden and felt hands. QUALITY OF TEA As a general rule a small leaf tea is usually better than a larw leaf one but a large leaf from the right plantation where climate, altitude, soil and other conditions are ideal may be better than a small leaf from another plantation. WEIRS AID NAVIGATION The Murray River of Australia is mads navigable for 500 miles by means of giant weirs, one of them 570 feet long, which break up the water like dams NOCTURNAL ECLIPSES Eclipse? tf the moon always ocrvr at nlht, because the sun and the moon have to be on opposite sides of the earth In order that the moon may get into the earth's shadow. ADOPT CHILDREN Over 350 applications, .from Swedes to adopt Finnish children who now live in Sweden have bn granted by the Finnish authorities. In all there are still H.000 Finnish children in Sweden. LOW CONSUMPTION The average dally caloric consumption of students in Greece is D70. Germany 900-1,500, Austria 700, compared with 3,300 calories in Canada and the minimum healthful diet of 2.000 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue LING THE TAILOR We are taklnj cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Steamship Service from PRINCE DI IDCDT J 10 OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. TO KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. LIFE 'n '"nce uPert by BWDEE JINKS Somehow, a person feeb that on that night so long ago, a stillness lay upon the villages throughout Judea, especially six miles south of Jerusalem where ' one of the oldest and smallest of these villages was shrouded 1 with the very aura of quietude, filled to saturation with the silence that is the prelude to a great event. Not far removed from this centre there were shepherds, keeping watch over their flocks by night. In early Biblical days, these shepherds might have been the sorts of kings, or wealthy lords, but since the release of Israel frcm Egyptian captivity, a line of distinction had been drawn. And so these men were subordinates, just shepherds. Sturdy of body and homely In thought, they tended the sheep. On this night they had counted the sheep into the fold and now sat huddled together watching the entrance carefully. In the Increasing chilliness of the night, their sheepskin mantles had been turned to place the fleece inside for greater warmth. Their thickened fingers tugged at the cord of a wallet slung at the waist, loosened it and drew forth dry barley bread. With Ihelr staff at hand, they munched the plain fare with the relish of appetite and contentment. In Persia that night, astronomers studied the heavens. The Chaldeans, who once inhabited the banks cf the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and who were noted for their culture cf astronomy, left this knowledge behind them to the Persians. The men who followed this profession, among whom Daniel was appointed chief in his day, were called the "wise men" or magi. The wise men of Persia were most like the Jews in religion of all the nations in the world. They had no Idols but worshipped one god. And everywhere throughout the East, men were looking for the advent of a great king who was to arise from among the Jews. This hope had been given to them by the Jew ish people, new dispersed through many lands, who at the age of (hree years sat At their mother's knee and learriedfrom thf prehetr lssiah; "For unto us a child, is born, and unto us a sop is given, and the gqvern-j ment shall be upon his shoulders; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Councellor, The Mighty Gcd, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, Cf the Increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end." In the hearts of the Israelites, this prophesy Uve4; and they taught others of their long-promised Messiah who was yet to cctne. And so, on this night, the wise men of the East studied the stars. They read, In a way un known to vs, . their message. Then suddenly they were amaz ed at what they saw. A new star appeared in the canopy of night. The tidings It gave was, as startling as Its presence. ' Bsfore that night, and since that night, heaven and earth have been two separate realms. But upen that one night in the history of time. Heaven came dawn to earth. In a lowly cattle stall, where the poorest of the pcor might take shelter, an Infant cry went out Into the world: and He Whcm we call Christ was born. And very near, unto the uumtad, speechless shepherds, there appeared a ?reat light that accompanied the Angel of the Lord to earthy and Immediately about the Angel there was a heavenly hostf, a glorious host, who also left the heaven-lies to crcclakn to the earth in the richest anthem ever sung: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace. For unto you is born ths day In the city of David, a Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord." To all who heard that day, the message was received with gladness. But Herod, King of Judea, did net hear. Surrounded with thj splendor and Domn of his court In Jerusalem, he could not hear, did not know. And many months later when three men frcm the East arrived bearing gifts, he was astonished and an gered when they asked him: "Where U He that Is born King of the Jews?" The Christ Child came in person but once. Every year, on a day Imbued with soft dews of all that is sacred, we commemorate His birth. On that day, ws InyHe Him Into our homes, build the fires, and remember that some are hungry. Our speech i;i kind, with Him as our Guest. When that day Is ended shall we let Him go? CREATIVE TOUCH LONDON KB -r Two roses, a bunch of grapes and a length of blue velvet were transformed Into an up-to-the-minute model hat before 800 art students In a downtown hotel. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES Times of Services Services In all churches at 11 a m and 7:30 pin. and Sunday School at 12:15 except as Known. ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W. at Dunsmutr St. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector: Basil S. Procktcr, B.A., B.D. (Blue 73:n ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cove FIRST BAPTIST 5th Ave. E. at Young St. Minister: Rev. Fred Antrobus (Red 839) ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 5th Ave. at McBrlde St. Pastor: A. O. Aasen (Black 922) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4th Avenue East Minister: A. F MacSween, B.A. ( Green h82 SALVATION ARMY Fraser Strwt CO.: Adjt. P. L. Ciorrle (Black 269) FIRST UNITED 636 6th Ave. West Minister: R. A. Wilson. M.A. (Green 613) FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 221 6th Ave. West Pastor: Rev. J. Llnney (Green 620) BEST BARGAIN IN YEARS I am going out of the retail businesi and will handle only raw furs. Every-thjjig must be cleared out by New Year's. Jto' hls UONT MISS THE BARGAINS AT '&-G0LDBL00M'S J?ter bf'ng V! v2 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ARE WONDERFUL . . . THEY INDICATE 'GOOD TASTE AND KEEP KEEP ON ON GIVING GIVING LASTING LASTING COMFORT COMFORT then there is our wide variety of S f I fa U Crockerv Crockery & AS. - rwrVaJ- v ' Tf fiiaLi I . t ft Glassware Hardware Furniture Electric Goods All lovely possibilities for Fine Gifts k 1 in W HAVE YOU SEEN OUR i j&m 1 S J GREAT STOCK of GIFTS ; 01 .11 putt i nr. rviiiiccii if w uu VJS' v itpsi P 1 "EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME" E GORDON & ANDERSON The Newest and Largest Store in North Central B.C. ..j.T! TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace While in Terrace stay at . . . T errace Hotel for Convenience and Comfort RECENTLY REMODELLED . HEATING? TROUGHOUT . . . UP-TO-DATE CENTRAL HOT AND COLD WATER MSI ORDER TURKEYS EARLY 13rfiicc ttupcrt Dadi? Betas Saturday, December 21, 1946 BILLFOLDS Initials or Name In gold only 75c extra 1.25 to 8.50 FOR BOYS Meccano Construction Sets from T IONS CARD TABLES STURDY AND RIGID Made by Hourd Co. $2.95 and $3.95 fERRACE MACHINE SHOP TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC) DIESEL and TRACTOR REPATOS For minor repairs and gas '-it G8fc 70c to $4.95 Wooden Chests $4.95 to $5.95 $1.75 to i S 12.35 Electric Motors - Clockwork Motors 4g Crystal Radio Set $4.95vtc $6.23 Steam Engines -ri- $?-45 7 t I WaM Family MeM Wn. Market $m I & GARAGE Plroducts , WELDING , i I Wood For Sale.-- First Class, 14-inch lengths, free of nails 'l0v5iJ!? Second Class, trimmings up to 14-inch lengths Wr,f)rt, Third Class, various lengths, uncut S6 per ion Immediate Delivery COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE 4 A Phone: Blue 976 Night Phone: Red 97G Office: 812 Second Avenue West Vet's Terminal Taxi HONE gQ PHONE Stand: Bus Depot DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Quick Frozen Cellophane Wrapped "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS COD FILLETS SALMON FILLETS No bones ... No waste ... No fuss. Try them today from your butcher. i r- I Canadian rish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I i 'i 3 tt