1 tr prince Uupcrt Daily jcUjs Wednesday, May 15, 1946 CONGESTION TO BE RELIEVED SYDNEY, Australia, (CP) Experts estimate that the great new subway railway track here will provide a rail service for the bOO.OOO Sydneysiders living in the eastern, southeastern and southern suburbs, who now are dependent on bus and tram trans port. .' They point out that it will do much to relieve the serious con-gestlont)f surface. transport, par ticulate in areas near the city where the density of population is greater than that In central New York. Construction of the system will begin the end of this year, and is expected to be complete in seven years. It will be under taken by the railway department, a state government con ! ' h I If cern, which already has plans lald'for the survey work and land resumption required. One section of the new service will provide train travel to sports grounds, beaches and a racecourse, which will relieve surface transport during carnivals at those places. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" niiri IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP LOUIS 8INEAU UfctfcAOfclJ INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. Judge Fisher, made on h iRth rinv of Aorll. AD. 1946. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate 01 LiOUis Bineau. Qitciwcu. mm all parties having claims against the Raw estate arc hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me ow or before the 31st day of May. AD. 1948. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to mc forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 18th day gf April. A D. 1046. GORDON P. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. irs Peoples... 2 to i FOR BATHING SUITS SLACK SUITS BEACHWEAR BRA-TOPS SHORTS HOUSE-COATS RUPERT PEOPLES STORE iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii mi GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL . PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block Phone 503 LIMITED Evenings: Green P.O. Box 1381 103 We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAhD SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPPERS SMOKED ALASKA ULACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your Favorite Restaurant. Phone Black 169 Phone Blue 850 .ana dian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. AWNINGS . . SAILS . . . .WINDOW BLINDS CANVAS SPECIALTIES EDMONDSON'S 130 Bowser Street (Behind '137 Fifth Ave.) P.O. Box 302 Storage and Furniture Crating HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 P.O. Box 1464 Green & Kermode Builders and Painters All Interior and Exterior Work Free Estimates and Prompt Service STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland Canal Mining Cent re WORK STARTS ON GOLD DROP MINE; M.L.A. PAYS VISIT TO CONSTITUENTS STEWART J. 0. LeFrancois of Montreal arrived from the East last week to prosecute deyelop-ment work on the Gold Drop mine on the Marmot River Section. Results on this property; so far, have been verv encouraging and, with the continuation of results obtained, it is anticipated that, there will he development on a scale. much larger- ' - The softball season began with a pick-up game between Premier and Stewart on Sunday, Stewart winning 12 to 8. The battery for Premier was Ditto, pitcher, and Teed, catcher, and for Stewart, Lawrence, pitcher, and Hector Stewart, catcher. The Stewart bovs trailed for the first four IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION Ai-i IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN ELLSWORTH GARLAND (otherwise known r John Garland), DECEASED INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of , His Honor. JudRe Fisher, made on the 12th day of April. AD. 1946. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Ellsworth Oarland, k.niui known as John Garland, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are 1 . w.. tn furnish ume. UL 1 ruv 1 1 mi ii w properly vrlfled. to me on or before the zzna aay in all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their lndeoteaness o me iwuiwitu. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 12th day of Aprllr A.D. 1946. GORDON P. FORBES, Acting Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. FOUR LOCAL VETERANS PRINCE RUPERT DECORATORS Let us hang your wallpaper or do that Interior decorating. We do save you money. See our wallpaper samples. "Lest You Forget" Blue 285 Box 1422 Stn. B. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street TRAPPERS AND BUYERS Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront when you can fetch them to Gold-bloom's and get 30 percent more. HEAVER $85 'laugh ULANKETS $10 MEDIUM $10 SMALL $20 Prices for everything are percent higher 25 WILLIAM 60LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE LOVIH'S CABINET SHOP Furniture Repaired Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Expert saw filing and gumming.. Small band-saws brazed. Planer and Jointer knives ground. Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre crclse has had a decided ten-dany to ward off the bulging waistline. The sponsors of the Queen Alexander Solarium Drive have had the satisfaction of adding to the amount collected. The total now stands at $125. Miss Jean Munio arrived here oftur nn oKwnpp nf spvprnl vpnrs innings with Premier in the lead ftnd has announced her intea. u-ith a 6 to 0 score. However, once the Stewart team connected, they went to town and the Hillbillies went back badly beaten. The final score 12 to 8 In favor of Stewart. Regular games are looked for during the The finish of the badminton season was celebrated by th? members demurely Indulging a cup of tea and a few cakes and sandwiches. The season has been very successful and the ex- tlon of goinV into business short ly. Mrs. Petch of Vancouver accompanied Miss Munro and they have rented the Anglican Rec tory on Ninth Street. Robert Neweli, of North Bat-tleford, Saskatchewan, left Mon day night for home. He . lad been here since January visiting his brothers,. William, Village Commissioner and Tom, lessee of the Marmot Hotel. William Duncan Smith, M.L.A. for the Atlln riding has been In town for the past week renewing old acquaintances and gath ering data on the needs of hc district. Mr. Smith Is bending every effort to secure the much needed appropriations for roads and trails in the Atlm distric; and seems confident that his efforts will be rewarded with success. If his optimUm Is any criterion he should succeed. He will be leaving for Atlln and T elegraph in the next few weeks. As representative of th; Qrand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of British Columbia, Bro. W. D. Smith paid an official visit to Enoch Lodge No. 99, tcwart. Flood waters overflowed the Bear River Road at Glacier Creek but this has now been checked and the road Is once again free of water. The tennis season opened on Sunday and'many of the hardier players were out in the morning enjoying the brilliant sunshine. The members of the Stewart Tennis Club expect to ' be in full swing shortly. SHORT SPORT International women's basketball supremacy was retained by Percy Page's Edmonton Gr,ads when they won their third straight game over Wichita Thurstons at Edmonton ten years ago today. Holders of the Underwood Challenge Trophy since 1923, Grads settled the issue with a 46-25 rout in the final game. Their championship record was unmarred when they disbanded after the start of the war. Brooklyn Dodgers held Cincinnati Reds to a scoreless tie for 12 innings in a National League game 27 years ago before falling apart to give the Rhlnelanders a 10-0 victory in the 13th on eight hits, two errors and a walk. Baseball Scores National League St. Louis 7, Brooklyn 5. Pittsburg 1, Boston 5. American League Boston 3, Chicago 0. New York 6, St. Louis 2. Washington 15, Detroit 1. Western International Wenatchee 3, Vancouver 8. Spokane 5, Victoria 3. Yakima 6, Salem 0. Tacific Coast League Sacramento 1, San picgo 3. Hollywood 1, Oakland 2. BASEBALL IS ORGANIZING Nit since the exciting night now almost lest to memory, when the old Pinochle, Poker and Social Club was raided by the rigid arm of the law, has Prince Rupert's city police court been so well attended as it was last night Only last night it was a bit different. The boys, many of whom allegedly never saw at poker chip or heard the slap of a card, gathered Happily and of inelr own. freewill. Seated on the right side of the bar of Justice, about 75 of them congregated to organize the Prince Rupert Baseball Association. The magistrate's court room was chosen because the council chamber, site of many a similar earnest meeting, had been previously spoken for. The magisterial atmosphere was maintained, however, when the swat fans elected Police Magistrate Walter D. Vance as president of the organization. Th". full slate-of officers elected was; Honorary President, Mayor H. M. Daggett. President, Walter D. Vance. Vice-President, George Murray. Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Aim-strong. Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. Don Forward. The executive committee will consist of the officers and man agers of the teams which compose the association. Still in a highly tentative state, I arrangements call for at least' three teams, with games and practices to be hld on the Roosevelt Park f eld. Teams which have dcfii ltely found sponsors so far are '"tavoy, Moose and Watts & Nick;rson. Team rosters or orgaulzat onal set-tips have not yet been cUrlfled. Suggestions were received for the creation of a, constitution, salient points of which are: Each team shall nave a maxi mum of 18 members, each of which must be registered with the association. No new players THEBES A FUTURE FOR YOU li mMM mm uut uiLit THE JOB: There arc openings in many of the ground trades, including aero-engine and air-frame mechanics, armourers, telephonic and photographic workers, clerks and cooks. In some trades training will be provided. All offer advancement in return for hard work and proficiency. Applicants without previous service must be over 18 and under 26. THE PAY: Basic pay plus living allowances for non-commissioned ranks runs from $95 monthly for Aircraftman Class 2 to $188 for Warrant Officer Class One; extra pay for trade proficiency and increased pay after three years in any rank;-marriage allowance of $20 a month; free uniform clothing and medical and dental service. THE PENSION: A lifetime income on discharge after 20 ypars' or more service; pensions or gratuities in thb event of prior discharge on medical grounds, and pensions or gratuities to widows or children in the event of death while on service. VETERANS' PREFERENCE: As among applicants, war veterans applying for reappointment will receive preference, anl if accepted will be reappointed to the ranks they held at the time of their discharge, or to the nearest ranks which establishment permits; and their prior service will be a factor in promotion and, pension. 1 TERMS OF SERVICE: Accepted applicants enter .Interim Force, which terminates on or, before Sept tember30, 1947; good conduct, "satis factory medical category and trade proficiency will enable airmen to enlist in Regular Air Force for five years and re-engage thereafter for further five-year terms. WHERE TO APPLY: Applications should be made to Western Air Command, RCAF, Joint Services Headquarters,' 4th Avenue West, Vancouver, B.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE FOR AIR OTTAWA, CANADA Hon. Colin Gibson, Minister H. F, Gordon, Deputy Minister 1 may be added to any team after the playing schedule has reached the half-way mark. Games will be played at Roosevelt Park on Tuesday and Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons. Protests against the umpire's decision in a game must be accompanied by a $5 deposit which must be paid to the executive as an indication of the good faith of the protest. If the protest is sus-ulncd, Hie deposit will be returned. If It Is lost, the money will be retained for league purposes by the executive. The league will be conducted STARTING the IITTIE CIRl you levt in her BIGGEST roU . . . em that topi "Mt Mt In St. louis." local ground association. rules t by Unlike most o; Mim Baseball A-.ocbti0 ."if the world with ;l.C.arae Forward L ""-'-'wieuire informs .i,. . .,,,' n that he possed nJ3 belonged to the pre-war b oau association and whi:h nilrfiiflnw il.u . milium ine ye8 wuuiu pui ni the :(ffrj post-war organization Henry Stewp , r1 yesterday roIii ihi :uht-,vl couvcr to receive treatmenl Shaughnesyy Military Hrl Kucu wiui me Koyal C;J on national baseball rules, with dlan Engineer-; durin? the i TodayOnlyt 'RAFFLES'and 'WILDFIRj COLOKKI CAKTOON NEWS SEK1AL Capitol mmt i'i.iti. jiih imiu iia Rex Bowling Alleys NOW OPEN TO EVERYONE EVERY NIGHT! HOURS : fi-M MONDAY TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY FRIDA 2-11-SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4-11 THURSDAY PHONE 658 for reservations Representing (Members only on hundnv I Goodvear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd IIOSK ISKLTING TIKES and Tl'BFJ and Accessories CARRIED IN STOCK PRINCE RUPERT. SUPPLY HOUS Manufacturer's Asml r.n PO BOX I 1 itUUi; UJ6 We Have Done Scclns is IWierlnc - COME IN - oolc for the Ked I "TiniAV's KPKniAl." Cards with the blacK rm Indicating one of the Uargalns of the Day! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOR Phones 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legion) , Hollywood Cafe vrinci: KUPKltrs nkwlst and .most UP-TO-IfATF. KESTAUKANT FULL-COURlSE MEALS .......a a ff fffl I A.M. IUU.H II rt.M. " 11)11151 Sni'cial Dinner Everv Sunday - 5 !" I 10 3 1 ' 9 Music by "Esquires" Mondays and Thursdays 10:30 to 12 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIAL' WE CAT E It CHOI' SUEY TO - p A K T 1 " CHOW Jll':,N FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS p,,0fJqTl