Prince Rupert Daflp fSctos Saturday. June 22. 1946 GOOD EVENING OF FASTBALL The two ra itbaU games played Wlndle iw0 each and Montesano. at the Gyro ball park last eTe-! Schroeder and Church one each, nlng provided a large turnout For the Gretto.Arney was Jead-of spectators with all the fun at ; lng man with Jour runs. Kerr a fair. In the girls' game the j next with three. Ralph Smith Klnettet proceeded to celebrate j had two, and Bruce Simonson, the date. Jane 21st. with a 21 ! Vic Dell, J. Sunt rg. Moxley. to 9 victory over ttie Whirlwinds. Gomez and R. Holkestad had one Apparently the summer solstate each. was fatal to the wind systems of I Batteries for 99 were Schroed-the Whirlwinds. and Beynon, and for Grotto. The men's game between the .Grotto and 99 Taxi provided everythinc possible in the way of fastball. There were some fine plays and some perfect "bone-head" plays. The lead changed frequently and ;t was only in the j last half of the last innina that i the Grotto brought in ix runs to overcome a fire run deficit and , win by 15 to 14. j For th taximen. Bobby Hous- I ton brou?M in thre run?. Bey- ncn. Ratrhford Dom:r.ato and' j : ! Holiday Tripp ers j SU.MMERIZE your car now! Let us check your car before you make that long vacation trip. A motor tune-up, lubrication, and tire inspec tion may save you time I, and money on the road. Phone S3 for an appointment i S.E.PARKER LTD. Ford and Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service Business and w. H. CORPJNS Painting and Decorating FREE ESTIMATES Phone Blue 451 GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jacklngs - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches yv 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 p.o. Box 274 V- ANDY ANDERSON tPAINTING & PAPERHANGING 633 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 p.m.) INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada B. P. LOVIN', Phone Oreen. S7 RHfnta" Box 818 117 2nd Ave. W. Oppoelu TMCA PRINCE HUPEKVB.O. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phone 387 H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanging Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 82J KM PROMPT and EFFICIENT SIRVK1 i our qlassat to COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.m . VUK9WW.IUC. . Sunbergwho gate way to Max- ley. wttta Arney catching. Balls and Strikes Ralph Smith's homer of the first ball in the fourth was a gem. Vic Dell Is one of the hardest hitters in the city. If he could just straighten out ane of them! Imagine Doug Kerr making a bad threw to first with the bases leaded! "Moose" Gomez' dipsy-doodle between third and home, and then getting home on the same play, after going back to thtrd. was the best laugh of the eve-. sing. Bruce Simonson's fielding was tons all through, while one threw from behind third to catch the runner at the plate was perfect The playing pitch was siippery and treacherous. . Score by innings: 99 Taxi .1 0 3 4 2 1 314 Grotto 2 0 2 2 2 1 615 mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 rjjn. (Daylight Saving Time 12:30 Prince Rupert Time) Friday SS Cardena. 10 pm. (Daylight Saving Time 9 pjn. Prince Rupert Time) Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 563 Professional P.N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage j Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Prince Rupert MERRELL & GRETSINGER CONTRACTORS Buildings Moved Foundations Built Excavating and Rock Work Our Specialty With Modern Equipment. PH. BLACK 926 BLACK 270 For Free Estimate. If it's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 6G6 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box 1489, Station B Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Cabinet Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone Green 488 Evening Green 337 Train Schedule For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday o p.m. From (he East- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday SHORT SPORT Bruce Woodcock, Britain's heavyweight boxing champion, isn't the only fighter in his family. Bruce, a victor although he was unable to knock out light-heavyweight Freddie Mills in a recent 12-rouad bout at Harrin-gay Arena. London, was an in- -terested spectator wben his 22- yeor-oid brother Billy, a middle , weight, won his second professional fight at Konnanton. Yorkshire. He did it by a technical knockout. Tom Williamson was presented with an illuminated address and a cheque for 610 $2,745 at a complimentary dinner given in Nottingham to celebrate his 59 years with the Notts golf club, lie Is still the club's pro and hopes to play in the British open championship this year. Billy Butter, who 'went to Tor-qoay United football cteb as manager last July, has resigned. Before the war he was with Reading and then did a ipeQ with the RJiT. Peter Mahey. jockey who had the top Joint of his left index finger bitten off by Senor Brume, a horse he was to have dderi at Hamilton Park races hopes to resume his riding shortly The finger was amputated. Mrs Mary Muller,. South African women's singles and doubles lawn tennis champion, has a simple recipe for suwss. She j trains on beer "I find a couple PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS j Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 267 TERRACE TERRACE MACHINE Baseball Scores National Chicago 5. New York -4. St. Louis 5. Brooklyn 7. Cincinnati n, Philadelphia 2. Pittsburgh 2. Bis ton 3. Amellcan New York 2, Detroit 6. Boston 1. Cleveland 0. Washington 4, St. Louis 2. Philadelphia 5. Chicago 3. of games of hard staples two or three times a week sufficient to keep me in trim bat I must ad-j mit I train on beer," she Mid re- cp nt!y at Jchannessurg after de-j feaUng a number of well-known international players in this year's championships. Joe McCartney and Bill Daly can't deeWe who It the better man on the golf course. Finalists in a competition at Fort William. Belfast, they played 59 holes and called it quits when failing light "blacked out" play. They were tied at ib end of 36 holes. Nine extra were played and again they were Ud. so another nine was m order. It was then decided to play five more, but even that left then even. Mohammed Guinay, 23-year-old Egyptian inside-light known in Cairo as the "Black Prince of Lscceer." and Abdul Karlm Sakr. another inside-forward, are en-route .o England. They have signed amateur forms for Hud-dersfield Town. ROUTIIAAt, Warwickshire. England 9 Three residents of iSoHttiam (population 1J&00) won Military Medals while serving with the army in France. COLCHBSTER. England V Conscription for young men was ured in a resolution by the Col- rljf--tar Bu llies-? Women's Club. Electri. -iiy represpn 10 per cent &t the cost of making aluminum. PpMniMHIHI XU fck. Trottc JoMy CJw DIIDPDT iui t-ivt i'ivsiuik LIMITED CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL 'MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR RF.PAIKS OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS For minor repairs and gas Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : 6-11-MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 2-11-SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations (Members only on Sundays) G. SELVIG General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. ' Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . CALL BLUE 610 ' ' and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCE RUPERT 'MORE BALL 6AME55ET Schedule is Speeded Up to ' Provide Greater 'Number J of Fixtures i At a meeting of the Prince Rupert Fastball Leaaue committee ! it was decided to give both the I senior men and the girls a jreat -jer number of games each we?k ,To do this a new schedule of games has been drawn up. In the new schedule the girls wL. I play -double-header games on Tuesday evenings and Sunday iafternoens. -Tie senior men wii; j play double-headers oh Monday I Wednesday and Friday evenings j Evening games will begin at 0 :30 land afternoon games at 1:30. Three newly formed cams were refused admission to the league. The committee expressed its regrets. at this action but felt it was impossible to provide sufficient games for more than the 14 teams that are now entered in fastball leagues. All games are played at Gyro Park. The Senior Men's fastball schedule is as follows: June 24 Reserve Army vs. General Motors, Bo-Me-Hl vs. Co-op. 1 June 26 Grotto vs. Reserve Army, 99 .Taxi vs. Bo-Me-Hi. June 2S General Motors vs. Co-op, Bo-Me-Hl vs. Grotto. July 3 Co-op vs. Reserve Army. General Motors vs. 99 Taxi. July 5 Grotto vs. Co-op, Bo-Me-Hl vs. General Motors. July 8 Reserve Army vs. 99 Taxi, General Motors vs. Grotto. July 1099 Taxi vs Co-op. Reserve Army vs. Bo-Me-Hi. July 12-Orotto vs. 99 Taxi. Oeneral Motors vs. Reserve Army. July 15-Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hl. Reserve Army vs. Grotto. July 17-iBo-Me-Ht vs. 9.1 Taxi. Co-oo vs. General Motors. July 19--arotto vs. 'Bo-Me-Hl, Reserve Army vs. Co-op. July "2299 Tati vs General Motors. Co-op'vs. Grorto. July 24 General Motors vs. Bo-Me-Hl. 99 Taxi vs. Reserve Army. ' The Girl's League fastball scheduler June 23 Moose vs. Whirlwinds, Macey's vs. Kinettes. June 25 Kinetics vs. Moose. Macey's vs. Whirlwinds. July 2 Moose vs. Macey's, Whirlwinds vs. Kinettes. July 7 Whirlwinds vs. Moose, Kinettes vs. Macey's. July 9 Moose vs. Kinettes, Whirlwinds vs. Macey's. July 14 Macey's vs. Moose, Kinettes vs. Whirlwinds. July 10 Moose vs. Whirlwinds, Macey's vs. Kinettes. July 21 KlneUes vs. Moose, Macey's vs. Whirl winds. July 23 Moose vs. Macey's, Whirlwinds vs. Kinettes. July 28 Whirlwinds vs. Moose, Kinettes vs. Macey's. Junior League June 27 Reserve Army vs. Bo-Me-Hl; Sea Cadets vs. Co-op. The ADVERTISING is NEWS!! IS READ EAGERLY BY PEOPLE IN THEIR ADVERTISING NEWS THESE DAYS. PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR GOODS AND SERVICES. IF YOU WANT THEM TO KNOW, THE WAY TO TELL THEM IS THROUGH THE NEWSPAPER. IF YOU DONT ADVERTISE, PEOPLE WILL NOT EVEN KNOW YOU ARE IN BUSINESS AND YOU WILL EVENTUALLY HE OUT OF BUSINESS. FOR News THIS AND THAT "And don't disconnect that hearlng-ald when I'm talking to you!" THE DAILY NEWS iu:45 pjn. v July 4 Bo-Me-IU vs. Co-op; Reserve Army vs. Sea Cadets. July II Sea Cadets vs. Bo-Me-Hl; Reserve Army vs. Coop. July 18 Bo-Me-Hl vs. Reserve Army; Go-op vs. Sea Cadets. July 25 Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hl: Sea Cadets vs. Reserve Army. GREENWICH, England An age limit of nine to 90 was set tor entrants In a Greenwich beauty context. BLAENAVON, Monmouthshire ry Lowest birthrate here In 20 years only two In May Is due to lack of hquses, said the medical officer. SOUTH SHIELDS. England, O The freighter Baskervllle, designed to carry newsprint from Canada, has been launched here Advertise in The Dally News. Front Page... FOR Advert isim W THE MATTTari DECEASE 'XiSlUl HJJ Honor W E p XI rJ 3rd (Ur ot t .-"fZ r! or uWTS?la icalntt the iujr: J1! (, quired tc fur '. -7 1 indebted L tfi' h L'Vli KLCISTtT in' 18) Rut pj-, Uln One HanJbrt -ftt.u ' Trunk, lu:.-- (84Si i ra caar t f WHEREAS n-..-7TVS, of the boe cm.:; 2 dtt, j,M from the tile of the r-a V thereof, law a PrtiTat ."d? of Title. In lieu rt . . rt. unless i.i cf-, ob)eetko be mid t cj am DATED t the Uoa Bxr Z Prince Rupert, B.f. u. cji d. June. ISM ANDREW THOVP30X DeputT r.' tm rf ri. IK PPJ iHATl vr mi. ma I 1 zjr. ur Tnl "Ami!KlvTTnr ...... iJ IN TltE til I'l IV ., , n . ten coiumbis. I ti v-j of June 14 tf - U4 AdK trator with the t . -jt t Mill, r.t 1ft k -: f i on or tboi.t the . dir la 148. All pTSL i tzbud ssld entile are r;ulnd to pi) amount of tbrtr i6fi4m k claims ift!i tbe uii kui erlr wrtfled -n 3 trial tlx dT of Julr tM. fs: x: vtid r1Kttn 1 1 1 h. k . Pl . . oniT io suc:n risir x L.r& i bave ben notlTltd isth dr of J . - i : iiu at pnT mzifin pv,: Tetepiph -'Sett Br Offlrisl Asi;.trilcr. BRITISH COLrWBU IN PEilBATl -ADIINl.-nUT! ACT r.i vr ssw a -mm mi na rtn t?T IKTESTATI TAKE NOTICE tbit l!f Ol HU Honor W t Ttma. nu was ippolnted Adc-tnior 01 Estate 01 oaaie maaui, acc . . . & - I ,mKf Ml! UJ lurnisu p 1 ' to me on or before lit 13I Julr A n 194 SLd si. pvw dented to ine tsian air pay th amount I Uf J inoww to me rortnwitn. nirm m PHri B!:aert. BG , 30th dT 1 M7 ATI 1M& OORDON P PORBtS. Acting OffU. Admlolitn: Prince Rupert BC CSOVritSMKXl IIQrOR CI KOTICE or .APPT I ArOJ FC: CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER UCENCI NOTICE ts txntj r ren 2nd day of Ju!r neit tbe iaM intends to apST t trol Board fur r" truee apeet to the premise bring a building know r-j Terrs,. . . . . - . ir.ti.m Rrrt ID tW fill UH ir mi iviii -... - . M 1 aC ,CpanU 1131 ana ruuri"-., ',.1 Hundred and sutr-n-t -rire 1 5) Coast DLrtrtrtW Prince Rupert Jm in the Province f BrlL.-a u.. from Emllle WlHlf to Tmsj Limited. h.Tln IU . onerracr o v the VllUge "mTrn . Terrace. BC tMl day T of May !. Tnfrd UW1 TERRACE HOTELS arw. ..fnMA 1 IBIIMO' ' ' SPEEDS PROCESS Uas 15 lllT(ui'"v r- . oil wells to force w to the surface. IARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to t nnbllcaUon. snoum - ffio- k. in m. contrtt" nre asked to bear tnu Items of social ana p'" Interest are always w Returning Service Personnel Record' Are Being Sough1 -The Dally News rfcord b $ ' to completely rival of all service women returning : horn' , the war. Accordingly. that inforaj requested beqmade available to tjj ( regarding the . flee arrival home, the serrW which the veteran has Identified. In what t(. of war. If ,nS,ttl If Inconvenient to ca office, the iniorm;. n be written or -We g Pictures would be pa' f, ly welcome. Street tem .ndj tal addresses and numbers are also rei"