1 Way Food market w - mm ... Jaw KIA"t W M m . TISSUE ex, - ..Ml I III urn f i I V I MORM" u mwn. 1 I mm LI J I II I I PiUI I Pinks ClCs J 22c rr l iv . 25c Ml U V hi . 14 1 i PHONE JSorgef Forge . ... . . leriiien t a j H rjucriaiumciu Centre, :oti;i;i)S RY II.VHIMKT EXXK - KXING IN J Pioneer PARAMOUNT at Port P SUEY 7:00 &m. REPAIR ' the Post Office) BP (KOSS INGRAM) Ld &VE at the FAIR WAY I T PAIRING iD - Slip covers Drapes Trck Cushions and Kccovcrcd "' 'aers given clal care 'S NET SHOP u Avenue West te Civic Centr AJAX BISCUITS l-POUND ftrtp CELLO BAG i I PERFEX BLEACH 23c id BOTTLES STRICTLY FRESH EGGS A II H I V I N G FRIDAY MORNING JUICY ORANGES Florida Seedless, 5S, Size 252's, DOZEN 45c iikir Anni rr m m m m m m mm m w 4 FOUNDS Finest Cookers, ftffp TERRACE Tiiruimr INK Mir 3 6 FOUNDS 25c II II 1 rl M If K P I w . , 434 : 'Ik I i i 1 1 r i 1 1 s nance .i i i..r..,,...i..wi4f anu m-iii-siimi-iiia FRIDAY, NOV. 22 to pioneiirs no mi; HIIimARl) AYKR- THY A - MAX FACTOR . PARIS TAiMir mmm es lAQ. i mmmtmw mmMMMMm Drt& fats CAFE Edward, B.C. CHOW MKin to 11:00 pjn. COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 i W: -Of IN1 ' 1 SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday-SS Coquitlam 1:30 pm. Friday SS Catala, 10 p.m. Sailing for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone. 568 cal News Rorie Is on one of his periodical business trips to Sml- tbers. A.Regular mcctins International Union, of Operating' Engineers Local 510, Carpenters' Ilall, Friday, Nov. 22, 8 p.m. (212) Maj.-Gcn. O. R. Pcarkcs V.C., M.T. for Nanalmo, and Dr. R. G. Large. are leaving this afternoon by car for Terrace where General Pcarkcs will speak at a public meeting tonight. They expect to return to the city tomorrow. Mrs. James Parker returned to the city a few days ago from Vancouver where she was called on account of the death of her father, James Larrrb, veteran Skeena River cannery operator, Mr. Parker Is expected back from Vancouver on the Camosun to morrow afternoon. Announcements All RdviTtlscmpiits in this column "Mil be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. Peters Fall Bazaar, Nov. 21 Card Party, Catholic School Hall, November 21, 8 p.m. United Church Turkey Dinner November 21. Fishermen's Welcome Home Dance, Civic Centre, Nov. 22. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, November 23. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, November 28th. W.O.T.M. Benefit Dance, Ar mouries, Thurs. Nov. 28. Proceeds Pioneer's Home. Adm. 50c. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, November 30. Scotch Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Nov. 30, In aid of Pioneers' Home, United Church Bazaar, Dec. 5 41 I Toe H Grand Variety Concert, December 6. Civic Centre. Orange tea and home cooking, Mrs. J. G. Anderson's, 303 4th East. 2:30 to 5. Dec. 12. j WW A Wk A A , . BLONDIE n Items . . . St.. Peter's W.A. Bazaar, Thursday, November 21. Home cooking, sewing, varieties, fish pond. 2:30 p.m., Church Hall, Seal Cove. Guest speaker at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Rotary the Club at the Commodore Cafe this afternoon was Ma, Gen. G. was. R. Pearkes, V.C.' Gen. Pearkes was Introduced to the club by the president, Dr. L. W. Kcrgin. All members that have joined In 1946 having children 12 years and under please S. leave names and ages with Doug Wood, Rupert Men's and Boys' Store. the (273) A Long trips or short, day or night, 39 Taxi at your service, KING EDWARD G. P.-T. MEETING The main :opic of business at a mebtlng cf King Edward School Parent - Teachers' Association was the material objective of the branch and the meeting voted to strive toward obtaining radio-gramophone equipment for King Edward School. The milk problem came in for a great deal of discussion. It was felt the sub sidy on milk should be reinstated. Ihc rest of the evening was given over to entertainment and refreshments, ably conducted by Mr. Ooscce and Mrs. M. B Lemon. Miss Eleanore Moxley, In charge of membership, welcomed old and new members Into a friendly atmorohcre. Of this P.T.A. branch C. II. In mlaudcr Is president. Mrs. F. E An field, vice-president; G. Dcn- nlson, secretary, and C. Hansen treasurer. It's the Unite Iu Him! GUESTS STREAM TO LEGION W.A. SALE, BAZAAR The Canadian Legion rooms made the centre of a steady stream of visitors Wednesday afternoon and evening during fall sale and bazaar of the Lesion Women's Auxiliary. Tea served and a variety of handiwork and sewing articles It. Mrs. C J. L Jr. Mrs. were on display In the afternoon. Bingo and other games were the centre of attraction, during the evening. General convew?rwas Mrs. J. any Black, while Mrs. Dan Parent, Women's Auxiliary president, re ceived the guests at the door. The following were In charge of The hot dog stand was oper ated by Mrs. W. F. Robertson, Hugh Klllin ?.nd Mrs. J. McGrtlsh. Other games were directed by Rod Smith and Harry Norman. Winners cf the merchandise raffle, which could toe bought at store, were: 417. various, stalls and departments: White Elephant Mrs. J. Mc- Grelsh. Raffles Mrs. W. Rothwcll, J. Mrs. Frank Ellison. Novelties Miss Edith Gandy, Mrs. A. E. Dickens. Sewing Mrs. J. Yelloway, Mrs. V. Hanley. Mrs. lugh Klllin and Mrs. W II. uoojsell poured at the ten table and servlteurs were Mr. FUNERAL NOTICE EDLUND Died Is the city. No vember 18, 1946, Ethel, be loved wife of John Ediund. Funeral services will be held at Grcnvllle Court Chapel, Friday, November 22, 2p.m. Rev. Basil S. Prockter officiat ing. Interment at Falrvlcwi Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers. I (272) I Here's Welcome Relief From ACUTE CATARRH Put a f cw drops of Va-tro-nol up each I nostril ana led n go to wort n&ns where catarrh misery Is . . bringing quick, soothing ,J rent liuui uipirr' miseries. VATRONOL Product of Quality Jg superfine tissue, creped for ffibjt greater softness. Pure im ' . : 7 ' - n i William Bryant, Mrs. Darrow Gomez, Mrs. II. G. Archibald and Mrs. William Murdoch. In charge of the kitchen were Mrs. mT. ' erAMTDFcd V WSZJ COME BACK ; - N A. Bean, Mrs. C. Mlchaloff, J. V. Bouzck, Mrs. O. A. Hobb. Mrs. J. Wallace and Mrs. Barker. Cashier was Mrs. W. Lineham. In the evening, the bingo booth was in charge of Mrs. J. Gilchrist and Mrs. Henry Smith $20, E. L. Dale, ticket 1672. $15, Frank Symes, ticket 1661. $10, William Denning, ticket 55, Victor Duncan, ticket 1236. The chicken raffle was won by Mrs. W. Davis, with ticket num bsr 54 and a cushion was won by M. Walker, who had ticket 110 ARK INGREDIENT Noah used petroleum, In the form of nltch. In building his ark. g mm - - . am BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER, CANADA i1 XMAS GIFTS 5 (iive HER Lovely Lingerie Nlglitgown, Slip and Pantic. L in heavy satin, sizes 32 to 12, in white, blue or rose. i Deposit, $2.70 V Balance, $10.79 C.O.D. y Send color, size, deposit, and address to SYLVIA'S l('(i(ly-l(h)l('(ir OCEAN FALLS, B.C. Delivery In 3 weeks By Chic Young THAT'S NO WAV FOP? A GENTLEMAN TO CARRY A LADY CCWN THE STKtfcT Ljl WORKING ON, OVER TO r LPV?- (5?f (. fe? V Prince Uuyctt Daily taclutf Thursday, November 21, 1940 Value.. for your money Yes, there's real value in these honestly made suits by Fashion - Craft and, equally important, every style 'detail is correct . . . While our showing is not as extensive as it was prewar it is well worth your while to see our Fall range . . . Priced from $33.50 to $53.50 "THE MEN'S SHOP (XOTIIIMi 532 THIRD AVINUE 'I'! I 't M' 1. 1 nlA AMI HMISIMGS TOY DEPARTMENT . . . Now Open! If It's toys you are after, you will find most everything you need at THE VARIETY STOKE. Our range of tpys, and games this year is" as complete as possible. Including 3 several Items that haven't been shown for a long time. - fees)' THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS- Fine Wood for NOW AVAIIulIJLL' IOR I.WMEDIATE DELIVERY 100 Cords of Seasoned Scrap Lumber First class 11-inch lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second class trimmings up to 1 1-incli lengths, $B per cord . . . . .. . rfi .....t Third class, various lcngins FOR COURTEOUS AND HEMMONS Thone Blue 739 Night Phone: Black G65 P.O. Box 1131 Station B A. MacKcniic Furniture PHONE 34S Bo. H it s toys ana games, drop in and look around.' We feel sure you will be pleased with the fine selection now on display at' THE VARIETY STORE. There arc all the festivu .. wrappings, cards, seals and ' tricks that make your,. -packages look so wonder- . . ful, too, all right here. Sale! uncui j KELIAULE bCliVIHi TRANSFER Office: Frederick Street 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C., LOCATION f; NEW STOCK EOIIIPMENT u: COMBINED FUR A COMl'LEtE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE' WE CAN RE MAKE PAIR rucu ALL CANVASS PRODUCTS . PHONE BLUE 12G EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 100 East Third Avenue (Next to McMcekin's) . r: Contractor GUARANTEED BLUE 610 give an estimate. PRINCE RUPERT ' .. LIMITED ' "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" DOLL CARRIAGES Colors Mcrton Blue and Grey, equip- : ped with brakes and mud guards, large and lots of room for dolls. Height of handle 30". Priced .fill. OO CARVING SETS Made by Wade and Butcher Sheffield,, famous for steel with keen edge, stainless steel. Bond handle. Set: carving knife, sharpening steel and fork.; Priced at .$ll..0 and .!M0 Mall your orders for these goods now . . they will be mailed to you at once or sent C.O.D. If desired. I'lionc 775 327 r General Wo do basements, rcshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION CALL and we will P.O. BOX 654 3 i