r t D D Radio Dial I f K 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to cnanej SATURDAY P.M. Melodies and Memories 4 00- .0- Po'ka Time 5 : 00- U Plaza' 5.'30 -From Bach to Boogie 6.0o- -CBC News g.,,5. .Actuality Broadcast 6 Serenade in Rhythm 6 30- Fives a Song r 45- -3port3 College 7 00- Red River Barn. Dance 7 30- Weekend. Review 7 45- Torch Parade 8 00- -Annual Convention junior Chamber of Commerce 8 30- Three Suns Trio 8 45- Tales of the Border. 9 00- -CBC News o (0- B.C. News 9 15- This Week q 30- -Old Time Rhythm 0 00- uai iucnaru s - tii. 0 30- -St. Francis T:otel Orch. C 55- -CBC News and Int. 1 00- -Weather Forecast .and Fisnermen s aews uocau 1 05- -Silent SUNDAY A.M-8 00- BBC News 8 (5- -From Old Vienna 8:30- NBC Concert Orch. 9 00- B.C. Qardener o 15- -Just Mary 9:30- -Canadian Party 0:00- -CBC News 0:03- -Capitol Report 0:30- -Religious Period 1 :00- -Columbia Workshop P.M. 2:00- -Light Concert Music 2 30- -Church of the.AJr 1:00- -CBC News 1:03- -Music to Remember 1,30- -Chamber luslc 2:00- -Music for Sunday 2. 30- A Summer's Tale 2:45- BBC News 3:00- Let's Go to the Opera 3:30- -CBC Star Time Orch. 4:00- Record Album 4:30- .John .Fisher Reports 4:45- Weekend Review 5 00- -Stage 46 5:30- -Music in Three-Quarter Time 6:00 CBC News 6:15--Old Songs 6:30- -Serenade for Strings 7:00- ,BBC Newsreel 7 30- -Ring up tne curtain 8:00--rOrgan Recital 8 30 Vesper Hour 9:00- -CBC News 9 10- B.C. News 9 15- -Canadian Yarns 9 30- -To be announced 0:00 Prelude to Midnight 0:55 CBC News and i Int. 1:00 Weather and Fishermen'ii News 1:05 Silent MONDAY A JM. 7:30Musical Clock 8:00 BBC News 8;5-rMornlng Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45Medley Time 8: 59--Time Signal 9:00 Little Concert 9 15- -Mnrnlnir Devotions 9:30 The Novocnord 9:45 Transcribed Varieties 015 Thoughts lor Today 0:30 Roundup Time 10:45- Music a la Carter 1 00- B.C. Farm Broadcast n 25 program nesume ii .13 weawier rorecasi U 48- Recorded Interlude P.M. 12:00 Tunes for Today 12:15 Piano Rambllngs 12:30- Musical Program H.JC A tk y r. .1 i 1 1:00- World Church News 1 15 Women's News Commen tary and Cooking School of the Air 1-30- -Story Time 1 45- .Downbeat 2:00 --.Rudy Naylor's Orchestra 2 15- Mirror for Women 2 30- -Serenade 2 45- BBC News and Com. 3:00- -Jack Allison Show 3 15- -Pacific Salon 3 30-Songs In Sweet Style 3 45-Stock Quotations tteasuiewiesi.. Tli. 1946 edition ofthli vtry popular mlnialu(tBauty Box of labrikold contain! the Eliiabth Ardi Emntiali (or Lovclintii at ORMES LTD. GIRL GUIDES PLAN SUMMER CAMP AT LAKE KATHLYN DURING JULY Prince Rupert Girl- Guide Association nlans an experimental summer camp for girls in July, which. u .succe.sstui, will be the iorerunner of an annual series of such summer outing for members of Girl Guide groups. Site of the camn will be Lake Kathlvn. near Smithers, where Mrs. .offered her summer home for I he purpose. -I Mrs. Arnold Flaten, president of he local a lrl Quldes' Association, say3 that the camp plan Is an endeavour in behalf of Prince Rupert girls paralleling that of the Kinsmen Club's sum mer camp for boys which is due jco open at Ljkelse Lake about the middle of July. "This year's camp Is purely or. an experimental basis," she said. "We plan to take between eight and 11 girls to t.he Blackaby summer cottage at Lake Kath- lyn. If It Is successful we will certainly plan on another camp next year." She pointed 0ut, however, that the project depends largely on the amount of money raised by the Quldes Association between now and July 8 when the camp starts, The association' plans a tea at the home of Mrs, Flaten L next Wednesday to assist In fund raising. "We have received some really excellent donations during the last few days." Mrs. Flaten said, "and they really help. The Guides aiid Brownies are forbidden by their rules to hold ta? days or solicit funds. They are required to earn their money through their own efforts." Selection of , the eight or 10 igirls who will attend the 10- day cauip jn July will be based on Jong service in the Guide movement, Mrs. Flaten explained. "We want it made clear that there will be no favoritism involved in the selection of the girls going to ,1-ainn" the explained. "The choices will be made exclusive-ly,, oni the-basis of Ion; service witji the local Guide companies." Director of the camp will be Mlss.Jlonora Sllversldas, captain of pie FJrst Prince Rupert Girl Guide Company, and a member of the Guide movement for many years. ,Thp mnvempnt In Prince Ru pert, according to Mrs. Platen has beep striding ahead during the last two years, and now em braces two Guide companies and three Brownie packs totalling about 90 members. Most recent ly formed is the First Catholic Girl Guide Company, which en rolled 15 members on Wednes day night. Acting Captain of the Catholic company Is Miss Florence Mc-Klnnon, and Miss Frances Moore and Miss Patricia Clark are her lieutenants. Miss McKlnnon says that since the enrolment on Wednesday night, which was done by Mrs. Basil S. Procktor, another 10 girls have signified their Intention to join, thus giving the new company 25 members. 0. R. S. Blackaby has The other Oulde and Brownie companies are the First Girl Guide Company at St. Andrew's Cathedral under Miss Silver-sides- Firtt Brownie Pack (Cath edral), under Mrs. James Parker Salvation Army Brownie Pack, under Mrs. p. L. Gorrle; Second Brownie Pack at Conrad Street School, under Mrs. F. W- Stone. Brqwnie Pack leaders are , known as Brown Owls and Guide com pany leaders' as captains. Officers of tlie local Oulde Association are:, Honorary President, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Presldnt, Mrs. Arnold Flaten. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Sydney F.lkins. Executive Mrs. J. B. albson. Mrs. Basil S. Prockter, Mrs. O. R. S. Blackaby. Mrs. A. L. Holtby and Mrs. Peter Lakle. Association members p.re Mrs, W. Kergin. Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, Mrs. M. B. Lemon and Miss OHve Van Cooten. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I prevent hardening of kid gloves after wash-in? therrt1? A. After wash'.ng chamois or kid cloves, lay them on a bath towel to dry slowly. Never hang them up, as this tends to harden them. Q. How can I make a ma hogany polish? - A. An excellent polish for mahogany can be made by mix ing one mint naphtha, one-half cup linseed oil and six. ounces of shellac. Q. How can I make the teeth whiter? A. Use soda water with any good tooth paste, instead of tap water. It will make the teeth whiter and will give a soothing sensation to the gums and the throat. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. FJfe, on their way from Dawson to Armstrong to take up future residence, will sail Monday night on the Princess Adelaide for the south after spending the past week visiting in the city with friends. NEWINGTON, Kent, England W A flint pick estimated to be more than 6,000 years old was found here. WHERE NE5RO FIDDEED The .site of the Vatican was once occupied by the Gardens of Nero. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 PHONE 311 nioNi: ios and Serviced PLUMBING & HEATING S. Julian We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 517 -:- 1".0. Box 171 ENGLISH BREAKFAST SETS 32-piece sets in dainty patterns, ideal for everyday use. Just .what you have been waiting for. AT ' 95 S1 2 95 ?1 0 and Gordon's Hardware McBrlde Street BOX 1308 Oil Burners Installed , PRINCE RUPERT J. II. Schuman IPSE REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ESTIMATES Night Calls!, Blue 170 fireen 787 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST. WEST THIS ANP The CtflrfC Matllifw ArtUim Srire. U; . "Sorry, but she Isn't OFFICERS INSTALLED At Gatheiins of Women of Moose Wednesday Night At the regular meeting of the Women of the Moose which was held Wednesday night in the Oddfellowsi Hall, with Junior Regent Grace Mclntyre in the chair, installation of officers for the year took place. Guests for the evening were members of the Loyal Order of Moose. The following officers were installed by the installing Guide Clara Bellamy: Senior Regent, Grace Mclntyre. Graduate Regent, Gertrude Hougan. Junior Regent, Edna Bond. Chanlaln. Asnes Murray. Recorder, Henrietta Bruschl. Treasurer, Alice Ritchie. Guide, Audrey Grimble. Assistant Guide, Sally Home. Areos. Pauline Wood . Sentinel, Anne Bailey. Pianist, Anda McDonald. After the Installation the Senior Regent, on behalf of her TO THE PEOPLE OFrPRINCFrRUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will be Interested to know that there is a man In town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling t.iat only foot sufferers can explain. ; .? Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot aliments, is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. AWNINGS SAILS . . . . . . WINDOW BUNDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S Phone P.O. Box Black 169 302 430 Bowser Street (Behind 137 Fifth Ave.) BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SUEY CHOW AIEIN Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to IT p.m. Sunday 8 ain. to 8 p.m. Located at Rulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. a Steamship Service from PRINCE RUPERT I to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE THAT home thlTafternobn." self and the 'Chapter made a presentation to the retiring pianist, Sophie Carr, for her years of being pianist for the Lodge. The "Moose Cash" for the next meeting will be $3. Delicious refreshments were served ,and , there- was dancing to Bobby Woods' Orchestra. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When entering a night club with her escort should a Eirl En first to the table ,with him and then excuse herself while she goes to the women's room? A. iNo: she rhould go first to the women's room. Her . escort will wait for her somewhere near the entrance to the dining-room. Q. If one drops, a napkin or a piece of sliver when dining In a public place, what should one do? A. Quiety call .the waiter's attention to it; he will pick it up and replace It with another. t Advertise in the Dally News. WE SERVE YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS-COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS PIIONF 21 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED o We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOY OUR FINE FOOD Phone Blue 850 Green & Kermode Builders and Painters All Interior and Exterior Work TRIBUTES TO MISS ME The best attended meeting qt the year of the Prince Rupert and District Teachers' Association was held yesterday afternoon iit the Booth Memorial High. School when the teachers of the city Assembled to pay tribute to an outstanding member of the teaching staff of the city and of the profession. Miss & A. Mercer, retiring principal of Klrwt Edward School. Reference wa3 made to the many years of splendid service given by Miss Mercer to the city and to education in particular. As a citizen she had been a valuable member of Important city organizations. As a teacher she Had given uneflualled quality of instruction Jn the class room. As a principal she had set a high standard that was a challenge to members of the staff. Always a loyal, and active member pf the Teachers' Federa tion she had occupied many positions of responsibility and in every case had given fine leadership and made a. worth-jvhjle contribution' to the organization The local association was very hannv to cgnfer on her; life membership In the provin cial organization, an award that would be made .at the next an nual convention ' of the B. C. Teachers' Federation! On behalf of the teachers of the city, and indeed of many other teachers who had been her colleagues In past years. I. B. Wilson, president, of the Teachers Association, made a presentation of sets of music records by i Beethoven, jtfozart, Schubert and Grieg. In acknowledging the receipt of the presentation Miss Mercer said that it was with penulne feelings of regret that she .was leaving the city. She had enjoyed all her teaching experi ences here. Her association with Announcing . . . Fresh Killed ROASTING CHICKENS BULK LEY MARKET Third Avenue Phone 178 THIRD AVENUE WEST P.O. Box 1464 Free Estimates and Prompt Service Prince Rupert Daflp JctoS : Saturday, June 22, 1046 her fellow teachers' had been most enjoyable and -would always arouse grateful memories. Her support of the Federation had been freely given for she had always felt the need of such an organization to. further the best Interests cf education. As for the gifts themselves no happier choice could have been made and her tnjoyment of the music would be increased by the memories of the teachers with The Workmen's Compensation Act KOTICE TO EMPLOYERS; Effective July 1st, 1946, any employer engaged in the HOTEL, BEER PARLOUR or CATERING BUSINESS and having three or more .employees (other, than members of the family of the employer) employed, at such work is deemed-to be engaged in an Industry under the Workmen s Compensation Act provided that: (a) The employer in the notei misiness upeiatca a hotel, lodging house, club or other- place where lodging is furnished and having In any . case ten or more bed rooms, or ...... - (b) The employer has a license to operate a beer parlour, or . " (c) 1he employer in the catering industry operates a hotel, lodging house, restaurant, cafe, '' . , eating house, dance hall, cabaret,- banqUet hall, cafeteria, tea room, lunch room, lunch counter, Ice cream parlour, soda fountain, dairy bar, nursing home, private hospital, club, dining room or kitchen in connection with an industrial or commercial establishment, or office building or school or any other place where food Is cooked, prepared and served and -for which a charge is made. mhethpr or nnt nnv such establishment mentioned clauses (a), (b) and (c) hereof Is operated independently or 'in connection with Shy other industry. ANp any employer operating an APARTMENT HOUSE or , COMMERCIAL BUILDING in which rooms, suites (fr space is rented to a tenant and which employer has three nr mnrn p m nlnvpp (other than members of the family Jf the employer) employed 1ft rpn.ilr of the huildinff AND any employer operating a RETAIL STORE :having three or more employees (other than members f ifje family of the employer) employed. j Such employers are now required to register wth the Board by submitting an .estimate of their payroll iexpen-dlture from July 1st to December "31st, 1946. Forms for this purpose may be obtained from this office, together with such other information as may be required. ; The Workmen's Compensation Act provides that an employer who has not registered with the Board may he held liable for the cost of an accident occurring prior to such registration, Ui addition to .the regular assessment's. Address Inquiries to: i The Workmen's . Compensation Board, ' 411 Dunsmuir Street VANCOUVER, B.C. June 1st, 1946. PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY afisS Good Food! MUSSALLEM'S (Opposite Phones 18 and 19 CENSUS NERDED i So little Is known of Tibet that -' H population U variously estimated by "experts" at from 700,000 to a,ooo,coo. v whom it had been her good tor- .f tune to be associated. I f I Refreshments were sowed, and In the informal period thati followed the Individual tachrs . paid their compliments to. the -guest ' of honor. I- P. In the maintenance, servicing i NEWS CIRCULATION OOUUTS Help yourself to health from our stock. You'll find healthful foods for delicious summer menus. All orders delivered to your .kitchei door. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION " CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL " PLANNING AND DESIGNINO ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone 5n.'I Evenings: Green 103 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ECONOMY STORE Canadian Legion) P.O. Box 575 Quality Repairs Economy Prices at PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ' Chop Sucy Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 0 am. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 Announcing . . . OPENING OF PARAMOUNT CAFEj 1 at .Port Edward, B.C. : SUEY CHOW SlEIN 7:00 a.m. to 1100 pjn.