8 B B B B B B n B B U fl a B B B H B VB a 43 a a Iri t? 13 B B H B J-.l B B B EJh H b ffi ,1? i 4 Li V LjJiinrc ttuuctt Daily rSrtujot Saturday, December 21, 194C RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE Just A Little Out of the Way BUT Just A Little You Might Not Find Elsewhere H B B a B B B B a B THEGIFT B B FOR DAD AND LAD We'll not suggest. Take our word for it this time. We haven't everything you ask for but we have plenty and many things you might not have thought of. Come on in and see. RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE n a a b b b a a a a a a a a a b b Practical HIKER UNjJ'ER groVjnd sheets VAbK SACKS pac.k boakds dunnage bags Jvents. WATERPROOF COVERS for BADMINTON RACQUETS BOWLING SHOES 0 TRAVELLING BAGS, etc. Edmondson Awning & Sail Works ICO East Third Avenue PHONE 'BLUE VMi We are htere to serve you will be FREE 19 ELI VERY BLAIN BROTHERS 'HCUSE OFFINE FOODS" 3 J PHONE 5 17 -:- Phone Blue 808 SP vw ECIALIZING IN ORKMEN'S MEALS Chpp Suey : G:30 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT COURTESY AND SERVICE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL Planning and Designing Estimates 3 STONE BLOCK Phone 5C3 OPENING OUR NEW STORE 211 SIXTH STREET Phone BLUE 'Mii (NEXT TO JONES NEWSTAND) FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail BUY FROM OURFINE STOCK BLONDIE r-1 L m Hi! (z-z-z) lEJCQQ JBUBnnDBB n B H n rt Hi ll B B S B B ! t B Bi a! D bi 2, 1 a I Hi 2 1 2 ' u n n n u B H B m a B a b b b b b a a a a m a a b b o o b UOME I3( OUSEWIFE SHOPPING BAGS UTILITY BAGS PASTItY SHEETS WINDOW BLINDS VENETIAN BLINDS ' you and guarantee pleased. OF ALL ORDERS P.O. Ik x 171 72G Third Ave : Chow Mein P.O. BOX 1381 Evenings: Blue 370 Lackadaisical Daisy. 'BIG TURNOUT AT .'CHRISTMAS TREE Regular Baptist Congregation Enjoys Fine i'uletide Entertainment One of the larger of many Christmas Tree entertainments being held by the local churches was that which took place last night In the I.OJJ.E. Hall when 140 pupils of the Regular Baptist Sunday School, tog'ether with a goodly number of parents and adult friends, turned out to enjoy an Interesting pro-Si am prior to the visit of Santa Claus with his big bundle of presents for each and every one of the kiddies. Mrs. G. R. S. III n pirn Hv ni'i e nTin Wnf n nrl director of the entertainment and G. S. Weatherly was chair man for the evening. The program consisted of reci tations, arms, acuon songs, -a playlet, musical numbers and a fr.ibleau, the message of the flowers, to top off the enter- lainmcnt. Careful and patient training of the large number of youngsters who took part was amply demonstrated in the excellence of their performance. Some were special numbers while others simply depicted regular activities of the Sunday School. G. R. s. Blackaby, back with Irs congregation for the first time in months which time he had been laid up with a serious illness, read the Scripture and took an active part in the proceedings. Prayer was offered by Brigadier J. T. Dillingham of the Salvation Army. The accompanist for program numbers and community singing was Mrs. Lois Vaughan with Mr. Nystead playing the guitar. A number of interesting short moving pictures were projected by M. L. Harper. It. E. iviontador playc an important part in the evening's prcceedin.-rs. Centre of attraction W1.S Vlf hI(T OTirl VinnJ.nmAl.. decorated and .lighted Christ- nas tree. Others assisting with arrangements for the evening Included Mrs. F. Cameron Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Franks, Mrs. Ed Martin, Mrs. G. S.. Weatherly and Mrs. G. J. G. McDonald. The program was as follows: Song by school and congregation "O Come, All Ye Faithful." Prayer by Brigadier Gilllng-ham of the Salvation Army. 'The Christmas Story," read by Mr. Blackaby. Acoustic. "Count Your Blessings" Intermediate girls and boys. Exercise, "Chain of Life"-' Senior boys and gins. Motion songs by the Primary class "Running Over," "Joy, Joy, Joy"; "Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like Me"; "The Gospel Train." Recitation, "Little Boys' Primary boys. Pantomime, "A Joy Ride" Senior boys. Recitation Marjorie Hughan. Recitation. "One Little Lamb"; "Thankful Peter" Beginners' department. Play, "Spirit of Christmas" Joyce Strand, Lenore Hughan, Phyllis Myaiedt, Alf Strand, Henry Blackaby. Recitation Gwen Alger. riano selections Phyllis My- rdt, William Blackaby, Dickie Cameron. Alfred Blackaby. Play. "Message of the Flow-rrs"-By Senior girls-Margaret The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON I . , BKc?? " a-v , ...... Waterfront Whiffs Herring Seiners Keeping Eye Out-Pioneer Harbor Huns Kecallcd-A Merry Xmas! While lierring seiners in southern waters are tying up at Vancouver lor the Christmas season after making some outstanding sets, scout boats in the Prince Rupert area have so far been unable to locate the first signs of the schools which make the industry profitable in the north from January to March. Admittedly, it Is a bit early for herring on this part of the coast but the seiners want to get all the advance information they can on the move ments of the silver fish. Herring seining is a precarious occupation in which the fisherman plu himself against the uncertain movements of the fish and against stiff competition from other fishermen. Who gets there first, scoops out the most. Down around Butedale, small landings of herring have beer, made within the past week or two but these have been negligible as far as commercial fishing goes since the fish are caught from local populations that remain in those waters th year round and are not part of the migratory hordes from which the big catches are taken. These local populations are of uneven size, ranging from two Inches In length, to as long as 12 and 14 Inches, whereas the migratory fish- are of consis tent size. While discussing herring. Canon W. F. Rushbrook, Prince Rupert's beloved pioneer church man, speaking at the "over 70" banquet Thursday afternoon, re Giske, Margot Brown, Gwen Al ger, Lenore Hughan, Phyllis My- stedt, RoseaurFe Kurulck, Joyce Strand, Arlene Cameron, Elvlna Oden, Gertrude Wick, Ethel Kru- gcr, Donna Dennlson. Song of the school, "Under the Stars." Moving pictures Mrs. Harpi ; Advertise In The Daily V&A$, -to SlipIC!sj ft Whatever li is or licr favor- S ile type of slipper, lie assured that we have V J . , A' t ....1- !.. 1 -. from fancies to mocassins. A a A H fi H 15t TO $6.50 A A a A A A A A A A A A A A FOOTWEAR Fine New Store ; ' STONE BLOCK 61.alai.3(l3iSi.3.ai3,,3.Si,3)S By Chic Young L9I ' "iiiliiiii! ir-2i Voy; called that It was nine years ago this week that a vast school of herring filled Prince Rupert's harbor, literally packing it with fish. In one set, he recalled, a seiner caught 400 tons of herring. Not since that time has there been anything like it, he vaid. Canon Rushbrook, Incidentally, recalled another day when the harbor was filled with a tremendous form of marine; life, this time whales. The oc - i casion was In November, 1909 and the huge mammals had entered the harbor in pursuit of a school of herring which they avidly devoured. Such an occurrence as that has never been repeated either. Sheriff M. M. Stephens got in the final word on Canon Rush-brook's herring story, however, when he assured the "over 70's" that Canon Rushbrook's yarn was quite accurate but incomplete. So great was the congestion of herring in the harbor, he vowed, that they acted as a dam at the harbor entrance and held back the tide for three days. Crab and shrimp fishermen throughout the district, too, are having difficulty in locating their crustacean quarries and. ZZZ although ,4ua"""" quantities "f of ,uu" both r "e comlng JfUf thcJloca market, they are small, and not continuous Gifts.. FOR THE YOUNG . . . Bicycles - Wagons Holler Skates - Skis Scpplers - Kiddy Cars A small deposit will hold any article till Christmas. McBririe Street Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Us branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 891 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 MAVIS COLCLOUGH Studio of Dancing F.OR CHILDREN Tap, Ballet, Acrobatic and Interpretive To Enrol Phone Blue 480 IH-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBrlde Since tills Ls Saturday and several days later It will be Wednesday, and Wednesday Is Christmas, this year, anyway, the author of this edifice of waterfront comment takes this opportunity to wish the members of Prince Rupert's fishing and marine community a very merry Christmas. Heavy Movement of Alaska Fish With no less than twenty-eight carloads of frozen fish from Alaska on board for tranv shipment to the United Statt.; ovei Canadian National Rail ways, the refrigerator motor ship Palisana arrived in port at 8 o'clock this morning from tin: north and will sail, It Is expected, about midnight for Seattle. The Palisana is contributing materially to two special reirlger-ator freight trains which will be dispatched East during tonight. The motorship Sydney Is also In port today with frozen fish from Ketchikan for transshipment. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Alex McLennan, arrived in port at 5:45 this morning from the south and sailed at 9:45 ajn. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Having sailed at midnight last night for Massctt Inlet points, Union steamer Casslar, Capt. Lome Godfrey, Is tiuc back in port tomorrow morning and will be sailing at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, earlier than usual, for Vancouver via the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands.-! The earlier sailing tomorrow from here is In the expectation of reaching Vancouver by Christ mas Day with passengers Iron, the Islands. C.P.R. steamer Prindcss Lou: v has made her final 'voyage a the season on the Alaska r mt. and will be replaced next voy age by the Princess Norah whlcl. is due In port December 30 c route to Skagway. The har i will remain on the run for tin rest of the winter. PHONE 311 Professional SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Bcsner Block - Phone 387 If its a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 000 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. JERRY VREBOSC1I PAPERHANGING and PAINTING PIIONE 372 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER . Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulb3 Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave K PROMPTS EFFICIEKT SERVICE ull nour Uitti to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. tf Advertise in The Daily News l XMAS NITE WEDNESDAY 11:30 P.M. LAUREL and HARDY In THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" FREE!! L Efiisa SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY ALL LAUGH SHOW Betty Grable Ritz Bros. "I WAKE UP I "THREF mi Mnv-- -. -ur jot" w u. BUY BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKET PLAYING CARDS CONGRESS. GAINSBOKOtJGH . . . AND THE NEW PLASTICS Dibb Priiuinq Co. S? BESNER BLOCK THIRD ST . DUVVNSTAIf j : m TURKEYS TO I.L'CKY TlCKr.T HOLDERS 150 RESERVED SEATS 75, GENERAL ADMISSION 50 Got Your Tichotz Ncy! DON'T MISS THIS 0 ' SCREAMING":: MUSKETEERS Mon.-Tues, M.vn; : counmy V 4 ($UCI& 3 V t. for lev; LiiSJ . . . and i splendid variety of fine Grcetm Cards GIFT wu,rriN(- TAGS SEALS Leather! Goods SUPPORT RADIO AUCTION . gS W-' , i General Contractor Wo do basements, reshingling, build fences. i 1-1 .... t.Unlmn I siucwuiKs, rcmouei your mixnv Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUAKANTE1'1' CALL BLUE 610 and we will rive an estimate.