Handicap I RJ'VENUERS O. Slangebye R. Ramsay D. f'eachey E. Hint KHATADAS A. Orimb: B. Payne M, McRai H. Watrir Low S;ore. Handicap Titals i . ... ::::: Pn'nrc Rupert Daflu jQdus Saturday, December 21, 101G ouwu BANKERS DEFEAT PEOPLES STORE Clean Sweep In Ladies' Bowling: league Other Results A3 ankers defeated People's Store three games to nothing In the Ladies' "B" Bowling League, Watts and Nickerson and Whirlwinds won toy default from Pi Ices and Trade Board and At-lln 'Fisheries respectively. Dcck-et?s and Revenuers defeated Co-ops and Khatadas two games to w.e. Individual scoring: EANK121RS D, Smith 137 J. Thornton 187 M.-Amadio 108 B. Laird 137 HajirKicap 120 Totals C89 FECFLL'S STORE E. Clark 141 M. Stewart 102 11. raidsen 128 C. Bradfey 82 Handicap 87 Tctah 510 WAig & NICKERSON 89 169 120 96 120 000 190 114 126 69 87 586 A. Wrathall 178 189 E. iMoxley 130 125 E. Noble 119 1..5 N.' Munlhe - 143 . 25 V. Wrathall 153 136 Handler p 47 47' Totals 771 317 PRICES AND TRADE BOARD Prices and Trade Board defaulted. WOTILWIXDS F'.Crv1?!!! A. DrmaerL .... 2. M2rse E". 'Mohnel At.'ln defaulted. DOCCETTES R. MM-ner L M. r '?"tcmery . R. Christiansjn '. CO-OP M. ShrubsaU"... B. R:tdderham J. Clark D. S'monson . Lrw Score 178 167 114 225 154 47 83: 138 139 112 167 90 105 114 123 152 148 255 174 240 81 103 85 85 85 S!)2 778 73G 128 153 69 85 186 120 135 133 150 120 105 99 133 101 137 55 55 55 656 733 630 94 193 90 130 129 57 120 137 114 109 1C5 1591 85 101 69 1 ' 113 113 143 651 778 632 213 135 109 203 185 137 123 185 190 113 84 138. 139 191 172 86 86 86 866 892 135 135 132 216 147 149 146 153 203 129 112 175 113 84 137 112 112 110 851 743 906 , SHpRT SPORT Britain took the sports bit between its teeth, raced through 1916 kicking up unprecedented attendance and betting figures, : but cresses intn 1Q47 wifh fVm i country's watchword "For Export Only" echoing even In the trophy rooms. Foreign competl-tors took away many of the years' plum sports awards. After 'siSTwartime years of an almost-starving sports diet, the fun-lov-Jn.?. Briton demanded and got his recreation on a colossal s:ale. l.i '5'ig-t!nie soccer and first-class county cricket were revived on a pre-war basis; horses and degs drew millions; golf fiends followed "name" players up and down the country, almost crowding them off the greens; Wimbledon's electric scoreboard fpelled out the names of tennis experts from France to Australia; boxing produced a British heavyweight "white hope," and Canadian hockey players came over to revive the ice game. Motorcycle speedway racing, SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 31 P. O. Box 544 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert in Sports 115 141 82 97 120 155 113 76 117 103 87 ROBINSON WINS WELTER TITLE NEW YORK W "Sugar Ray" Robinson last night ended a fivi:-year campaign foil the world welterweight championship when he scored a fifteen-round decision over Tommy Bell of Youngstown, Ohio, at Madison Square Garden before 15,670 fans. Robinson weighed 146V2 pounds and Bell 148 pounds. CANADIANS ARE NOT TRAVELLING Edmonton Junior Hockey Team Turns Down Offer to Represent Canada in World Hockey Championship EDMONTON Kh Officials of the Edmonton Junior Canadian Hockey Club announced last night that they had decided to turn down an offer from the 496 j Canadian Hockey Association to (represent Canada in the world hockey championship at Prague, Czechoslovakia, in February. Eastern hockey officials said that, since the Canadians, had declined to go, Canada would probably not be represented in the championship she won so many times. BIG WINNINGS PAID IN ERROR CAPETOWN ffA punter was, paid l,296.16s. ($5,187) instead of 8.4s. at the Kenllworth race course recently and the matter Js' being Investigated by the Criminal Investigation Depart ment. He presented four double tote tickets on Numbers 7 and 2 Cfder Cup and Florizel which were second and first respectively. . For each of these tickets he was entitled to a consolation prize cf 2.1s. but on each ticket he was paid the winning prize of 299.4s. 1,196.16.-5. In all which was the dividend on Num bers" 10 and 2, Escapade and Florizel. . In addition the man was overpaid another 100 as the Treasury notes were being counted out to him. He therefore got U96.16s instead of 8.4s. roller-skating and various other attractions crowded the rationed newspapers for space on the British sports pages. The Englishman led with his chin for any sport, and promoters were only too happy to oblige. The biggest blows to Britain's playing-field prestige were suffered on the rich green turf of race tracks, golf courses and at Wlm-ble'don. Reasons advanced were w.rthnp d rlocatic i of ?,ocrt and tt( 1 "! "ua'"J met vi me mjusn people. ANCIENTS USED ASBESTOS The use of asbestos can b traced to ancient times. Grotto CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists coon SUPPLY OP MEN'S SUNDRIES SMALL QUANTITIES ROLLS RAZORS RONSON LIGHTERS Make Your Choice Earlv i LEGION FIGHT ! CARD TONIGHT The Marquis or Queensbury will give Santa Claus a mild nudge tonight and will share some of the prominence that the gentleman from the North Pole has been receiving lately when boxing fans foregather at the Civic Centre gym to witnecs the Legion Boxing committee's fight card. Lord Quecnsbury's code of ring ethics will be strictly observed under the guidance of Brick Skinner and Sgt.-Major McLean, who will act as referees. Sgt.-Major McLean will referee the preliminary bouts and Brick Skinner will be in the ring dur ing the semi-final and. final. j Centre of interest, of course, is the 10-round bout between I Benny Windle and Len Hltchens, i both of whom were reported to-1 day to be in top shape, and rest- j ing for tonight's bout. ! Workmen labored all mornlni? to put up the ring and lnstal the seats in the Civic Centre gym, finishing at noon. Judging by the advance sale of tickets, a big crowd will be present. Judges will be George Howe and Jack Judge with Brick Skinner as third Judge during the preliminaries and Sgt. Major McLean taking, his place during the last two fights. Bob Cameron and Wally Landon will be timekeepers. All the preliminaries will be three two-minute rounds, with the semi-final four two-minute rounds and the final 10 two-minute rounds. Here Is the line-up: Len Hitchens, 144, vs. Benny Windle, 147 (final). Darrow Gomez, 150, vs. Leo Adolph, 153 (semi-final). Steve Bright, 163, vs. Ous Gus-tavson, 159. Alex Gomez, 139, vs. Harold Einerson, 146. Billy Anderson, 146, vs. Bobby Jones, 142. Sandy Hamilton, 115, vs. Billy McChesney, 115. Bob Anderson, 110, vs. Walter Carlson, 115. NOVEMBER DULL IN POLICE COURT November was a relatively dull1 month In city police court, ac-j cording to the monthly report of police Sergeant L. A. N. Pot-, terton, considered by the civic police committee last night. Charges coming before the magistrate numbered twenty-six and $370 was collected In fines foN lowing the conviction of 24 offenders. Half of the convictions obtained were laid under the In dian Act in which natives were charged with Intoxication. Four persons were also convicted under the Indian Act with sup plying liquor to Indians. Three convictions were ob tained in cases of vagrancy three under Government Liquor Act, one on a charge of thef of a dog, and one on a charge of breaking and entering and I'totect Your Boat From FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C O 2 Extinguishers after use, in our own plant in Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone 651 and 652 by the court. THIS AND THAT "My bouncer asked for a raise and I foolishly told him "No!"' PUBLIC OWNERSHIP MAKES STRIDES (continued from page 1) ernment control and forblddin? the sale of doctors' practices, had a stormy passage through both hausc3, although there was general agreement on the desirability of extending health services. On foreign affairs, the government and opposition fnnt benches were In such harmony that Foreign Secretary Erne-t Htvln often received more ap- theft. Two separate charges of drunken driving were dismissed Monetary loss from Criminal Code complaints during the month totalled $523, of which $57 was recovered. Approxi- of watches, most of which oc curred at parties. J There were six motor yehiclc accidents, four of which resulted from weather conditions. Twc traffic victims required -hospi- j tal treatment. . v V n'.-.uise from the Conservatives Uian from Labor back-benchers. Prime- Minister Attlee gained tature during toe year, his grip n the IcAd-'i'ship anelrallem?d although he personally carried in? government defence In the Commons on an immense rang? rf rantroversal subjects, irclud-ing foreign affairs, demobilization, the proposed withdrawal of Eritish forces from Egypt, dearer -'pf-aniatlon and Commonwealth relations. The prime minister made hi. f'.rst major cabinet changes during the year. Sir Ben Smith left the food ministry after risin? nrotests against his department n the Commons, his place btin? taken tubcu by ui a a rising lining Labor uawi aiai star ,.ii . - , - A I ?M TI Strarhey. A. V. Alexander. sr.atPfi u.na lMirrPrl frnm theft J J, who succeeded Mr. Churchill as First Lord cf the Admiralty early in the war, graduates frcm general government .handyman to minister of defence with m-nervWcn over the three defence departments. aorfte Hall left the Colonial .v........ :. v- viT-wT-B a t'jrv mm wwmmn - .MMtnv : m 5sas2ffi& nil ivrvrr i I I i i2 imm Jht I ' ' Hollywood Cafe PKINCE HUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTI ES cnop SUEY enow MEIN f OR OUTSIDF ORDERS PHONE 183 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST f ' . AND f I SPORTING SPORTING r,onnc GOODS i fc'ff WW "W Gfl KAIEN HARDWARE g P.O. BOX 98 9 Office for the House of Lords and ministerial office as First Lord of the Admiralty, being succeeded by Arthur Creech Jcnes, long-time student of colonial affairs. Philip Noal Baker b?cams secretary for air, his old job as minister of state goiaj tb Hector M:Neil, young B:ws man who won his spuns as Mr. Bevin's under-sctrerary. Other Changes ' In MinMries Capt. F. J. Bellenger becams secretary t$r war wTlen Jack Lawson retired from this Dfflco, and Lord Nathan became minis ter of civil aviation following Lord Wlnstcr, appointed etLVf nor of Cyprus. Viscount, Star -gate retired as air secretary. In 27 by-elect'.ons since the 191J .general election, 14 Labor seats were at stake and all were retained. Of the 610 Common! !ets, Labor now holds 393, Con servatives 200, Liberal Nationals 13, Liberals 11, and ethers 22. while one is vacant. The Liberal . party showing in by-elections ! did not indicate that party i hones of larje-scale revival have : matured. In the Commons, Herbert '.Morrison as yovernment hou'-iP ' "eader made members woit h-rd, with fewer holidays nvyj '."user hours, with sittings un-. t'l dawn several times. In the . Lords, about 40 Labor peers ear-1 r!ed government business' In a j c'.iatv.brr where about 800 may ! t but iiii'v abnut 120 usually r'l'rn.V Tlic government was dc- f itrt several tlnrs In the up- CANAWAN LEGION 3 OKI NG SHOW CIVIC CENTRE GYM DECEMBER 21 :w hounds or noxiNO :io MAIN F.VF.XT 10 HOUNDS LEN IIITCHINS, 117 vs. BENNY WINDLE, 1 17 Si:.MI'FIN.L DAKUOW (iOMKZ, ISO LKO ADOLl'H, 150 0 PKELIMINAKY EVENTS Tickets On Sale at Grotto Cigar Store, W. F. Stone Canadian Legion, 99 Taxi COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 ICO. I Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Kvery Saturday WE SKLL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD OOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.i PHONES: luc 1 A Res. Red 127 Ak for Oeorge FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering . slip Coven Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Greeu 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre per chamber but neither Lords nor Commons carried to a showdown the powers of the upper house to check Labor legislation. Compromises always were reached. Government and oppoltlon alike indicated their concern with economic affairs, with reiterated warnings from ministers that export trade must be expanded or Britain will face disaster when the "hard currency" obtained from the Canadian and United. States loans is exhausted. Retention of 1,385.000 men in the armed services at the year-end Indicated the government's anxiety over international affairs. Its policy of continuing conscription of young men in peacetime had the support of the cpposltion as well as a majority of Labor members. HICKS FRASERHOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 MU3Tsrr0N,J said he wa. . 'ntMl tit teachW 1 5 J say, -ASyef0r Passers toal PRINCE RUpt DRY DOCK AND SHlPyd SHIPBUILDERS ENGINEERS Iron and Bra cmftl wcwa and AnyJ 8PECIAL onsaJ A- J I MININO MACHINejJ Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE "The Home of Friendly Beivlce" WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST buftiriiivi.ii MUl lv UI' UENUNP FORI) PARTS AND ACCESSOItlES IN NORTHERN U.C. Out-of-Town Order niven XMAS GUT SUGOKSTIONS FOR THE CAR OWXErI Seat Covers Patchinr Kit, IIJUauMe Jacks Tires and Tubn .Midifet Car-Uie Vacuum Cleaners PHONE Sit PRINCE RUPERT, El Prince Rupert Bottle Collecto ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE ,(,nc jIIe We y... ALL SIZES Pcrfcx Rccr Whiskey, Gin and IJotlles Hottlcs Wine Hottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PflONE 51 KWONO 8ANO HIXCl HOP KEE CHOP SUEl HOUSE 612 Seventh Avenue W. (next to King Tal. will be closed unl further notice For outside orders phoiul HOLLYWOOD CAFE-ll REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERf HOT Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty, Open 0 a.m. to 2 a.m PHONE 17.1 RUPERT MOTORS LTD PRINCE RUPERT, B C PARTS AND SERVICE DEPOT CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DODfiK DE SOTO DODGE AND PARGO TRUCKS NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERAM"! GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE ri:d SCI r.o. u LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAOi r.-iaDiisnea iuiu FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIP TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND US FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND BELM SERVICE di i iwnc a VQ fin or o a nunc i-iinM-fjr-i. a w r