IP- it X Priiirc .Rupert Dnilp tfJclujj Thursday, November 21, 1940 EXPIRED WHILE ENTERTAINING ' BURNS LAKE- Th or Tunbcrg of Grassy Plains died very suddenly in his homestead cabin last week. He was entertaining visitors and complained of a pain hi his heart. He expired within a few minutes. FRANCOIS LAKE There was a meeting of the Farmers' Institute at the hail on Ycdncsday evening. Although several members were present, there, was very little business to discuss. The next meeting will be the annual in January. Thn. Tweedsmuir Park Rod and Gun cfub met in the hall on Wednesday afternoon with J. Gugdcn, chairman, and L. Mulvany. secretary. It was decided to raffle turkeys at Christmas to raise funds. All were unanimous in requesting that the bounty on wojvbe Increased to $50 a.S'Ufiy'rO 'menace to stock aaX:kwwl$. Mrs. J. Jeffrey was elected terton, daughter of Sergeant and Mrs. Potterton of Smithers, left yesterday for Prince Rupert where .she will join the staff of the Royal Bank of Canada; having been transferred from the Smithers branch, Miss Potterton will be missed in Smithers, as she has been a valuable and active member of St. James Anglican Church, having been on the Sunday School staff and a member of the Auxiliary. Sergeant and Mrs. Potterton and daughter Hilda will be leaving Smithers at the end of this month for Prince Rupert where Sgt. Potterton will become chief cf police. trustee for this district at the school meeting in Burns Lake on Thursday evening. A. Sahonovltch of the Cariboo Digest spent a few days visiting in the district. NEW ZEALAND SJIEEP New Zealand has more than 31,000,000 sheep. a.............-.. ...-- ' Luxurious FUR-TRIMMED Coats $25.00 Sixes 12 Through 10 OKKilNAL VALUES TO Jjr m flhtt Three Only Ilislirr-I'ricrd m Coals Reduced to $rU RUPERT PEOPLES STORE RUPERf MOTORS LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B .. C . PARTS AND SERVICE DEPOT CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH DODGE AND FAltGO TRUCKS We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . Sl'lXlAL Iti:i) IIItANI) 1JLEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND I UU1TS COM 1'LETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats' Roast Chicken Meal Tics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS riionc 21 Third Ave. West DOIHJE l)K SOTO CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONE 51 ttsicticieieic,,'C'c'e,'c,'site,t'e!'s,!sit'si'e'is'is' I PERSONAL i Xirias Cards . w I V V V if it v I y y Leaves Smithers For Prince Rupert SMITHEnS-Miss Jessie Pot Orders Completed Within 24 Hours . . . Cards of Your Choice . . . Print of Your Selection . . . Printing in Gold, Silver or Black Imprinting; first dozen. 75c, others 50c dozen Orders taken for Personal Hox (imprinted)....,... 25 for 1.01) (cards included) COYOTES AND WOLVES BUSY Wild Canines Arc Causing Trouble in Lakes District BURNS LAKE Coyotes killed a big doe on the hillside close tolhe southerly arm of Tchesin-kut Lake. Wolves are driving the few remaining deer Into the settlement and herding seven carl-boo on the Tchesinkut range during the past week. Howard Brott of Danskhi had been carefully fattening two kids for winter consumption. On Friday morning he heard a frantic battering at his cabin door. Opening it, he found a nanny goat in a high state of excitement. Seizing his rifle, he struck across the pasture which was covered with a light powder of new sncw making tracking easy. He came to the tracks of two coyotes and saw where they had caicfuliy shouldered (he kid into the adjoining timber. Hurrying along the tracks, he came to the kid, just In time to see two grey shadows melt into the underbrush, but could not get a shot. The kid, with its throat badly torn, was still alive, so Brott .bled and butchered it forthwith. BETTER FERRY SERVICE ASKED FRANCOIS LAKE About 80 people gathered on Saturday evening In he hall at Grassy Plains to discuss the new ferry schedule which is considered unsatisfactory. Ed Mohr.of wis taria was elected chairman. All were unanimous in requesting the following alftraUonsl Another special so tha't there i? one on Tuesdays as well as on Thursdays. Ferries every hour from 7 a.m. to 11 am. and 2 p.m. to C p.m. The wharf to be cleared. of over loads after the last ferry at night it the vehicles are on the wharf at scheduled time. Hotel... arrivals Prince .Rupert: M. G. Ingram, Port Essington; W. A. Rac, Port Essington; W. N. Summers, Port .Essington; Mr. and' Mrs, A. Zorn, city; Mrs. C. W. Dawson, Hazclton. . ANCIENT AILMENT Malaria is one of the oldesi known diseases of mankind. Genuine aspirin isAv . MAKKtU 1MI WAT 1 20 YEARS AGO November 21, 191:6 The murder trial or Joseph Sankey, who was charged with the murder of Lorctta Chisholm, Port Essington School teacher, began in Assize Court before Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald. Expansion of the Taltapin Mine, north of Burns Lake was forecast by A. Woods, manager, who visited the city. A new road was being put through from Burns Lake to the mine. "Business people In Vancouver have great hopes for the north and are very much Interested in Prince Rupert," Bert Morgan reported after returning from a visit to the southern citv. Halibut landings ai Prince Rupert for the first ten and .a half months of 1926 were 26,898,900 pounds, and it was estimated thai the full year's catch would ,be about 27,000.000. The 1925 catch was 27,884,500 pounds. (1946 landings: 12,114,000 pounds). K Death came unexpectedly to Rev. Dr. Charles J.' Cameron, pastor of First Presbyterian Church,- who succumbed shortly after collapsing at the entrance to Max" Ilcilbroncr's jcwellry store. He was a brilliant student and a gifted orator. The Prince Ruuert Dry Dock received 2. contract frmn the Granby Consolidated Mining" Co. to build a service. beat to replace the vessel Azur.le which had been sold. The new vessel will be named-Granby. SCHOOLS DESTROYED Seventy-two out of 180 scientific institutes in Yugoslavia were destroyed In the war. ; tempting, hot PARKER HOUSE ROLLS ft 0 Madt In Canada IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, order Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast the dependable yeast with the familiar yellow label. It's been Canada's favorite for more than 70 years. Always fresh . at your grocers 3-Piecc Modern BEDROOM SUITES Choose (he Dresser OR Vanity Just another. example of the values that have made so man) friends for this friendly store. This smart modern suite is sturdily constructed of beautiful matched walnut veneers . . . with waterfall lops and interesting: contrast. If you want a really stunning gift for the home, here's jour "huy." "EVERYTHING! GORDON & The Newest and Largest HEALTH UNIT OCTOBER REPORT Report of the work of ihe Prince Rupert Health Unit during October, Indicating activities cf the public health nursing and sanitation services, was released today after being.pre-sentcd for consideration by city council's health committee. Total attendance at the child welfare clinics conducted by the unit's two nurses Miss dlive Johnson and Miss M. Crcssman was 152. This Included examinations at school, at the clinic and in homes. Routine work was carried out in Prince Rupert with weighing stations and home visiting occupying a large part of the nurses' time. Examination of the city's school children was continued and systematic visits to tuberculosis and venereal disease cases got under v,ay. Visits were made to Port Edward and Digby Island, School children at Digby Island were examined and sanitary conditions at the school checked, As a preliminary move to the possible inclusion of all of School District 53 in the Prince Rupert Health Unit, the director. Miss Joyce Leslie", and, MIsi CrcsMnan visited the Hazclton district briefly to get an idea cf what type of work would be needed there and how It could best be planned. Activities of Sanitarian M. Jl Harper Included checking of milk and water sources and restaurants and rooming houses, Milk samples were collected and tested regularly and bacteriological analysis of treated and untreated water samples rom Shawatlans Lake was negative. Five cases of food poisoning in a nearby town were believed to have been caused by a tainted fruit cake produced by a baker ft '4 This active fresh yeast works fast because it's full-strength. It saves you. time and extra steps. And the Parker House rolls you bake with Fleischmann's will be especially tasty tender, light, PMcric In that town. No further cases were reported after the cake had been destroyed and the. baker requested to report to a physician. An Inspection of restaurants resulted In a quantity of worn-out cutlery being condemned, An Inspection of most of the rooming houses In the city resulted In many unsatisfactory conditions being found and brought to the attention of the owner or caretaker. POPULAR RURAL FILMS Every month, more than a quarter of a million people in rural Canada see National Film Board fljims on subjects closely related to their well-being. Advertise In the Dally News. Get tht habit ef buying 3 botllel of Javex at a tirnt ONE FOR THE KITCHEN Jove clean! oncj vhitnt itnltt and dratn-boordl better and fatter. ONE FOR THE BATHROOM Jav lep your toilet, bath and boin sparkling dtodorlicl and diiinfectl. ONE FOR THE LAUNDRY Jovtx In tht woih got rid of dirt-staim quickly, mokrt cottons and lintni inowy whitt. AT YOUR DEALER'S J-14& 41 L Wm. H. FRANCKS Optometrist of Vancouver is now in I'rincc Rupert Wm, II. Francks Is visiting this city until Nov. 25. Mr. Francks is at the Prince Rupert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can be made at the hotel. IN GLASSWARE ELECTRIC GOODS HARDWARE CROCKERY FURNITURE A Great Stock in Our Toy Department FOR THE HOME" ANDERSON Store in North Central B. C. uC TUFlTft. I MDADTlNl Vv- . "iivninii- i u - ' m Romance 1 Uplift CAitTOON NEWS SATURDAY: CONTINUOUS SHOWS Wcr-Romonce JV ..v.lu GiW MNJ A MMOUI C14IIII ITUC'CAST IOK V rirlurc yoursrll in I lovely coal! Vault wlihprrs as ou yourself in vnur v fur. Our budgcl ml styled riglil furs arr li USE OUR I1UDOET PI J i1 you; : - 1 i'j M.. .... M. fl. ...-.. .h, It 4 J A n Terms In accordant wiJ t& W.PT.B. Kc J'.stli j , - ...i Annual Xmas Tree m Saturday, December 21, 1946 rrescnts for chllilrtii of all members oil Canadian Legion, Von... o.u nnrt n,l,lrfki.r nf all CtlH'J M2 venrs nf nee and under', snomoi be forwarded promptly to: 2 Tlic Setrclary, Women's Auxiliary, Canadian LcjN y r.o. hox 173 . 'nr to: 01iovr ! U The Scerctary-Maiiager. Canadian I-rgion (I'.ram'li N y V.V. IW)X 1)4 V PniKCE RUPERT. D C 1,j,,,i,3,i,,i,1,j,,,j,j;i,,,s,i,ii...''3'''' i At Last . . . COMMUNITY and ROGERS SILVER SETS Wc have received several ."'hrST the most popular P'tt"ffi ETEIWAUY v yoUTA w LOVE. AUOrtATIOrf, LAIJY HAMILTON, FORTUNE, cU- Some Some sets sets have have 2C-pkce -piete sL..- wrvcc iM. , for clg W. cop j. Some have 34 pieces " and some have service for twelve 54 54 Klcccs. pieces, These 'inesc arc are mosuy uw ' ' l..,f Ion enmo bilk SCtS I'll wun sc who do not need the chest. Wc can suit almost any pocket for Uc PJC run from .1.J5 to $ 1.00 1' utx,'ic u valBc Arc all al (lie approved cciliiiff priic. as all over Canada. Might be well to look early though-