Prince Rupeoaflp J3ctes Friday, Jufe 22, 1916 EXPANDING OF A1K SEKVICES Kr T?'1 to (Continued iiom Page 1) sound-proofing material called nJ, "fibro-glaas," and an entirely Supm-new type of heating system Jg maintains the caDin temperature, at an even 70 degrees turough. . . .u Out its length by automatic ele .- ttenle ontrois. The wall cov lU2K nnnsixl nf nnlariil. A, $4.00 Ural British Columbia.. rj"V carrt more than 20,000 depend- I Jj -lent of Canadian Eerricemen to u their new Lorws in all sections of the :. Dominion, 87 special trains have been operated but of Halifax over Cana- dian National Railways' lines. The ; records of the Canadian Red Crow Society how that to date 9,686 wives .: -and 5,604 children of soldiers. 3,950 land 1,449 of airmen and 538 and 131 j sailors have been brought to var- ' ious points in Canada by rail. In ' addition, 45 wives of servicemen have i been flown across the Atlantic by Trans-Canada Air Lines. Figures released recently by the ; Department of National Defence. ' Ottawa, indicate that there are still I . at least another 50,000 dependents ; of Canadian service personnel to be I ' brought to Canada. Based on this ; report, it is estimated by C'.N.R. : traffic department officers that an-. other 200 pi these "hoims on wheels' ; ixa:iais win nave to De operated be- fore the last war bride has been wel-. corned to her new home. One of the biggest tasks connected j with the operation of the trains is -the serving of meals. To feed nearly -500 wuuitn and chiMi. . ?oing to MEMBER A.BC. md Class Mall, Post Office u ,,, ..,, nnAj . . oped by the plastics intent. Ottawa)? auiing the war. Color se were designed by an decorator to .present a, AKTrk nr? a rr? appearance. The sidc-v AINLI rLALt windows to baggage kts j. i i N0 certain breeder powder blue and th? more irom the floor utical unrest in any nation of the wintf a condition of economic frus- ?eSration from Which there is little hope of escape. As the long record of history shows, continued political unrest fed constantly by economic Hespair ultimately creates a disposition to fight. No international organization of nations, dedicated to peeping the peace, can hope to be permanently successful in maintaining its objective if it has to cope contiguously with conditions of economic frustration, especially in key countries. j The Canadian purpose, as ex-pr!eesd in the British loan agreement, is to employ our financial jpdwer to restore economic health in nations where it lias been shattered by war. In accomplishing that our-pose, weexpect to create conditions of financial strength and industrial revival that will enable the nations of the world to trade with each othpr and us on a basis that spells fr dom from the artificial hin-rantes that existed between the two wars. WORKING ON SUNDAY IT IS NOT A SIN to work on Sunday I if it is a labor of love or benefaction for one's neighbor or some person who needs our help, says the rector of St Andrew' Cathedral who writes todav's Saturday sermon for the Daily News. Neither is it sinful to drive a taxi or serve a meal on ;Sunday,-says Mr. Prockter, who is 1- jjjjjlllMM inciined, however, to draw the line . at organized Sunday sports or sleeping in on Sunday mornings, larly if you are under forty, instead of going to church. . Mr. Prockter seems to have struck a happy medium as far as a reasonable prescription for obedience of the Sabbath is concerned. He is neither too strict nor too easy and his views are interesting to read and sound worthy of approval. Evidently, Mr. Prockter is one of the parsons who has an idea of being practical about his religion. It is refreshing views such as his that will popularize the church and the pulpit A CAMP FOR GIRLS A FEW WEEKS AGO we suggest- -ed that, in view of what was being done for the boys by the Kinsmen's Club, and the very energetic young men of Kin are to be highly commended for all the trouble they are going to about it, something really ought to be done for the girls along the same lines. It is, therefore, very satisfactory for us to hear that the local Girl Guides' organization is taking steps to provide a camp this summer for girls at Lake Kathlyn, the idea being to send a dozen or so at this time and build up the camp as time goes on. On Wednesday next an afternoon affair will be held at the home of the president of the Prince .Rupert Girl Guides' Association, Mrs. Arnold Flaten, to raise funds to help the camp along. That will give an opportunity in a modest way for ladies to help the cause. Already some voluntary subscriptions have been made to the fund by well-wishing friends who have heard of the project Girl Guide regulations rule out anything in the way of canvassing or begging for funds but it is quite safe for us to assume that there is nothing to prevent appreciative acceptance of any voluntary gifts that may be offered from people who feel that the girls are jugt as deserving and in need of a summer camp -as are the boys. SERVICEMEN'S DEPENDENTS APPRECIATE- TRAIN MEALS Quebec Ontario and Western Canada recentl" on C n ,R trains, more than 20.000 mcalf wcr served. Here are a eK of the many itenii which had to be stored in the dining . ar pantries-100 (illons oi to on am. enough for , 8,000 glaasen; three tons of meat, 9U0 dozens of eggs, four tons of vegetables and 1,250 loaves of bread. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED - FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OP CANADA AND VSA. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIAI1LE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 The upper photograph ehows a tvpical scene at meal time in the (fining cars of the dependents1 spec iola. Ia the lower three cute littla children, twins on the riht, are enjoying cookies and milk in the Red Cross Welcome Canteen in Bona venture Station, Montreal, on their arrival from Halifax on a C.N. 11. special, train. MOTT ELECTRIC (Prince Rupert) LIMITED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial - Industrial Marine Electricians Home Wiring and Repairs Phone B"lack 307 236 Second Avenue West Each serviceable garment donated to the Clothing Drive will help relieve the misery of the iii-clad victims of war and enemy occupation in Europe and Asia. Families lost even-thing in the rains of their homes. They are in dire need of the essentials of life. They need clothes t. replace the rags on their backs. Each donation to the National Clothing Collection will help. Everything is needed .aoate, suits, trousers, beddings, dresses, ihlrtt, sweaters, socks, pyjamas, shoes and overshoes, all that they can wear. Bandies should be sent to your local depot. Twenty Years Ago June 1926 A party of Ketchikan Reparians, headed by K. L. S.eberg, arrived on the Princess Louise to pay a visit to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Hiey were entertained at a dinner In St. Regis Cafe. Hon. T. D. Pattnuo, provincial minister of lands, was scheduled to pay his constituents a visit. He planned to Include Terrace in his northern Joarney. The Prince Rupert djry dock planned to tender on the construction of a 'Try boat f r lake service near Kelowna, according to an iu)ounemit by.,Howard While, dry dock accountant, who had just returned from KIDNAPPING OF GENERAL ' This Was Plan of Jewish Underground in Palestine, It is Said j JERUSALEM British headquarters said it had evidence that a Jewish underground organization lidd panned ,an attempt to kndnap Lieut.-Gen. Sir Evelyn Barker, British commander-in-chief in Palestine, in addition to the she officers previously seized. Moshe Shertok, bead of the ( political department of a Jew ish agency, appealed fpr Immediate telease of five kidnapped British officers, saying their abduction was lunacy. Tel Aviv was still out of bounds today for all British! troops except military police and patrols, after a new. outbreak of violence which reult-ed in one death. This killing brought .he three-day death" toll in Palestine to 22 Jews and three Britons. i Better English I By D. C. WILLIAMS I 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "We shall have lo face tite music." 2 What Is the coirect pronunciation of "bestial"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled : Preabytirion, prejudice, precipice. 4. What does the word "Indissoluble'1 mean? 5 What Is a woad beginning with tr tbat means "calm"? Answers 1. Say. "We shall have to confront the consequences " 2. pronounce bes-ehal, e as in less, a a? in at unstMsd, accent first sv liable t. Presbyterian. 4. Not cajnMe of being -dissolved, undone, broken or the like. "We want It to be a sacred and indissoluble union." S. Tranquil. Buy more War Saving Stamp. TOO ITF. TO" CLASSIFY NTBD Bays Jot delivery routes. Daily News tf INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See H. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave Phone 28 CFNTPAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rate For your convenience . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms' Cafe ' In Connection LICENSED rREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 L M IWM 1 V K "HAIDA QUEEN' EUPERMARINE PLYING BOAT PASSENGER, FREIGHT AND AIR EXPRESS SERVICE PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS AND ALL COASTAL POINTS For Information, Reservations, Rates, etc. Phone or Write G. II. STANURIDGE Agent P.O. Box 1249 P1IOKES: PRINCE RUPERT 524 or RED 878 Briefs From Britain GERHARD'S CROSS, England t Gamekeeper W. Lloyd launched a one-man campaign against foxes and kHied,2e in ,ix days. E3IGHTQN. England Q C! -led since 1940, whep a ap ;i blown in it as a defence measure. Palace Iter at Brighton lu been reopened. 8LEAP0RD. England The roof of the Uth century gwaton church in this Lincolnshire town : ti threatened by the death watch , beetle. Smi. es Cjr: "Have ypu tried cany cases lately Judge?" Judge Brewer: Tee, but the stuff in 'em is terrible these days." i Mlsirass: "You know, I suspect my husband has a love affair with hts stenographer." Maid: don't believe it Ypp'te only laying it to make me Jealous." Half the time while the man i thinking, "I wonder If I dare?" the woman is thinking, "I wonder wh,y he doesn't?" j After office hours, Alt and Beit lingered in idle chat. Then ; with a sudden "lance at his j watch, AH grabbed his hat ' "T mpTt ru off!" he exclalm-ied. "I've got an appointment " I "Wrio's tbe girl?" chaffed Bert "Is It as important as all that1" "It Jj-rand it's no girl. It's a , fellow, to whom I owe a fiver." "iWberere vou meeting him?" I "Meeting him nothingl He's coming here!" ehe: "Here,' a story of a man j out west who bartered his wife j for a horsej You wouldn't swap me for a horse, would you, dar-lin?" I He: "Of course not i pause jbut I'd hat to have nnvone tempt me with a pood car " WEEK-END CAR SERVICE HERE Special Arrangements Made to Meet Requirements of Visiting Motorhts in Emergencies The Motor Dealers' Association of Prince Rupert has come io;an arrangement to meet the emergency requirements of week-end motorists jsdth a fiunday afternoon service between, the hours ' cf 12 nnonand 4 o'clock. The aer-ivice has tbaep arranged more j particularly for the benefit of ! out of town motorists and wil. ibe carried out at Frank Morri-' son'-s service station at the Lone Aiorors. The service will consist of gasoline and oil sales and ouik battery charge and tire repairs mergency repairs will be limited to such as are essential to enable a motor vehicle to operate on the highway if the time necessary to complete such repair ; does not exceed one hour Surh emergency repairs will be car- cjed out only for owners and op erators of mntorvehicles residins out id af Princr- Rupert and po: ie penntu will be nece.-ary v. authorise such repairs Mrs. rid fcvana. 109 Eicbtr. Avenue West, is sailing Mund.r. nl?ht on the Pnnceas Adea.dt. lor Vai?over jn hr way ;o Winnipeg where she will .-.pen a three-month? hind . . : u her parents. Courtesy of Wl I 1R Oi r-i. i n r ki, h . Princ more he nat. drive, y, : today. i JniUrt monuiw 'aJreac pack-c; wcrkr aftenr, , headq,,., Cross ro-.i Mr (.;. tion : ', and ii. ' i-.'on." . Jotne p., garmi : sent a : metir.'-h-art ' T,- af .-. . PR V H CONCtNTRATED ei OilMl a m . MaIma f f P..MJ.. O 1 II llllll ll f I MIIIIIIU UII IIIIJLIIIIilLiI . - IllflW all. I Hours: 12 Noon Until 4 p.m. June 16 do September 29. 1946 r.ntnlln. flit C . 1 t..'. l n.l. AT Frank Morrison's Service Station Ai licar oi LU.SU JlUlUKb, 3rd Ave. and ,th St Frinct f. t . i'akklk Liu. 1:1 run Minims n MM 'LONDOfte II 1 IT ISVIIII I list "Strongest Geared Power for Its Weight in the World" WEIGHS ONLY 130 LISS. LIFTS 5 TONS This London 5-ton-hoist is used in Construction, Mirur. .:. Marine and many other industries too numerous to pensable for moving and loading lieavy Machinery, Boik v Building Industry for lifting Steel, Timbers, and Stone-st r. In Bridge Building for orocting steel, dismantling structure nig or skidding (with block and tackle) entire spans up f weight. Osed for laving Pipe Lines, operating Derricks in T Marine Ways and Ship Building. Scows, Motor Boat Stomp-used for Land Clearing, Stump Pulling, Moving Boulders. 1 etc. i With crank pinion inserted in the frame bearing, it ha pear ratio oT & to 1 for lifting loads up to 5 tons on a sinrle be multiplied many' times with the use of gang blocks and n: ( II i :r rr . .11 1 . . ST ' U The "LONDON" is (the only Hand Hoist in .the world with Timhen Roller Bearings PURVES E. RITCHIE & SON, LTD. 658 HORNBY STREET WE HAVE: Birch Wood, 14", per cord $13.50 Jackpine, If, per cord $12.50 Slalis, 14", per cord $10.00 Lump, Egg Nut and Slack Coal In any quantity. Fill up now for winter. HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 . ... rn U VAINUUUVC-iv " NEW CONSTRUCTION . .. irTI REPAIRS AL.1U"11" GREER & BRIDDEH Builders and Contractors P.O nunvr nrn eci T,