4 Idrfnrc Hubert Da Hp Slices Wednesday, May 15, 194ff Timely TERRACE Topics This is "Clean-up, Paint-up" week in Terrace and people everywhere are working industriously to improve and beautify not only their own property but the town as well. Winners in the poster contest for this occasion, sponsored by the Terrace Progress Club, were: first, Edna Toop; second, June Sekora and Dolly Hull; third, David Gllland-ers, Gerald Toop and Jules Perry. ' Mrs. J. Attwood returned on Monday from a brief trip to Prince Rupert. Mrs. N. Sekora and daughter June will be leaving in about two weeks time for Ashcroft where Mr. Sekora was recently transferred as operator for the Cana dian National Railways. Pearl Sekora, who is in Grade VIII, will be staying here with friends until the end of the school term when ; the will leave to join her parents. E. Finlayson has purchased a .pt at the corner of Keith' Rpati ami Kalum Avenue and wfll shortly be moving a house on tii the property. Henry Halliwell has sold his farm on the B?nch to Mr. Dunn of Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cauthers and 'family have moved from Eby Road to the Solbracken place on Kalum Street. This Is Our Business Take advantage of our many years of auto and general machine repair experience. The Terrace Machine Shop and Garage is under the management of Bill Osborne and has secured the services of J. Campbell, who has had many years of experlence in car and truck work. CONSULT USJ Terrace Machine Shop AND GARAGE Terrace Hazen Hankinson Is Awarded Degree EDMONTON, 0 Hazen Han kinson, son of Dr. C. H. Hankin son of Prince Rupert, received . Transport. ills Diiciieiur ui oncinc urgitu at the convocation of the University of Alberta here today. NUMERICAL GENDER The ancients considered even numbers as female, odd numbers as male. News of Smithers While working on the electric saw in the woodworking room of the Smithers School, the principal, R. J. Dpwney, suffered a severe injury to one eye. As it was necessary to have an eye specialist's care, Mr. Downey left yesterday morning for Mrs. A. C. Stewart has opened for business in the store formerly occupied by Mrs. M. E. Dunlop The store handles ladles ready-to-wear garments and also children's clothes. Mrs. Stewart was Ssjsisted in the opening by Mrs. It. Cheater and Mrs. P. Berg, and lea wn.s served during the afternoon. The store has been completely redecorated in an attractive color scheme of cream and brown with fulorescent lighting. Mrs. Stewart is well known in Smithers and district, as she was in the restaurant business here for some 20 years, having come to this district from Kamsack, Sask. COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN ! Warm comfortable rooms with plenty of hot water. Reasonable weekly rates to reliable tenants. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No997 PHONE, 676 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT. (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIR LINES HAIDA QUEEN" Super Marine Stanraer Flying-weekly passenger and freight runs from Prince. Rupert via Queen Charlotte Island to Vancouver, B.C. SERVICE TO AND FROM ALL COASTAL POINTS Reliability and Satisfaction '4 Guaranteed Plane leaves 8:.,0 a.. Thursday, May 10 Phone Agent at 702 or at Prince Rupert Hotel SEE US FOR ALL UFQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work Everything in high class stationery , Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY 3ESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE URGES CITY TO APPLY (Continued from 4. The city not to erect any other buildings or make alterations to the above mentioned buildjngs or service,? without receiving pr)or apprgyal for the Need For Base Here Mr. Archibald's activities in regard to having the wartime Seal Cove seaplane base made available for civilian air traffic are Inspired by representations on the part of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and City Council which see the facility as a vital necessity to the peacetime future of the city. Already the base has been used by a commercial firm, which has made occasional landings on ! sufferance of the Royal Cana dian Air Force, which still operates the installation. Queen Charlotte Air Llpes is operating a weekly air service to Vancouver via the Islands as. an initial step toward a scheduled service to Prince Rupert. Possibility also exists that an air connection between Prince" Rupert and Ketchikan may materialize soon. A prominent avation expert,' E. It. Carsuell of the Standard Oil Co.'s aviation service, said in a recent memorandum: SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES wanted for Prince Rupert, Prince George, Terrace and Queen Charlottes. Exceptional opportunity for men and women. Few hours a day will make you real money. Write to .Box 1251 Prince Rupert, or phone Green 873 before 10 a.m. (114) LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS SALVE gives Immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (117) WANTED WANTED Light delivery truck, in good condition. Phone Black 392. 114) WANTED Cedar, Fir and Pine Poles, all sizes. Quote f.o.b. shipping point; state quantities can supply, earliest shipment. Nledermeyer-Martln Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. (114) WANTED Used car, coupe preferred. Phone Green 873. (114) WANTED Two or three-roomed apartment, close In. Must have heat or stove. Box 115 Dally j news. mfj LOST AND FOUND LOST Wallet with registration card and sum of money, between Co-op, Fairview, and town. Please phone Black 337. (114) SCHOOLS ANO COLLEGES Civil Service Examinations PREPARE NOW for Spring and Fall examinations Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Clerk 1 and 11, customs Clerk, etc. Full particulars upon request to M.C.C. Civil Service School. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Oldest in Canada. No agents. RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE For guaran teed radio satisfaction pnone 6 and an Associated Radio Technician-will call. McRae Bros. Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company J.'mited, Vancouver, Agent3. "Prfnce Rupert, with the best seaplane base on the coast and on-phore facilities h in an ff-retlfnt position (o take advantage of the cavalcade of avia- same from the Department of j tion advancement." The Seal cove seaplane base was built in the early days of the war at a cost of approximately $10,000,000, anq during trie war was operating centre ofscores of seaplanes which patrolled the north coast. More than 1.0QO R.C.A.F. personnel were stationed there during the height pf its operation. To Be Placed Before Council Commenting on the proposal to take over the air base, Mayor Daggett said this morning that he could see no way in which action could be taken by the cltj until the cost of Insurance premiums on the Seal Cove buildings could be ascertained. He felt that the insurance costs would probably be considerable. "It all depends on the cost, of course," he said. "If satisfactory arrangements can be made to acquire a portion of the air base, I think we might be able to arrange that. I shall put it before the city council to consider the whole proposition with the suggestion that it be discussed with the Chamber of Commerce and business men of the city." Classified Advertising Classifieds i 2c per word per Insertion, minimum chares, 60c. Birth Notices 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices,' Funeral Notices. Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (2. HELP WANTED WANTED Bookkeeper, part time. Ranee & Hardy. Phone 55. 1114) WANTED By June 1 and not later than July ): capable girl for general housework' at "The Dunes," Apply Mrs. John Slag-boom. ' ' TlelJ, B. C. (115) WANTED Capable women to mind children from 1 to 5 on good afternoons. Phone Red 972. (118) FOR RENT FOR RENT Clean, furnished housekeeping suite and rooms. 344 Sherbrooke. U1G) FOR RENT Two -room suite and two-room cabin. 537 8th Ave. West. (114) PERSONAL MRS. E. PERRAOLT your Spencer agent from Rock Island, Que., for foundation garments, Is opening a shop on 318 6th Street on May 1. Residence Phone Black 304. (124) FQR SALE OPPORTUNITY - FOR INVEST-ment $265 per month income plus a four-room suite in downtown block. $5000 now, full price only $8500. Apply Collart & McCaffery Ltd. 1119) FOR SALE Four-room house, modern, and thref-room house on two lats. 517 and 521 6th Ave. East. An excellent buy for only $2,000. Terms arranged. Apply Collart Si McCaffery Ltd. (119) FOR SALE Steel frame piano, and violin. Phone Blue 409. FOR SALE Boys' bicycle. Apply No. 20 Cow Bay. U1C) FOR SALE 1934 Chrysler Airflow sedan, good tires, serial no. 142751. $375. N. L. Jones, 1233 Water Street. Phone Red 808. (119) FOR SALE Roller canaries, singers and hens. Also breeding cages and pairs. At Star Shoe Shop, Fulton Street. FOR SALE Dandy 12-foot clinker-built rowboat. Phone Red 193; (tf) FOR SALE 20-watt public address system, cw two 12-lnch speakers In cases, 1 crystal microphone, 4 contact miro-phones, perfet condition; fourcycle Easthope marine engine, cw clutch: .22 single shot Mossberg rifle, A-l condition. Snap for cash. Phone Red 808. (118) FOR SALE Four-room house, with full plumbing, close in. $1200, $800 cash, $400 as rent, phone Green 628. (114) FOR SALE Four-tube battery radio, with 2 1000-hour packs. First class condition. Call 1323 8th Ave. East, after 0 o'clock. (1)4) FOR SALE Modern five room house, maple floors.- tile In kitchen, close in. $3,000 cash. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. tf) FOR SALE Small glllnetter, 26 feet. 6 h.p. Easthope. Phone Black 732. (114) FOR SALE--15 h.p. Yale engine with propeller. Atlas Boiler Works. (in) DESIRABLE RESORT SITE on scenic Lake Lakelse, near Terrace, B.C., for sale or lease. Communicate with Frances Poe, 147 Linden Ave., Wilmette, 111. (110 FOR SALE Slightly used has- auv.A.3, jcg. now fi.W. used electric floor lamps, complete, from $4.50; battery radios, selling out, $7.50; 4-piece kitchen set, table 'and 3 chairs, $0.00; 7-piece dining room set, $42.50; bed and spring, $4.00; beds, complete, $12.00; McClary electric range, $10.00; new small size ranges, wood and coal, $28.50; new and used McClary and Gurney ranges; new electric hot plates, and press irons, from $4.75. All kinds , of furniture and hardware sold and bought at the lowest prices. See us for a good deal. B.C. Furniture Co., 3rd Ave. Phone 324. FOR SALE Studio lounge, camp stove, full size bed, mattress and other furniture. 1340 Overlook St. after 6 p.m. Ui5) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West, (126) FOR SALE Contents of small home cheap. Owner leaving town on discharge. Phone lied P66- (115) 1 FOR SALE BY TENDER c rown Assets BUILDINGS and FACILITIES At Prince Rupert, B.C. Iff 4 I A CDI.imCf riAIlTiAli 1 mf ait t i a m n.iiv nia iW'WV u vm receive ofiers io purchase all the frown's right, title and interpst in the Crown-owned buildings and facjlitips descrjled below. The pur-chaser shall rpniove the buildings and'or facilities, fill in pxeavatipns and restore the ground to its original elevation, leaving the site in a neat and titjy condition in a manner .satisfactory to an authorized representative of the Corporation,. fiROUP "A" Ex-United States Army Buildings and Facilities located op Acropolis Hi) jn the City of Prince Itupcrt, B.C., as follows: 129 Jluildings, frame. 2 Tanks, septic. Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. Water and Sewage Distribu- v tion System. CROUP "C" Ex-Wartjme Housing Buildings and Facilities located at Hay's Cove Circle jn the pity of Prince Rupert, B.C., as follows: 8 Buildings, frame. . 1 Plant, heating. " CROUP "E" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilities designated as "Mount Hays FC.P. Camp'" located approximately one mile South of the ' City limits, City of Prince Rupert, B.C., as' 'follows: , fi Buildings, frame. 1 Building, loxstave. CROUP "fi" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilitjes designated as "No. 1 Battalion Camp (Cy Peck No. 1)" located in blocks 36, 41, 45 and 4Gf-Section "8, in City of Prince Rupert B.C.,' (come)' J 1th, Avenue East anil Pacific Highway) as follows: 10 Bujldings, frame and loxstave. I'owcr Distribution Lines, Pole v Jfardwarc and Poles. Water and Sewage Distribu- . tion Systems. , . pi I'lanu uoad. " ' ' Ex-United States Army Bqjldjngs located within the City of Jhinee Rupert, B.C., a ioiiows: .17 Buildjngs, frame. CROUP "D" 1?., .11.,- a tj..:i.i! .1 - - - - ... "u.i.ll j HUI Hlil VI Sppfinn V I it v of I'imiicm Irnnm-t ' na d I J - ------ . f " J 'I lows: 17 Buildings, frame. Power Distribution Lines. Water and -Sewage Distribution System. fiJlQUP'T" Ex-Canadian Army Buildings and Facilitie designated as -'Area Camp" located at Mc Brule Street and Gth Ave., City of Trine Rupert, B.C., as follows: lfi Buildings, frame. fi Sheds, frame. Power Distribution Lines Water and Sewage Distribution System. CROUP "H" n . r 1? a ti. .m i. 1 t-.-.;i:;a iesignatert as "JSo. z battalion L-am llAkh M rt ill" AAi.tAr rrr r VI 1 ,111 J I 4 isomer ui xiui avenue r.iiM u." ' hher St.) as follows: 10 Buildings, frame and loxstave. .1 Structures, log. Power Distribution Lines, Pole Hardware and Poles. Water and Sewage I)istribu tion Systems. 2500 Lineal KeeMApproximately) -SrPkuik Road. All data given Jn this advertisement is necessarily abrcvialed and subject to correction. A certified cheque or bank draft to the value of 10 of the tender price made payable to WAR ASSETS C0H PORATJON must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope plainly marked: TENDER No. D-1-1D2 for Buildings and Facilities designated by fi roups) vf at Prince Rupert, B.C. addressed to The Lands and Buildings Representative, WAR ASSETS CORPORATION, P.O. Dox 009, Prince nupf B.C. Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon, Pacific StandardTlme, June 1, 1946. The tenderer must state the use to which the buiidings andor facilities or materials contained therein, be put, as this will be a determining factor in deciding the acceptance of any tender. lenders received after closing time cannot be considered. The highest or any tender may not necessarily 1 accepted. Cheques or Bank Drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. The successful tenderer will, when notified of acceptance of his or her tender, be required to furnish a ce fled cheque or bank drart for the remaining 90 of his or her tender, and in addition, a certified cheque or w draft for an amount equal to the estimated cost of restoring the site or sites as a guarantee that he will C0IT wim an me terms ana conditions of the tender. This cheque or bank draft guaranteeing restoration ww mieresi ana win pe returned upon the satisfactory completion of the terms of the tender. Inspecjjon of these properties may be arranged for upon application to: LANDS AND BUILDINGS REPRESENTATIVE War Assets Corporation P.O.BOX 909 PRINCE RUPKM &