I DICATION OF OSEVELT PARK ,VdiKir (leneral ami United ,IPS General May late ,i. c ity to S;ml 500 :Diiiiy that Canada'. ueneral, I-'ield Marshal Sir ;) Alexander, may take a part In the proposed of Prank D. Roosevelt ,-4uuit ucini! his scheduled visit i,: on August 21 Is being t(:d by city councJl which , -"tn authorized the ex- ,(e of .up to $500 for the t;.ii of a commemorative Acropolis Hill. ,aid down tentatively by - committee of the Pub-:v,v Council call also for ,, nce of Major OPnerat duv. officer commanding Aine tfan Sixth Army, who btt:i authorized by General wer to attend the cere-offlclal representative American War Depart- :ht city council heard ... outlined' toy Ralph who has been in touch , American Chief of Staff n? Mtclr a dedication himny Mr Browne told coun- Oeneral Eisenhower had I.: U 111!" Ujr iHI wiat ivui- le u Hay would be avall-ne occasion any time it of Canada's Qover- Or.ieral on August 21 openr pportunity to make the ' D.i an International af-v iving major personall-both countries, Mr. uif sla ve information received mild indicates that General Alexander' be nn unofficial one ;inr) 15 endeavoring to t;:de him to act In an offl- ;c; -Ity at the dedication. the stone calm on 6:1 w.l) be mounted a plaque t) the goodwill between untried cemeted dur- Ihp American army s occu- ot Prince Rupert, will be b.nnorated, was chosen i a- uuernoon Dy memoers PubUs Relations Coun- 1 mit fe It Is to be placed the entrance to Roosevelt .id Field Marshal Alex-ree to take part In the ::n planr, for a ?ala day rt Th.'? probably will junction with the Civic -'?.) which will be on ) sme ume. SEUM BOARD 'EN CANOE imal) Indian dugout canoe, by the City Engineer in :itv store yard at the rear fe Fire Hall, was turned co the Prince Rupert gum Board at last night's fi) meeting, At present the about 16 feet long, is on py in Alder Park. HAVE: lh Wood, 11", V cord $13.50 bine. 14", per cord $12.50 K 11" per cord . ... $10.00 ;mp Egg Nut and Slack ai in any quantity. Fill now for winter. f fr rr a tirrrn tiur iKANrrK Phone 580 leJieve it not . . . pome of our watches are world's most famous Ikes . IE LONGINRq pprpr.R NERTISE THEIR'S AS f"fc WORLD'S MOST PWORED WATCH." f'E WALTIIAMS, EL- PNS GRUENR ANn J'LOVAS, ARE KNOWN ALL p have other makes as nch are not adver-dso (' much but utin hav Pve satisfaction to stay Business. now nrnv nr rches on nnr Watr-Vi- pr testing machine. I0HN BULGER DWELLER SUN. MON. TUE. THUR. JRL SAT. Chicken Pot Fish Cold Chili Vege- Veal Ro?51 Pot Con table (to be ' Bee' Roast Came Plate Jellied) unrat- Group unrat- left- - left- unrat- Group loned C loned over over loned C 4 lis. 2 lbs. 2 1 1 Coupons n . coupon 1 coupon left over What more delectable eating for a summer Sunday than chicken done the family's favored way. Billed for Monday is a pot roast, succulent and savoury and surrounded with the season's new vegetables. Fish form3 the local point of meatless Tuesday's dinner. On Wednesday the pot "roast reappears, sliced cold and enlivened with colorful vegetables-and a twangy relish. With dried beans again market available, ,tho odd3 and ends of the roast can add flavour and nutriment to Thursday's chili con carne. From the array of fresh vegetables, can be chosen an eye-appealing and palate' pleasing vegetable plate for Friday, proteinized with an egy or cheese sauce. Stewing-veal is a good choice for making a jellied mould for Saturday, with something for Sunday Supper too, augmented 11 nutrrbers indicate the need, by unrationed tongue. To your credit from the week's eating is one coupon? CADETS GETTING NEW EQUIPMENT Guns Will Arrive Soon For Local Corps Anti-Aircraft and 12-I'ounders Word has Just been received from the Department of National Defence Naval Service that two guns are to be shipped to the local Captain Cook Corns J of the Royal Canadian Bea Ca- dets. j One will be a 20 mm Oerllkon I JOIN THE Gun and mounting. This is the famous , anti - aircraft weapon that played such a prominent part in bringing down enemy aircraft In the recent war. The other gun to be delivered Is one 12-pounder with mounting. The addition of these weapons will undoubtedly add much to the Interest of the local cadets in their training. PUZZLE FOR POSTMEN Chatham Street, Boston, is numbered up one side and down the othpf ' ' CHEESE MEAT using less of these Precedent and Pants Balanced By Aldermen C. Anderson's torn trousers waved figuratively before the city council List night but It was not out of delicacy or out of disregard for Mr. Anderson's plight that council decided to ignore the damaged garment. It was a rroaMer of policy. Mr. Anderson did not present the trousers angrily or wave them In the manner of a tattered battle Has. He merely sueeested. civilly that, since they hud been torn and himself bruised when he fell into a cavity left by a collapsed' sewer, that the city might go so far as to compensate him for his ruined pants. The st-wer collapsed under him as he was walking on Flr,-5t Street in the dark of night, he said. His estimate of 'a three-foot drcp was modified by City Engineer Phillips who said that the hole In the streot was about 20 lnchf3 deep. "But It's ah indication of the terrible condition of out sewers," the City Engineer added' pointedly. City Clrk H. D. Thaln told council that, under law, the city could not be held: liable for Mr. Anderson's mishap unless It could be proven that the original installation of the sewer was faulty. However, he suggested, It might be a kindly gesture to allow Mr. Andersen $12.50 for a new pair of trousers. "And what about precedent?" countered Alderman Youngs. "SuDDase a tfuck fell Into one of those holes. We might find ourselves ;tuck- with a bill for $3,000 Just becaus we admitted liability for pants." a 1 yvir. Anderson s Council forthwith adopted a motion by Alderman Ham that Mr. Andersorfa letter be acknowledged with, expressions of ' BLACKHEADS Get two ounce of proxtn powdar from lour druggist. Sprinkl on t hot. wet cloth tod nly to lh fac lotlj. Every bluk-bd -wili t diuolvd. Th on ul. iur mi iu)i,l way to rwzjovo bUcfch4a. RECALLS EARLY RUPERT HISTORY IIlKhJights of the eai iy history fan dm WHEAT AND WHEAT PRODUCTS I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I U Ahl this means that the butcher, baker and grocer 1 S I . 1 J I 1 buying only for needs will order less . . . leaving more of these staple foods to be bought by government food Boards for shipment to the world's hungry. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY J Q. Huw can I get a uniform color when dyeing? A R4forA arlHlnnr Hu. tn Vi n for Prince Rupert, in which he j large vessel Into which the goods uxk an active part, were re- are placed, always be sure that celled yesterday by c. s. Wor maid of Gallano Island, who, with Mrs. Wormald, was a visitor here. They sailed for the south today on the Catala. A resident here from 1910 to J 920, Mr. Wormald took part In the construction of many of the buildings which are still stand ing. He worked as a carpenter on construction of the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. plant, the dry dock, and many downtown buildings. Although he believes the cli-matp in fho riuif ti,i.. 1. l. - ... uuu .3iaiiua 13 llljc "best in the world," Mr. Wor- tne keys maid had a good word to savi - 1 about Prlne Rupert's frultfulness. Wandering about the city, he and Mrs. Wormald were Impress- jed to see raspberries growing wild In vacant lots. "We have to struggle to make them grow in our garden In the south," he said. Mr. and Mrs. Wormald arrived in the city Sunday on the Cas- soSved in bolllna water. Then strain it into the dyeing vessel. If this, is- not done, blotches of color are liable to appear In the goods. Q. How can I dye a straw hat rd? A. Boil jround Brazil-wood in a lyr of potash, and boll the hat in it. Q. can I clean and whiten the piano keys? A. By rubbing rather hard with equal parts of alcohol and peroxide of hydrogen. This also removes any stains that are on LIFE WORK It Is estimated that a pound of honey, represents the life work of about 1,000 bees. now than they had when I was there," he commented. Mr. Wormald. reminisced about the Battle of Kelly's Cut, the old Ark, which stood on McBrlde Ktrppt. nnri siirh norwinnllHo slar from Massett where he lived ! as Fred Stork, the city's first aiier leaving ranee .Rupert a mayor, T- D. Pattullo, Fred Mob-quarter of a century ago. The , ley. S. M. Newton, Peter Black, Islands, he said, seem to have and others. At, present, he and progressed very little during that Mrs. Wormald are building a Interval. number of tourist cabins on their "They have even fewer roads property on Gallano Island. 1SW Souvenirs Novelties For That Particular Occasion . . . Whether it is for that going-away jift, birthday or anniversary gift, you will find something that will please you at ' THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" k 1 When we cut consumption by W r and wasting nothing, I A ,a'n9d i JPnt mutt M (Bill n'on m Food Information Committee of THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA Prince Rupert Daflp jQctos Tuesday, July 9, 1946 LITHE-LINE PRINT Hourwl in Gay 90 color, this sleek 4t print designed by Hansen Bang ot New York accents a slim figure with ruffle-round hips and the broad, draped sleeves so smart this summer. Would a few pounds less let you wear Such fashions? Then write for the "Kellogg W eight Control Plan," a purse-size guide with 63 reducing menus planned for your needs. These menus include Kellogg's AU-Bran because it is guaranteed, on a double-your-money-back basis, to being made only from' the vital outer layers of the wheat,, it is rich in cer tain ''protective' food elements your body must have, diet or no diet No wonder thi9 delicious cereal is ( served by nearly one out of every two families in Canada. Order, Kellogg's All-Bran today. To get the "Kellogg Weight Control Plan," cut the box-top from the package; print your address and request on the back and mail to Kellogg Co. of Canada. Ltd., London, Ontario. for Reducing fST-rl Made by Kellogg's in London, Ontario r" " " . Fresh Local Raw and " Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 HOUSE REPAIRS For General House Repairs, Interior and Exterior Painting, Concrete Basements and Sidewalks. Work done by the hour or contract. Call us for an estimate. McLeod, Pitt-Cross &Gibb Phone Red 924, after 6 p.m. BULKLEY CAFE CHOP SfJEY CHOW MEIN Our Specialty Open-Weekday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday 8 ajn; to8 p.m. Located at Bulkley Hotel SMITHERS, B.C. Campbells Cosy Cabins Skeena Bridge Touiist Camp One Mile East of Town Box 13 TERRACE, B.C. Holiday 111 mm Terrace! Shop at . . . Skeena Mercantile A MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE Two floors stocked with -7 Groceries - Ladies' Wear - Dry uooas - bhoes ana Men's Wear TERRACE TRANSFER AND TAXI (Harold Smith) TRUCK AND PASSENGER SERVICE Scheduled Trips to Lakelse Lake. Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday Charter Trips to Any Part of District P.O. Box 107 TERRACE TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK CAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS ; OPEN SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS ; For minor repairs and gas EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED 1 4 I 1