foppea a feana Haw WdiE2mmM ri 'llin- 1 m, W . J ft I it 1 IFII I 1 lllllt I u.u t ivrpiiM 1 1 i' : t fj vv it wii tut a lwinrk v, i XOTICK ICO. , i:ercby given that I a partner in the dr.: 61 Corrlns. bund le : Dated at Prince on .u. . nil. 1 da. uii. 11111 uay ui it. Sijned, F GREEN. II hi Kl I Mil II I I I I H I man . inrinxtrlfll 'iitae Electricians Hirtnv an.l Hani l. Sone Black .'07 wuu nveiiue west Dawes He Auctioneer - -.v.j oaiuiuajr SHI ri.rnl..M...n . 1 Alll.lll " viil IAIIUIIU5510I1 oaics uonaucica Vnii- . . I 11 DC n . 1 r.Artrx . . ""fj HttnrHr.ll. IW.I.. n , uinii r rce SIN'CE ItllPEIlT Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: 3'"o 1 1 1-. . . - i.i lies, itpo i"T 3nomy Wcej for Oeorce 'NCR RI IPI7DT lift-, i.iv 1 10E RFPATD ,Sear the Post offi. SMgs?If SSI!--1 awaeNuts fMf 1 fgsssJf isss- -felll Wakes v ' . ve , 1 1 ? I 'SJ? GF,i A Troduct of Control Foods I Local News.lte Bud Timmermeister returned this morning on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hall returned on the Prince Rupert from a three weeks holiday spent in Vancouver and Victoria. A General Meeting Carnival Committee. Civic Centre, Tonight 8 o'cluck. All interested please attend. dt Mrs. 11. A. Stewart, who has been here for the past couple of weeks with lier grandchild, who was brought to the Prince Rupert General Hospital for an opera- : tion, will return home to Stewart 1 next Sunday night. A Stranraer plane "Halda Queen" leaving for Vancouver ! Thursday, May 10, 7 a.m. For j Information and reservations call J James A. Ham, phene 762. 114 , I Charles M. Adam, after a j i week's business viit to Stewart, I ; where he was formerly located, I returned to the city on the Catala ' yesterday and will be leaving on J this evening's train for Terrace. C. A. Kellett, district supervisor for Home Oil Distributors Ltd., returned to the' city by car yes terday after having motored through the interior as far as Houston. He was accompanied by Vancouver representatives of the company II. W. Hamilton, N. M. 1 McNeill and J. C. Hammett, who will be here on business until Thursday when they will return south. For Quick Reliable Taxi Service, Call 66 Taxi. (130) Announcements Norway Independence Celebration, May 17, Civic Centre. Everybody welcome. Program followed by dance. 1 C. W. L. Bridge. Whist and Crib-bagc, May 23, KC. Hut, 8 p.m. Modern Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday. May 31. Bobby, Wods Orchestra. United Tea. Home Cooking, June 6, Mrs. George Roric's, 1 220 4th Ave. West. ne building an(i contracting firm of (J'S.) ,n .1 1 REER & bridden; J5?t u if you are t anew home a a or or alterations to ent one. tt'Sj11 favour to tit Sur recjuire-Sln this field! '61 P.O. Bo ,,, ms Mrs. Robert Cameron returned on the Prince Rupert today from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. D. Tumilson returned today on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver. Ladies! A shipment of GRACIA OXFORDS and PUMPS has arrived. The Family Shoe Store. (tf) Mrs. Eileen Yelland, who attended the annual Pro-Rec display in Vancouver last week as a member of Rup-Rec. returned on the Prince Rupert this morning. Sheriff M. M. Stephens returned on last night's train from Haz-clton after spending several days there on business. Norway's Independence Pro-, gram, Friday, May 17, 8 p.m. Dance 10 p.m. See Dally News May 16. We shall see you at thi Civic Centre. Mrs. M. J. Harper and daughter Vivian returned today on the Prince Rupert from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. Harper returned last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raphael of Vancouver, arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert. Mr. Raphael, who Is president of the Sweet Sixteen shops, is here on business with the local store Rup-Rec Director George McGregor returned today from Van couver where he attended the annual Pro-Rec gymnasium sports competition. LCpl. Louise Bird, CAVAC daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bird, arrived In the city today on the Prjnce Rupert on leave after returning from two years service in England with the Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps. Fqllowlng her return to Canada late in April, LCpl. Bird spent -two weeks in Winnipeg visiting with friends. She will remain with her .'family until the end of the month when She will go to Vancouver for discharge. Advertise in The Dally News. MRS. GILLIS IS DRIVE CHAIRMAN The national used clothing drive t0 assist the distressed people of Europe will begin a week earlier in Prince Rupert than in other parts of Canada. unairman Tor this years cam-. palgn will be Mrs. J. J. Gillis. who was chosen at an organdzins meeting in the city hall last night. While the drive throughout the rest of Canada is scheduled to run from June 17 to June 29, In Prince Rupert it will begin on June 10 and end on June 24. Mrs. OllUs accepted the chairmanship of the committee on those terms, explaining that she was., leaving the city on June 27 and could not take, leadership of the drive if it terminated after her departure. Assistance of all organizations and Individuals in the city will be sought this year in a manner similar to the 1945 drive, which, under the chairmanship of Mrs. J. A. Ten.T. far exceeded the quota for the city. Mayor Daggett, who was chair man of la&t night's meeting, stressed to the small number of people present that the need for used clothing in Europe this year is very great. He urged thav the citizens of Prince Rupert support the drive with contributions of used ciothlngand assistance in collecting and shipping the bundles, PLAN TO ENJOY ELECTRIC LIVING1 SMALLPOX VACCINATION Free vaccination clinics for the convenience of adults and pre-school children are being held: Tuesday, May 14, 7-8 p.m. at Conrad Street School. Wednesday, May 15, 3-4 p.m at the Prince Rupert Health Unit. Thursday, JWay 1G, 7-8 p.m. at the Prince Rupert Health Unit. Health authorities advise that every child of six months or over be vaccinated against smallpox. They also advise that "persons of all ages be re-vaccinated every 5-7 years. The danger of the disease spreading to this city is still present, and you are cordially invited to take advantage of our service. Vaccination for school children is being offered through the schools. Prince Rupert Health Unit, Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St.. Box 436, Telephone Blue 722 washer itt An electric, do more than just wash clothes: it saves time-no hours ovet back-breaking it saves the wash-tub; scrubbing dothes-no wash-board; it over the too, because saves money, it costs less than 1 VN. 104 a UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .' Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY o at CENTRAL HOTEL HAS REOPENED We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. WE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO COME AND ENJOV OUR FINE FOOD month to operate. Wc scm you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURING REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat ries, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. Wc are ready to serre you Chlnese.dlshes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY OS! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel prince Utipert Daily mm Wednesday, May 15, 1946 JACKETS For Sport and Outdoor Wear "Fairway" GABARDINE JACKET With contrasting trim !j?7.ri0 "Fairway" SPORT SWEATER' Clipped rayon, zipper front JjiD.OO Fairway" GOLF JACKET Hyrovized, fawn shade $10.7." GABARDINE GOLF JACKETS ijio.on to .$!.( "THE MEN'S SHOP' EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED J. KESTEN Furrier 731 DAVIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. FUR STORAGE SAFE RELIABLE AND INSURED WE TAKE TRADE-INS AS PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW FUR COAT ORDER NOW HAVE IT READY WHEN YOU NEED IT. WE DO REMODELLING, CLEANING, GLAZING,: REPAIRING and RELINING J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith' Block Green 995 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83 "THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY' The very latest in slack suits (or These bright Summer Ddys Stylish --- Alluring Also New Wash Dresses budget plan-no Carrying Charge. No Interest Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. WW" ( il il if ii Mr LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE , SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 BOX 13GG Oil Burners Installed mm -Wliflhh f -, n . 1 t i. r qpri-rffnt MIIUI.HIJJ.lT PHONE 108 Serviced & Cleaned PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS , ESTIMATES Night Calls: Blue 170 Green 787 Black 861 CORNER SECOND AVE. and SEVENTH ST, WEST