I CORPS I I II H 111 ft. AL uANul . rrrro T?iinprtJ! onnk corns oi oca iui uicu ,re preparing dance of the season, j-ili be hew in me navy December 27 amid ,n n . orations, oea caucus ... friends are Being in- .Ml fnr the occasion, a ... hi .been lormea 3r - . I Mary . jjujt. commanaer Aiex i-nainrun. His com- ambers are ueui. wa-',. Vprnon Clccone. Pett Onicers wiaries ana Pai Wilson, Leading f-nQ-t Wlndle and r limine Yountrman. C! ne work Is to be i hy the refreshment . . V. nlon ...111 Innlf LeaduiB Seaman James ,krm:in and his nssLst- .irron0ttp PpLtv Officer n..K lIl Anrfv flapns j,mw j .. , ... jamps Hemmons and Chis' Petty Officers, McChcimey, Laurance 'A Joiin Kennedy, have Q I) Radio Dial f K 1240 Kilocycles :Mnrt to chanee) SATURDAY P.M. Hal-all Calls in Sweet Stvle ' out for Music :m -inrl I.OW Down ;rb College 1C News Pt-nrdprt Interlude iinnr. a la f!nrtfr v-.--.inD Partv r Tim T? vtVim V'-m Trn TV . U-r.Alr fcree Suns 3f Orch. SUNDAY A.M. -n Albnrri -v -' - ::.aary & and Singers Tut 4 1 n..l.U W VI 4 V U4J4 4 V ?;ic) Reports suguus Period ft York Phllharmonle fephony Orch. P.M. - arch of the Air CBC News ' Fisher Reports H t Stewart IBA. Ma:.- for Sunday t. TBA. news Canadian Short Stories tortiand Farmer Record Album tn Thrce-Quarte Sbgc 47 Toronto miliar Music CBC News flic Old Songs Sunday Serenade Readers Take Over wwrerr.e Park Collegiate wis Choir Classics For Today vper Hour CBC News BC NW8 Canadian Yarns fre'ude to Midnight father and sign off ann MONDAY-AM. Muslcal clock CBC News Morning Song usle For Moderns Uttle Concert BBC News Morning Devotions Morning Concert Je Signal Morning visit "'San Encores Roundup Time andinavlan Melodies Aboard and Console 'nCS Of IVul.,.. t,, -vuajr . ruilXUSl Recorded Interlude "nel and Aikn-t w ft v P.M. Farm Broadcast gram Roi.,m. "VWS Listening "noon Recital nentarv 'tom thp V4U004WO promised an interesting pro- Ijiaui. Assistance is belne niven hv Lieut. Eric Jones, R.C.N., and me siaii oi H.M.CS. Chatham who have co-operated with all committees. Hospitality of the corps will be extended to the Ketchikan Hhh School basketball team which will be visiting the city at that time, and also to the Booth Memorial High School team. Master of corrmonics will be Midshipman Mel Thompson. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Kupert George Mllburn, Seattle; H. Christensen, Vancouver; W. St. ! Clair, city; Miss M. Marlon. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, city. Mrs. O. A. Aasen, wife of Rev. O. A. Aasen cf St. Paul's Lutheran Church, returned to the city Friday afternoon on the Camoeun from Vancouver where she has been receiving treatment for a fractured arm since the middle oi Srotembcr. TEEN TOWNERS FORMAL DANCE Teta Towners touched off an active Christmas social season last night with a formal dance In the Civic Centre auditorium at which 40 couples enjoyed dancing, interspersed with a musical program. Setting the motif was a large Christmas tree in the middle of the dance floor. Special guests at the function were Mayor and Mrs. H. M. Dag gett, Booth Memorial High School Principal and Mrs. W. W. C O'Neill, Alderman and Mrs. T. N Youngs. Mr. and Mrs. William Noble, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Clark, Mr. and Mrs." Don For ward, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Ross, and Mrs. Green. The guests were received by Teen Town Mayor Reg. Lavigne and City Clerk Mickey Murray. Master of ceremonies was Mel Thompson. The musical program Included a vocal solo by Miss Joanne Landridge and a piano solo by Sam.McCaig. . The Teen Town orchestra under direction of Sam McCaig started the evening with their theme song. "Teen Town Shuf-flf." The second portion of the dance was provided by Andy Mc-Naughton at the piano. The dance ended at 1:30. I INI I. Local i News Items . 1 Isaac Martin and ion, David, returned on the Camosun Friday from a trip to Vancouver. A Please order milk and cream early for Xmas. No delivery Xmas Day. Valentin Dairy. (298) 1 R. Hundeidc left on last evening's train for Prince Oeorge to spend the Christinas holiday reason. 1 Ned Tcfcey returned to the city from Ocean FaUi on the Camosun Friday to spend Christmas at his home here. , Lieut. Cel. A. Hamilton Grant returned to the city on the Camosun Friday aJternoon from a brief business trip to Vancouver George Hankinson, who is attending the University of B.C.. arrived In the city on the'Camo-sun Friday to spend Chrlstaiaj at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Alexander returned to the city on the Camosun Friday afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver and other southern points. Ian McRae, son of John" Mc-Rae, who has beerr attending the University of B.C. In Van couver, arrived in the city Friday afternoon to spend the Christmas holiday with his father. Miss Betty Pullen returned to the city Friday afternoon on the Camosun from Vancouver where she has been attending the University of British Columbia. She will spend the Christina holidays with her mother, Mrs. H. F. Pullen. Paddy Taylor, of Winnipeg, arrived In the city Friday on the Camosun to spend Christmas as the guest of Archie Ms-Leod, who Is also spending Christmas here. Mr. Taylor Is attending the University of British Columbia. Announcements All advertisements tn tnU column will be charged for a full month. Ft 25c a word. S.O.N. Christmas Tree and Dance, Civic Centre, December 26. Children's Fancy Drcs; Part, Civic Centre. December 27. Varden SingefChistma ; 13PilCelestlar OptCelestlar. DUInlrjy mHirci!rJAt(ntt.rhn j -A Cash for old gold. Bul;cr's. Carl Olske returned Friday afternoon on the Camosun from a week's trip to Vancouver. Basketball Centre. M V y s g Tonight, Civic U:s. J. II. taorrcau Is sailing tomorrow afternoon on the C2S-iar lor Queen Charlotte City. Mr. and Mrs. H. Arncy sailed -thii morning on the-Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Culver and son of Port -sSircpson sailed this morning on he Catale for a trip to Vancou ver. JkEUo Furniture Store will be eloied from Dec. 9th to January th,1947. (d27) i Mr. and Mr, t. It McCorrls-ton called last raight on the Cas-siar for Masselt to spend the 'Christmas holiday season. The .fire department had a -call at 5:30 last evening to a chimney fire at the home of Hn. II. F. PuHen, Third Avenue. Ho damage was done. Dr. and Mrs. J. 0. McGammon -of Vancouver arrived in the city -on the Camosun Friday to spend -Christmas as guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. nd Mrs. R. A. Wilson. Mrs. fe. M. Daley sailed on the 1 Trince Rupert Thursday night to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season vi siting with relatives at Gapilano and Victoria. Tonight's rraiii, cue from the East at 10:45, was reported this morning to be on time. Railway line conditions are back to nor ma! after a couple of slides of snow earlier in the week. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. Phone Green 937. (299) Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mayer sailed last night on the Cassiar for Port Clements to spend the Chrlstrnas holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bridden sailed last night on the Cassiar for Massel to spend the Christmas holiday season. Charles Bellls of Massett sailed last night by the Camosun on his return to the Islands after a visit in the city. Mrs. (Dr.) R. Carlson of Ketchikan, after a brief visit in the city, sailed on the Camosun last night on her return to the northern city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Norton and daughter, Rita, are sailing tomorrow night on the Coquitlam to spend the Christmas season visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don Norton. Mrs. M. J. Grogan of the, local school teaching staff and daughter, Peggy Ann, sailed last night on the Camosun for Ketchikan to spend Christmas and New Year holidays. M. A. Myrcs of Hazelton, who arrived in the city from the Interior on Thursday night's train, will sail on the Camosun tonight for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Miss M. S. Kaftfeld, Kltwanga missionary teacher, arrived in the city on Thursday night's train from the interior and sailed this morning on the Catala to spend the Christmas and New I Year holidays in Ihe south. Cantata TBe E 1 - f Sfig , er had bee ' Monday. Decv40, 3 pjB. -""V t N . ''ff ter blITJSE OUK Oddfellows Scotch D.ance. , V- f Vjl fVr-UDGET PIJIN Oddfellows' Hall, New Year's If VM v-Jk, . 3.F;f . V Eve. 9:30 p.m. Brenner's Orch. 15 ) 1 V 17 XMAS BUylNG Harmoneer's Dance, every Sat- g . ifeST- J J Nl CaJJ?karges urday night. 9 to 12, Oddfellows' g Jfflfeg fT.J TernTs ln actardancc Hall. Everybody welcome. i jKMffll' J if with WJ.T.B. THIS AND THAT ' Jj I rearranged the furniture today-your chair is over there now." I fJW ij.!t'elie,,s:e!t!etlM fonvird tin s " iBBI BfflMli V MRS. DOWTIILU AND MISS WATSON mkj& 8 .., S 40H ''W&IISeP I DRY GOODS & NOVELTY Vfl J and for you r 111 J 4P S Have done their best to ob- I S fashion pleaS- . L V HI V 5 tain a Christmas stock for you. fJm l , " . V"T; J I Some lines are short, yet we think you ;jWA " We Ti could find an acceptable gift here... V;j yA, j Q u f collection , I g Call and see us anyway! 1 . J f I'Ockb ,t, BESNEIl BLOCK -- TIIIKI. AVE.f of Slliart J taihJAaii'xa..'-'''B'3J"'aJ'''" . order I 40-ftcfTb ' JS$X&B? 3 TURKEYS h MWWV ',.,.lv 1 W n..n.l Mn,,ni 1 THE CREDIT HOUSE OP QUALITY" Nominations For Commerce Chamber Nominations of 1941 officers for the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce have been made. O. A. Hunter, who served as vice-president during the past year, has been nominated as president with Dr. R. O. Large as vice-president. Eight members are to be elected to the execu tive council and the nominations are W. L. Armstrong, D. G Allan, Arthur Brooksibank, A. B. Brown, J. E. Boddle, C. A. Ber-ner, Arnold Flaten, Neville Ger- rard, J. T. Harvey, W. D. Lambie, W. R. McAfee, O. C. Mitchell, R. E. Montador, P. M. Ray, A. D. Ritchie, W. J. Scott, F. J. Skin ner. Martin Stuart, W. M. Watts, and T. N. Youngs. The election will take place at the annual meeting on the first Monday In January.' Carl Poulsen, local business man, returned Friday afternoon on the Camosun from Vancou ver after spending the last 10 months on a trip to his native Denmark, with visits to Norway Sweden and Germany. WORLD'S COFFEE SOURCE Goitre trouble is caused by the malfunctioning of the thyroid .gland in the neck. NEURALGIA Don't let the pitiless pain of Neuralgia prevent you from enjoying life. Get fast, safe relief with T-R-C's, specially made to relieve you quickly of piercing, subbing pain and dull, throbbing aches. Good also for Rheumatic Arthritic, Neuritic Pun and Stiffness, Sciatica. Lumbago. Get a box today iOc J I at druggists. T-4 1 g'eic!eie!e!eieie,e,ieie'ic!c,icicie!s',cx'!eTicic,t,!e!ex'c!e'ee!: 6 y y y y y y y y y y y y y ; y y y y y Christmas Cheer Kettle The Salvation Army Christmas Cheer kettle will be in position near the Post Office on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Please help us to make others happy. When sending in names for hampers to the Sal-" vation Army please include the complete ad-; dress, number of children, ages of same, and kindly have thjs information in by Saturday, December 21st. .HkM)M3ii9)9l3i3l3i.3i9)i3.2lailaii3,Silai3il.3i3.Si3l3.3ti3iaiX9)3l3lti a Bi N All 1 - - - .rw m IV U 1 1 Via K I SALE of FUR and CLOTH COATS . Continues Now shipment of XMAS GIFT CERTIFICATES THIS IS A HANDY WAY TO SHOP FOR HER . . . DEPOSIT ANY AMOUNT TO HER CREDIT AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A PRESENTATION CERTIFICATE YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE THIS" WAY. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A y y y y 4 9 y I y y y y V y v v v y y y y v if V y v y y sc y v V V y v v v V y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y y y v v y y y y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y l?rfncc Utiprrt 53a(Iy rdtm Saturday, December 21, 194G SCARVES in wide variety Choose His Now While Ranges Are Complete WHITES Crepes and Poplins SILK PAISLEYS 1 1 ). A I it Vt -U OUR TO , DfcPT- i s A A ' I mm fW S V . X. CM X MSB M A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A COATS and i DRESSES 9 5 Cards A large display lioxcd and loose to suit everyone. SILKS in Plain Shades .... WOOL TARTANS by Jacurr WOOLS in Plain Shades HAND-WOVEN WOOLS-Plain Shades LADIES' BEAUTY SETS from 25c to 4A0 S Christmas For Last Minute A S $u.oo to !(i:5.ri) $1.75 to $:5.."0 $2.00 A $2.00 $li.."0 . SJl-'iO A K A A A mm lisT mm - f5 I V ' I j f f f V ' j 1 b m m m w MbF VI " U "Ail--.-. 1 .1 TOYS AND 5 I I for allstar J - - A ... MEN'S SHAVE SETS " from 39c to 2.59 , ROYKIl STATIONERY . I'm all sizes,- including.. children from 35c to 3.95 You are invited to come in and luok over our largcVstocks of seasonable merchandise. You will imssibiy find All thc things you want under one roof when you shop at I ' t St fill, 1 ! "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS l A irisunassnopiiers' I IvvUi vllLvli I llrllU irtw I s. 3rd Ave. at 6th Street Phone 79 WE THREE WISE MEN BROUGWl GIFTS! i WE HAVE CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS TOR YOU . . . 1 3. OUR A A i A assays-' r. ., . A A A HIGHLIGHT HER 'Jp CHRISTMAS TREE Gifts by DuBarry, Tuya, Kcvlon, Peggy ,r ' " Sage, Iolinard, Gemey, Rubinstein, and- . many, many others. .. . FOR THE MAN ?r IN YOUR LIFE ... ,: sr? i Parker and Waterman Pens and Pencils, Shaving Sets by Kingsley and Seaforth,: $ .. Pipes, Shaving Brushes, Electric Shavers, etc. "a A JZ MrniTfHMW PHAPMAfV ITU A A A Rupert Jeivellersi REPAIRING "30 Second Avenue Alexander A-SPECIALTY 5 PHONE l RED OU S